38 research outputs found

    Stefan Żeromski in “The Illustrated Weekly” in 1912

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    The objective of the present article is to analyze Sine ira, the cycle of sketches by Adam Grzymała-Siedlecki, as a testimony of Stefan Żeromski’s impact on shaping historical and political ideas of his times, but also as the new manner the works of a known artist functioned on the pages of „Illustrated Weekly”. After having presented current reviews and publication of Żeromski’s oeuvre, in 1912 the editors of the Warsaw journal offer its readers a critical overview of The History of Sin and Rose, both inspired by the revolution of 1905-1907. The accusations unmasking the “errors” in thinking and writing about the revolution formulated by the journalist take into consideration particularly the recipient’s perspective. These accusations are becoming part of the journal’s strategy to inform about conflicts, current in the context of growing antagonisms in Europe.The objective of the present article is to analyze Sine ira, the cycle of sketches by Adam Grzymała-Siedlecki, as a testimony of Stefan Żeromski’s impact on shaping historical and political ideas of his times, but also as the new manner the works of a known artist functioned on the pages of „Illustrated Weekly”. After having presented current reviews and publication of Żeromski’s oeuvre, in 1912 the editors of the Warsaw journal offer its readers a critical overview of The History of Sin and Rose, both inspired by the revolution of 1905-1907. The accusations unmasking the “errors” in thinking and writing about the revolution formulated by the journalist take into consideration particularly the recipient’s perspective. These accusations are becoming part of the journal’s strategy to inform about conflicts, current in the context of growing antagonisms in Europe

    Беларусь на старонках штотыднёвіка „Свет” у перыяд 1918–1919

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    The purpose of the article is to trace the presence of Belarusian issues on the pages of the Warsaw weekly “Świat” [The World] in 1918–1919. Content analysis of the publications showed that the editors of the widely read weekly did not decide to clearly determine their stance on the future of Belarus. The periodical developed a strategy of including the Belarusian issue in a Polish-centric discourse, which emphasized Poland's cultural maturity and the importance of Polish arms in the struggle against the Bolsheviks, who were seeking to take over Belarusian lands.Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie obecności problematyki białoruskiej na łamach warszawskiego tygodnika w latach 1918–1919. Analiza publikacji wykazała, iż redakcja poczytnego pisma nie zdecydowała się na jednoznaczne określenie własnego stanowiska wobec przyszłości Białorusi. Periodyk wypracował strategię polegającą na włączaniu kwestii białoruskiej w polonocentryczny dyskurs, w którym eksponowano kulturową dojrzałość Polski oraz znaczenie polskiego oręża w walce z dążącymi do przejęcia ziem białoruskich bolszewikami.Мэтай артыкула з’яўляецца агляд беларускай праблематыкі на старонках варшаўскага штотыднёвіка “Свет” у перыяд 1918–1919 гг. Аналіз артыкулаў выявіў, што рэдакцыя папулярнага часопіса не вырашылася адназначна акрэсліць уласную пазіцыю ў адносінах да будучыні Беларусі. Стратэгіяй перыядычнага выдання стала спроба разглядаць беларускую праблематыку ў межах дыскурса, у якім аўтары праз прызму Польшчы і палякаў разважалі пра суседзяў. Падкрэслівалі ўзровень культурнага развіцця Польшчы і значэнне польскай узброеннай барацьбы супраць бальшавікоў, якія імкнуліся заняць беларускія землі

    Wielka Wojna na łamach warszawskiego „Tygodnika Ilustrowanego” – okres okupacji niemieckiej

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    The study presents a strategy realised by “Tygodnik Ilustrowany” of informing the readers about the current war situation in the occupied by the Germans Warsaw. The analysis encompasses the issues published from the encroachment of the German army to the capital (on the 5th of August 1915) to the beginning of October 1918. The magazine resigned during that time from the naturalistic expressiveness, imagery of accounts, glaring the brutality of war, focusing the reader’s attention to the “civil” every-day life reality. The pursuit of exhibiting normality, law and order became a mode in a new strategy. Published in a pro-Russian Warsaw, the magazine could not have modelled the accounts concerning the activities of Russia on an international stage in accordance with a pattern suggested by the German-speaking newspapers; therefore it resigned from the accounts presenting the true face of the conflict. The rare publications presenting the activities regarding war are thus having even greater meaning. From a historian’s perspective, the reports from ceremonies and memoir series seem particularly important. As for the reports, the distancing signalised in the accounts caused the publications, incrusted with the texts of the notables’ speeches which re-presented the course of the official ceremonies, to allow for recreating/verifying the facts. The reportage and memoir-type documents, which noted impressions, fears and expectations of the civilians, provide a possibility for reconstructing the social atmosphere.Artykuł nie posiada streszczenia w języku polskim

    Warszawska ulica na łamach „Tygodnika Ilustrowanego” (1914)

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    „Ілюстраваны штотыднёвік” у адносінах да адраджэння Беларусі (1918)

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    The article presents how the editors of „Tygodnik Ilustrowany [The Illustrated Weekly]” modelled the flow of information related to the resurgence of Belarus in 1918 (and therefore from the moment when Belarus regained independence until the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic was incepted). The weekly paper proposed the horizon of the research – the interpretation of the liberation endeavour of Belarus in the context of collaborative securing of the Polish assets and in a perspective of educational and cultural influences important for Belarus.Artykuł prezentuje, w jaki sposób redakcja „Tygodnika Ilustrowanego” modelowała przekazy związane z odradzaniem się Białorusi w roku 1918 (a zatem od chwili odzyskania przez Białoruś niepodległości do momentu powstania Białoruskiej Socjalistycznej Republiki Radzieckiej). W horyzoncie badawczym znalazła się zaproponowana przez pismo interpretacja wolnościowych dążeń Białorusi w kontekście opartego na współpracy zabezpieczenia polskiego stanu posiadania oraz w perspektywie ważnych dla Białorusi wpływów oświatowo-kulturowych.Артыкул прадстаўляе, як рэдакцыя [„Tygodnika Ilustrowanego”] „Ілюстраванага штотыднёвіка” фарміравала паведамленні пра адраджэнне Беларусі ў 1918 г. (ад моманту атрымання Беларуссю незалежнасці да часу ўтварэння Беларускай Савецкай Сацыялістычнай Рэспублікі). У кругаглядзе даследчыка апынулася прапанаваная часопісам інтэрпрэтацыя імкненняў Беларусі да незалежнасці ў кантэксце супрацоўніцтва і гарантавання польскай дзяржаўнасці, а таксама ў перспектыве важных для Беларусі асветніцка-культурных уплываў