57 research outputs found

    El arte de la palabra y palabras de arte: Narración, diálogo y descripción en Luciano

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    The association between art and literature can be traced in the history of Western culture since Graeco-Roman Antiquity. In a literary context in which rhetoric plays a predominant role, Lucian of Samosata often appeals to art and its representatives as a metaphor and reference point for rhetors, sophists and writers. The aim of this paper is, first, to review some texts (of different register and intention) in which, using artistic similes and metaphors, Lucian reflects on the technique needed for literary creation, but, above all, on the proper application of the art of speaking; second, to observe how the rhetorical technique which presides over Lucian's production, and which he uses to describe painted images, also guides his talent in narrative or dialogical compositions

    Eli Arístides: biografia i discursos

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    Eli Arístides, a Roma

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    El "Plutos" o la nova comèdia antiga

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    Traducir a Luciano

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    Taking the translations of volumes III and IV of the Alma Mater‟ collection as our reference point, we aim to explain some of the lexical options adopted in our transla-tion of Lucian, which, we hope, reflect the author‟s skill in coining new Greek words to produce a comic or parodic effect. We focus on three aspects in particular: the com-position of proper nouns (as in True Stories); the personification of common nouns (as in The Double Indictment); and a linguistic reflection on certain words (as in Trial in the Court of Vowels and Solecist)

    Retórica, comedia, diálogo. La fusión de géneros en la literatura griega del s. II d.C.

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    Lucien de Samosate est sans doute un écrivain difficile a classer. Certains en font le roi du pastiche. Pour nous il s'agit. par contre, d'un écrivain lucide et intelligent qui cherche dans la tradition les éléments qui peuvent l'aider a comprendre le présent et a en faire une critique parfois féroce

    Eli Arístides: biografia i discursos

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    Els Discursos Sagrats d'Eli Aristides constitueixen una important font de dades per conèixer alguns aspectes de la seva vida, la d'un dels mes legítims representants de la tradicionalment denominada Segona Sofistica

    Notes of a Christian Sophist on Greek Literature: The Ad adulescentes of Basil the Great

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    [spa] Uno de los más influyentes Padres de la Iglesia, el capadocio Basilio el Grande, escribió una obra sobre el valor educacional de la literatura griega. Por su contenido esta pieza quizás pretende marcar una nítida frontera entre cristianismo y paganismo; sin embargo, el análisis formal del texto revela claramente que su autor puede ser considerado un sofista cristiano o un cristiano entre los sofistas. En este trabajo, trataremos de analizar de qué modo y con qué recursos formales Basilio dialoga con la tradición literaria griega, entendida como un depósito incuestionable de conocimiento, que puede imitar e incluso criticar, para adaptarla al entorno cultural del s. IV d. C. y ponerla al servicio de sus convicciones teológicas. [eng] The Cappadocian Basil the Great, one of the most influential of the Church Fathers, wrote a work on the educational value of Greek literature. The contents of the work suggests that the author aimed to establish a clear border between Christianity and paganism; nevertheless, the formal analysis of the text clearly reveals that its author can be consid-ered as a Christian sophist, or as a Christian among sophists. The aim of this paper is to analyse how Basil dialogues with the Greek literary tradition, understood as an unquestionable store of knowl-edge wich he can imitated, and even criticize, and to observe the formal resources he uses to adapt the greek paideia to the cultural environment of the fourth century AD, placing it at the service of this theological convictions

    El frigi del Mimiamb V d'Herodes

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    Al vers 14 del mimiamh cinquè d'Herodes, La gelosa, apareix un refrany, ..., la qual cosa, tal vegada, hagi contribuït a la diversitat d'interpretacions que, a partir de les traduccions, podem detectar