3,672 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the sensory attributes along rabbit loin by a trained panel

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to evaluate and quantify variation in sensory attributes along the Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle in rabbits. A descriptive analysis was performed by a panel of 8 assessors previously trained in the evaluation of rabbit meat. Reference standards used in training for the evaluation of rabbit meat are also described. Sensory attributes rabbit and liver odour, rabbit and liver flavour, toughness, juiciness and fibrousness were assessed in 56 rabbits from a divergent selection experiment for intramuscular fat (28 slaughtered at 9 wk and 28 slaughtered at 13 wk). Immediately after cooking, loins were cut lengthwise into 4 equidistant pieces from caudal to cranial end (LD1, LD2, LD3 and LD4). Assessors were able to detect and quantify a longitudinal sensory variation in muscle LD. Caudal extreme LD1 was tougher and more fibrous than LD2, LD3 and LD4, and less juicy than LD3 and LD4. The greatest variation was found between caudal and cranial ends, with LD1 being 9% tougher (P=0.99), 11% more fibrous (P=1.00) and 12% less juicy (P=0.99) than LD4. Assessors found few variations along LD muscle in flavour and odour attributes. Location LD3 showed 9% greater rabbit odour (P=0.99) and flavour (P=0.97) than LD4, and 8% greater rabbit odour than LD2 (P=0.97). Our results highlight the importance of randomisation within muscle location in sensory studies on rabbit LD muscle, as there is considerable sensory variation along this muscle.This work was supported by project AGL2014-55921-C2-1-P from the Spanish National Research Plan. M. Martínez-Álvaro acknowledges a FPI grant (BES-2012-052655) from the Economy Ministry of Spain. The authors thank Prof. Agustín Blasco for his useful comments.Martínez-Álvaro, M.; Hernández, P. (2018). Evaluation of the sensory attributes along rabbit loin by a trained panel. World Rabbit Science. 26(1):43-48. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2018.7904SWORD434826

    La casa dell'anziano, luogo d'incontro intergenerazionale. Home for the elderly, place for intergenerational encounters

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    Nel saggio si espone una proposta di educativa domiciliare, che si sta realizzando nell\u2019ambito di un Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Padova, orientata alla valorizzazione della casa dell\u2019anziano come luogo di progettualit\ue0 pedagogica. La casa si rivela essere uno spazio relazionale in grado, da un lato, di favorire l\u2019apprendimento intergenerazionale tra giovani e anziani residenti in uno stesso territorio e, dall\u2019altro, di abbattere gli stereotipi sulla vecchiaia che ostacolano il dialogo tra le generazioni e l\u2019inclusione sociale delle persone in et\ue0 avanzata, in particolare di quelle in condizione di solitudine e di povert\ue0 relazionale. Nello specifico, si presentano le tesi da cui ha preso le mosse la proposta e le sue implicazioni operative, che prevedono l\u2019implementazione nel territorio padovano di un progetto pilota di sostegno educativo all\u2019anziano \u201cfragile\u201d, del quale al momento \ue8 stata portata a compimento la prima fase, in cui sono stati coinvolti giovani qualificati, vale a dire futuri educatori del Corso di laurea in Scienze dell\u2019educazione e della formazione, mentre la seconda fase, basata sulla partecipazione di giovani appartenenti al volontariato locale, \ue8 in via di attivazione. The essay outlines a home care project that is being carried out within a Research Project at the University of Padua; this project is oriented towards the enhancement of homes for the elderly as places for educational planning skills. Such homes reveal themselves as being a relational space, able to both support intergenerational learning between young people and elderly residents in the same territory and knock down stereotypes about old age that hinder dialogue between the generations and the social inclusion of persons of an advanced age, particularly those in conditions of solitude and relational poverty. Presented, specifically, are subjects that gave rise to the project and its operational implications that provide for putting into practice a pilot project for educational support to the \u201cfragile\u201d elderly in the territory of Padua. The first phase of the project has been completed and involved qualified students, that is, future educators in the degree course in Scienze dell\u2019educazione e della formazione. The second phase, with the participation of young people belonging to the local voluntary service, is currently being started up

    Quantum sensors for dynamical tracking of chemical processes

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    Quantum photonics has demonstrated its potential for enhanced sensing. Current sources of quantum light states tailored to measuring, allow to monitor phenomena evolving on time scales of the order of the second. These are characteristic of product accumulation in chemical reactions of technologically interest, in particular those involving chiral compounds. Here we adopt a quantum multiparameter approach to investigate the dynamic process of sucrose acid hydrolysis as a test bed for such applications. The estimation is made robust by monitoring different parameters at once

    Discharges of endocrine disrupting chemicals by combined sewer overflows into receiving water: case-study of the Paris conurbation

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    8 p.International audienceAlkylphenol ethoxylate (APEOs) and bisphenol A (BPA) are well known as endocrine disrupting compounds. Among sources of these compounds within receiving waters, wastewater treatment plant effluents have been widely studied. However, Although APEOs and BPA are regularly quantified within wastewater and to a lesser extent in runoff, few studies deal with their discharges by combined sewer overflows. In this context, this study was launched to investigate the concentrations and the mass loads discharged per year by CSO in the Seine River. Therefore, discharges occurring at the one of the most important CSOs of Paris conurbation from June to November 2010 were sampled. During this period, eight events were collected by automatic samplers and even mean sample were analyzed in laboratory using liquid chromatography coupled to a tandem mass spectrometry. The first results highlight an important contamination of CSOs by BPA and levels of APEOs close to those reported in wastewaters. At the annually scale and according to our mass load calculation, CSOs do not appear as a relevant source of BPA and APEOs within the Seine River