49 research outputs found


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    Violation of human rights and law that happened in the past era has been a main reason of National Commission of Human Rights (Komnas HAM) formation. Its aim is to protect and make sure the implementation of human rights in Indonesia is worked out as expected. In constitutions of Human Rights, i.e. UU No. 39/1999, National Commission of Human Rights is a institution positioned as the same level with other national institutions. This position, however, will raise a legal problem as it is not in accordance with power sharing system stated in UUD 1945


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    The research was intended to determine the prerogative of the President on the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945, and to know the prerogative of the President in the appointment and dismissal of the Head of the Indonesian National Police, so as to prevent conflicts between the president and parliament in the appointment and dismissal of the police chief. The research method used is normative law research method with the statute approach and the conceptual approach. Through statute approach, researchers will conduct in-depth study of the article of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945, and the Act on the prerogative of the President in the appointment and dismissal of the police chief. While the conceptual approach, researchers will study the concepts of the thinking of experts in Constitutional Law related to the prerogative of the President in the appointment and dismissal of the police chief. The results showed that the prerogative of the President in the appointment and dismissal of the Chief of Police is restricted by the requirement for approval of the House of Representatives as a form of checks and balances between state institutions. This is a form of control of the House of Representatives as a representative of all the people of Indonesia who have sovereignty under the Constitution of 1945

    Implementation of Mataram City Regulation Number 5 Year 2019 Concerning Mataram City Spatial Plan, 2011-2031 on Fishermen House Relocation Plan in the Coastal Area of Mataram City

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the relocation of fishermen's houses and the fulfillment of the rights of people in the coastal area of Mataram City based on Mataram City Regulation No. 5 of 2019 concerning Spatial Plan of Mataram City In 2011-2031. This research uses normative and empirical legal research using statutory, conceptual and sociological approach methods. The type and source of legal materials is done through literature and field data. Analysis of legal materials using qualitative normative analysis methods. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the implementation of relocation is not fully realized due to the lack of socialization conducted by the government to coastal residents, the rights of the affected communities are done by providing compensation to people who have proof of the right to land that they previously occupied. Keywords: Regional Regulation,. Relocation, Fishing Society DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/112-04 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Hubungan Antara Aktivitas Fisik Dengan Kemampuan Motorik Peserta Didik Kelas VII di SMP N 1 Banguntapan Bantul

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    Penelitian ini dibuat untuk mengetahui adakah hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dengan kemampuan motorik peserta didik kelas vii di SMP N 1 Banguntapan Bantul. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian korelasional. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dilaksanakan di SMP N 1 Banguntapan Bantul sebanyak 192 siswa dengan sampel 48 siswa menggunakan teknik probability random sampling. Instrument yang digunakan berupa angket atau kusioner dan tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu pearson correlation product moment. Aktivitas fisik memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signigikan dengan kemampuan motorik peserta didik kelas vii di SMP N 1 Banguntapan Bantul dengan nilai korelasi signifikansi <0,05 yaitu 0,00. Untuk tingkat derajat hubungan koefisien antara aktivitas fisik dengan kemampuan motorik mendapatkan nilai pearson correlation sebesar 0,795 yang berarti memiliki korelasi dengan derajat hubungan yang kuat. Dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara aktivitas fisik dengan kemampuan motorik peseta didik kelas vii di SMP N 1 Banguntapan Bantul


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    The aim of this research is to show how the reconstruction of the existing Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia influences the promotion of a responsive legal culture in the bureaucratic system. The research methods are normative and empirical, along with the philosophical approach, statute approach, conceptual approach, and direct interview in the field. Concluding the reconstruction of the Ombudsman of the Republic Indonesia to be more ideal through the review of the Law&nbsp; Number&nbsp; 37 from 2008 regarding the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia including the relation to its institutional authority, and the legal force of the Ombudsman’s recommendations that should be final and binding, so the recommendations have an executorial power


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui berbagai tahapan sebagai konsep pembentukan Peraturan Daerah dan menganalisis mekanisme pengharmonisasian terhadap Raperda dilingkungan Pemerintah Daerah oleh Kemenkumham sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Selain itu, hal ini juga sekaligus untuk mengetahui keefektifan pengharmonisasian Raperda yang dilakukan oleh Kemenkumham dalam upaya mewujudkan Perda yang berkualitas dan keselarasannya dengan kewenangan fasilitasi Raperda oleh Pemda Provinsi atau Kemendagri. teori yang relevan dengan pembahasan di atas adalah teori kewenangan, keberlakukan norma hukum, dan pembentukan hukum serta pengharmonisasian peraturan perundang-undangan. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan Pendekatan Peraturan Perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan Pendekatan Konseptual (Conceptual Approach). Dengan adanya perbedaan waktu pelaksanaan pengharmonisasian Raperda inisiatif Eksekutif (Kepala Daerah) oleh Kemenkumham tidak menjadikan kewenangan tersebut tumpang tindih atau mereduksi sebagian kewenangan Kemendagri/Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi (Pemprov)  dalam hal pengharmonisasian Raperda melalui mekanisme fasilitasi. Akan tetapi, justru kewenangan Kemenkumham yang diatur dalam UU 15/2019 ini menjadikan proses pengharmonisasian Raperda pada tahap penyusunan tidak efektif dan efisien karena diantaranya membutuhkan  waktu yang lama dan biaya

    The Ombudsman reconstruction of the Republic of Indonesia in promoting a responsive legal culture

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    The aim of this research is to show how the reconstruction of the existing Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia influences the promotion of a responsive legal culture in the bureaucracy system. The research methods are normative and empirical, along with the philosophical approach, statute approach, conceptual approach, and direct interview in the field. Concluding the reconstruction of the Ombudsman of the Republic Indonesia to be more ideal through the review of the Law Number 37 from 2008 regarding the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia including the relation to its institutional authority, and the legal force of the Ombudsman's recommendations that should be final and binding, so the recommendations have an executorial power

    The Form of the Village Government on Autonomy Era of Village in Indonesia

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    The Form of an indigenousautonomousvillage/default impact on village governance. The village with was characteristics indicate a difference in implementing the existing authority, caused the authoritybased of theorigin rights of the village concerned. However, whether all of its autonomy can be implemented? From the results of the study conducted showed that basically the village has theautonomy tangibleauthority based onthe origin rights that are indigenous/default; village-scale local authority, and theassistance of duty, which is a adduction. Village government in implementing the original authority/default cannot be implemented, if there is no identification and inventory conducted by the regionjoint with the village. Because this is a form of supervision conducted  by the local in order to avoid overlapping of authority between the central, local and village, as the village is part of the regency/city, and village government is a sub-system of local governance. Keywords: Village Government, Village Autonom