30 research outputs found

    Capacidades de Innovación Empresarial en las Mipymes vinculadas al Programa Alianzas para la innovación de la Cámara de Comercio de Palmira – Valle del Cauca

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    Según el Índice Global de Competitividad del Foro Económico Mundial (WEF), Colombia ha conservado durante los últimos años la misma posición en temas de competitividad sin evidenciar una mejoría significativa. La innovación es un eje fundamental del desarrollo y crecimiento económico de las empresas que buscan mantenerse vivos en un mundo cada vez más globalizado y en constante cambio. La presente propuesta de investigación tiene como objetivo principal, diagnosticar las capacidades de Innovación Empresarial en las Mipymes vinculadas al Programa Alianzas para la Innovación de la Cámara de Comercio de Palmira – Valle del Cauca en el 2017. Con ello, se aspira contribuir a la meta del gobierno nacional plasmada en su PND 2014 – 2018 mediante la cual pretende que Colombia sea uno de los países con mayores índices de competitividad y productividad. Para ello se generará, una investigación mixta con estudios descriptivos de corte transversal, tomando como población 50 Mipymes de la ciudad de Palmira que han participado en las versiones 2015 y 2016 en el programa mencionado anteriormente teniendo como muestra el 50% de la población.//Abstract: According to the Global Index of Competitiveness of World Economic Forum (WEF), Colombia has retained during the last years the same position in the issues of competitiveness without evidencing a significant improvement. In addition, it is important to bear in mind that innovation is a fundamental axis of the development and economic growth of companies that seek to stay alive in an increasingly globalized and constantly changing world. The present research proposal has as main objective to diagnose the capabilities of Business Innovation in Msmes linked to the Alliances for Innovation Programme of the Chamber of Commerce of Palmira – Valle del Cauca in 2017. With this, it is hoped to contribute to the goal of the national government embodied in its PND 2014 - 2018, in which it aims to make Colombia one of the countries with the highest levels of competitiveness and productivity. To do so, a mixed research with cross-sectional descriptive studies will be generated, taking as a population 50 Mipymes from the city of Palmira that are members of the above mentioned program with 50% of the population as a sample

    Subjetividades políticas de mujeres lideresas del Barrio La Honda-Medellín víctimas del desplazamiento forzado

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    RESUMEN: El trabajo de grado subjetividades políticas de mujeres lideresas del barrio La Honda – Medellín víctimas del desplazamiento forzado, es un estudio colectivo, cuya puesta en marcha estuvo orientada en explorar las diversas formas y particularidades de los liderazgos de las mujeres del barrio La Honda y la caracterización de su sujeto político sin dejar de lado la lectura territorial, este tema permitió estudiar la conceptualización y descripción de los componentes que constituyen la categoría subjetividades políticas de las mujeres lideresas víctimas del conflicto armado habitantes del barrio La Honda y su análisis desde la teoría interseccional para expresar la construcción de unas formas de ser mujer desde múltiples niveles de vulneración y capacidad de agencia, logrando vislumbrar el accionar político tanto en la esfera privada como en la pública.ABSTRACT: The work of political subjectivities degree of women leaders of the neighborhood La Honda - Medellín victims of forced displacement, is a collective study, whose implementation was aimed at exploring the various forms and particularities of women leaders of the neighborhood La Honda and the characterization of his political subject without neglecting territorial reading, this topic allowed studying the conceptualization and description of the components that analyzed the political subjectivities category of women leaders victims of the armed conflict inhabitants of the La Honda neighborhood and their analysis from the intersectional theory for the construction of ways of being a woman from multiple levels of vulnerability and agency capacity, achieving a glimpse of political action in both the private and public sphere

    Divulgación y posicionamiento de la casa Multiactiva Afrobellanita en el municipio de Bello-Antioquia.

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    Ante la invisibilidad y el rezago histórico que ha sufrido la población afrodescendiente, debido a la extrema pobreza, discriminación, racismo e intolerancia es pertinente buscar estrategias y actividades que ayuden a que dicha comunidad tenga más oportunidades y medios de desarrollo en diferentes aspectos de la vida, tanto sociales, como económicos y políticos. Por ello, mediante esta investigación se busca posicionar la Casa Multiactiva Afrobellanita como un espacio de participación e integración ciudadana de la población afrodescendiente que habita en el Municipio de Bello; a la vez se propone visibilizar y crear mecanismos de divulgación con el fin de que sea reconocida a nivel local y regional, y fortalecer el trabajo que allí se realiza en diferentes ámbitos, promoviendo su progreso y desarrollo.Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dio

    Normalización de la gestión discente en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana seccional Palmira (2015) como insumo para la acreditación de alta calidad 30/09/2015

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    El presente trabajo de grado, tuvo como propósito realizar la normalización de los subprocesos de Gestión Discente de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Seccional Palmira de acuerdo a los lineamientos institucionales y requerimientos nacionales de acreditación. Para dar cumplimiento a este objetivo, se planteó una investigación aplicada con diseños descriptivos, utilizando la encuesta y la entrevista como técnica de recolección de información. La población objeto de estudio fueron 766 estudiantes para lo cual se aplicó muestreo estadístico definiendo 256 estudiantes y para los líderes de subprocesos 11 personas aplicando la modalidad de censo para estos últimos. A pesar de que el término académico para este proceso es ¿Estandarización¿ se decidió usar ¿Normalización¿ ya que el lenguaje corporativo así lo maneja.PregradoADMINISTRADOR(A) DE EMPRESA

    Psychometric Approach of the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire for Oral Health (IPQ-R-OH) in Patients with Periodontal Disease

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the validated Spanish version of the Illness Perception Questionnaire Revised for Oral Health (IPQ-R-OH) in patients with periodontal disease. Methods: We used the IPQ-R-OH, a 36-item self-report scale. This study was carried out using data from 517 patients with periodontal disease attending the dental clinic at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Pasto, Colombia. A three-parameter logistic model (3PL) for polytomous response was calculated to evaluate a model of individuals' responses. The McDonald's Omega (Ω ≥ 0.60) coefficient and composite reliability were used to determine the internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to examine the fit of the hypothesized seven-factor model, and the configural invariance was tested to estimate the structure in each sex group. Results: The slope, location, and guessing parameters determined reasonable accurate items according to item response theory analysis. The internal consistency coefficients of each factor ranged from 0.62 to 0.93 (McDonald's Omega) and 0.66 to 0.87 (composite reliability). Confirmatory factor analysis indicated a seven-factor model (χ2 S-B = 2572.165; χ2 S-B /(573) = 4.489, P < 0.01; non-normed fit index = 0.950; CFI = 0.950; root means square error of approximation = 0.055 (90% confidence interval [0.052 - 0.059]); standardized root mean residual = 0.080 and Akaike information criteria = 1426.165. The seven factors loaded similarly to the original IPQ-R scale. Multigroup CFA analysis results supported factor invariance across the sex groups. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the IPQ-R-OH has adequate reliability and construct factorial validity; therefore, it could be a valuable instrument in screening illness perceptions in patients with periodontal disease.Introduction. -- 2. Material and Methods. -- 2.1. Participants. -- 2.2. Illness Perception Questionnaire– Revised for Oral Health (IPQ-R-OH). -- 2.3. Statistical Analysis. -- 2.3.1. Descriptive analysis. -- 2.3.2 Reliability and factor validity. -- 3. Results, 3.1. Sample description. -- 4. Discussion. -- 4.1 Strengths and limitations. -- 5. Conclusions. -- Acknowledgements. -- Referenceshttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=00006766160000-0002-2805-7901https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000002911ana.mafla@campusucc.edu.cohttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MSFc5YoAAAAJ&hl=e

    Seminario en psicología social e intervenciones psicosociales

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    Lo proclamado en la constitución política, busca siempre salvaguardar la dignidad de las personas, el respeto por los derechos y la prevalencia de las libertades civiles para todos los ciudadanos en igualdad de condiciones y bajo situaciones de equidad y justicia; sin embargo, en este largo recorrido del crecimiento y desarrollo de la nación, el fantasma de las guerras, el conflicto armado y las diferentes formas de violencia, ultrajan y vulneran muchas de estas libertades, lo que ha conllevado a que muchas comunidades remotas, como es el caso de la comunidad de Villa del Rosario de El Salado, en los Montes de María, sufran y padezcan los estragos y vejámenes mismos de la cruda realidad que las violencias y las guerras les ofrece en el día a día, alejándoles de todo panorama y posibilidad de paz, sosiego, plena libertad y esperanza de una vida con dignidad.What is proclaimed in the political constitution always seeks to safeguard the dignity of people, respect for rights and the prevalence of civil liberties for all citizens under equal conditions and under situations of equity and justice; However, in this long journey of the growth and development of the nation, the ghost of wars, armed conflict and different forms of violence violate and violate many of these freedoms, which has led to many remote communities, such as This is the case of the community of Villa del Rosario de El Salado, in the Montes de María, who suffer and endure the ravages and humiliations of the harsh reality that violence and wars offer them on a daily basis, distancing them from all panoramas. and possibility of peace, tranquility, full freedom and hope for a life with dignity.1. Titulo -- 2 .Introducción -- 3. Diagnóstico psicosocial -- 3.1 Referente contextual -- 3.1.1 Mapeo y lotización -- 3.2 Técnicas de recolección de datos -- 3.2.1 Revisión Bibliográfica -- 3.2.2 Observación -- 3.2.3 Árbol de problemas -- 3.3 Referente legal -- 3.4 Características socioculturales de la población beneficiaria -- 4. Planteamiento del problema -- 5. Justificación -- 6. Objetivos -- 6.1 Objetivo General -- 6.2 Objetivos específicos -- 7. fundamentación teórica -- 7.1 Referente Conceptual -- 7.2 Enfoque -- 7.2.1 Psicología social de la liberación (PSL) – 8 propuesta de intervención psicosocial. -- 8.1 Diseño Metodológico -- 8.2 Población Beneficiaria -- 8.3 Objeto de Intervención -- 8.3.1 Objetivo general -- 8.3.2 Objetivos Específicos -- 8.4 Metas -- 8.5 Sistema de Evaluación -- 8.6 Monitoreo -- 8.7 – Recursos -- 8.8 Presupuesto -- 8.9 -- Plan de Acción -- 8.10 Cronograma -- 9. Conclusión -- 10. Referencias -- 11 anexos.PregradoPsicologi

    NMR water transverse relaxation time approach to understand storage stability of fresh-cut ‘Rocha’ pear

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    Fresh-cut fruit is an important segment in fruit market due to the increasing demand for healthy/ convenient foods. However, processing promotes a decrease in fruits stability with faster physiological and microbiological deteriorations. Food stability is strongly attributed to its molecular dynamics and “water availability”. Understanding changes in water location/mobility is of utmost importance, since water dynamics profoundly influences physic-chemical and microbiological quality of foods. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) is a methodology used to study the food constituents' molecular dynamics. The aim of this study is to use NMR to evaluate changes in water mobility that occurred in fresh-cut pear tissues during storage, by measuring the transverse relaxation time (T2) parameter. Results showed the existence of three water classes in the cells after processing, with T2 values of 10 ms, 187 ms and 3s for cellular wall, cytoplasm and vacuole, respectively. Also, the obtained results demonstrated that T2 was affected by processing and storage. Moreover, a relationship between T2, microstructure and the quality parameters was established. T2, maximum value increased with pear hardness as well as water activity. On the contrary, a decrease in total colour difference (TCD) was found with T2. Results demonstrate the usefulness of the application of NMR relaxometry in food studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Burnout prevalence and correlates amongst Colombian dental students: The STRESSCODE study

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    Introduction: Accumulating evidence amongst dental students indicates an alarming prevalence of stress, which can precipitate the development of burnout - a state of mental or physical exhaustion and disengagement. Understanding individual and educational correlates of burnout is necessary for its prevention. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of burnout amongst a large sample of Colombian dental undergraduates and investigate its psychosocial and educational correlates. Materials and methods: Survey data collected from 5647 students participating in the Stress in Colombian Dental Education study were used for this analysis. Burnout was measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS). Covariates included participants' socio-demographic characteristics and perceived stress, as well as educational environment factors. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate methods based on multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression modelling were used for data analysis. Results: Seven per cent of the students surveyed met the criteria for burnout. The prevalence of burnout was higher amongst upper classes, older and married students, those who reported not having passed all required courses and not having dentistry as their first career choice, as well as students in public institutions and those with large class sizes. Moreover, students' perceived stress in the domains of workload and self-efficacy was significantly and positively associated with burnout. Conclusions: Both personal and educational environment characteristics were found to be associated with burnout. Irrespective of these factors, students' perceived stress with regard to workload and self-efficacy was a strong influence on burnout and its alleviation may be a promising avenue to prevent psychological morbidity. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/[email protected]

    Burnout prevalence and correlates amongst Colombian dental students: The STRESSCODE study

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    Introduction: Accumulating evidence amongst dental students indicates an alarming prevalence of stress, which can precipitate the development of burnout - a state of mental or physical exhaustion and disengagement. Understanding individual and educational correlates of burnout is necessary for its prevention. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of burnout amongst a large sample of Colombian dental undergraduates and investigate its psychosocial and educational correlates. Materials and methods: Survey data collected from 5647 students participating in the Stress in Colombian Dental Education study were used for this analysis. Burnout was measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS). Covariates included participants' socio-demographic characteristics and perceived stress, as well as educational environment factors. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate methods based on multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression modelling were used for data analysis. Results: Seven per cent of the students surveyed met the criteria for burnout. The prevalence of burnout was higher amongst upper classes, older and married students, those who reported not having passed all required courses and not having dentistry as their first career choice, as well as students in public institutions and those with large class sizes. Moreover, students' perceived stress in the domains of workload and self-efficacy was significantly and positively associated with burnout. Conclusions: Both personal and educational environment characteristics were found to be associated with burnout. Irrespective of these factors, students' perceived stress with regard to workload and self-efficacy was a strong influence on burnout and its alleviation may be a promising avenue to prevent psychological morbidity. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S.0000-0002-2805-790