115 research outputs found

    Análisis de la implementación del modelo de turismo rural comunitario desde el enfoque de bienes de capital rural en tres regiones del sur de Perú.

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    The objective of the study was to identify the interrelations between the Rural Community Tourism Model (RCT) of the Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Tourism of Peru, and the framework of rural capital assets, based on the capacity of communities to generate strategies of territorial development. Nine rural communities were studied which have developed the RCT model with success in three touristic regions of the south of Peru: Cusco, Puno and Arequipa. A total of 45 interviews were applied to people devoted to farming tasks, handcrafts, lodging, tourism guides, gastronomy, and communication promoters; also, to business owners and municipal authorities. The results indicate that four communities have succeeded in generating the tourism strategies of the model, two communities have lost the view of social fabric and the RCT value chain, two more communities have difficulty with the accessibility to the place and the lack of tourism promotion; and one last community is starting to develop the RCT. The conclusion is that the socioeconomic activity of the rural capital of the RCT model allows the local development and welfare of rural families in Peru.El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar las interrelaciones entre el Modelo de Turismo Rural Comunitario (TRC) del Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo de Perú y el marco de bienes de capital rural, a partir de la capacidad de las comunidades para generar estrategias de desarrollo territorial. Se estudiaron nueve comunidades rurales que han desarrollado el modelo de TRC con éxito en tres regiones turísticas del sur del Perú: Cusco, Puno y Arequipa. Se aplicaron 45 entrevistas a personas dedicadas a labores de agricultura, artesanía, alojamiento, guías turísticos, gastronomía y promotores de difusión; así como a dueños de emprendimientos y autoridades municipales. Los resultados indican que cuatro comunidades han logrado generar las estrategias turísticas del modelo, dos comunidades han perdido la visión del tejido social y la cadena de valor de TRC, dos comunidades más tienen dificultad con la accesibilidad al lugar y falta de promoción turística; y una última comunidad comienza a desarrollar el TRC. Se concluye que la actividad socioeconómica del capital rural del modelo TRC permite el desarrollo local y el bienestar de las familias rurales en el Perú

    Bibliometric analysis of scientific research on biochar

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    Objective: To identify the most relevant aspects of global scientific research on biochar in terms of the number of articles published, main authors and producer countries, citation, journal or journal topics, funding institutions and general trends. Design/ methodology/approach: A bibliometric research was carried out in the Scopus database. The word "biochar" was used as a search engine. The search was limited to articles and reviews published from 2009 to March 2020. The VOS viewer software was used to identify the main thematic axes and glimpse the knowledge gaps that exist to date. Results: A total of 11,444 documents were identified. The trend of work on biochar is on the rise. China and the United States are the countries with the most biochar publications. Jefferson Lehman and Stephen Josephs are the most cited authors on the subject. Global research in biochar focuses on the mitigating effect of climate change and the properties that this material has to improve the physicochemical properties of the soil. Research on biochar in Mexico is scarce. Limitations / implications: Biochar is a new technology that is not fully understood. Findings / Conclusions: Interest in biochar as a multifaceted solution to agricultural and environmental problems is growing at a rapid rate both domestically and internationally.Objective: To identify the most relevant aspects of global scientific research on biocharin terms of number of articles published, main authors and publishing countries, citation,subjects of scientific journals, funding institutions and general trends.Design/Methodology/Approach: A bibliometric study was carried out in the Scopusdatabase. The word "biochar" was used in the search engine. The search was limited to articles and reviews published from 2009 to March 2020. The VOS viewer software was used to identify the main thematic axes and to glimpse the knowledge gaps that exist to date.Results: A total of 11,444 documents were identified. The trend of work on biochar is onthe rise. China and the United States are the countries with the most publications onbiochar. Jefferson Lehman and Stephen Josephs are the most cited authors on thesubject. Global research on biochar focuses on the mitigating effect of climate changeand the properties that this material has to improve the physicochemical properties ofthe soil. Research on biochar in Mexico is scarce. Study Limitations/Implications: Biochar is a new technology that is not fullyunderstood.Findings/Conclusions: Interest in biochar as a multifaceted solution to agricultural andenvironmental problems is growing at a rapid rate both domestically and internationally

    Flavonoid, Nitrate and Glucosinolate Concentrations in Brassica Species Are Differentially Affected by Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Phosphate and Phosphite

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    We evaluated the effects of phosphate (Pi-deficiency: 0.1 mM; Pi-sufficiency: 0.5 mM), phosphite (low-Phi: 0.1 mM; medium-Phi: 0.5 mM; and high-Phi: 2.5 mM), and two mean daily photosynthetically active radiations (lower PAR: 22.2 mol ⋅ m-2 ⋅ d-1; higher PAR: 29.7 mol ⋅ m-2 ⋅ d-1), as well as their interactions, on flavonoid, nitrate and glucosinolate (GL) concentrations and growth characteristics in hydroponically grown Brassica campestris cv. Mibuna Early and Brassica juncea cv. Red Giant. As expected, higher PAR increased dry matter and contrariwise decreased number of leaves but only in B. campestris. Total flavonoid and individual flavonoid compounds increased with the higher PAR value in B. campestris. Pi-sufficiency resulted in a lower quercetin concentration in both species, the isorhamnetin and total flavonoid concentrations in B. campestris, and the cyanidin concentration in B. juncea, in comparison to Pi-deficiency. Similarly, Pi-sufficient plants exhibited lower GL concentration, especially alkyl-GLs in B. campestris and alkenyl-GLs and an aryl-GL in B. juncea. Pi did not affect the nitrate concentration in either species, and nor did Phi influence the flavonoid concentrations in either species. In B. campestris, medium Phi (0.5 mM) increased the 1-methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl GL concentration by 28.3%, as compared to that observed at low Phi. In B. juncea, high Phi level increased the but-3-enyl-GL concentration by 18.9%, in comparison to values recorded at medium Phi. B. campestris plants exposed to higher PAR increased total flavonoids concentration. In both Brassica species, higher PAR stimulated the alkyl-, alkenyl-, and indole-GLs. The interaction of lower PAR and increasing Phi significantly decreased flavonoid concentration in B. juncea, whereas increasing Phi at higher PAR increased such concentration in this species. The same combination reduced the concentration of 2-phenylethyl- and indol-3-ylmethyl-GL in B. juncea. The highest indol-3-ylmethyl-GL concentration was observed when Pi was deficient combined with medium Phi in B. juncea. Thus, PAR, Pi and Phi may modulate flavonoid, GL and nitrate concentrations in Brassica species, which may be a useful tool to improve the nutraceutical quality of these leafy vegetables if properly managed

    Caracterización molecular de variedades de caña de azúcar cultivadas en el estado de Tabasco, México

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    To characterize varieties in recent years have used different types of morphological, biochemical and molecular methods. The aim of this study was to characterize molecular genetic variability in varieties of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) grown in the state of Tabasco, Mexico, by AFLP. It was used 12 varieties of sugarcane. Young leaves of plants growing in the field were selected for experiment. After making 12 combinations of primers, the results indicated that the combination E-ACC/M-CTA produced 72 to 1353 bp polymorphic fragments. The dendrogram revealed two distinct groups of Saccharum spp. and a variety that differed from both. Group I comprised the varieties C 87-51, 96-40 ATM, B 4362, 69-290 Mex, Mex Mex 91-130 and 57-1285, which formed a cluster and showed a similarity of 0.77%. Group II included the varieties RD 75-11, Mex 79-431, SP 70-1284, 72-2086 and CP Mex 59-32 which formed another cluster with 0.70%. The variety Mex 68-P-23 differed from the other 11 varieties.Keywords: DNA, AFLP, molecular markersEl objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar molecularmente la variabilidad genética en variedades de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) cultivadas en el estado de Tabasco, México, mediante AFLP. Se utilizaron 12 variedades de caña de azúcar de las cuales se tomaron hojas jóvenes de plantas en campo. Después de realizar 12 combinaciones de cebadores, los resultados indicaron que la combinación E-ACC/M-CTA produjo fragmentos polimórficos de 72 a 1353 pb. El dendrograma reveló dos grupos distintos de Saccharum spp. y una variedad que se diferenció de ambos. El grupo I comprendió las variedades C 87-51, ATM 96-40, B 4362, Mex 69-290, Mex 57-1285 y Mex 91-130, que formaron un conglomerado y presentaron una similitud del 0.77%. El grupo II comprendió las variedades RD 75-11, Mex 79-431, SP 70-1284, Mex 59-32 y CP 72-2086 las cuales conformaron otro conglomerado con 0.70%. La variedad Mex 68-P-23 se diferenció de las otras 11 variedades.Palabras clave: ADN, AFLP, marcadores moleculare

    El Manejo del Bagazo de Naranja en la Zona Centro del Estado de Veracruz

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    El cultivo de naranja se produce principalmente en el estado de Veracruz. En los municipios de Martínez de la Torre y San Rafael operan dos de las tres empresas productoras de jugo de naranja más importantes de México. La generación de bagazo de naranja por parte de cada una de estas corporaciones oscila entre 112 500 — 187 500 toneladas por ciclo productivo. El manejo de grandes cantidades de bagazo de naranja es un problema económico y ambiental importante para esta zona de Veracruz. Las empresas productoras de jugo de la zona manejan el bagazo a través de tratamientos térmicos (deshidratación para alimentación animal y combustión para la generación de calor). No obstante, cuando la capacidad de manejo del bagazo se ve rebasada, las empresas optan por depositarlo en tiraderos a cielo abierto. Esto representa un riesgo de contaminación para el suelo, el agua y el aire debido a la putrefacción de la biomasa y la generación de lixiviados. El objetivo de este ensayo fue examinar las prácticas de manejo de bagazo de naranja empleadas por parte de las empresas productoras de jugo instaladas en la zona centro de Veracruz. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una revisión de literatura aunado con una estancia de vinculación con una de estas empresas para recabar datos de primera mano. Todas las estrategias de manejo presentan ventajas y desventajas económico-ambientales. Teóricamente, la alternativa más sostenible es la producción y aprovechamiento de gas natural a partir de la digestión anaerobia del bagazo. No obstante, es recomendable realizar un análisis de ciclo de vida de las estrategias de manejo de bagazo con el propósito de determinar que alternativa es la más adecuada en función de la rentabilidad económica, mitigación del impacto ambiental y eficiencia energética

    La exposición de plantas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) a nanopartículas de plata afecta la expresión de genes multifuncionales NAC

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    Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effect of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the expression of 17 NAC genes in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) under greenhouse conditions. Methodology: Twelve-d-old rice seedlings were transferred to a hydroponic system. Fourteen days after the transplant, the following treatments were applied through the nutrient solution: 0, 20, 40 and 80 mg L-1 AgNPs. Each solution had six repetitions which were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design. From the treated and control plants, total RNA was extracted from stems, from which cDNA was synthesized and a measurement of gene expression was performed by the qRT-PCR technique. The elongation factor 1?, which showed greater stability, was taken as the reference gene. The relative expression of the genes was determined using the 2-??Ct method, with a differential expression value of 2. Results: It was found that the AgNPs induced the expression of four NAC genes (Os02g56600, Os07g04560, Os12g43530 and Os06g5107) by at least one dose of AgNPs tested, and one gene (0s08g10080) showed repression of expression by the presence of these nanoparticles in the nutrient solution. In the Os07g04560 gene, the expression was dependent on the concentration of AgNPs, that is, the higher the concentration of AgNPs in the medium, the greater the expression of the gene. Limitations: In further studies, it would be necessary to explore the expression of more NAC genes in different tissues and phenological stages of the plant. Conclusions: It is concluded that silver nanoparticles differentially affect the expression of NAC genes in rice, which confirms the multifunctionality of these genes in plants.Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de las nanopartículas de plata (AgNPs) en la expresión de 17 genes NAC en plantas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) en invernadero. Plántulas de arroz de 12 d de edad se trasfirieron a un sistema hidropónico. Catorce días después del trasplante se aplicaron los siguientes tratamientos a través de la solución nutritiva: 0, 20, 40 y 80 mg L-1 AgNPs. Cada tratamiento tuvo seis repeticiones en un diseño experimental completamente al azar. De las plantas tratadas y del testigo se extrajo RNA total de vástago, a partir del cual se sintetizó cDNA y se realizó una medición de la expresión génica por la técnica de qRT-PCR. Como gen de referencia se tomó el Factor de elongación 1?, que mostró mayor estabilidad. La expresión relativa de los genes se determinó utilizando el método 2-??Ct, con un valor de expresión diferencial de 2. Resultados: Se encontró que las AgNPs indujeron la expresión de cuatro genes NAC (Os02g56600, Os07g04560, Os12g43530 y Os06g5107) por al menos una dosis de AgNPs probada, y un gen (0s08g10080) mostró represión de la expresión por la presencia de estas nanopartículas en la solución nutritiva. En el gen Os07g04560, la expresión fue dependiente de la concentración de AgNPs, esto es, a mayor concentración de AgNPs en el medio, mayor expresión del gen. Limitaciones: En este estudio no fue posible analizar la expresión de genes NAC en respuesta a AgNPs en otros tejidos y en otras etapas fenológica. Conslusiones: Las nanopartículas de plata afectan diferencialmente la expresión de genes NAC en arroz, lo que corrobora la multifuncionalidad de estos genes en plantas

    La acuaponía rústica: una alternativa para contribuir a la soberanía alimentaria en comunidades rurales

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    Objetivo: Analizar el potencial de la acuaponía rústica para la producción de alimentos y evaluar un sistema rústico de producción de peces y hortalizas de hoja a pequeña escala. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se hizo una revisión bibliográfica sobre el potencial de la acuaponía para producción de alimentos a pequeña escala en unidades familiares en el medio rural y se diseñó y evaluó un sistema rústico para la producción de peces y de hortalizas de hoja. Resultados: Se encontró que la acuaponía rústica tiene un gran potencial para abastecer de alimentos nutritivos a unidades familiares en el medio rural, siempre que se encuentre con la capacitación adecuada. El sistema rústico de producción de alimentos resultó más eficiente para la producción de peces, aunque también se logró producir verduras de hoja en menor medida, debido principalmente a la calidad del agua. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: La acuaponía rústica puede funcionar de mejor manera cuando se tienen un abastecimiento de agua de mejor calidad y con mayor cantidad de nutrimentos para la planta. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Se concluye que la capacitación es indispensable para asegurar la buena implementación de sistemas acuapónicos rústicos para la producción   de alimentos en unidades familiares que habitan el medio rural, y que la calidad del agua y la disponibilidad de nutrimentos para la producción de hortalizas es un requisito indispensable en este tipo de sistemas de producción

    Caracterización de la oferta de moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) en México

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    Objective: To characterize the Moringa oleifera Lam. offer system in Mexico. Design / methodology / approach: Compilation and analysis of primary information sources, through interviews with producers and key informants who participate in the process of commercialization of products derived from moringa. In total, there were eight companies. To collect the information, the snowball chain sampling technique was used. Results: All moringa producing companies analyzed started activities less than 10 years ago. The owners of the companies are small and medium producers, with an average of 6.5 ha, characterized by an organic management and constant training. The main products offered in the Mexican market are: the crushed leaf, flour and capsules, whose main market is the national one. On the other hand, it was detected that the producers in the market do not interact among each other, which generates asymmetry of information. In addition, the real inventory of the total number of producers and moringa producing companies in Mexico is unknown, which limits the characterization of production and benefit. Limitations/implications: The producers are not so accessible in certain information; for example, regarding the sale prices of their products. Findings/conclusions: Moringa is a multipurpose tree with great potential, a database of producers is unknown. The products offered are organic and healthy products. However, more research is needed on the commercialization of moringa in Mexico.Objetivo: Caracterizar el sistema de la oferta de Moringa oleifera Lam. en México. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Recopilación y análisis de fuentes de información primarias, a través de entrevistas a productores e informantes clave que participan en el proceso de comercialización de los productos derivados de la moringa; en total fueron ocho empresas. Para recabar la información se utilizó la técnica de muestreo en cadena de bola de nieve. Resultados: El total de las empresas de producción de moringa iniciaron actividades hace menos de 10 años. Los dueños de las empresas son pequeños y medianos productores, con un promedio de 6.5 ha, caracterizados por un manejo orgánico y constante capacitación. Los principales productos ofertados en el mercado mexicano son: la hoja triturada, harina y cápsulas, cuyo principal mercado es el nacional. Por otro lado, se detectó que los productores en el mercado no interaccionan, lo cual genera asimetría de información. Sumado a ello se desconoce el inventario real del número total de productores y de empresas productoras de moringa en México, que limita la caracterización de la producción y de su beneficiado. Limitaciones/implicaciones: Los productores no son tan accesibles en cierta información, por ejemplo, la referente a los precios de venta de sus productos. Hallazgos/conclusiones: La moringa es un árbol multipropósitos con gran potencial, y no se cuenta con una base de datos de productores. Los productos ofertados son productos orgánicos y saludables. Sin embargo, faltan más investigaciones sobre la comercialización de moringa en México

    Exploitation of plantain (Musa spp.) plantations as an agrotourist element

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    Objective: To publicize the processes and alternative uses that plantain cultivation may have, in addition to places with tourist potential in the town of Monte Salas, Fortín de las Flores, Veracruz, Mexico Design / Methodology / Approach: A methodology based on stages was carried out where a compression of the space of the study area was made, anthropological analysis, description of the process of the banana leaf, commercial analysis, development of a sustainable product and a bonding stay in the country of Colombia Results: In the town of Monte Salas, Fortín, de las Flores Veracruz, Mexico, plantain cultivation was analyzed as an outstanding element of the landscape, together with the process of leaf roast production as a value-adding strategy to generate biodegradable co-products. Through the dissemination of audiovisual capsules on social networks, places with tourist potential were made known and together with the implementation of the offer of biodegradable co-products, it was demonstrated that banana leaf can be used alternately. Study limitations / implications: Due to the health contingency experienced, it was not possible to carry out a workshop programmed for the locality. Conclusions: Making it known that new products can be created that are biodegradable and that have no impact on the environment brought with it the acceptance of creating the dishes made with the leaf, and also its successful implementation in the tourist field I believe the possibility for tourists to come to the town of Monte Salas, Fortín de las Flores, Veracruz, Mexico to discover its agro-systemic landscape.Objective: To analyze the processes and alternative uses that plantain cultivation may have, in addition toplaces with tourist potential in the town Monte Salas, municipality of Fortín de las Flores, Veracruz, Mexico.Design/Methodology/Approach: A review of the space of the study area was performed, as well as ananthropological analysis, description of the process of the plantain leaf used to prepare local food, commercialanalysis, development of a sustainable product, and a research stay in Colombia.Results: In Monte Salas, Fortín de las Flores, Veracruz, Mexico, plantain cultivation is regarded as anoutstanding element of the landscape, together with the process of leaf roast production as a value-addingstrategy to generate biodegradable co-products. Through the dissemination of audiovisual capsules on socialnetworks, places with tourist potential were made known and together with the implementation of the offer ofbiodegradable co-products, it was demonstrated that plantain leaf can be used alternately.Study Limitations/Implications: Due to the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) coronavirus pandemic, the dissemination of our findings and products were restricted.Conclusions: Novel biodegradable products can be manufactured from plantain leaves, which created aspecial interest of local tourists to visit Monte Salas and enjoy the agrosystemic landscape