219 research outputs found

    Testing Non-parametric Methods to Estimate Cod (Gadus morhua) Recruitment in NAFO Divisions 3NO

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    Recognizing that non-parametric methods to estimate fish stock recruitment are generally simple and they do not need to be based on ecological hypotheses, four non-parametric methods; the probability transition matrix and three algorithms to estimate recruitment probability density functions were tested on cod (Gadus morhua) data from NAFO Div. 3NO. The transition matrix method was inadequate because the cod stock failed to meet the primary Markovian assumption: the transition probability must be constant and depend only on the previous state. Of the three algorithm methods, the fixed-interval, the New England and the Cauchy, only the New England was appropriate for calculating recruitment with these stock data. A regression coefficient of r = 0.556 (d.f. = 23, P = 0.003) was obtained when the observed data were compared with the estimated. The validity of estimates of future recruitment using the New England algorithm depends on biotic and abiotic environmental conditions being similar in both the pre-recruit and the observation periods

    Cod Stock-Recruitment Relationship in NAFO Divisions 3NO

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    The cod stock-recruitment relationships in NAFO Div. 3NO were studied by the basic Ricker model and modified Ricker model. Although the models do not adjust to the empirical data, inclusion of the American plaice spawning biomass improves the fit. Adding the mackerel adult biomass also improves the model. Including these two variables in the Ricker model explains almost all variation of the cod stock-recruitment relationship in the area. The confidence level of the parameters in the proposed equation were determined by the bootstrap technique, and its accuracy tested. Was realized a simulation study was performed. The response surfaces show the relations between the four variables studied

    Cod Year-class Variations and Abundance of Other Commercial Fish in NAFO Divisions 3NO

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    Possible biological relationships of cod (Gadus morhua) with other important commercial fishes are explored. Cod year-class variations are compared with variations of yellowtail flounder and American plaice spawning biomass, mackerel age 1+ group abundance, and redfish densities. The adult fish biomass of these species are considered as an index of their egg and larval abundances. Possible competitive and predator-prey relationships between the 0-age groups and young individuals of cod and these species are examined through correlation analyses. No significant relationships between cod and redfish and yellowtail flounder were found. It seems that mackerel is a predator on cod larvae. A positive high correlation between spawning American plaice biomass and cod year-class strength was found. High American plaice spawning biomass may promote high cod recruitment through a predator-prey interaction. Alternatively, both species may respond similarly to an environmental signal

    Year-class Variations of American Plaice and Yellowtail Flounder in Div. 3LNO and the Abundance of Other Commercial Fish

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    In a previous paper (Paz and Larrafieta, 1989) we obtained a significant positive correlation between cod year-class size in Div. 3NO and American plaice spawning biomass in Div. 3LNO, that was interpreted by supposing a strong predation of 0-group cod on 0-group American plaice. On the contrary, we have not found significant correlations between cod year-classes and spawning biomasses of other species in the area as redfish, yellowtail and mackerel. Following the same method, in this paper we explore correlations between American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) year-class sizes and biomasses of adult fishes of these species and those of cod (Cactus morhua), mackerel (Scomber seombrus) and redfishes (Sebastes app.

    Portfolio: Una plataforma para gestionar las finanzas personales

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    Es una plataforma para que los usuarios puedan gestionar sus acciones en el mercado bursátil, para una correcta gestión de sus inversiones. En dicha plataforma se podrán controlar todos los movimientos hechos en el mercado bursátil a lo largo del tiempo para analizar la rentabilidad producida y compararla con distintos índices. También se podrá gestionar la asignación de activos en distintos sectores. La idea es mostrar los datos de una manera visual mediante una serie de gráficos que ayuden al usuario de a pie a controlar su patrimonio de manera sencilla y práctica. La plataforma está pensada para usuarios comunes que puedan acceder desde su navegador. Idioma: castellano

    Monumento para una ciudad: Oteiza y el Cementerio de Ametzagaña

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    El Concurso Internacional de Anteproyectos de 1984 para el nuevo Cementerio de San Sebastián supuso para Oteiza alcanzar, en esta ciudad, la ecuación mágica ensayada sin éxito en Montevideo treinta años antes con el proyecto de Monumento a Batlle Ordóñez. La colina de Ametzagaña fue el lugar para materializar con los arquitectos Fullaondo, Maíz y Herrada, una Monumentalidad -comprometida- como solución espacial receptiva para residencia del Hombre.Montevideon hogeita hamar urte lehenago Batlle Ordóñezen Monumentuaren proiektuan probatu eta arrakastarik izan ez bazuen ere, ekuazio magikoak emaitza ezin hobea eman zion Oteizari, Donostiako Hilerri berrirako 1984ko Aurreproiektuen Nazioarteko Lehiaketan. Fullaondo, Maíz eta Herrada arkitektoekin lankidetzan, Ametzagañako muinoan gauzatu zuen bere obra Monumentala -konprometitua-, Gizonaren bizileku izateko espazio-soluzio egoki gisa.Avec le Concours International d'Avant-projets de 1984 pour le nouveau Cimetière de San Sebastián Oteiza a obtenu, dans cette ville, l'équation magique tentée sans résultat à Montevideo trente ans auparavant avec le projet de Monument à Battle Ordóñez. La colline d'Ametzagaña était l'endroit choisi pour matérialiser, avec les architectes Fullaondo, Maíz et Herrada, une Monumentalité -compromise- comme solution spatiale réceptive de résidence de l'Homme.The Preliminary Draft International Contest held in 1984 for the new San Sebastian cemetery was the occasion for Oteiza to reach, in this town, the magical equation tested without success in Montevideo 30 years before with the project of the Monument to Batlle Ordóñez. The Ametzagaña hill was the place on which to materialise a -compromised- Monumentality as a spatial solution that was to be apt for residence by human beings

    Development of a Modular Fretting Wear and Fretting Fatigue Tribometer for Thin Steel Wires: Design Concept and Preliminary Analysis of the Effect of Crossing Angle on Tangential Force

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    This work presents the design of a modular ad-hoc fretting fatigue and fretting wear tribotester for thin steel wires. The working principles of the diffrent modules are described, such as the displacement and contact modules. Preliminary studies for understanding the effect of crossing angle between wires on tangential force measurement has been carried out on 0.45 mm diameter cold-drawn eutectoid carbon steel (0.8% C). The results show that due to the developed wear scar geometry for high crossing angles there is a non-Coulomb behaviour that is not seen for low crossing angles

    No construido(s): potencial instituyente en dos proyectos integración arte/arquitectura con Jorge Oteiza

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    Thought-out for the work of art that is the (modern) city, some unbuilt projects, their images, support and epresent (better than others built) its disciplinary and symbolic purposes inseparable from the imaginary of the time that invented them and from the inadvertent continuity of its instituent potential. Be utopians, visionaries, or ahead of their time, they could, however, constructing the memory of another alternative reality (a uchrony) whose pedagogical value would be a defense against spectacularization of certain contemporary urban dystopias.; Pensados para la obra de arte que es la ciudad (moderna), algunos proyectos no construidos, sus imágenes, sostienen y representan (mejor que otros construidos) sus propósitos disciplinar y simbólico inseparables del imaginario de la época que los inventó y de la inadvertida continuidad de su potencial instituyente. Ya sean utópicos, visionarios o adelantados para su tiempo, podrían, sin embargo, construir la memoria de otra realidad alternativa (una ucronía) cuyo valor pedagógico sería una defensa ante la espectacularización de ciertas distopías urbanas contemporáneas