345 research outputs found

    Resonant absorption at the vortex-core states in d-wave superconductors

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    We predict a resonant microwave absorption on collective vortex modes in a superclean d-wave superconductor. Energies of the collective modes are multiples of the distance between the exact quantum levels of bound states in the vortex core at lower temperatures and involve delocalized states for higher temperatures. We calculate the vortex mass in a d-wave superconductor as a response to a slow acceleration of the vortex. The universal flux-flow regime predicted by N. Kopnin and G. Volovik [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1377 (1997)] is discussed in more detail.Comment: RevTex file, 10 page

    Study of natural convection in inclined square enclosure with uniform heat generation.

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    ABSTRACT Two-dimensional laminar natural convection in an incline

    Micro-habitat distribution drives patch quality for sub-tropical rocky plateau amphibians in the northern Western Ghats, India.

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    The importance of patch quality for amphibians is frequently overlooked in distribution models. Here we demonstrate that it is highly important for the persistence of endemic and endangered amphibians found in the threatened and fragile ecosystems that are the rocky plateaus in Western Maharashtra, India. These plateaus are ferricretes of laterite and characterise the northern section of the Western Ghats/Sri Lanka Biodiversity Hotspot, the eighth most important global hotspot and one of the three most threatened by population growth. We present statistically supported habitat associations for endangered and data-deficient Indian amphibians, demonstrating significant relationships between individual species and their microhabitats. Data were collected during early monsoon across two seasons. Twenty-one amphibian taxa were identified from 14 lateritic plateaus between 67 and 1179m above sea level. Twelve of the study taxa had significant associations with microhabitats using a stepwise analysis of the AICc subroutine (distLM, Primer-e, v7). Generalist taxa were associated with increased numbers of microhabitat types. Non-significant associations are reported for the remaining 9 taxa. Microhabitat distribution was spatially structured and driven by climate and human activity. Woody plants were associated with 44% of high-elevation taxa. Of the 8 low-elevation taxa 63% related to water bodies and 60% of those were associated with pools. Rock size and abundance were important for 33% of high elevation specialists. Three of the 4 caecilians were associated with rocks in addition to soil and stream presence. We conclude the plateaus are individualistic patches whose habitat quality is defined by their microhabitats within climatic zones

    Dynamic vortex mass in clean Fermi superfluids and superconductors

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    We calculate the dynamic vortex mass for clean Fermi superfluids including both s- and d-wave superconductors as a response to a vortex acceleration. Assuming a finite quasiparticle mean free time, the vortex mass appears to be a tensor. The diagonal component dominates in the limit of long mean free time while the off-diagonal mass takes over in the moderately clean regime.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, typeset using RevTe

    Phase Diagram of the Half-Filled Extended Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions

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    We consider an extended Hubbard model of interacting fermions on a lattice. The fermion kinetic energy corresponds to a tight binding Hamiltonian with nearest neighbour (-t) and next nearest neighbour (t') hopping matrix elements. In addition to the onsite Hubbard interaction (U) we also consider a nearest neighbour repulsion (V). We obtain the zero temperature phase diagram of our model within the Hartree-Fock approximation. We consider ground states having charge and spin density wave ordering as well as states with orbital antiferromagnetism or spin nematic order. The latter two states correspond to particle-hole binding with dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry in the charge and spin channels respectively. For t=0t' = 0, only the charge density wave and spin density wave states are energetically stable. For non-zero t', we find that orbital antiferromagnetism (or spin nematic) order is stable over a finite portion of the phase diagram at weak coupling. This region of stability is seen to grow with increasing values of t'.Comment: Latex file, 10 output pages, 3 Figures (available on request to [email protected]), to appear in Phys. Rev. B (BR

    Inertial Mass of a Vortex in Cuprate Superconductors

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    We present here a calculation of the inertial mass of a moving vortex in cuprate superconductors. This is a poorly known basic quantity of obvious interest in vortex dynamics. The motion of a vortex causes a dipolar density distortion and an associated electric field which is screened. The energy cost of the density distortion as well as the related screened electric field contribute to the vortex mass, which is small because of efficient screening. As a preliminary, we present a discussion and calculation of the vortex mass using a microscopically derivable phase-only action functional for the far region which shows that the contribution from the far region is negligible, and that most of it arises from the (small) core region of the vortex. A calculation based on a phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau functional is performed in the core region. Unfortunately such a calculation is unreliable, the reasons for it are discussed. A credible calculation of the vortex mass thus requires a fully microscopic, non-coarse grained theory. This is developed, and results are presented for a s-wave BCS like gap, with parameters appropriate to the cuprates. The mass, about 0.5 mem_e per layer, for magnetic field along the cc axis, arises from deformation of quasiparticle states bound in the core, and screening effects mentioned above. We discuss earlier results, possible extensions to d-wave symmetry, and observability of effects dependent on the inertial mass.Comment: 27 pages, Latex, 3 figures available on request, to appear in Physical Review

    Phase fluctuations, dissipation and superfluid stiffness in d-wave superconductors

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    We study the effect of dissipation on quantum phase fluctuations in d-wave superconductors. Dissipation, arising from a nonzero low frequency optical conductivity which has been measured in experiments below TcT_c, has two effects: (1) a reduction of zero point phase fluctuations, and (2) a reduction of the temperature at which one crosses over to classical thermal fluctuations. For parameter values relevant to the cuprates, we show that the crossover temperature is still too large for classical phase fluctuations to play a significant role at low temperature. Quasiparticles are thus crucial in determining the linear temperature dependence of the in-plane superfluid stiffness. Thermal phase fluctuations become important at higher temperatures and play a role near TcT_c.Comment: Presentation improved, new references added (10 latex pages, 3 eps figures). submitted to PR

    Microscopic theory of vortex dynamics in homogeneous superconductors

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    Vortex dynamics in fermionic superfluids is carefully considered from the microscopic point of view. Finite temperatures, as well as impurities, are explicitly incorporated. To enable readers understand the physical implications, macroscopic demonstrations based on thermodynamics and fluctuations- dissipation theorems are constructed. For the first time a clear summary and a critical review of previous results are given.Comment: Presentations are made more straightforward. A detailed presentation that why the vortex friction is finite when the geometric phase exists, as required by referees, though I think it is obviou