69 research outputs found

    Broker Scandals in 2015 in Hungary

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    Cultural rights within the hungarian Penal Law

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    O Direito da Execução Penal no sistema legal húngaro goza de grande especificidade. A regulamentação essencial do Direito de Execução Penal Húngaro está contida na Ordenação 11 de 1979. Esta norma refere-se à efetivação de punições e de sanções. A importância reside no fato de sua vigência ser iniciada no período socialista. Esta norma pode ser confrontada com o direito penal moderno, pois foi modificada diversas vezes após a queda do regime.The Penal Execution Law in the Hungarian legal system is very special. The basic rule of the Hungarian Penal Execution Law is in the Order 11 of 1979. This order is about the enforcement of the punishments and sanctions. It is special because it came into effect during the time of the socialism. This order can be compared to modern rule of law Penal Codes because it was modified several times after the change of regime

    Current concept on the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease-crosstalk between genetic and microbial factors: Pathogenic bacteria and altered bacterial sensing or changes in mucosal integrity take "toll"?

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    The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is only partially understood. Various environmental and host (e.g. genetic-, epithelial-, immune and non-immune) factors are involved. It is a multifactorial polygenic disease with probable genetic heterogeneity. Some genes are associated with IBD itself, while others increase the risk of ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn's disease (CD) or are associated with disease location and/or behaviour. This review addresses recent advances in the genetics of IBD. The article discusses the current information on the crosstalk between microbial and genetic factors (e.g. NOD2/CARD15, SLC22A46A5 and DLG5). The genetic data acquired in recent years help in understanding the pathogenesis of IBD and can identify a number of potential targets for therapeutic intervention. In the future, genetics may help more accurately diagnose and predict disease course in IBD

    The Criminal Law Protection of the Stock Market in Hungary

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    Dogmatikai problémák a pénzmosás hatályos magyar szabályozásával kapcsolatban

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    Money laundering is an illegal economic service carried out under the guise of legal economic operations, as a result of which the origin of the property acquired through crime can be verified, freeing it from its recognizably illegal nature. Its micro- and macro-economic effects are also extremely dangerous, the fight against money laundering can strengthen confidence in the financial system in addition to the fight against organized crime. The new Hungarian criminal law regulations effective from 1 January 2021, in addition to complying the expectations of international organizations and international conventions in force, also contain provisions that are contrary to the dogmatics of the Hungarian material criminal law and cannot be applied in practice. Resolving the many contradictions will be the task of law enforcement rather than legislation.Aim: To present the effective regulation of money laundering and to analyse factual elements incompatible with the dogmatics of Hungarian criminal law, and to outline possible alternatives for solving the problems.Methodology: Analytical presentation of the facts, analysis of the legal text and justification in the light of the literature and practice.Findings: The first form of money laundering, material static money laundering, is inapplicable in practice: it conflicts with the prohibition of double evaluation, the prohibition of self-incrimination, and among the cases of apparent material accumulation, it is classified as an unpunished subsequent act. For this reason, there is a general lack of danger to society behind the facts. It had to be codified in this way because of our international obligations, but in my opinion, it should not be applied in practice.Value: The study can provide a reference point for law enforcement practice in solving the issues that arise.A pénzmosás olyan legális gazdasági műveletek leplezése alatt folytatott illegális gazdasági szolgáltatás, amelynek eredményeként a bűncselekménnyel szerzett vagyon eredete igazolhatóvá válik, megszabadulva annak felismerhetően jogellenes mivoltától. A mikro- és makrogazdasági hatásai is rendkívül veszélyesek, az ellene folytatott küzdelem a szervezett bűnözés elleni harcon túl a pénzügyi rendszerbe fektetett bizalmat is erősítheti. A 2021. január 1-jétől hatályos új magyar büntetőjogi szabályozás amellett, hogy mindenben megfelel a nemzetközi szervezetek és a hatályos nemzetközi egyezmények elvárásainak, a magyar anyagi büntetőjog dogmatikájával ellentétes, a gyakorlatban alkalmazhatatlan rendelkezéseket is tartalmaz. A számos ellentét feloldása sokkal inkább a jogalkalmazás, mint a jogalkotás feladata lesz.Cél: Bemutatni a pénzmosás hatályos szabályozását, elemezni a magyar büntetőjog dogmatikájával összeegyeztethetetlen tényállási elemeket, és vázolni a problémák feloldásának lehetséges alternatíváit.Módszertan: A tényállás elemző bemutatása, a törvényszöveg és az indokolás elemzése a szakirodalom és a gyakorlat tükrében.Megállapítások: A pénzmosás első alakzata, a materiális statikus pénzmosás a gyakorlatban alkalmazhatatlan: ütközik a kétszeres értékelés tilalmába, az önvádra kötelezés tilalmába és a látszólagos anyagi halmazat esetei közül büntetlen utócselekménynek minősül. Emiatt generálisan hiányzik a társadalomra veszélyesség a tényállás mögött. Nemzetközi kötelezettségeink miatt kellett így kodifikálni, de álláspontom szerint a gyakorlatban nem szabad alkalmazni.Érték: A tanulmány támpontot adhat a jogalkalmazói gyakorlat számára a felmerülő kérdések megoldásában