1,017 research outputs found

    An on-board data management solution

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    A Marine Data Management System (MDM-400) has been installed on the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) research vessel B/O Cornide de Saavedra. It is an experience of how a commercial solution has been developed and fully adapted to the ship characteristics, including an external communication by Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) connection that facilitates the maintenance works. The system runs on 4 windows based computers interconnected by a LAN (Local Area Network). The current work mainly focuses on discussing the technical solutions that have been taken, real-time integration, data storage and transmission, and external communications.Peer Reviewe

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: CO(J = 3 - 2) mapping and lens modeling of an ACT-selected dusty star-forming galaxy

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    We report Northern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) CO(J=32J = 3 - 2) observations of the dusty star-forming galaxy ACT-S\,J020941+001557 at z=2.5528z = 2.5528, which was detected as an unresolved source in the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) equatorial survey. Our spatially resolved spectral line data support the derivation of a gravitational lens model from 37 independent velocity channel maps using a pixel-based algorithm, from which we infer a velocity-dependent magnification factor μ722\mu \approx 7-22 with a luminosity-weighted mean \left\approx 13. The resulting source-plane reconstruction is consistent with a rotating disk, although other scenarios cannot be ruled out by our data. After correction for lensing, we derive a line luminosity LCO(32)=(5.53±0.69)×1010Kkms1pc2L^{\prime}_{\rm CO(3-2)}= (5.53\pm 0.69) \times 10^{10}\,{\rm \,K\,km\,s^{-1}\,pc^{2}}, a cold gas mass Mgas=(3.86±0.33)×1010MM_{{\rm gas}}= (3.86 \pm 0.33) \times 10^{10}\,M_{\odot}, a dynamical mass Mdynsin2i=3.91.5+1.8×1010MM_{\rm dyn}\,{\rm sin}^2\,i = 3.9^{+1.8}_{-1.5} \times 10^{10}\,M_{\odot}, and a gas mass fraction fgascsc2i=1.00.4+0.8f_{\rm gas}\,{\rm csc}^2\,i = 1.0^{+0.8}_{-0.4}. The line brightness temperature ratio of r3,11.6r_{3,1}\approx 1.6 relative to a Green Bank Telescope CO(J=10J=1-0) detection may be elevated by a combination of external heating of molecular clouds, differential lensing, and/or pointing errors.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Ap

    Production of extracts with anaesthetic activity from the culture of Heterosigma akashiwo in pilot-scale photobioreactors

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    The shear-sensitive microalga Heterosigma akashiwo is known to produce brevetoxin-like compounds that are active in voltage-dependent sodium channels. In this work, we present a study on the production of anaesthetic extracts from H. akashiwo biomass obtained in low-shear bioreactors at different growth phases. The photobioreactors (PBRs) used had specific configurations and were operated in such a way as to avoid cellular damage by hydrodynamic stress. Cultures were developed in small static-control flasks and PBRs with volumes ranging from 1.5 L to 200 L. The bioactivity of the produced extracts was assessed in vitro (Neuro-2a cell-based assay) and in vivo (Zebra fish model). Bioactivity depended slightly on the growth phase and culture system, with greater toxicity with the Neuro-2a model when stationary-phase extracts were used. Interestingly, extracts were not cytotoxic against other human cell lines. Steady production of anaesthetic bioactives was observed. In vivo anaesthetic efficacy, assessed with the Zebra fish model, was similar to that of commercial products, and without any observed mortality at 24-h post exposure

    Multiwavelength characterisation of an ACT-selected, lensed dusty star-forming galaxy at z=2.64

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    We present \ci\,(2--1) and multi-transition 12^{12}CO observations of a dusty star-forming galaxy, ACT\,J2029+0120, which we spectroscopically confirm to lie at zz\,=\,2.64. We detect CO(3--2), CO(5--4), CO(7--6), CO(8--7), and \ci\,(2--1) at high significance, tentatively detect HCO+^{+}(4--3), and place strong upper limits on the integrated strength of dense gas tracers (HCN(4--3) and CS(7--6)). Multi-transition CO observations and dense gas tracers can provide valuable constraints on the molecular gas content and excitation conditions in high-redshift galaxies. We therefore use this unique data set to construct a CO spectral line energy distribution (SLED) of the source, which is most consistent with that of a ULIRG/Seyfert or QSO host object in the taxonomy of the \textit{Herschel} Comprehensive ULIRG Emission Survey. We employ RADEX models to fit the peak of the CO SLED, inferring a temperature of T\sim117 K and nH2105n_{\text{H}_2}\sim10^5 cm3^{-3}, most consistent with a ULIRG/QSO object and the presence of high density tracers. We also find that the velocity width of the \ci\ line is potentially larger than seen in all CO transitions for this object, and that the LCI(21)/LCO(32)L'_{\rm C\,I(2-1)}/L'_{\rm CO(3-2)} ratio is also larger than seen in other lensed and unlensed submillimeter galaxies and QSO hosts; if confirmed, this anomaly could be an effect of differential lensing of a shocked molecular outflow.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Estudio preliminar sobre el desperdicio de alimentos en la cafetería de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas

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    En esta investigación se estimó el desperdicio de alimento, generado por una población (1000 personas) constituida por estudiantes y profesores de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas (FCB) de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL). Este desperdicio corresponde al residuo de comida rápida y residuos de platos generados de la comida buffet, estimado según lo señalado por la población (durante su estancia en la universidad), a través de un cuestionario diseñado y aplicado en línea utilizando la plataforma SIASE (Sistema Integral para la administración de Servicios educativos de la UANL). El estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer las características del consumidor (según edad, poder adquisitivo e índice de masa corporal), sus hábitos de consumo y el residuo que genera, según su tipo y cantidad. Los resultados muestran que el 70% de los estudiantes tiene un peso corporal normal (IMC=25), la mayoría (96%) de ellos se encuentra en el rango de edad entre 18 a 28 años y más de la mitad (55%) destina entre 20 y 50 pesos para comprar alimentos. Estos datos, sugieren que la población estudiantil tiene un presupuesto limitado para alimentarse en la universidad, lo cual es congruente con su baja frecuencia de consumo por semana (2 o 3 veces). Lo anterior refiere que el poder adquisitivo influye en la preferencia que tienen los estudiantes por alimentos económicos como: galletas, pan, chilaquiles, hot dog, tacos, tortas, papas fritas con queso y bebidas embotelladas (refresco y jugos). Respecto a la población de profesores el 61% posee un IMC>25, gasta entre 50a50 a 100 en la compra de alimentos y genera residuos de platos tales como: carne, pollo o pescado (10%); arroz o pastas (10%); además, ensalada o verduras (20%), pan o tortillas (15%) y bebidas gaseosas (>20% de su volumen). Con base en los resultados del cuestionario, adicionalmente se diseñaron menús económicos (18.0018.00-30.00 pesos) que contienen subproductos de alimentos producidos durante su preparación, con el fin de promover hábitos de alimentación más saludables en los estudiantes e implementar una estrategia de reducción del desperdicio, resultados que no evaluamos en esta investigación. Este estudio preliminar de estimación de desperdicios alimentarios esboza algunos de los factores requeridos para determinar en futuras investigaciones, la magnitud de los desperdicios alimentarios y cuantificar sus efectos en el ámbito económico, social y ambiental. El conocimiento de esta magnitud podría utilizarse como referencia para proponer la estrategia de reducción de los residuos de alimentos

    Desarrollo de bebidas funcionales adicionadas con α-tocoferol y aceites esenciales de limón y toronja por medio de una nanoemulsión múltiple (w1/o/w2).

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    La industria de bebidas en México, experimenta una creciente demanda de nuevos productos con propiedadesfuncionales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar una nanoemulsion múltiple w1/o/w2 con propiedades antioxidantes otorgadas por el α-Tocoferol y los aceites esenciales de toronja y limón e incorporarla a una bebida natural a base de frutas e incorporación de una fibra soluble. En este caso inulina destaca por sus propiedades prebióticas. Se lograron obtener nanoemulsiones estables debido a la adición de una proteína en la fase acuosa externa, ya que se disminuye el tamaño de partícula que contribuyó a mejorar la estabilidad de la nanoemulsión doble esto concuerda con los valores obtenidos de tasa de coalescencia, mayores a 1x10-6, así mismo las nanoemulsión presentó alta actividad antioxidante. La densidad y el pH no variaron respecto al tiempo. Se logró la estabilidad de la nanoemulsión en la bebida, gracias a que la densidad fue muy cercana a la del agua. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que es factible la adición de nanoemulsiones para incorporarse en bebidas con antioxidantes encapsulados, contribuyendo en el sabor y aroma en bebidas, usando aceites esenciales

    Estudio del Efecto de Hidrocoloides en el Control de la Actividad Acuosa en Gomitas Funcionales.

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    La tendencia actual es desarrollar alimentos funcionales en especial golosinas para la población infantil, puesto que estas contienen una alta concentración de azucares, sin proporcionar nutrientes que pudieran ser fundamentales para su correcto desarrollo. El objetivo fue desarrollar una gomita funcional a base de nopal y betabel con una actividad de agua (aw) que permita obtener una vida de anaquel aceptable. Se utilizaron hidrocoloides como goma guar, pectina y goma arábiga, los resultados muestran que la pectina presenta una mayor aw (0.893), comparada con la goma guar (0.853), el uso de goma guar y nopal incrementa la aw (0.926), comparada con el uso de betabel (0.901), debido a que el mucilago de nopal y la fibra insoluble disminuye las interacciones tipo gel, este fenómeno también se observa con el uso de betabel. Con un tiempo de almacenamiento de 8 días se observa que las formulaciones que contienen goma guar la aw va disminuyendo a pasar a valores de 0.867 (nopal) y 0.846 (betabel), para las formulaciones que contiene goma arábiga los valores incrementan de 0.839 a 0.857 (nopal) y 0.863 a 0.887 (betabel). Los resultados demuestran que el mejor hidrocolide para este sistema es la goma guar

    OPA1 mutations induce mitochondrial DNA instability and optic atrophy ‘plus’ phenotypes

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    Mutations in OPA1, a dynamin-related GTPase involved in mitochondrial fusion, cristae organization and control of apoptosis, have been linked to non-syndromic optic neuropathy transmitted as an autosomal-dominant trait (DOA). We here report on eight patients from six independent families showing that mutations in the OPA1 gene can also be responsible for a syndromic form of DOA associated with sensorineural deafness, ataxia, axonal sensory-motor polyneuropathy, chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia and mitochondrial myopathy with cytochrome c oxidase negative and Ragged Red Fibres. Most remarkably, we demonstrate that these patients all harboured multiple deletions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in their skeletal muscle, thus revealing an unrecognized role of the OPA1 protein in mtDNA stability. The five OPA1 mutations associated with these DOA ‘plus’ phenotypes were all mis-sense point mutations affecting highly conserved amino acid positions and the nuclear genes previously known to induce mtDNA multiple deletions such as POLG1, PEO1 (Twinkle) and SLC25A4 (ANT1) were ruled out. Our results show that certain OPA1 mutations exert a dominant negative effect responsible for multi-systemic disease, closely related to classical mitochondrial cytopathies, by a mechanism involving mtDNA instability

    Biodiversity and benthic megafaunal communities inhabiting the Formigas Bank (NE Azores)

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    The Formigas Bank is an offshore seamount located in the easternmost part of the Azores archipelago (northeast Atlantic). It rises from abyssal depths to the surface, including a small set of islets. The bank holds multiple nature conservation designations, including a Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation, an OSPAR Marine Protected Area, a RAMSAR site and a Nature Reserve declared under the Azores network of protected areas. The protection is based on the presence of sublittoral biotopes of high conservation interest, and importance as feeding grounds, spawning and nursery areas for many marine species, including fish, cetaceans and turtles. Although some information exists on the sublittoral communities occurring on the seamount summit (e.g., infralittoral Cystoseira and Laminaria beds, circalittoral hydrarian and sponge gardens, rich pelagic fauna), virtually no information was available on the deep-sea communities inhabiting the seamount flanks. Therefore, during the MEDWAVES cruise, the flanks of the Formigas bank have been surveyed using multibeam sonar, an ROV and oceanographic profiles, with the objective to characterise deep-sea biodiversity and megafaunal communities as well as the environment where they occur. This communication will present results from the video annotations of the ten dives made on the seamount slopes between ~500m and ~1,500 m depth. Diverse communities of sedentary suspension-feeding organisms were observed, with more than 20 cold-water coral species (mainly octocorals) being recorded, as well as many different sponge morphotypes. Dense coral garden habitats and sponge grounds were identified on several occasions, confirming the presence of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) and of ecologically or biologically significant areas (EBSAs). Differences in the abundance and composition of these habitats between the northern and southern dive transects are interpreted as reflecting substrate and geomorphological differences, as well as the potential influence of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). The new knowledge on deep-sea megafaunal communities reinforces the importance of this seamount as an area of high conservation interest