Efficacy of Clary Sage Oil on Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS): A Controlled Trial


AIMS & OBJECTIVE: To assess and evaluate the effects of clary sage oil in Premenstrual syndrome. BACKGROUND: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition that presents with distressing physical, behavioral, and psychological symptoms, in the absence of organic or underlying psychiatric disease, which regularly recurs during the luteal phase of each menstrual cycle, and which disappears or significantly regresses by the end of menstruation. It has been estimated from retrospective community surveys that nearly 90% of women have experienced at least some symptoms attributed to the premenstrual phase of menstrual cycle during their life. Aromatherapy is the practice of therapeutic use of essential plant-based oils. Essential oils and aromatherapy have been used in the care of women for centuries. Clary sage is a gift to the female and has a rejuvenating effect on the endocrine system and balances the pituitary and is specifically indicated in treating PMS. In aromatherapy, there are limited studies on Premenstrual syndrome. Moreover most papers are based on other aroma oils. DESIGN AND METHOD: 60 subjects were screened using Premenstrual Syndrome Screening Tool and randomized using convenient sampling method and into Study group (N = 30) and Placebo-control group (N= 30) on 1:1 ratio. The Subjects of Study group and Placebo-control group received their respective treatment three days a week for three months. Data was collected before and after 3 months of treatment using Premenstrual Syndrome Scale. RESULTS: The results show a high level of statistical and clinical significance and highly favours the intervention group in the reduction of all 3 components of the PMSS when compared to the placebo-controlled group. CONCLUSION: This trial suggested that Clary sage oil helps in reducing the physiological, psychological and behavioural symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome

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