124 research outputs found

    Novel educational assessment for building structures: Automatic evaluation of on-line graphics

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    This article presents a new automatic evaluation for on-line graphics, its application and the numerous advantages achieved applying this developed correcting method. The software application developed by the Innovation in Education Group “E4”, from the Technical University of Madrid, is oriented for the online self-assessment of the graphic drawings that students carry out as continuous training. The adaptation to the European Higher Educational Area is an important opportunity to research about the possibilities of on-line education assessment. In this way, a new software tool has been developed for continuous self-testing by undergraduates. Using this software it is possible to evaluate the graphical answer of the students. Thus, the drawings made on-line by students are automatically corrected according to the geometry (straight lines, sloping lines or second order curves) and by sizes (depending on the specific values which define the graphics)

    Fracture test of a Gothic ribbed vault

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    A Gothic ribbed vault has been built at the School of Architecture of Madrid in order to investigate the construction complexities of this kind of vaults. The ribbed vault is described in the manuscript of Alonso de Vandelvira, and its shape was reconstructed making using the drawings this architect from the 16th century. The fracture test was carried on by loading the central keystone of the vault until its collapse took place. The experiment was filmed and by doing so, it was possible to observe the failure mechanism of the vault. At the same time, it was interesting to compare this collapse experience with the results obtained using two different me-thods. First, a stability calculation was carried out through graphic statics, and secondly a calcu-lation was performed using the rigid-block analysis method. The focus of this paper is to show and analyze the results of both studies

    Conexión de forjados de hormigón a soportes metálicos

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    La conexión mediante pernos conectadores en las estructuras mixtas de hormigón y acero ha experimentado un avance notable en los últimos años, tanto desde el punto de vista de la investigación, como de la tecnología de los nuevos productos y su puesta en obra como de su aplicación de manera segura y económica en un número cada vez mayor de elementos estructurales. Este artículo resume un proyecto de investigación que pretende comprobar experimentalmente el funcionamiento de la conexión de un forjado de hormigón a un soporte metálico realizado mediante pernos conectadores. Esta tipología es habitual y está muy contrastada en la construcción de vigas mixtas, pero no así en los nudos

    Ensayo no destructivo de soldaduras en pernos conectores mediante inspección acústica = Non-destructive assessment of welded headed studs by acoustic test

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    Los pernos conectores aportan múltiples ventajas de uso, entre las que se encuentra el elevado margen de seguridad que ofrecen sus soldaduras ejecutadas mediante arco eléctrico. Estas soldaduras, aunque ampliamente fiables, son difícilmente comprobadas mediante ensayos no destructivos. Aparte de la inspección visual, que aporta gran información sobre la calidad de ejecución de la soldadura, el resto de ensayos no destructivos (líquidos penetrantes, partículas magnéticas, ultrasonidos, radiografías, etc.) resultan inviables en estos elementos. Por otro lado, los ensayos acústicos de piezas metálicas han existido siempre. Su comprobación se basaba en el análisis por medio de ¿un oído fino¿ del sonido resultante tras ser golpeado el elemento a evaluar. Con estas premisas se plantea el presente estudio de inspección de las soldaduras en pernos conectores mediante su espectro acústico. Analíticamente, la investigación se ha centrado en el cálculo informático de los primeros modos propios de vibración mediante elementos finitos. Se han modelizado diferentes grados de penetración de la soldadura mediante la modificación de las condiciones de contorno. Se ha observado que variando el número de movimientos coaccionados en los nodos pertenecientes a la soldadura se produce una reducción en su frecuencia de vibración

    Aplicación de auto-corrección continua para practicas de análisis de estructuras

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    The adaptation to the European Higher Educational area is an opportunity to incorporate on-line methods of education assessment in the field of the "Structural Analysis". This paper promotes the intensive use of MOODLE platform of the Technical University of Madrid, to implement the Information and Communication Technology program in this area. This article summarizes the educational experience achieved during the last courses though the use of a new software tool for continuous self-testing by the students. Individualized test are achieved by randomized variable data for each student. Several benefits for the educational purposes have arisen. Firstly, a considerable speeding of the evaluation process, and more than this, a massive input by the students. Certainly, the use of this tool can be very useful for the learning process and therefore for the improvement of the student’s skills and abilities

    Do Age, Gender and Poor Diet Influence the Higher Prevalence of Nomophobia among Young People?

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    We acknowledge the researchers of the research group AREA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is registered in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada.The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is generating the emergence of new pathologies such as nomophobia. The aim of this research was to analyze the prevalence of nomophobia among young people, as well as to check whether the level of nomophobia is higher in males or females and in those students who claim to have less healthy nutrition due to the use of their mobile phones. The research method was based on a correlational and predictive design with a quantitative methodology. The measurement tool used is the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q). The participating sample was 1743 students between 12 and 20 years old from different educational stages of the Autonomous City of Ceuta (Spain). The results show that highest rates of nomophobia were found in relation to the inability to communicate and contact others immediately. About gender, women have higher rates of nomophobia than men. In relation to age, no significant differences were found; thus, the problem may affect all ages equally. Finally, students who think that their smartphone use is detrimental to their good nutrition show higher levels on the scale provided.Corporacion Escuela Tecnologica del Oriente ISPRS-2017-7202Secretariat of Education of Santander ISPRS-2017-7202AreA HUM/672 Research Group of the University of Granada ISPRS-2017-720

    Efficacy of the Flipped Classroom method at the University: Meta-analysis of impact scientific production

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    La particularidad del método flipped classroom se halla en el cambio de los roles de aprendizaje, donde el profesorado adquiere un rol secundario como guía y el estudiante un rol primario como agente activo. En esta línea, la tendencia en su implementación en la etapa de educación superior va en aumento y cada vez es más habitual escuchar experiencias docentes que giran en torno a su aplicación en el aula. Por ello, este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto de la metodología flipped classroom en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios a partir de los estudios indexados en las bases de datos WOS y Scopus. Se ha seguido una metodología propia de los estudios de meta-análisis, con la finalidad de medir el tamaño del efecto global y particular de las investigaciones analizadas y constatar empíricamente la ganancia a favor del grupo experimental o control. Los resultados muestran que la diferencia entre grupos es estadísticamente significativa y la mayor parte de los estudios confirma el aumento del rendimiento académico en el grupo experimental. No obstante, se evidencia un posible sesgo de los artículos publicados a favor del método flipped classroom. Finalmente, el método flipped classroom se alza como una metodología docente que puede mejorar los resultados académicos y facilitar al estudiantado la autorregulación de su aprendizajeThe peculiarity of the flipped classroom method lies in the change of learning roles, where the teacher acquires a secondary role as a guide and the student a primary role as an active agent. The trend of implementation in the stage of higher education is increasing and it is increasingly common to hear teaching experiences that revolve around its application in the classroom. Therefore, this paper aims to assess the effect of the flipped classroom methodology on the academic performance of university students from the studies indexed in the WOS and Scopus databases. A methodology of meta-analysis studies has been followed, with the purpose of measuring the size of the global and particular effect of the researchers and empirically verifying the gain in favour of the experimental or control group. The results show that the difference between groups is statistically significant and most of the studies confirm the increase in academic performance in the experimental group. However, there is evidence of a possible bias in the articles published in favour of the flipped classroom method. Finally, the flipped classroom method is raised as a teaching methodology that can improve academic results and make it easier for students to self-regulate their learnin

    Investigación analítica y experimental de uniones mixtas en edificación mediante pernos conectores

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    A excepción de las conexiones acero-hormigón en vigas mixtas, las uniones entre elementos con pernos tipo Nelson y Köco aparecen sólo ocasionalmente en el mundo de la edificación. Cuando esto ocurre, los pernos se destinan normalmente a uniones secundarias o anclajes de reducida responsabilidad estructural. En este trabajo se plantea la utilización de uniones mixtas mediante pernos conectores en un ámbito concreto de las estructuras de edificación, donde su incorporación resulta óptima dadas las posibilidades de industrialización de los nudos, sencillez de la solución y alta resistencia en la transmisión de cortante. Se ha realizado un estudio teórico analítico de la resistencia de los mismos, que ha sido contrastado de forma experimental. Se muestran las diferencias obtenidas entre los resultados experimentales y los previstos por las formulaciones existentes, debidas a las condiciones específicas de aplicación y a la existencia del rozamiento

    E-Learning in the Teaching of Mathematics: An Educational Experience in Adult High School

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    We acknowledge the researchers of the research group AREA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is registered in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada.Currently, the e-learning method, due to the period of confinement that is occurring due to COVID-19, has increased its use and application in the teaching and learning processes. The main objective of this research is to identify the effectiveness of the e-learning method in the teaching of mathematics with adults who are in high school, in contrast to the traditional expository method. The study developed is quantitative, descriptive and correlational. The research design is quasi-experimental, with a control group and an experimental group. The results show that the use of the e-learning method has a positive influence on motivation, autonomy, participation, mathematical concepts, results and grades. It can be concluded that the e-learning method leads to improvement in adult students who are studying the mathematical subject in the educational stage of high school, provided that it is compared with the expository method. Therefore, this method is considered effective for its implementation in adults.Corporacion Escuela Tecnologica del Oriente ISPRS-2017-720Secretariat of Education of Santander ISPRS-2017-7202AreA HUM/672 Research Group of the University of Granada ISPRS-2017-720

    Caracterización de piezas metálicas del yacimiento de Torre d’Onda a través de su imagen radiográfica

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    [ES] Uno de los problemas a los que se enfrenta un arqueólogo en el tratamiento de piezas procedentes de un yacimiento es su gran número. Un tratamiento eficiente de cada una de ellas provoca un gran consumo de recursos y sobre todo de tiempo. Tener la imagen radiográfica del objeto puede ser de gran utilidad a la hora de discriminar una pieza de otras, siempre ocultas bajo una capa considerable de corrosión. En esta investigación se plantea una prueba de concepto con la finalidad de ayudar en ese proceso de selección a través desu valoración, atendiendo a una serie de factores puestos en común mediente un trabajo interdisciplinar. Factores como la forma, el porcentaje de núcleo metálico, su relación con el contexto arqueológico o su grado de fragilidad permiten establecer estrategias que ayudarán por un lado a la selección de piezas que tengan interés para su musealización, frente a aquellas que por su estado deben permanecer almacenadas. El proceso llevado a cabo, en esta prueba de concepto, ha contado con 193 piezas procedentes del yacimiento de Torre d’Onda Burriana (Castellón), en el que se diseñó una base de datos creada para este efecto, donde se ha trabajado tanto con la imagen visible y la imagen radiográfica de cada una de las 193 piezas que han sido caso de estudio.[EN] One of the problems an archaeologist faces in the treatment of pieces from a site is their large number. An efficient treatment of each one of them causes a great consumption of resources and especially of time. Having the radiographic image of the object can be very useful when it comes to discriminating one piece from others, always hidden under a considerable layer of corrosion. In this research, a proof of concept is proposed in order to help in this selection process through its evaluation, attending to a series of factors put in common through interdisciplinary work. Factors such as the shape, the percentage of metal core, its relationship with the archaeological context or its degree of fragility allow establishing strategies that will help, on the one hand, in the selection of pieces that are of interest for musealization, compared to those that, due to their state, must remain stored. The process carried out, in this proof of concept, has included 193 pieces from the Torre d'Onda Burriana site (Castellón), in which a database created for this purpose was designed, where so much work has been done with the visible image and the radiographic image of each of the 193 pieces that have been a case study.Aznar Portolés, CM.; Madrid García, JA.; Melchor Monserrat, JM. (2020). Caracterización de piezas metálicas del yacimiento de Torre d’Onda a través de su imagen radiográfica. Arché. (13 - 14 - 15):31-40. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/156594314013 - 14 - 1