5,246 research outputs found

    Richard Neutra: travels and sketches

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    [ES] La obra de Richard Neutra es de sobra conocida a través de diversas publicaciones, en las que en ocasiones se ilustran sus proyectos con unas elegantes perspectivas de presentación realizadas en su día por el arquitecto. Sin embargo, sus dibujos de viaje apenas han sido estudiados y,que nosotros sepamos, siguen sin tratarse en ningún artículo especializado. El presente estudio tiene como finalidad dar a conocer y contextualizar algunos de estos dibujos, que actualmente se custodian en la Library Digital Collections de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles.[EN] Richard Neutra's architecture is known full well due to several publications. They sometimes contain elegant perspectives of presentation made by the architect in its day to illustrate his projects. However, his travel sketches have been hardly studied and, to the best of our knowledge, they have not yet been analyzed in a specialized paper. The present study has the aim to set some of these sketches, currently housed in the Library Digital Collections of the University of California in Los Angeles, in context and make them public.Montes Serrano, C.; Linares García, F. (2023). Richard Neutra: viajes y dibujos. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 28(48):56-71. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2023.200635671284

    Asia-Pacific zoos in the 21st century : stakeholder perceptions of the roles and functions of zoos : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Management at Massey University, New Zealand

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    The advent of the anthropocene accentuates the transformation of ecosystems on a global scale. This study responds to these concerns by assessing the role and function of 21st century zoos in general and the Asia-Pacific zoos in particular. The lack of information on key zoo stakeholders (visitors, staff members, corporate sponsors and zoo associates) is significant in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in Asia, where there are complexities that may stem from cultural and societal differences. Furthermore, current literature is predominantly based upon Western research and case studies, which rarely take into account the complexities and differences of Asia. This research considers the diversity of the Asia-Pacific region by examining the perceptions and attitudes of the four groups of key stakeholders. Zoos in six countries across the Asia-Pacific were visited over a period of six months to March 2013 in order to assess the diversity of the study region. A literature survey and meta-analysis of 138 zoo-based publications was employed to create a matrix table of themes, stakeholders, and research outcomes. These results were used to design survey instruments directed at stakeholder groups as well as provide a framework against which the results of this study can be compared and contrasted. Quantitative analysis such as Principal Component Analysis, Spearman’s Rho and Kruskal-Wallis H test were used to analyse the results. The face-to-face and computer-based instruments were augmented with the use of a reflective diary and personal work experience to triangulate and validate the research results. The results show that individual zoos across the world are facing similar challenges. Differences in educational backgrounds and socio-cultural norms within the Asia- Pacific region are reflected in stakeholders’ experiences, perceptions, and evaluations of zoos. The results show that there are many differences amongst Asia-Pacific zoo practices, visitor satisfaction, and stakeholder participation and these differences would make it extremely difficult to coordinate activities at a regional level to give them a single voice with a single agenda

    Spin dependence of heavy quark fragmentation

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    We propose that the non-perturbative part of the fragmentation function describing the transition from a heavy quark to a heavy meson is proportional to the square of the produced meson wave function at the origin, taking into account hyperfine interactions. We analyze the effects of this proposal on the number of pseudoscalar mesons compared to the number of vector mesons produced and find a good agreement with experimental data. Finally, we discuss further experimental checks for our hypothesis.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    La absorción acústica a ruido de impacto en placas de aislamiento térmico de suelo radiante

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    Actualmente en el mercado existen una reducida variedad de materiales específicos de ruido de impactos. Los materiales que han de ser utilizados como material resiliente, han de cumplir unos valores muy bajos del módulo de elasticidad E. Mientras el valor del caucho blando está en el orden de los 100 kg/cm2, el valor del acero es de 2.100.000 kg/cm2 (21.000 veces mayor). Estos valores tan bajos hacen que diferencias de apenas 50 kg/cm2 produzcan variaciones muy importantes en las ganancias de aislamiento acústico. La realización de los ensayos de caracterización acústica a ruido de impacto en laboratorio es un proceso largo y caro. En primer lugar se necesita elaborar un forjado de referencia, que ha de ser ensayado de forma independiente. Con posterioridad, se ha de colocar la losa flotante, y volver a realizar la prueba. Con la diferencia de las medidas realizadas, se determinan los valores de módulo de elasticidad. Como alternativa a este método, en la ponencia del congreso “TECNIACÚSTICA GANDÍA 2006” sobre “estudio de cinco métodos para determinar las propiedades dinámicas de capas elásticas para la mejora del aislamiento a ruido de impactos”, presentada por Francisco Simón, David K. Anthony, Mª José Fernández, proponen un total de cinco alternativas al ensayo indicado en la norma. Al margen de las condiciones acústicas, las placas de suelo radiante necesitan garantizar unos valores mínimos de aislamiento térmico. Con las actuales necesidades normativas, la solución habitual consiste en la superposición de dos materiales: en primer lugar, inmediatamente sobre el forjado, se coloca el material encargado de proporcionar el aislamiento acústico, generalmente una lámina flexible de polietileno. Encima de ella se coloca la placa de aislamiento térmico, generalmente una plancha de poliestireno expandido con resaltes en las que se encajan las tuberías que conducen el agua calefactada. El poliestireno expandido convencional, no tiene unos valores de módulo elástico suficientemente bajo para poder actuar como material resiliente. Para conseguir estos valores, es necesario elastificar el material mediante su introducción en una prensa (Poliestireno expandido elastificado EEPS). La utilización de esta técnica es incompatible con el proceso de fabricación de planchas moldeadas con tetones para la integración de los soportes de las tuberías. La lámina flexible de polietileno, si tienes valores aceptables, tanto de aislamiento térmico como acústico, en cambio no es posible la integración de los tetones durante su proceso de fabricación para soportar las canalizaciones de agua. El objetivo de la investigación consiste en integrar en una única placa las características tanto térmicas como acústicas necesarias para satisfacer todas las necesidades. Como se ha indicado más arriba, los materiales resilientes han de cumplir unos valores muy bajos del módulo de elasticidad E. Mientras el valor del caucho blando está en el orden de los 100 kg/cm2, el valor del acero es de 2.100.000 kg/cm2 (21.000 veces mayor). Pero no es menos cierto que con acero, dando la forma adecuada (un helicoide) se consigue un elemento muy elástico, un muelle. Tal es así, que variando la forma se puede conseguir el módulo de elásticidad E deseado, resultando utilidades tan dispares como el resorte de un bolígrafo o la suspensión de un coche. Por otro lado, y como se ha indicado anteriormente, la determinación de los valores mecánicos de los materiales aislantes térmicos es cara y complicada. Como objetivo secundario de la investigación, se establece el proponer un ensayo alternativo, más rápido y económico que el propuesto por la norma para facilitar el estudio de nuevas alternativas, sin tener que hacer grandes desembolsos económicos e

    Evolution of extreme Total Water Levels along the northern coast of the Iberian Peninsula

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    ABSTRACT. This paper assesses the evolution of storminess along the northern coast of the Iberian Peninsula through the calculation of extreme (1%) Total Water Levels (eTWL) on both observed (tide gauge and buoy data) and hindcasted (SIMAR-44) data. Those events were first identified and then characterized in terms of oceanographic parameters and atmospheric circulation features. Additionally, an analysis of the long-term trends in both types of data was performed. Most of the events correspond to a rough wave climate and moderate storm surges, linked to extratropical disturbances following a northern track. While local atmospheric conditions seem to be evolving towards lesser storminess, their impact has been balanced by the favorable exposure of the northern coast of the Iberian Peninsula to the increasing frequency and strength of distant disturbances crossing the North Atlantic. This evolution is also correctly reproduced by the simulated long-term evolution of the forcing component (meteorological sea level residuals and wave run up) of the Total Water Level values calculated from the SIMAR 44 database, since sea level residuals have been experiencing a reduction while waves are arriving with longer periods. Finally, the addition of the rate of relative sea level trend to the temporal evolution of the atmospheric forcing component of the Total Water Level values is enough to simulate more frequent and persistent eTWL

    Antonio Bonet. The Soca Chapel (1960-1966). Reconstruction of the enclosed area and ritual path

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    [ES] En este trabajo analizamos la capilla de Soca, Canelones, Uruguay, (1960). Se trata del primer edificio religioso proyectado por Antonio Bonet Castellana (1913-89) y el único que se llevó a cabo. A partir de la información del archivo del arquitecto elaboramos y presentamos nueva documentación gráfica, a través del redibujado de la obra en su conjunto, con el objetivo de aportar información inédita al reconstruir el emplazamiento de la capilla incluyendo el pabellón anexo y la delimitación de los muros exteriores como elementos activos que forman parte del ritual. Por otro lado, se aporta información de otra capilla que figura en el expediente de Soca del archivo del arquitecto. Con este trabajo, cualquier interesado puede disponer de datos adicionales para una mayor comprensión de la obra.[EN] In this paper we analyse the Soca Chapel in Canelones (Uruguay), which was built in 1960. This was the first religious building designed by Antonio Bonet Castellana  (1913-89) and the only one he completed. Using data stored in the architect’s archive, we have re-drawn the entire work, reconstructing the chapel’s ritual path and including as active elements both the adjoining pavilion and the outer walls to create new graphical documentation that provides previously unpublished information. We also discuss another chapel that appears in the Soca files held in the architect’s archive. The analysis presented in this paper will provide additional data for anyone interested in better understanding this architectural work.Ródenas García, JF.; Gonzalvo Salas, C. (2020). Antonio Bonet. La capilla de Soca (1960-1966). Reconstrucción del recinto y del camino ritual. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(39):144-155. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.11467OJS1441552539ÁLVAREZ, F, et al. (1996). Antoni Bonet Castellana: 1913-1989. Barcelona: COAC, p.17KATZENSTEIN, E, NATANSON, G, Y SCHVARTZMAN, H, (1985): Antonio Bonet. Arquitectura y Urbanismo en el Río de la Plata y España. Buenos Aires: Espacio Editora p. 84LE CORBUSIER (1978). Vers une architecture, 1923. Barcelona: Poseidón, p. 54-55.RÓDENAS, JF, 2013. Tesis doctoral: Antonio Bonet. Poblado Hifrensa, 1967-1975, Reus, URVSOIZA A, (2013): Susana: la hija de Francisco Soca a través de dos biografías. Sociedad Uruguaya de Historia de la Medicin

    Effect of width and boundary conditions on meeting maneuvers on two-way separated cycle tracks

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    Cycle track design guidelines are rarely based on scientific studies. In the case of off-road two-way cycle tracks, a minimum width must facilitate both passing and meeting maneuvers, being meeting maneuvers the most frequent. This study developed a methodology to observe meeting maneuvers using an instrumented bicycle, equipped with video cameras, a GPS tracker, laser rangefinders and speed sensors. This bicycle collected data on six two-way cycle tracks ranging 13-2.15 m width delimitated by different boundary conditions. The meeting maneuvers between the instrumented bicycle and every oncoming bicycle were characterized by the meeting clearance between the two bicycles, the speed of opposing bicycle and the reaction of the opposing rider: change in trajectory, stop pedaling or braking. The results showed that meeting clearance increased with the cycle track width and decreased if the cycle track had lateral obstacles, especially if they were higher than the bicycle handlebar. The speed of opposing bicycle shown the same tendency, although were more disperse. Opposing cyclists performed more reaction maneuvers on narrower cycle tracks and on cycle tracks with lateral obstacles to the handlebar height. Conclusions suggested avoiding cycle tracks narrower than 1.6 m, as they present lower meeting clearances, lower bicycle speeds and frequent reaction maneuvers. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.García García, A.; Agustin Gomez, F.; Llorca Garcia, C.; Angel-Domenech, A. (2015). Effect of width and boundary conditions on meeting maneuvers on two-way separated cycle tracks. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 78:127-137. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2015.02.019S1271377

    Motor vehicles overtaking cyclists on two-lane rural roads: Analysis on speed and lateral clearance

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    Two-lane rural roads in Spain accommodate significant bicycle traffic volumes, mainly associated to sport and leisure activities. Motor vehicles' higher speed, weight and volume, compared to cyclists, represent a serious safety concern when overtaking a bicycle. Spanish traffic rules determine a minimum 1.5. m lateral distance.This research characterised 2928 overtaking manoeuvres in the overtaking lateral clearance between motor vehicle and bicycle, as well as in the motor vehicle speed, in contrast with previous research. Two instrumented bicycles were equipped with laser rangefinders, a GPS tracker and three video cameras. They rode along seven rural road segments at a speed between 15 and 25. km/h, centred on the paved shoulder, or as close as possible to the outer edge. Besides, this methodology allowed the characterisation of the overtaken vehicle type, its left lane occupation as well as its interaction with opposing traffic flow. For each session, rider's general risk perception was also registered.The analysis suggested that lateral clearance is not the only factor that influenced rider's risk perception, although current standards are only related to it. On the contrary, a combined factor of lateral clearance, vehicle type and vehicle speed had a more significant correlation with the perceived risk. This agreed with literature models of transient aerodynamic forces between overtaking and overtaken vehicles. Results showed that effect of heavy vehicles on bicyclists was also strong. In addition to this, the combined factor of clearance and speed was higher on tangent sections where overtaking was permitted.Llorca Garcia, C.; Ángel-Domènech, A.; Agustin Gomez, F.; García García, A. (2017). Motor vehicles overtaking cyclists on two-lane rural roads: Analysis on speed and lateral clearance. Safety Science. 92:302-310. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2015.11.005S3023109