29 research outputs found

    The Viral Concept: the Winning Ticket of the Romanian Online Advertising Industry

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    The connection between the steady development of the Internet in Romania in the last five years, as channel of transmitting the marketing message, and the viral concept, as method of transmitting the message, may become the winning ticket for the Romanian online advertising market. Thus, in the current socio-economic context, any company who wishes to be successful in the virtual space cannot ignore the viral marketing techniques for several reasons. Firstly, we are talking about the profile of Internet users who tend to constitute a new social group. Secondly, we are talking about the thirst for information. And, last but not least, we are talking about the appetite for online chatting, statistics showing that 62% of the Roma-nian Internet users consider it a very "savory" information channel. This article tries to explain, in brief, what viral marketing is, which are its peculiarities, advantages, risks, as well as the limitations of its use, and which the strategies of a viral marketing campaign are. We will illustrate by giving successful examples from the Romanian online market.viral marketing, Internet, promotion, campaign.


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    Eye-tracking: one of the newest and most efficient methods of improving on-line marketing communication is called eye-tracking. Marketers have borrowed this technique, usually used in psychological and medical research, in order to study web users with the help of a video camera incorporated in the monitor.eye-tracking, sites, on-line marketing


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    Eye-tracking: one of the newest and most efficient methods of improving on-line marketing communication is called eye-tracking. Marketers have borrowed this technique, usually used in psychological and medical research, in order to study web users with the help of a video camera incorporated in the monitor

    Finding Information on the Internet

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    The main problem on the Internet is not having access to information, but the way in which the information is filtered and selected appropriately. Because the Internet is a huge reservoir of information which does not benefit from the services of a librarian or a catalogue, the search engines have an increasingly important role in selecting the information. Statistics show that over 80% of the traffic to Internet sites is generated by search engines. If 8 out of 10 Internet users turn to a search engine in order to find the desired information, about the same number of people say they are frustrated by the inability of getting this information. Hence, the increasing importance of selecting information by the search engines, as well as filtering the information content by the user. These are the issues dealt with in this article.Internet, information, search engine, Internet users

    Cirip.Eu – Una piattaforma di microblogging educativo intorno ad oggetti 2.0

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    Negli ultimi anni la tecnologia del microblogging ha dimostrato di essere la più audace protagonista nell’ambito dei social media. In tale ambito il servizio di maggior successo, capace di suscitare l'interesse dei professionisti del settore educativo, è Twitter. Sono state implementate varie piattaforme di microblogging dedicate alla formazione, quali Edmodo, Plurk, Cirip.eu o Twiducate. In questo contesto, si intende fornire una analisi complessiva della piattaforma di microblogging Cirip.eu per finalità educative quali: informazione e gestione della conoscenza, valorizzazione dei corsi, offerta di corsi on line, progetti collaborativi, comunità di pratica, attivazione di diversi seminari, conferenze o eventi scientifici, costruzione di e-portfolio, ecc. Così, i principali aspetti qui affrontati riguardano: 1. i servizi offerti da Cirip.eu, indicato come un Mobile Social Learning Management System (mslm) moderno e flessibile, che integra i Personal Learning Environments personali degli utenti; 2. come il microblogging può essere integrato con altre tecnologie Web 2.0, e nel movimento Open Educational Resources; 3. come l'esperienza e un nuovo approccio pedagogico nell’uso del microblogging può essere catturato e formalmente rappresentato come oggetto progettato per l’apprendimento; 4. come oggetti progettati per l’apprendimento possono essere condivisi, discussi, migliorati, riutilizzati su una piattaforma di microblogging

    Educação a distância baseada na Web 2.0: a emergência de uma Pedagogia 2.0

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    This paper considers the possibility of using some Web 2.0 interfaces integrated to the distance education, beyond the learning management systems. However, in order to that use be effective, it is necessary to think about a Pedagogy 2.0, in a challenge to faculty and higher education institutions to establish the University 2.0, contemporary of a network society.En el trabajo se considera la posibilidad de uso de las interfaces de la Web 2.0 cuando integradas en la educación a distancia, para allá de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, de modo que ese uso sea efectivo, será necesario pensar una Pedagogía 2.0 que desafía profesores e instituciones de enseñanza superior para la organización de una Universidad 2.0, contemporánea de una sociedad en red.Neste trabalho é considerada a possibilidade de uso de interfaces da Web 2.0 integradas na educação a distância, para além dos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Contudo, para que esse uso seja efetivo, será necessário pensar uma Pedagogia 2.0, num desafio a professores e instituições de ensino superior para o estabelecimento da Universidade 2.0, contemporânea de uma sociedade em rede

    Repositori d'activitats i recursos per a l'avaluació amb eines digitals de les habilitats pràctiques de l'alumnat

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    Projecte finançat pel programa Erasmus+ titulat "Practical Skills evaluation with digital technologies in teacher education".Document disponible en català, castellà i anglès.El D-Eva Bank és un repositori de recursos per a l'avaluació amb eines digitals de les habilitats pràctiques dels estudiants d'educació superior. En les següents pàgines trobaràs 14 activitats que inclouen exemples d'estudis de cas de situacions de la vida real a les escoles o universitats, que inclouen rúbriques d'avaluació, analítiques d'aprenentatge, retroalimentació, gamificació i propostes d'avaluació amb eines digitals per a habilitats pràctiques.Les activitats han estat dissenyades en el marc del projecte Erasmus+ D-Eva "Avaluació d'Habilitats Pràctiques amb Tecnologies Digitals en la Formació de Mestres", per acadèmics universitaris de tres institucions europees implicades en el consorci de projecte (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de l'Oest de Timisoara i Universitat d'Amsterdam de Ciències Aplicades).El D-Eva Bank és el primer producte intel·lectual del projecte i té com a objectiu oferir al professorat d'universitat recursos per facilitar l'avaluació de les habilitats pràctiques dels estudiants utilitzant tecnologies digitals. Aquestes activitats estan disponibles en línia en el D-EvaHub, una plataforma digital especialment dissenyada en el projecte. Per a més detalls, visita http://devahub.eu

    To use or not to use web 2.0 in higher education?

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    Marketing si comunicare pe internet/ Marketing and Communication on the Internet (Romanian Version)

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    The paper is structured in 8 chapters in which there are approached from general to particular specific issues, both theoretical and practical, of marketing communication in the online environment. A book which aims to investigate marketing communication on the Internet is based, from the very beginning, on three highly dynamic components: communication, marketing and the Internet. Yet, it is not the place to do an analysis of communication, the marketing or the Internet. No. pg. 490, B5 JIS formatMarketing, internet, environment