1,177 research outputs found

    einFach Logistik. Teaching German for Logistics – sources of inspiration and new challenges for Polish Logisticians and Germanists

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    Driven by sociolinguistic inspirations, the authors make an attempt to assess the teaching of German logistics language in Poland for professional purposes against a broadly understood logistic education and emphasize the aspect of close correlation of the linguistic training outcome with the labor market demand. The intention of the authors is to highlight an important component of the education environment, namely the need to interrelate the proper content-oriented knowledge with linguistic skills of the logistic secondary school students and the university level students dealing with logistics.Driven by sociolinguistic inspirations, the authors make an attempt to assess the teaching of German logistics language in Poland for professional purposes against a broadly understood logistic education and emphasize the aspect of close correlation of the linguistic training outcome with the labor market demand. The intention of the authors is to highlight an important component of the education environment, namely the need to interrelate the proper content-oriented knowledge with linguistic skills of the logistic secondary school students and the university level students dealing with logistics

    Modeling of Distributed Ledger Deployment View

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    The Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a peer-to-peer model of sharing data among collaborating parties in a decentralized manner. An example of DLT is a blockchain where data form blocks in an append-only chain. Software architecture description usually comprises multiple views. The paper concentrates on the Deployment view of the DLT solution within the 1+5 architectural views model. The authors have proposed Unified Modeling Language (UML) extensibility mechanisms to describe the needed additional semantic notation to model deployment details. The paper covers both the network and node levels. The proposed stereotypes and tagged values have enriched the UML Deployment diagram. We have gathered those modeling elements in dedicated UML Profile for Distributed Ledger Deployment. We have applied the profile to model the Deployment view of a renewable energy management system that uses the R3Cordaframework. The system records information about inbound and outbound energy to/from a renewable energy grid

    Modeling of Distributed Ledger Deployment View

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    The Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a peer-to-peer model of sharing data among collaborating parties in a decentralized manner. An example of DLT is a blockchain where data form blocks in an append-only chain. Software architecture description usually comprises multiple views. The paper concentrates on the Deployment view of the DLT solution within the 1+5 architectural views model. The authors have proposed Unified Modeling Language (UML) extensibility mechanisms to describe the needed additional semantic notation to model deployment details. The paper covers both the network and node levels. The proposed stereotypes and tagged values have enriched the UML Deployment diagram. We have gathered those modeling elements in dedicated UML Profile for Distributed Ledger Deployment. We have applied the profile to model the Deployment view of a renewable energy management system that uses the R3Cordaframework. The system records information about inbound and outbound energy to/from a renewable energy grid

    Bolesław Leśmian jako tłumacz

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    Bolesław Leśmian is primarily known as a poet, a dramatist and a critic, while his translations are rarely the subject of academic research. The article offers an insight into Leśmian’s output as a translator and, indirectly, into his connections with literatures in foreign languages. As based on the available pieces included into his Collected Works and other relevant source materials, the paper outlines Leśmian’s views on the art of translation, indicates his existing translations (Poe’s stories and Arabian tales), thus suggesting the modes of their analysis, as well as his interest in texts and authors that he translated or wanted to translate. Since the outcomes of many of his endeavours are unknown, the paper indicates the directions and aims of further investigations. In its final part, translation research proposals and some of the possibilities of including these translations in the analysis of Leśmian’s works are presented.Bolesław Leśmian znany jest przede wszystkim jako poeta, dramaturg i krytyk, natomiast jego twórczość przekładowa rzadko bywa przedmiotem badań. Artykuł stanowi rozpoznanie Leśmiana jako tłumacza i – pośrednio – jego związków z literaturami obcymi. Na podstawie zachowanych utworów zgromadzonych w Dziełach wszystkich i innych istotnych materiałów źródłowych szkicuje jego poglądy na sztukę przekładu, wskazuje na zachowane tłumaczenia (opowiadania Poego oraz baśnie orientalne), sugerując sposoby ich badania, oraz na zainteresowanie Leśmiana tekstami i autorami, których tłumaczył lub chciał tłumaczyć. Efektów tej pracy przekładowej nie znamy i z tego względu artykuł pokazuje kierunek i cel poszukiwań tych materiałów. W końcowej części zaprezentowane są propozycje badawcze przekładów poety oraz możliwości włączenia tłumaczeń do analizy całego dzieła Leśmiana

    Tłumacz jako źródło nieprzetłumaczalności

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    The article attempts at analysing the notion of translator-centred untranslatability, i.e. untranslatability that has its source in the translator. The author starts his discussion with the statement that the process of translation is an act of subjective interpretation of the source text performed by the translator, and then he puts forward the thesis that the limits of the translator’s cognitive potency and his compléments cognitifs may lead to phenomena referred to as untranslatability.The article attempts at analysing the notion of translator-centred untranslatability, i.e. untranslatability that has its source in the translator. The author starts his discussion with the statement that the process of translation is an act of subjective interpretation of the source text performed by the translator, and then he puts forward the thesis that the limits of the translator’s cognitive potency and his compléments cognitifs may lead to phenomena referred to as untranslatability

    Mobile IoT Systems in the Urban Area

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    An important element of Internet of Things systems (IoT) is wireless data transmission. Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and LTE Cat M1 (LTE-M) are the new standards for such transmission intended for LTE cellular networks. Cellular network operators has recently launched such transmission. The article presents the results of measurements of NB-IoT transmission parameters in this network, inside the building and in open urban areas. The main features of the NB-IoT system and measuring equipment are briefly discussed

    Mobile IoT Systems in the Urban Area

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    An important element of Internet of Things systems (IoT) is wireless data transmission. Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and LTE Cat M1 (LTE-M) are the new standards for such transmission intended for LTE cellular networks. Cellular network operators has recently launched such transmission. The article presents the results of measurements of NB-IoT transmission parameters in this network, inside the building and in open urban areas. The main features of the NB-IoT system and measuring equipment are briefly discussed