334 research outputs found

    Validation of key behaviourally based mental health diagnoses in administrative data: suicide attempt, alcohol abuse, illicit drug abuse and tobacco use

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Observational research frequently uses administrative codes for mental health or substance use diagnoses and for important behaviours such as suicide attempts. We sought to validate codes (<it>International Classification of Diseases, 9<sup>th </sup>edition, clinical modification </it>diagnostic and E-codes) entered in Veterans Health Administration administrative data for patients with depression versus a gold standard of electronic medical record text ("chart notation").</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three random samples of patients were selected, each stratified by geographic region, gender, and year of cohort entry, from a VHA depression treatment cohort from April 1, 1999 to September 30, 2004. The first sample was selected from patients who died by suicide, the second from patients who remained alive on the date of death of suicide cases, and the third from patients with a new start of a commonly used antidepressant medication. Four variables were assessed using administrative codes in the year prior to the index date: suicide attempt, alcohol abuse/dependence, drug abuse/dependence and tobacco use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Specificity was high (≥ 90%) for all four administrative codes, regardless of the sample. Sensitivity was ≤75% and was particularly low for suicide attempt (≤ 17%). Positive predictive values for alcohol dependence/abuse and tobacco use were high, but barely better than flipping a coin for illicit drug abuse/dependence. Sensitivity differed across the three samples, but was highest in the suicide death sample.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Administrative data-based diagnoses among VHA records have high specificity, but low sensitivity. The accuracy level varies by different diagnosis and by different patient subgroup.</p

    Effector-Triggered Immune Response in Arabidopsis thaliana Is a Quantitative Trait

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    We identified loci responsible for natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) responses to a bacterial pathogen virulence factor, HopAM1. HopAM1 is a type III effector protein secreted by the virulent Pseudomonas syringae strain Pto DC3000. Delivery of HopAM1 from disarmed Pseudomonas strains leads to local cell death, meristem chlorosis, or both, with varying intensities in different Arabidopsis accessions. These phenotypes are not associated with differences in bacterial growth restriction. We treated the two phenotypes as quantitative traits to identify host loci controlling responses to HopAM1. Genome-wide association (GWA) of 64 Arabidopsis accessions identified independent variants highly correlated with response to each phenotype. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in a recombinant inbred population between Bur-0 and Col-0 accessions revealed genetic linkage to regions distinct from the top GWA hits. Two major QTL associated with HopAM1-induced cell death were also associated with HopAM1-induced chlorosis. HopAM1-induced changes in Arabidopsis gene expression showed that rapid HopAM1-dependent cell death in Bur-0 is correlated with effector-triggered immune responses. Studies of the effect of mutations in known plant immune system genes showed, surprisingly, that both cell death and chlorosis phenotypes are enhanced by loss of EDS1, a regulatory hub in the plant immune-signaling network. Our results reveal complex genetic architecture for response to this particular type III virulence effector, in contrast to the typical monogenic control of cell death and disease resistance triggered by most type III effectors

    Gadolinium and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis: time to tighten practice

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    Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) is a relatively new entity, first described in 1997. Few cases have been reported, but the disease has high morbidity and mortality. To date it has been seen exclusively in patients with renal dysfunction. There is an emerging link with intravenous injection of gadolinium contrast agents, which has been suggested as a main triggering factor, with a lag time of days to weeks. Risk factors include the severity of renal impairment, major surgery, vascular events and other proinflammatory conditions. There is no reason to believe that children have an altered risk compared to the adult population. It is important that the paediatric radiologist acknowledges emerging information on NSF but at the same time considers the risk:benefit ratio prior to embarking on alternative investigations, as children with chronic kidney disease require high-quality diagnostic imaging

    Rendimiento neto, humedad, cenizas y minerales en hígado y músculos de pollos sometidos a estrés en temporadas estival e invernal

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    Para evaluar los efectos del estrés sobre la calidad de la canal de polloscriados en jaulas, se compararon lotes control (C) y experimental (E) durante las temporadasestival e invernal. Las aves eran machos provenientes del cruzamiento Rhode Island x PlymouthRock Barrada. El lote E (n = 4) fue sometido 2 veces por semana a maniobras inductorasde estrés, consistentes en sujeción, hacinamiento e inversión corporal durante todo el ciclode crianza, mientras que el lote C (n = 4) continuó su desarrollo en condiciones normales. Lasaves fueron sacrificadas a los 55 días. Se evaluaron los pesos corporales, así como el peso decanal, hígado y músculos de pata y pechuga. Se determinó el rendimiento, humedad, cenizas,macrominerales (Ca, Mg, K) y microminerales (Cu, Fe, Zn) en hígado y músculos. El análisisde la variancia no reveló diferencias significativas atribuibles al estrés, pero en la mayoría delas variables productivas estudiadas (peso final, rendimiento de pata, porcentaje de humedaden pechuga y proporciones de hígado y desperdicios con respecto al peso corporal), se registrarondiferencias significativas entre temporadas (p &lt; 0,05). Cenizas y minerales tambiénfueron significativamente distintos entre temporadas. En período estival se hallaron valoresmás altos de cenizas en hígado y pata, Ca en hígado, Mg en pechuga y pata, Zn en hígado ypechuga y K en hígado, pechuga y pata. Se concluye que las condiciones ambientales fueroncapaces de provocar mayores modificaciones que las atribuidas al estrés

    Parallels, prescience and the past: analogical reasoning and contemporary international politics

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    Analogical reasoning has held a perpetual appeal to policymakers who have often drafted in historical metaphor as a mode of informing decision-making. However, this article contends that since the beginning of the ‘War on Terror’ we have arguably seen the rise of a more potent form of analogy, namely ones that are selected because they fulfil an ideological function. Analogical reasoning as a tool of rational decision-making has increasingly become replaced by analogical reasoning as a tool of trenchant ideologically-informed policy justification. This article addresses three key areas which map out the importance of analogical reasoning to an understanding of developments in contemporary international politics: the relationship between history and politics, in intellectual and policy terms; a critical assessment of the appeal that analogical reasoning holds for policymakers; and the development of a rationale for a more effective use of history in international public policymaking