137 research outputs found

    Functional Analysis of General Odorant Binding Protein 2 from the Meadow Moth, Loxostege sticticalis L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

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    Odorant binding proteins play a crucial role in transporting semiochemicals across the sensillum lymph to olfactory receptors within the insect antennal sensilla. In this study, the general odorant binding protein 2 gene was cloned from the antennae of Loxostege sticticalis, using reverse transcription PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends. Recombinant LstiGOBP2 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by Ni ion affinity chromatography. Real-time PCR assays indicated that LstiGOBP2 mRNA is expressed mainly in adult antennae, with expression levels differing with developmental age. Ligand-binding experiments using N-phenyl-naphthylamine (1-NPN) as a fluorescent probe demonstrated that the LstiGOBP2 protein has binding affinity to a broad range of odorants. Most importantly, trans-11-tetradecen-1-yl acetate, the pheromone component of Loxostege sticticalis, and trans-2-hexenal and cis-3-hexen-1-ol, the most abundant plant volatiles in essential oils extracted from host plants, had high binding affinities to LstiGOBP2 and elicited strong electrophysiological responses from the antennae of adults

    Spatially controlled cell adhesion on three-dimensional substrates

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    The microenvironment of cells in vivo is defined by spatiotemporal patterns of chemical and biophysical cues. Therefore, one important goal of tissue engineering is the generation of scaffolds with defined biofunctionalization in order to control processes like cell adhesion and differentiation. Mimicking extrinsic factors like integrin ligands presented by the extracellular matrix is one of the key elements to study cellular adhesion on biocompatible scaffolds. By using special thermoformable polymer films with anchored biomolecules micro structured scaffolds, e.g. curved and µ-patterned substrates, can be fabricated. Here, we present a novel strategy for the fabrication of µ-patterned scaffolds based on the “Substrate Modification and Replication by Thermoforming” (SMART) technology: The surface of a poly lactic acid membrane, having a low forming temperature of 60°C and being initially very cell attractive, was coated with a photopatterned layer of poly(L-lysine) (PLL) and hyaluronic acid (VAHyal) to gain spatial control over cell adhesion. Subsequently, this modified polymer membrane was thermoformed to create an array of spherical microcavities with diameters of 300 µm for 3D cell culture. Human hepatoma cells (HepG2) and mouse fibroblasts (L929) were used to demonstrate guided cell adhesion. HepG2 cells adhered and aggregated exclusively within these cavities without attaching to the passivated surfaces between the cavities. Also L929 cells adhering very strongly on the pristine substrate polymer were effectively patterned by the cell repellent properties of the hyaluronic acid based hydrogel. This is the first time cell adhesion was controlled by patterned functionalization of a polymeric substrate with UV curable PLL-VAHyal in thermoformed 3D microstructures

    Are isomeric alkenes used in species recognition among neo-tropical stingless bees (Melipona spp)

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    The majority of our understanding of the role of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) in recognition is based largely on temperate ant species and honey bees. The stingless bees remain relatively poorly studied, despite being the largest group of eusocial bees, comprising more than 400 species in some 60 genera. The Meliponini and Apini diverged between 80-130 Myr B.P. so the evolutionary trajectories that shaped the chemical communication systems in ants, honeybees and stingless bees may be very different. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to study if a unique species CHC signal existed in Neotropical stingless bees, as shown for many temperate species, and if so what compounds are involved. This was achieved by collecting CHC data from 24 colonies belonging to six species of Melipona from North-eastern Brazil and comparing this new data with all previously published CHC studies on Melipona. We found that each of the eleven Melipona species studied so far each produced a unique species CHC signal based around their alkene isomer production. A remarkable number of alkene isomers, up to 25 in M. asilvai, indicated the diversification of alkene positional isomers among the stingless bees. The only other group to have really diversified in alkene isomer production are the primitively eusocial Bumblebees (Bombus spp), which are the sister group of the stingless bees. Furthermore, among the eleven Neotropical Melipona species we could detect no effect of the environment on the proportion of alkane production as has been suggested for some other species

    Structural mechanism of JH delivery in hemolymph by JHBP of silkworm, Bombyx mori

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    Juvenile hormone (JH) plays crucial roles in many aspects of the insect life. All the JH actions are initiated by transport of JH in the hemolymph as a complex with JH-binding protein (JHBP) to target tissues. Here, we report structural mechanism of JH delivery by JHBP based upon the crystal and solution structures of apo and JH-bound JHBP. In solution, apo-JHBP exists in equilibrium of multiple conformations with different orientations of the gate helix for the hormone-binding pocket ranging from closed to open forms. JH-binding to the gate-open form results in the fully closed JHBP-JH complex structure where the bound JH is completely buried inside the protein. JH-bound JHBP opens the gate helix to release the bound hormone likely by sensing the less polar environment at the membrane surface of target cells. This is the first report that provides structural insight into JH signaling

    Crystal structures and binding dynamics of Odorant-Binding Protein 3 from two aphid species Megoura viciae and Nasonovia ribisnigri

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    Aphids use chemical cues to locate hosts and find mates. The vetch aphid Megoura viciae feeds exclusively on the Fabaceae, whereas the currant-lettuce aphid Nasonovia ribisnigri alternates hosts between the Grossulariaceae and Asteraceae. Both species use alarm pheromones to warn of dangers. For N. ribisnigri this pheromone is a single component (E)-β-farnesene but M. viciae uses a mixture of (E)-β-farnesene, (-)-α- pinene, β-pinene, and limonene. Odorant-binding proteins (OBP) are believed to capture and transport such semiochemicals to their receptors. Here, we report the first aphid OBP crystal structures and examine their molecular interactions with the alarm pheromone components. Our study reveals some unique structural features: 1) the lack of internal ligand binding site; 2) a striking groove in the surface of the proteins as a putative binding site; 3) the N-terminus rather than the C-terminus occupies the site closing off the conventional OBP pocket. The results from fluorescent binding assays, molecular docking and dynamics demonstrate that OBP3 from M. viciae can bind to all four alarm pheromone components and the differential ligand binding between these very similar OBP3s from the two aphid species is determined mainly by the direct π-π interactions between ligands and the aromatic residues of OBP3s in the binding pocket

    Detection of Mitochondrial COII DNA Sequences in Ant Guts as a Method for Assessing Termite Predation by Ants

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    Termites and ants contribute more to animal biomass in tropical rain forests than any other single group and perform vital ecosystem functions. Although ants prey on termites, at the community level the linkage between these groups is poorly understood. Thus, assessing the distribution and specificity of ant termitophagy is of considerable interest.We describe an approach for quantifying ant-termite food webs by sequencing termite DNA (cytochrome c oxidase subunit II, COII) from ant guts and apply this to a soil-dwelling ant community from tropical rain forest in Gabon. We extracted DNA from 215 ants from 15 species. Of these, 17.2% of individuals had termite DNA in their guts, with BLAST analysis confirming the identity of 34.1% of these termites to family level or better. Although ant species varied in detection of termite DNA, ranging from 63% (5/7; Camponotus sp. 1) to 0% (0/7; Ponera sp. 1), there was no evidence (with small sample sizes) for heterogeneity in termite consumption across ant taxa, and no evidence for species-specific ant-termite predation. In all three ant species with identifiable termite DNA in multiple individuals, multiple termite species were represented. Furthermore, the two termite species that were detected on multiple occasions in ant guts were in both cases found in multiple ant species, suggesting that anttermite food webs are not strongly compartmentalised. However, two ant species were found to consume only Anoplotermes-group termites, indicating possible predatory specialisation at a higher taxonomic level. Using a laboratory feeding test, we were able to detect termite COII sequences in ant guts up to 2 h after feeding, indicating that our method only detects recent feeding events. Our data provide tentative support for the hypothesis that unspecialised termite predation by ants is widespread and highlight the use of molecular approaches for future studies of ant-termite food webs

    Biological evaluation of alginate-based hydrogels, with antimicrobial features by Ce(III) incorporation, as vehicles for a bone substitute

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    In this work three different hydrogels were developed to associate, as vehicles, with the synthetic bone substitute GR-HA. One based on an alginate matrix (Alg); a second on a mixture of alginate and chitosan (Alg/Ch); and a third on alginate and hyaluronate (Alg/HA), using Ca2+ ions as cross-linking agents. The hydrogels, as well as the respective injectable bone substitutes (IBSs), were fully characterized from the physical-chemical point of view. Weight change studies proved that all hydrogels were able to swell and degrade within 72 hours at pH 7.4 and 4.0, being Alg/HA the hydrogel with the highest degradation rate (80%). Rheology studies demonstrated that all hydrogels are non-Newtonian viscoelastic fluids, and injectability tests showed that IBSs presented low maximum extrusion forces, as well as quite stable average forces. In conclusion, the studied hydrogels present the necessary features to be successfully used as vehicles of GR-HA, particularly the hydrogel Alg/HA.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from FCT (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia) through the grant SFRH/BD/76237/2011 and project ENMED/0002/2010, from FEDER funds through the program COMPETE-Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade-under the project PEst-C/EME/UI0285/2011, as well as to the project I&DT BIOMAT&CELL n. 1372

    Cell-derived extracellular vesicles can be used as a biomarker reservoir for glioblastoma tumor subtyping

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the most aggressive solid tumors for which treatment options and biomarkers are limited. Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) produced by both GBM and stromal cells are central in the inter-cellular communication that is taking place in the tumor bulk. As tumor sEVs are accessible in biofluids, recent reports have suggested that sEVs contain valuable biomarkers for GBM patient diagnosis and follow-up. The aim of the current study was to describe the protein content of sEVs produced by different GBM cell lines and patient-derived stem cells. Our results reveal that the content of the sEVs mirrors the phenotypic signature of the respective GBM cells, leading to the description of potential informative sEV-associated biomarkers for GBM subtyping, such as CD44. Overall, these data could assist future GBM in vitro studies and provide insights for the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods as well as personalized treatment strategies

    Olfactory perireceptor and receptor events in moths: a kinetic model revised

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    Modelling reveals that within about 3 ms after entering the sensillum lymph, 17% of total pheromone is enzymatically degraded while 83% is bound to the pheromone-binding protein (PBP) and thereby largely protected from enzymatic degradation. The latter proceeds within minutes, 20,000-fold more slowly than with the free pheromone. In vivo the complex pheromone–PBP interacts with the receptor molecule. At weak stimulation the half-life of the active complex is 0.8 s due to the postulated pheromone deactivation. Most likely this process is enzymatically catalysed; it changes the PBP into a scavenger form, possibly by interference with the C-terminus. The indirectly determined PBP concentration (3.8 mM) is close to direct measurements. The calculated density of receptor molecules within the plasma membrane of the receptor neuron reaches up to 6,000 units per μm2. This is compared with the estimated densities of the sensory-neuron membrane protein and of ion channels. The EC50 of the model pheromone–PBP complex interacting with the receptor molecules is 6.8 μM, as compared with the EC50 = 1.5 μM of bombykol recently determined using heterologous expression. A possible mechanism widening the range of stimulus intensities covered by the dose–response curve of the receptor-potential is proposed

    Modeling and Analysis of the Molecular Basis of Pain in Sensory Neurons

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    Intracellular calcium dynamics are critical to cellular functions like pain transmission. Extracellular ATP plays an important role in modulating intracellular calcium levels by interacting with the P2 family of surface receptors. In this study, we developed a mechanistic mathematical model of ATP-induced P2 mediated calcium signaling in archetype sensory neurons. The model architecture, which described 90 species connected by 162 interactions, was formulated by aggregating disparate molecular modules from literature. Unlike previous models, only mass action kinetics were used to describe the rate of molecular interactions. Thus, the majority of the 252 unknown model parameters were either association, dissociation or catalytic rate constants. Model parameters were estimated from nine independent data sets taken from multiple laboratories. The training data consisted of both dynamic and steady-state measurements. However, because of the complexity of the calcium network, we were unable to estimate unique model parameters. Instead, we estimated a family or ensemble of probable parameter sets using a multi-objective thermal ensemble method. Each member of the ensemble met an error criterion and was located along or near the optimal trade-off surface between the individual training data sets. The model quantitatively reproduced experimental measurements from dorsal root ganglion neurons as a function of extracellular ATP forcing. Hypothesized architecture linking phosphoinositide regulation with P2X receptor activity explained the inhibition of P2X-mediated current flow by activated metabotropic P2Y receptors. Sensitivity analysis using individual and the whole system outputs suggested which molecular subsystems were most important following P2 activation. Taken together, modeling and analysis of ATP-induced P2 mediated calcium signaling generated qualitative insight into the critical interactions controlling ATP induced calcium dynamics. Understanding these critical interactions may prove useful for the design of the next generation of molecular pain management strategies