148 research outputs found


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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a self-organizing and distributed collection of small sensor nodes with limited energy are connected wirelessly to the sink, where the information is needed. The significant trait for any Wireless Sensor Network is power consumption since WSNs finds its most of the applications in unsafe, risky areas like Volcano eruption identification, Warfield monitoring, where human intervention is less or not possible at all. Hence designing a protocol with minimum energy consumption as a concern is an important challenge in increasing the lifetime of the sensor networks. Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer of WSN consumes much of the energy as it contains the radio component. Energy problems in MAC layer include collision, idle listening, and protocol overhead. Our Proposed MAC protocol provides solution for the problem of: collision by providing multiple channels; idle listening by providing sleeping mechanism for the nodes other than the active node; overhead by reducing the number of control messages. Avoiding collision results in the decrease in number of retransmissions which consumes more energy, avoiding idle listening problem will fairly increase the lifetime of the sensor node as well as the network’s lifetime and reducing overhead in turn consumes less energy

    Efficacy of Clary Sage Oil on Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS): A Controlled Trial

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    AIMS & OBJECTIVE: To assess and evaluate the effects of clary sage oil in Premenstrual syndrome. BACKGROUND: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition that presents with distressing physical, behavioral, and psychological symptoms, in the absence of organic or underlying psychiatric disease, which regularly recurs during the luteal phase of each menstrual cycle, and which disappears or significantly regresses by the end of menstruation. It has been estimated from retrospective community surveys that nearly 90% of women have experienced at least some symptoms attributed to the premenstrual phase of menstrual cycle during their life. Aromatherapy is the practice of therapeutic use of essential plant-based oils. Essential oils and aromatherapy have been used in the care of women for centuries. Clary sage is a gift to the female and has a rejuvenating effect on the endocrine system and balances the pituitary and is specifically indicated in treating PMS. In aromatherapy, there are limited studies on Premenstrual syndrome. Moreover most papers are based on other aroma oils. DESIGN AND METHOD: 60 subjects were screened using Premenstrual Syndrome Screening Tool and randomized using convenient sampling method and into Study group (N = 30) and Placebo-control group (N= 30) on 1:1 ratio. The Subjects of Study group and Placebo-control group received their respective treatment three days a week for three months. Data was collected before and after 3 months of treatment using Premenstrual Syndrome Scale. RESULTS: The results show a high level of statistical and clinical significance and highly favours the intervention group in the reduction of all 3 components of the PMSS when compared to the placebo-controlled group. CONCLUSION: This trial suggested that Clary sage oil helps in reducing the physiological, psychological and behavioural symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome

    Detection of Quinolone Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus isolates in a tertiary care centre

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    BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus aureus can cause a range of illnesses, from minor skin infections to life-threatening diseases of respiratory tract, CNS and bones toxic shock syndrome, bacteremia, and sepsis. As we approach the halfway point of the second decade of fluoroquinolone use, resistance has already emerged in some species of bacteria and some clinical settings. This study has been undertaken to examine the mechanisms of fluoroquinolone resistance and discuss epidemiologic factors that may have contributed to the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in clinical settings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 120 clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from various clinical samples were cultured on blood agar. Following biochemical confirmation, fluoroquinolone resistance was tested by disc diffusion and agar dilution methods. Genotypic detection of gyrase genes ( gyrA, gyrB, topoisomerase IV , grlA, grlB) were done by PCR. RESULTS: The resistance to fluroquinolones among the total isolates of Staphylococcus aureus was 14%.High level of ciprofloxacin resistance was noted among majority of the isolates tested (MIC: 32 to 64 μg ml). Real time PCR for detection of fluoroquinolone resistance showed grl A and gyr A to be the most predominant genes expressed (72%) mostly in MRSA. CONCLUSION: Injudicious use of antibiotics has led to widespread emergence of resistant organisms. The strict implementation of antibiotic policy tailor made to the individual hospital needs and prompt regular audits of compliance to the same are the only means of saving the populations from newer pathogens and multi drug resistant bugs

    Performance Study of the Running Times of well known Pattern Matching Algorithms for Signature-based Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Intrusion detection system (IDS) is the basic component of any network defense scheme. Signature based intrusion detection techniques are widely used in networks for fast response to detect threats. One of the main challenges faced by signature-based IDS is that every signature requires an entry in the database, and so a complete database might contain hundreds or even thousands of entries. Each packet is to be compared with all the entries in the database. This can be highly resource-consuming and doing so will slow down the throughput and making the IDS vulnerable. Since pattern matching computations dominate in the overall performance of a Signature-based IDS, efficient pattern matching algorithms should be used which use minimal computer storage and which minimize the searching response time. In this paper we present a performance study of the running times of different well known pattern matching algorithms using multiple sliding windows approach. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150613

    A comparative study to assess the efficacy of dinoprostone and misoprostol in labour induction

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    Background: Induction of labour is the non-spontaneous initiation of uterine contractions, prior to their spontaneous onset leading to progressive effacement and dilation of cervix and delivery of the baby. The objective of this study to compare efficacy of induction of labour with dinoprostone and misoprostol with respect to induction delivery interval, oxytocin augmentation, type of delivery and cost effectiveness.Methods: 200 Patients admitted to labour ward of Sree Gokulam Medical College and Research Foundation, Vejaramoodu, Kerala, India with an indication of induction of labour and unfavorable cervices were randomly assigned to receive either intravaginal misoprostol or intracervical dinoprostone between December 2012 and May 2014.Results: Average induction to delivery interval among misoprostol group was 21.6+4.2 hours and that of dinoprostone was 29.1+4.2 hours. Dinoprostone group had significant longer duration than misoprostol group in induction delivery interval.64% of misoprostol group had spontaneous onset of labour whereas only 31% of dinoprostone group had spontaneous labour onset. Mean bishop’s score change over 6 and 12 hours was significantly greater in the misoprostol group. There was no significant difference in the mode of delivery or rate of caesarean section in both the groups.Conclusions: Misoprostol is an effective and economical drug for induction of labour, which is easy to preserve and administer. It shortness the induction delivery interval with less need for oxytocin compared to dinoprostone

    Comparative study to assess the safety of misoprostol and dinoprostone for cervical ripening and induction of labour

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    Background: To compare safety of induction of labour with dinoprostone and misoprostol with respect to maternal complications like fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, hyperstimulation, tachysystole; and Neonatal outcomes like APGAR score of baby, meconium aspiration, birth asphyxia, hyperbilirubinemia and NICU admission.Methods: 200 Patients admitted to labour ward of Sree Gokulam Medical College and Research Foundation with an indication of induction of labour and unfavourable cervices were randomly assigned to receive either intravaginal misoprostol or intracervical dinoprostone between December 2012 and May 2014.Results: There was no significant difference in maternal or neonatal complications between the two groups. Apgar at 1 minute was significantly higher for Misoprostol group while at 5 minutes Apgar was comparable between the two groups.Conclusions: Misoprostol is as safe as dinoprostone for the induction of labour

    Influence of different types of soils on the growth and yield of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.)

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    Quinoa is a resilient high-yielding pseudo cereal, gaining attention because of its high nutritional value, strong growth potential, and tremendous source of essential amino acids, micronutrients, vitamins, phenolic compounds, and minerals. The main aim of this investigation was to find the best suitable soil type for maximizing the growth and yield of Quinoa. The pot study was undertaken at the Department of Agronomy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, during the Kharif 2022 season. Eight soil samples (clay loam soils of wetlands of TNAU, sandy loam soils of eastern block of TNAU, sandy loam soils of Mettupalayam, sandy clay loam soils of 36 B eastern block of TNAU, sandy clay loam soils of 37 B eastern block of TNAU, clay loam soils of Ooty, sandy clay loam soils of Govindanaickenpalayam and sandy clay loam soils of Annur) were collected round Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu and tested in a complete randomized design with three replications. The pot study results revealed that growth parameters viz. Plant height (81.5 cm), number of leaves plant-1 (164.8), leaf area (317.7 cm2), number of branches plant-1 (38.0) and dry matter production (22.78 g) were significantly higher in the clay loam soils of Ooty than all other soil types. Similarly, yield attributes such as the number of panicles plant-1 (21.7), panicle length (13.08 cm), number of grains panicle-1 (3050) and grain yield plant-1 (9.60 g) of Quinoa were also higher in the same clay loam soils followed by that in sandy clay loam soils of Govindanaickenpalayam. Red soils of Mettupalayam had shown the lowest growth, yield and yield attributes of Quinoa. Based on the above results, it was concluded that the clay loam soil of Ooty was the best suited for cultivating Quinoa crops

    Welcome Wagons: A Block Chain based Web Application for Car Booking

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    Blockchain applications are decentralized applications that provides security assurance for any online transactions. Online car reservation system is nowadays popular that makes the travel easier than the traditional methods. Welcome Wagons is a decentralized web application (DApp) for car booking that allows passengers to hail a ride and drivers to charge fares and get paid. This web application is built with an advanced tools such as React js, Next js. Tailwind CSS is used for styling. Firebase, Blockchain web3.0 is used as backend. This new web application provides secure payment based car booking serive
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