77 research outputs found

    The Proteoglycan Syndecan 4 Regulates Transient Receptor Potential Canonical 6 Channels via RhoA/Rho-associated Protein Kinase Signaling

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    Syndecan 4 (Sdc4) modulates signal transduction and regulates activity of protein channels. Sdc4 is essential for the regulation of cellular permeability. We hypothesized that Sdc4 may regulate transient receptor potential canonical 6 (TRPC6) channels, a determinant of glomerular permeability, in a RhoA/Rho-associated protein kinase-dependent manner

    Microparticles from apoptotic platelets promote resident macrophage differentiation

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    Platelets shed microparticles not only upon activation, but also upon ageing by an apoptosis-like process (apoptosis-induced platelet microparticles, PMap). While the activation-induced microparticles have widely been studied, not much is known about the (patho)physiological consequences of PMap formation. Flow cytometry and scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that PMap display activated integrins and interact to form microparticle aggregates. PMap were chemotactic for monocytic cells, bound to these cells, an furthermore stimulated cell adhesion and spreading on a fibronectin surface. After prolonged incubation, PMap promoted cell differentiation, but inhibited proliferation. Monocyte membrane receptor analysis revealed increased expression levels of CD11b (integrin αMβ2), CD14 and CD31 (platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1), and the chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4, but not of CCR2. This indicated that PMap polarized the cells into resident M2 monocytes. Cells treated with PMap actively consumed oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), and released matrix metalloproteinases and hydrogen peroxide. Further confirmation for the differentiation towards resident professional phagocytes came from the finding that PMap stimulated the expression of the (ox)LDL receptors, CD36 and CD68, and the production of proinflammatory and immunomodulating cytokines by monocytes. In conclusion, interaction of PMap with monocytic cells has an immunomodulating potential. The apoptotic microparticles polarize the cells into a resident M2 subset, and induce differentiation to resident professional phagocytes

    eNOS Protects from Atherosclerosis Despite Relevant Superoxide Production by the Enzyme in apoE−/− Mice

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    All three nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms are expressed in atherosclerotic plaques. NOS enzymes in general catalyse NO production. However, under conditions of substrate and cofactor deficiency, the enzyme directly catalyse superoxide formation. Considering this alternative chemistry, the effects of NOS on key events in spontaneous hyperlipidemia driven atherosclerosis have not been investigated yet. Here, we evaluate how endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) modulates leukocyte/endothelial- (L/E) and platelet/endothelial- (P/E) interactions in atherosclerosis and the production of nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide by the enzyme. Intravital microscopy (IVM) of carotid arteries revealed significantly increased L/E-interactions in apolipoproteinE/eNOS double knockout mice (apoE(-/-)/eNOS(-/-)), while P/E-interactions did not differ, compared to apoE(-/-). eNOS deficiency increased macrophage infiltration in carotid arteries and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) expression, both in endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Despite the expression of other NOS isoforms (inducible NOS, iNOS and neuronal NOS, nNOS) in plaques, Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) measurements of NO showed significant contribution of eNOS to total circulating and vascular wall NO production. Pharmacological inhibition and genetic deletion of eNOS reduced vascular superoxide production, indicating uncoupling of the enzyme in apoE(-/-) vessels. Overt plaque formation, increased vascular inflammation and L/E- interactions are associated with significant reduction of superoxide production in apoE(-/-)/eNOS(-/-) vessels. Therefore, lack of eNOS does not cause an automatic increase in oxidative stress. Uncoupling of eNOS occurs in apoE(-/-) atherosclerosis but does not negate the enzyme's strong protective effects

    From basic mechanisms to clinical applications in heart protection, new players in cardiovascular diseases and cardiac theranostics: meeting report from the third international symposium on "New frontiers in cardiovascular research"

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    In this meeting report, particularly addressing the topic of protection of the cardiovascular system from ischemia/reperfusion injury, highlights are presented that relate to conditioning strategies of the heart with respect to molecular mechanisms and outcome in patients' cohorts, the influence of co-morbidities and medications, as well as the contribution of innate immune reactions in cardioprotection. Moreover, developmental or systems biology approaches bear great potential in systematically uncovering unexpected components involved in ischemia-reperfusion injury or heart regeneration. Based on the characterization of particular platelet integrins, mitochondrial redox-linked proteins, or lipid-diol compounds in cardiovascular diseases, their targeting by newly developed theranostics and technologies opens new avenues for diagnosis and therapy of myocardial infarction to improve the patients' outcome

    Therapeutic Potential of HDL in Cardioprotection and Tissue Repair

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    Epidemiological studies support a strong association between high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels and heart failure incidence. Experimental evidence from different angles supports the view that low HDL is unlikely an innocent bystander in the development of heart failure. HDL exerts direct cardioprotective effects, which are mediated via its interactions with the myocardium and more specifically with cardiomyocytes. HDL may improve cardiac function in several ways. Firstly, HDL may protect the heart against ischaemia/reperfusion injury resulting in a reduction of infarct size and thus in myocardial salvage. Secondly, HDL can improve cardiac function in the absence of ischaemic heart disease as illustrated by beneficial effects conferred by these lipoproteins in diabetic cardiomyopathy. Thirdly, HDL may improve cardiac function by reducing infarct expansion and by attenuating ventricular remodelling post-myocardial infarction. These different mechanisms are substantiated by in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo intervention studies that applied treatment with native HDL, treatment with reconstituted HDL, or human apo A-I gene transfer. The effect of human apo A-I gene transfer on infarct expansion and ventricular remodelling post-myocardial infarction illustrates the beneficial effects of HDL on tissue repair. The role of HDL in tissue repair is further underpinned by the potent effects of these lipoproteins on endothelial progenitor cell number, function, and incorporation, which may in particular be relevant under conditions of high endothelial cell turnover. Furthermore, topical HDL therapy enhances cutaneous wound healing in different models. In conclusion, the development of HDL-targeted interventions in these strategically chosen therapeutic areas is supported by a strong clinical rationale and significant preclinical data.status: publishe

    Circulating activated platelets assist THP-1 monocytoid/endothelial cell interaction under shear stress

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    Circulating complexes of leukocytes and activated platelets are markers for atherosclerosis, but their interaction with the arterial endothelial lining has not been studied. Therefore, the effect of activated platelets on rolling and adhesion of labeled human THP-1 monocytoid cells to human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) monolayers was studied by epifluorescence microscopy in a parallel plate flow chamber. In the absence of activated platelets, THP-1 rolling on resting HUVEC was negligible at shear rates greater than 300 s(-1). Activation of HUVEC with 100 nmol/L phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) increased THP-1 cell adhesion at shear rates less than 400 s(-1). Therefore, a shear rate of 400 s(-1) was identified as a threshold for THP-1 adhesion. THP-1 rolling on activated HUVEC was reduced by 64% after L-selectin inhibition but was not affected by P-selectin inhibition. The addition of 1 to 50 thrombin receptor-activating peptide (TRAP)-activated platelets per THP-1 cell enhanced interactions between THP-1 cells and HUVEC, resulting in a steep bell-shaped dose-response curve, with a peak of 10 +/- 3 rolling cells/50 seconds at 3 platelets per THP-1 cell (P <.01 v control) with a concomitant 2- to 3-fold increase of firmly adhering cells (P <.01 v control). In reconstituted blood, low numbers of activated platelets had the same effect on THP-1 rolling and adhesion. P-selectin inhibition reduced platelet/THP-1 cell interaction in suspension and deposition of the complexes on the endothelial monolayer. Inhibition of both P- and L-selectin reduced THP-1/HUVEC interactions to 14% (P <.01, n = 4). Sialidase digestion and removal of terminal sialic acid residues from HUVEC or THP-1 cells but not from platelets abolished the platelet mediated augmentation of THP-1 cell adhesion. Thus, THP-1 rolling on HUVEC is shear-dependent and largely mediated by L-selectin. P-selectin expressed on activated platelets increases monocytoid cell adhesion to endothelial cells at shear rates found in coronary arteries through interactions with both endothelial and monocytoid cells and may facilitate macrophage accumulation in the vessel wall.status: publishe

    Circulating activated platelets assist THP-1 monocytoid/endothelial cell interaction under shear stress

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    Circulating complexes of leukocytes and activated platelets are markers for atherosclerosis, but their interaction with the arterial endothelial lining has not been studied, Therefore, the effect of activated platelets on rolling and adhesion of labeled human THP-1 monocytoid cells to human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) monolayers was studied by epifluorescence microscopy in a parallel plate flow chamber. In the absence of activated platelets, THP-1 rolling on resting HUVEC was negligible at shear rates greater than 300 s(-1) Activation of HUVEC with 100 nmol/L phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) increased THP-1 cell adhesion at shear rates less than 400 s(-1). Therefore, a shear rate of 400 s(-1) was identified as a threshold for THP-1 adhesion. THP-1 rolling on activated HUVEC was reduced by 64% after L-selectin inhibition but was not affected by P-selectin inhibition. The addition of 1 to 50 thrombin receptor-activating peptide (TRAP)-activated platelets per THP-1 cell enhanced interactions between THP-1 cells and HUVEC, resulting in a steep bell-shaped dose-response curve, with a peak of 10 +/- 3 rolling cells/50 seconds at 3 platelets per THP-1 cell (P <.01 v control) with a concomitant 2- to 3-fold increase of firmly adhering cells (P <.01 v control). In reconstituted blood, low numbers of activated platelets had the same effect on THP-1 rolling and adhesion. P-selectin inhibition reduced platelet/ THP-1 cell interaction in suspension and deposition of the complexes on the endothelial monolayer. Inhibition of both P- and L-selectin reduced THP-1/HUVEC interactions to 14% (P <.01, n = 4). Sialidase digestion and removal of terminal sialic acid residues from HUVEC or THP-1 cells but not from platelets abolished the platelet mediated augmentation of THP-1 cell adhesion. Thus, THP-1 rolling on HUVEC is shear-dependent and largely mediated by L-selectin, P-selectin expressed on activated platelets increases monocytoid cell adhesion to endothelial cells at shear rates found in coronary arteries through interactions with both endothelial and monocytoid cells and may facilitate macrophage accumulation in the vessel wall. (C) 1999 by The American Society of Hematology