1,269 research outputs found

    What is Media Assistance and (Why) Does it Matter? The Case of Polish Foreign Aid to the Media in Belarus and Ukraine

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    The paper offers an analysis of media assistance, as a specific form of foreign aid, that Poland offers to strengthen media development in Belarus and Ukraine. It shows if Poland tailors media assistance according to the local context and existing challenges for democratic changes of recipient countries’ media systems. The study builds on the literature concerning the media, development and democratization, in particular looking at media assistance as both democratic aid and public diplomacy. It reveals that Poland’s approaches to media development in Belarus and Ukraine do differ: Poland mainly provides autocratic Belarus with technical support for media established outside of that country, while clearly focusing on media capacity development in democratizing Ukraine. The findings show that Polish media assistance, however, is unlikely to boost media freedom in Belarus as is usually expected as an outcome of democratic aid and is under-financed in the case of Ukraine.This work was supported by National Science Centre (NCN) in Poland [grant number UMO-2017/25/N/HS5/01404]

    Osjetljivost na vlagu te optička, mehanička i strukturna svojstva jestivih filmova na bazi proteina sirutke s dodatkom repičinog ulja

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    The objective of this work is to study the effect of the rapeseed oil content on the physical properties of whey protein emulsion films. For this purpose, whey protein films with the addition of 0, 1, 2 and 3 % of rapeseed oil, and glycerol as a plasticizer were obtained by the casting method. Film-forming emulsions were evaluated and compared using light scattering granulometry. The Sauter mean diameters (d32) of lipid droplets in film-forming solutions showed an increasing trend when increasing the oil volume fractions. The inclusion of rapeseed oil enhanced the hydrophobic character of whey protein films, reducing moisture content and film solubility in water. All emulsified films showed high lightness (L*≈90). Parameter a* decreased and parameter b* and total colour difference (ΔE) increased with the increase of the volume fractions of oil. These results were consistent with visual observations; control films were transparent and those containing oil opaque. Water vapour sorption experimental data at the full range of water activity values from 0.11 to 0.93 were well described with Peleg’s equation (R2≥0.99). The tensile strength, Young’s modulus and elongation at break increased with the increase of rapeseed oil volume fraction, which could be explained by interactions between lipids and the protein matrix. These results revealed that rapeseed oil has enormous potential to be incorporated into whey protein to make edible film or coating for some food products. The mechanical resistance decreased with the addition of the lipids, and the opacity and soluble matter content increased.Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj dodatka repičinog ulja u različitim volumnim udjelima na fizikalna svojstva filmova izrađenih od proteina sirutke. Filmovi su pripremljeni u kalupima lijevanjem emulzija dobivenih od proteina sirutke s dodatkom 0, 1, 2 ili 3 % repičinog ulja te glicerola kao plastifikatora. Raspodjela veličine čestica emulzije određena je metodom laserske difrakcije, te je utvrđeno da se s povećanjem volumnog udjela ulja povećao srednji Sauterov promjer (d32) lipidnih kapljica. Dodatkom repičinog ulja povećala se hidrofobnost, a smanjio udjel vlage u filmovima te njihova topljivost u vodi. Sve su emulzije bile vrlo svijetle (L*≈90), a pri većim volumnim udjelima ulja smanjila se vrijednost parametra a*, a povećali vrijednost parametra b* i ukupna razlika u boji (ΔE). Rezultati su bili u skladu s onima dobivenim vizualnim pregledom: kontrolni uzorci filmova bili su prozirni, dok su oni s dodatkom ulja bili mutni. Ispitana je sposobnost upijanja vode filmova, a dobiveni su podaci u rasponu aktiviteta vode od 0,11 do 0,93 dobro opisani pomoću Pelegove jednadžbe (R2≥0,99). Povećanjem volumnog udjela repičinog ulja povećali su se vlačna čvrstoća, Youngov modul elastičnosti i istezljivost filmova, vjerojatno uslijed povezivanja lipida s proteinima. Rezultati pokazuju da se dodavanjem repičinog ulja emulzijama dobivenim od proteina sirutke može proizvesti jestivi film ili omotač za koje postoji velika mogućnost primjene u prehrambenoj industriji. Dodatkom lipida smanjili su se mehanički otpor i prozirnost filmova, a povećao udjel topljivih tvari

    Wsparcie nowych mediów na Ukrainie w ramach polskiego programu pomocy rozwojowej

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    After the relatively successful system transformation, some young democratic countries from Central and Eastern Europe which used to receive democratic aid in the 1980s and 90s have engaged as new donors in assisting pro-democratic changes in other post-communist countries. The donor-recipient relations between two post-communist countries can be observed on the example of the development of cooperation between Poland and Ukraine. This paper deals with Polish assistance to new media in Ukraine in from 2007-2017 as a part of supporting democracy in Ukraine under the Polish Cooperation Development Program. Firstly, this work examines whether the Polish government’s support of Ukrainian media as part of cooperation development will be sustained regardless of changes in the Polish government. Secondly, the paper explores whether Polish NGOs tailor their projects, financed by the Polish MFA, to the recipients’ respective needs and the current situation in Ukraine. By examining Polish media assistance, the authors aim to explain the efforts of the new donor in developing media in a partner country, emphasizing the relation between the involvement of external actors and the presence of independent media which play an important role in democratization processes.W efekcie stosunkowo udanej transformacji systemowej niektóre młode, demokratyczne kraje, które jeszcze w latach 80-tych i 90-tych otrzymywały pomoc demokratyzacyjną, zaangażowały się w charakterze nowych donatorów we wspieranie pro-demokratycznych przemian w mniej rozwiniętych państwach. Relacje pomiędzy post-komunistycznymi donatorami a odbiorcami pomocy można obserwować na przykładzie współpracy rozwojowej Polski i Ukrainy. Artykuł koncentruje się na kwestii polskiego wsparcia rozwojowego, udzielanego Ukrainie w latach 2007–2017 w ramach Polskiej Pomocy. Niniejsza praca ma za zadanie udzielić odpowiedzi na pytania o to czy polskie, rządowe wsparcie dla ukraińskich mediów jest kontynuowane pomimo zmiany partii rządzącej oraz czy polskie organizacje pozarządowe, które realizują pomoc rozwojową w oparciu o finansowanie Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych RP, dopasowują swoje projekty do aktualnych potrzeb beneficjentów wsparcia i aktualnej sytuacji na Ukrainie. Autorki stawiają sobie jako cel zwrócenie uwagi na związki pomiędzy zaangażowaniem państw zewnętrznych i istnieniem niezależnych mediów a procesami demokratyzacji i wysiłkami, jakie podejmowane są przez tzw. nowych donatorów w państwach partnerskich

    Kesiapan Sekolah dalam Pengelolaan Model Pembelajaran hybrid Learning di SMA Kota Gorontalo

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    Penelitian ini tentang kesiapan sekolah dalam pengelolaan model pembelajaran hybrid learning di SMA Kota Gorontalo yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Kesiapan kurikulum dalam pengelolaan model pembelajaran hybrid learning, (2) Kesiapan sarana dan prasarana sekolah dalam pengelolaan model pembelajaran hybrid learning, (3) Kesiapan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan dalam pengelolaan model pembelajaran hybrid learning, dan (4) Kesiapan siswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran hybrid learning. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian yaitu deskriptif eksplanatori. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik kuesioner (angket), wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan formulasi persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kesiapan kurikulum dalam pengelolaan model pembelajaran hybrid learning berada pada kategori sangat siap, (2) Kesiapan sarana dan prasarana sekolah dalam pengelolaan model pembelajaran hybrid learning berada pada kategori siap, (3) Kesiapan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan dalam pengelolaan model pembelajaran hybrid learning berada pada kategori siap, dan (4) Kesiapan siswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran hybrid learning berada pada kategori siap. Untuk itu disarankan: (1) Kepala sekolah diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesiapan sarana dan prasarana, kesiapan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, dan kesiapan siswa agar lebih siap dalam pembelajaran hybrid learning dan juga dapat mempertahankan kesiapan kurikulum, (2) Tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan diharapkan kreatif dan inovatif dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi sehingga lebih siap dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran hybrid learning, (3) Siswa diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuannya di bidang teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi sehingga lebih siap mengikuti pembelajaran hybrid learning, dan (4) Peneliti lainnya diharapkan dapat memperdalam kembali penelitian ini khususnya pada aspek-aspek yang belum dikaji oleh peneliti

    Electrochemical Redox Processes of Uranium In Aqueous Solutions of Acetylacetone

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    Electrochemical redox processes of uranium (VI) and uranium (V) in aqueous solutions of acetylacetone have been studied by means of various electrochemical techniques. The presence of acetylacetone accelerates the rate of disproportionation of uranium (V), even under conditions such that uranium (VI) is not in the form of the acetylacetonato complex. The corresponding rate constants of disproportionation were determined. The influence of the acetylacetonato ion concentration on the potential and on the rate of the uranium (VI) - uranium (V) electron transfer was investigated by means of cyclic voltammetry and squa,re-wave polarography. Both reduction and oxidation of uranium (V) were investigated by using the Kalousek commutator technique. A mechanism for those processes is proposed. It was proved by electrocapillary measurements that besides the adsorption of acetylacetone, adsorption of several uranium acetylacetonato species plays an important role in the overall mechanism. Taking into account the experimental results, the redox processes of uranium (VI) and uranium (V) in the presence of acetylacetone can be explained in terms of an ECE mechanism

    Powtórne zastosowanie inhibitorów BRAF i MEK po wcześniejszym niepowodzeniu leczenia u chorych na uogólnionego czerniaka z obecną mutacją w genie BRAF

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    Leki ukierunkowane molekularnie stosowane w terapii chorych na uogólnionego czerniaka z obecną mutacją w genie BRAF przyczyniły się do wydłużenia czasu wolnego od progresji oraz czasu przeżycia chorych. W literaturze można znaleźć opisy przypadków, wyniki badania prospektywnego II fazy oraz wyniki badania retrospektywnego, wskazujące na korzyść z powtórnego zastosowania inhibitorów BRAF i MEK po wcześniejszym niepowodzeniu takiej terapii. Na Oddziale Onkologii Klinicznej i Doświadczalnej w Poznaniu takie postępowanie zastosowano u chorej na uogólnionego czerniaka. Pacjentka otrzymuje inhibitory BRAF i MEK w piątej linii leczenia, po wcześniejszym niepowodzeniu leczenia wemurafenibem i kobimetynibem w pierwszej linii leczenia. Pozostaje w częściowej remisji choroby 12. miesiąc. Wydaje się, że przy odpowiednim doborze chorych takie postępowanie może być optymalnym wyborem terapii w kolejnych liniach leczenia

    Incidence of bone formation by whole bone marrow cell suspensions and by its stromal cell cultures injected into kidney parenchyma of Balb/c mice

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    The evaluation of incidence of bone formation by whole syngeneic bone marrow cell suspension and by bone marrow stromal cell cultured in vitro injection into kidney parenchyma was done. Bone tissue was found in 26 kidneys out of 100 injected with whole bone marrow cells suspension. Cultured stromal bone marrow cells grafted into kidney parenchyma produced ossicles in only 4 out of 101 injected kidneys. Such low incidence of bone forming ability of the marrow stromal cell cultures grafted into kidney indicate their useless for study on bone histogenesis in the kidney by murine marrow stromal cell cultures

    Public knowledge of blood cancers

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    Introduction. Blood cancers are a group of conditions that develop in the bone marrow and/or lymphatic system and include cancers of the hematopoietic system and cancers of the lymphatic system. The key test for blood cancers diagnosing is complete blood count. The aim of the study was to assess the level of public knowledge about blood cancers and their treatment. The study was conducted in March 2022 by a diagnostic survey method using a proprietary survey questionnaire made available online via Google Forms. The analysis included 311 correctly completed questionnaires. Results and conclusions. The respondents' level of knowledge about blood cancers and their treatment methods is very low. Nearly half of the respondents perform blood counts too infrequently (every two years or less often). Those with any knowledge of blood cancers (defined as minimal in the knowledge test) performed a blood count every six months, and not less often than once a year. Nearly 1/3 of the respondents do not want to donate bone marrow because they are afraid of the procedure. Of those registered or those who attempted registration, most presented a level of knowledge defined as minimal. The vast majority of respondents would like to see more events to promote blood cancer awareness