238 research outputs found

    A simple blood tests, such as complete blood count, can predict calcification grade of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.

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    Objective. The pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is complex and different factors, including calcification, are linked to increased complications. This study was conducted in order to verify if classical risk factors for AAA and cell blood count parameter could help in the identification of calcification progression of the aneurysm. Design. Risk factors were collected and cell blood count was performed in patients with AAA and patients were analyzed for the presence of aorta calcification using CT angiography. Results. We found no association of calcification grade with risk factors for AAA but we found a strong association between MCV, MCH, and calcification grade. Instead, no association was found with the other parameter that we analyzed. Conclusions. In this study, we demonstrate that biomarkers such as MCV and MCH could have potential important information about AAA calcification progression and could be useful to discriminate between those patients that should undergo a rapid imaging, thus allowing prompt initiation of treatment of suspicious patients that do not need imaging repetition

    An open, multi-vendor, multi-field-strength brain MR dataset and analysis of publicly available skull stripping methods agreement

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    This paper presents an open, multi-vendor, multi-field strength magnetic resonance (MR) T1-weighted volumetric brain imaging dataset, named Calgary-Campinas-359 (CC-359). The dataset is composed of images of older healthy adults (29-80 years) acquired on scanners from three vendors (Siemens, Philips and General Electric) at both 1.5 T and 3 T. CC-359 is comprised of 359 datasets, approximately 60 subjects per vendor and magnetic field strength. The dataset is approximately age and gender balanced, subject to the constraints of the available images. It provides consensus brain extraction masks for all volumes generated using supervised classification. Manual segmentation results for twelve randomly selected subjects performed by an expert are also provided. The CC-359 dataset allows investigation of 1) the influences of both vendor and magnetic field strength on quantitative analysis of brain MR; 2) parameter optimization for automatic segmentation methods; and potentially 3) machine learning classifiers with big data, specifically those based on deep learning methods, as these approaches require a large amount of data. To illustrate the utility of this dataset, we compared to the results of a supervised classifier, the results of eight publicly available skull stripping methods and one publicly available consensus algorithm. A linear mixed effects model analysis indicated that vendor (p - value < 0.001) and magnetic field strength (p - value < 0.001) have statistically significant impacts on skull stripping results170482494CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP311228/2014-3; 157534/2015-488881.062158/2014-012013/07559-3; 2013/23514-0; 2016/18332-

    Vulnerability of the elderly patient in light of the principle of patient-centered care

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    Embora a vulnerabilidade seja uma condição humana universal, existem pessoas com vulnerabilidades específicas, que podem ser agravadas por fatores pessoais, socioeconômicos, culturais, geopolíticos ou ambientais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a especial condição de vulnerabilidade da pessoa idosa à luz do princípio do cuidado centrado no paciente. O estudo toma como base as concepções de vulnerabilidade propostas por Herring - que discute a dupla vulnerabilidade a que estão sujeitos os pacientes idosos no contexto dos cuidados em saúde - e pelo artigo 8º da Declaração Universal sobre Bioética e Direitos Humanos da Unesco (DUBDH), que trata do “Respeito pela Vulnerabilidade Humana e pela Integridade Individual”. O artigo está estruturado em três partes: a primeira aborda o conceito de vulnerabilidade; a segunda relaciona a vulnerabilidade com o princípio do cuidado centrado no paciente; e a terceira trata da especial condição de vulnerabilidade do paciente idoso, com apresentação e discussão de casos ilustrativos. Conclui-se, por fim, que os pacientes idosos apresentam vulnerabilidade acrescida em razão da fragilidade da rede de proteção social, da assimetria da relação de cuidado e do risco de dano a que estão sujeitos nos cuidados diários em saúde.While vulnerability is a universal human condition, there are people with specific vulnerabilities, which can be aggravated by personal, socioeconomic, cultural, geopolitical or environmental factors. The objective of this article is to analyze the special vulnerability condition of the elderly in light of the principle of patient-centered care. The study is based on the conceptions of vulnerability proposed by Herring - who discusses the dual vulnerability of elderly patients in the context of health care - and by the 8th article of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights of Unesco (UDBHR), which deals with “Respect for Human Vulnerability and Individual Integrity”. The paper is structured in three parts: the first one addresses the concept of vulnerability; the second relates vulnerability to the principle of patient-centered care; and the third deals with the special condition of vulnerability of the elderly patient, with presentation and discussion of illustrative cases. It is concluded, at last, that elderly patients present increased vulnerability due to the fragility of their social network of protection, the asymmetry of care relationships and the risk of harm to which they are subjected in daily health care

    Ensaio Nacional de aveias forrageiras 2009 - análise conjunta.

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    Com objetivo de avaliar a capacidade produtiva de forragem de genótipos de aveias brancas e pretas, foram conduzidos experimentos em oito locais do Brasil (Cruz Alta, Passo Fundo e Três de Maio no Rio Grande do Sul; Lages e Canoinhas em Santa Catarina; Londrina e Ponta Grossa no Paraná e São Carlos em São Paulo)

    Ocorrência de silicose entre trabalhadores da indústria cerâmica da cidade de Jundiaí, SP (Brasil)

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    The discovery of one case of silicosis in a ceramic plant-an industry considered a low silicotic risk - led to an X-ray examination of all the workers, which found a high number of cases among them. Radiological findings are described; the majority of which were small, regular opacities in the lungs. It is important to remember that this one case led to the discovery of many more in ceramic plants all over the state.Tomando-se como ponto de partida a descoberta de um caso de silicose entre trabalhadores da indústria cerâmica, que tradicionalmente era considerada como pouco importante na gênese dessa pneumoconiose, foi possível, através de exame radiológico, evidenciar que uma proporção muito elevada dos trabalhadores desse tipo de indústria é portadora de alterações radiológicas características da silicose. Descrevem-se os achados radiológicos, que na sua maioria foram de opacidades regulares de pequeno tamanho. Com base nesse trabalho foi possível fazer-se a descoberta de outros "focos" de silicose em outras áreas do Estado de São Paulo

    Human iPSC-Derived 3D Hepatic Organoids in a Miniaturized Dynamic Culture System

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    The process of identifying and approving a new drug is a time-consuming and expensive procedure. One of the biggest issues to overcome is the risk of hepatotoxicity, which is one of the main reasons for drug withdrawal from the market. While animal models are the gold standard in preclinical drug testing, the translation of results into therapeutic intervention is often ambiguous due to interspecies differences in hepatic metabolism. The discovery of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and their derivatives has opened new possibilities for drug testing. We used mesenchymal stem cells and hepatocytes both derived from hiPSCs, together with endothelial cells, to miniaturize the process of generating hepatic organoids. These organoids were then cultivated in vitro using both static and dynamic cultures. Additionally, we tested spheroids solely composed by induced hepatocytes. By miniaturizing the system, we demonstrated the possibility of maintaining the organoids, but not the spheroids, in culture for up to 1 week. This timeframe may be sufficient to carry out a hypothetical pharmacological test or screening. In conclusion, we propose that the hiPSCderived liver organoid model could complement or, in the near future, replace the pharmacological and toxicological tests conducted on animals

    Efeito de épocas de semeadura sobre o desempenho de genótipos de canola em Três de Maio, RS.

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