69 research outputs found


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    In respect to the growing interest in physical education and sports, the state of this large number of scientific literature and the bibliometric analysis has not been conducted. The purpose of this study to investigate the literature involved physical education and sports topics regarding the descriptive bibliometric analysis. We gathered the open-access data from ERIC within the permission of this database for non-commercial data usages. After a systematic query whole, ERIC database scrapped between the 2010-2019 year and retrieved a total of 365861 journal articles considered of 25573 articles as physical education and sports-related. There were 7581 articles published at the top 25journals (% 29.64). Subjects analysis according to “Physical education” was the commonly associated topic in this field. The findings of this study observed that the ERIC database covered a huge number of articles regarding PE and sports topics. Dynamics of the research literature suggest the US was the first contributor country to both authors and articles. Hence, we conducted a descriptive analysis of the literature indexed in the ERIC database theme include physical education and sports. This study provided a bibliometric analysis of an enormous number of articles after filtering the biggest education basis database

    Actividad física y niveles de condición física de los estudiantes del Departamento de Educación Física y Deportes durante la graduación

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    This study aimed to compare physical activity and fitness of physical education and sports teacher department students and investigate the relationship between physical parameters and academic success. Twenty-five (12 male and 12 female) students volunteered to participate in this study. Sportive background and higher education examination points, shuttle run test scores, and academic success pieces of information of students were taken from the personal folder with the permission of faculty administration. Body composition measured via bioelectric impedance method, shuttle run test performed. Self-admitted international physical activity questionary (long form) was performed. Sportive background and higher education examination points, physical activity levels, and academic success have founded similar within both sexes. However, aerobic capacity results decreased when compared to the entrance of the college with graduation in both male and female students. Also, there was a correlation between VO2max change percentage and academic success. Requirements of physical education and sports department cannot maintain until graduation. These results indicate that there is not an impact of physical tests to graduation quantities of the physical education teacher. However, the relationship between VO2max change percentage and academic success is important indicator that active playing sports and physical activity may be beneficial. To grow up better and more quantitative physical education teachers, future studies require to investigate current physical test which performed the entrance of physical education and sports teacher education and querying that do physical tests a good method to attain requested goals.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar la actividad física y el estado físico de los estudiantes del departamento de educación física y de deportes, e investigar la relación entre los parámetros físicos y el éxito académico. Veinticinco (13 hombres y 12 mujeres) se ofrecieron como voluntarios para participar en este estudio.  Se analizó la composición corporal medida a través del método de impedancia bioeléctrica, se realizó una prueba de funcionamiento de la lanzadera. Se realizó un cuestionario de actividad física internacional. Los antecedentes deportivos y los puntos de examen de educación superior, los niveles de actividad física y el éxito académico han sido similares en ambos sexos. Sin embargo, los resultados de la capacidad aeróbica disminuyeron en comparación con la entrada a la universidad con la graduación en estudiantes masculinos y femeninos. Además, hubo una correlación entre el porcentaje de cambio de VO2max y el éxito académico.  Estos resultados indican que las pruebas físicas no afectan las cantidades de graduación del maestro de educación física. Sin embargo, la relación entre el porcentaje de cambio de VO2max y el éxito académico es un indicador importante de que los deportes activos y la actividad física pueden ser beneficiosos. Para crecer mejores y más maestros de educación física cuantitativos, los estudios futuros requieren investigar las pruebas físicas actuales que realizaron la entrada de educación física y educación de maestros de deportes y consultas que hacen pruebas físicas un buen método para lograr los objetivos solicitados

    Effects of upper extremity plyometrics on throwing velocity and isokinetic strength in team handball players

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    Giriş: Pliyometrik çalışmalar, güç üzerinde oldukça etkili bir antrenman biçimidir ve atletik performansın çok önemli bir parçasıdır. Özellikle hentbol gibi çabuk kuvvetin ön planda olduğu spor dalları için yararlı olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, pliyometrik egzersizlerin hentbolda atış hızına ve izokinetik omuz rotatör kuvvetine etkisini araştırmaktır. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 20 bayan hentbolcu katılmıştır. Eklem hareket açıklığı ve antropometrik ölçümler yapılmıştır. Ayrıca VO2 max testi, durarak ve 3 adım atış hızı testi, 90-300 º/s açısal hızda konsantrik omuz iç rotasyon (IR) ve dış rotasyon (ER) testi uygulanmıştır. Pliyometrik grup (PG) 6 hafta süreyle antrenmanlarına ek olarak pliyometrik egzersiz yapmıştır. Kontrol grubu (KG) ise günlük antrenmanlarını yapmıştır. Ölçümler 6 haftalık egzersiz periyodu sonrasında tekrarlanmıştır. Bulgular: Altı haftalık dönem sonrasında her iki grubun durarak ve 3 adım atış hızı anlamlı biçimde artmıştır (P Tartışma: Bayan hentbolcularda üst gövdeye 6 haftalık pliyometrik egzersiz uygulamanın hentbolda atış hızını ve izokinetik omuz rotatör kuvvetini artırmada istatistiksel anlamda ek bir katkısının olduğu gösterilememiştir. Ancak, pliyometrik egzersiz hentbolcularda atış hareketi için spora özgü çalışma veya alternatif bir egzersiz olarak uygulanabilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Pliyometrik, hentbol, atış hızı, izokinetik, omuz rotatörleri Introduction: Plyometric exercises are an effective training method for power and very important part of athletic performance. It would be beneficial for sports like team handball. Purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of upper extremity plyometrics on throwing velocity and isokinetic strength of shoulder rotators in team handball players. Methods: Twenty female handball players were volunteered to participate to this study. Anthropometric, upper extremity flexibility, VO2max, standing throwing velocity, 3-step throwing velocity and 90-300 º/s speeds consantric isokinetic shoulder internal (IR) and external rotation (ER) peak torque were assesed in before and after a plyometric training period. Plyometric group (PG) performed plyometric exercises in addition to their daily training twice a week for 6 weeks. Control group (KG) just performed their daily training. Results: Standing and 3-step throwing velocity improved statistically significant in both PG and KG (P Discussion: No significant improvements were shown after six weeks plyometric exercise in female handball players. Plyometric exercises may be used as an alternative exercise in spesific sports including throwing movements. Key words: Plyometrics, team handball, throwing velocity, isokinetic, shoulder rotator