253 research outputs found

    Cloud WorkBench - Infrastructure-as-Code Based Cloud Benchmarking

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    To optimally deploy their applications, users of Infrastructure-as-a-Service clouds are required to evaluate the costs and performance of different combinations of cloud configurations to find out which combination provides the best service level for their specific application. Unfortunately, benchmarking cloud services is cumbersome and error-prone. In this paper, we propose an architecture and concrete implementation of a cloud benchmarking Web service, which fosters the definition of reusable and representative benchmarks. In distinction to existing work, our system is based on the notion of Infrastructure-as-Code, which is a state of the art concept to define IT infrastructure in a reproducible, well-defined, and testable way. We demonstrate our system based on an illustrative case study, in which we measure and compare the disk IO speeds of different instance and storage types in Amazon EC2

    Architectural concerns in distributed and mobile collaborative systems

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    User Review-Based Change File Localization for Mobile Applications

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    In the current mobile app development, novel and emerging DevOps practices (e.g., Continuous Delivery, Integration, and user feedback analysis) and tools are becoming more widespread. For instance, the integration of user feedback (provided in the form of user reviews) in the software release cycle represents a valuable asset for the maintenance and evolution of mobile apps. To fully make use of these assets, it is highly desirable for developers to establish semantic links between the user reviews and the software artefacts to be changed (e.g., source code and documentation), and thus to localize the potential files to change for addressing the user feedback. In this paper, we propose RISING (Review Integration via claSsification, clusterIng, and linkiNG), an automated approach to support the continuous integration of user feedback via classification, clustering, and linking of user reviews. RISING leverages domain-specific constraint information and semi-supervised learning to group user reviews into multiple fine-grained clusters concerning similar users' requests. Then, by combining the textual information from both commit messages and source code, it automatically localizes potential change files to accommodate the users' requests. Our empirical studies demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline work in terms of clustering and localization accuracy, and thus produces more reliable results.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 8 table

    07491 Abstracts Collection -- Mining Programs and Processes

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    From 02.12. to 17.12.2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07491 ``Mining Programs and Processes\u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Applying test case prioritization to software microbenchmarks

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    Regression testing comprises techniques which are applied during software evolution to uncover faults effectively and efficiently. While regression testing is widely studied for functional tests, performance regression testing, e.g., with software microbenchmarks, is hardly investigated. Applying test case prioritization (TCP), a regression testing technique, to software microbenchmarks may help capturing large performance regressions sooner upon new versions. This may especially be beneficial for microbenchmark suites, because they take considerably longer to execute than unit test suites. However, it is unclear whether traditional unit testing TCP techniques work equally well for software microbenchmarks. In this paper, we empirically study coverage-based TCP techniques, employing total and additional greedy strategies, applied to software microbenchmarks along multiple parameterization dimensions, leading to 54 unique technique instantiations. We find that TCP techniques have a mean APFD-P (average percentage of fault-detection on performance) effectiveness between 0.54 and 0.71 and are able to capture the three largest performance changes after executing 29% to 66% of the whole microbenchmark suite. Our efficiency analysis reveals that the runtime overhead of TCP varies considerably depending on the exact parameterization. The most effective technique has an overhead of 11% of the total microbenchmark suite execution time, making TCP a viable option for performance regression testing. The results demonstrate that the total strategy is superior to the additional strategy. Finally, dynamic-coverage techniques should be favored over static-coverage techniques due to their acceptable analysis overhead; however, in settings where the time for prioritzation is limited, static-coverage techniques provide an attractive alternative

    Applying test case prioritization to software microbenchmarks

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    Regression testing comprises techniques which are applied during software evolution to uncover faults effectively and efficiently. While regression testing is widely studied for functional tests, performance regression testing, e.g., with software microbenchmarks, is hardly investigated. Applying test case prioritization (TCP), a regression testing technique, to software microbenchmarks may help capturing large performance regressions sooner upon new versions. This may especially be beneficial for microbenchmark suites, because they take considerably longer to execute than unit test suites. However, it is unclear whether traditional unit testing TCP techniques work equally well for software microbenchmarks. In this paper, we empirically study coverage-based TCP techniques, employing total and additional greedy strategies, applied to software microbenchmarks along multiple parameterization dimensions, leading to 54 unique technique instantiations. We find that TCP techniques have a mean APFD-P (average percentage of fault-detection on performance) effectiveness between 0.54 and 0.71 and are able to capture the three largest performance changes after executing 29% to 66% of the whole microbenchmark suite. Our efficiency analysis reveals that the runtime overhead of TCP varies considerably depending on the exact parameterization. The most effective technique has an overhead of 11% of the total microbenchmark suite execution time, making TCP a viable option for performance regression testing. The results demonstrate that the total strategy is superior to the additional strategy. Finally, dynamic-coverage techniques should be favored over static-coverage techniques due to their acceptable analysis overhead; however, in settings where the time for prioritzation is limited, static-coverage techniques provide an attractive alternative

    Analyzing the co-evolution of comments and source code

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    Source code comments are a valuable instrument to preserve design decisions and to communicate the intent of the code to programmers and maintainers. Nevertheless, commenting source code and keeping comments up-to-date is often neglected for reasons of time or programmers obliviousness. In this paper, we investigate the question whether developers comment their code and to what extent they add comments or adapt them when they evolve the code. We present an approach to associate comments with source code entities to track their co-evolution over multiple versions. A set of heuristics are used to decide whether a comment is associated with its preceding or its succeeding source code entity. We analyzed the co-evolution of code and comments in eight different open source and closed source software systems. We found with statistical significance that (1) the relative amount of comments and source code grows at about the same rate; (2) the type of a source code entity, such as a method declaration or an if-statement, has a significant influence on whether or not it gets commented; (3) in six out of the eight systems, code and comments co-evolve in 90% of the cases; and (4) surprisingly, API changes and comments do not co-evolve but they are re-documented in a later revision. As a result, our approach enables a quantitative assessment of the commenting process in a software system. We can, therefore, leverage the results to provide feedback during development to increase the awareness of when to add comments or when to adapt comments because of source code change

    Time variance and defect prediction in software projects: Towards an exploitation of periods of stability and change as well as a notion of concept drift in software projects

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    It is crucial for a software manager to know whether or not one can rely on a bug prediction model. A wrong prediction of the number or the location of future bugs can lead to problems in the achievement of a project's goals. In this paper we first verify the existence of variability in a bug prediction model's accuracy over time both visually and statistically. Furthermore, we explore the reasons for such a high variability over time, which includes periods of stability and variability of prediction quality, and formulate a decision procedure for evaluating prediction models before applying them. To exemplify our findings we use data from four open source projects and empirically identify various project features that influence the defect prediction quality. Specifically, we observed that a change in the number of authors editing a file and the number of defects fixed by them influence the prediction quality. Finally, we introduce an approach to estimate the accuracy of prediction models that helps a project manager decide when to rely on a prediction model. Our findings suggest that one should be aware of the periods of stability and variability of prediction quality and should use approaches such as ours to assess their models' accuracy in advanc
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