142 research outputs found

    Investigation of biochemical properties of flash sintered ZrO2-SnO2 nanofibers

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    MakaleWOS:000882390100001ZrO2–SnO2 nanocomposition were produced in nanofibers (NFs) form with three various mixing volume ratio by electrospinning technique. The microstructure and morphological characterization of NFs reveals the ternary system of ZrO2–SnO2–ZrSnO4. Furthermore, Band gap structure of NFs was varied with the composition ratio which consequently affect the Flash sintering (FS) event. The FS experiments were utilized under thermal (844–878 ◦C) and electric field (420 V/mm) with 3.77 mA/mm2 current cutoff. Highly dense nanocomposition were obtained in less than 80secs with a max power absorption of 1.58 W/mm3. Thanks to low sintering temperature and time, nanostructured surface morphology were acquired which is crucial for biochemical properties of nanocompositions. Drosophila melanogaster food was covered with sintered nanocompositions and the control food. The toxicity of the nanomaterial in the insect, survival rate(%), development time(days) were investigated. In order to support the results, biochemical analyzes (total oxidative level-TOS, total antioxidant level-TAS and oxidative stress index-OSI) were performed in adults. In addition, antimicrobial activity was evaluated with Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It was determined that the nanomaterials had an antimicrobial effect along with non-toxic effect on the insect. Besides, it did not change the survival rate of the insect in all groups. Although there was a one-day difference in development times, it did not cause a statistical change in the OSIs of female and male individuals. We believe that the synthesized nanocompositions can be used as a valid candidate in the healthcare system, such as dental implants, due to its antimicrobial effect and non-toxicity in the model organism.Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Konya Technical Universit

    Renin inhibitors in diabetes and hypertension: an update

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    The coexistence of hypertension and diabetes increases the incidence of cardiovascular events and long-term morbidity and mortality. Blood pressure should be controlled with the most appropriate drugs as well as tight blood glucose control in patients with diabetes and hypertension. RAAS (Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System) blockers have an important role in the treatment of these patients, in this sense, ACEi and ARB remained the major treatment option in hypertension guidelines. The most recent RAAS blocker to be approved by the FDA was aliskiren in 2007, a renin inhibitor. Studies showed that aliskiren is as effective as other antihypertensive drugs and has a safety profile similar to placebo. The potent renin inhibitor aliskiren directly inhibits the RAAS system at its rate limiting step and differently from other RAAS blockers; it decreases plasma renin activity (PRA). Although the relationship of increased PRA levels and cardiovascular risk has been shown, it is unclear if the PRA decrease provided by aliskiren has an impact on clinical outcomes and cardiovascular endpoints. On the other hand, large trials like ASPIRE, AVANT-GARDE, ALTITUDE, ASTRONAUT, which investigated the combination of aliskiren with other RAAS blockers, failed to show the expected outcomes or resulted with an increased incidence of adverse effects, which raised more questions. As a result of the ALTITUDE trial, combination of aliskiren with an ACEi or ARB is not recommended in patients with hypertension and diabetes, or at least moderate renal dysfunction. Trials designed to prove aliskiren’s efficacy in new indications like diabetes, may face similar problems related to dual RAAS blockade because in the majority of cases, the optimal treatment is achieved with an ACEi or ARB. In this conjuncture, the increase in adverse events seen with aliskiren might be related to dual RAAS blockade rather than aliskiren directly. For instance, it is unclear whether the adverse event incidence would be the same, less, or higher if ALTITUDE was designed to investigate ACEi and ARB combination without aliskiren. In fact, every new molecular entity and mechanism of action faces the same barriers. For the time being, differentiating points like PRA lowering effects as an add-on therapy to calcium channel blockers or hydrochlorothiazide, and the populations that might have additional benefit, should be carefully investigated

    Halal Food Production and Consumption

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    Dünya genelinde insanlar, dinleri veya uyguladıkları diyetlerin bir gereği olarak besin değeri yüksek, temiz ve hijyenik koşullara uygun olarak hazırlanmış sağlıklı gıdaları talep etmekte veya tüketecekleri gıdaya daha bilinçli yaklaşmaktadırlar. Tüketiciler sentetik gübre ile yetiştirilen bitkisel ürünler ile katkı maddesi ve doğal olmayan kimyasal maddeleri içeren gıdaları tüketmek istememektedirler. Helal, temiz ve sağlıklı gıdaları tüketmek Müslümanların inançlarının bir gereği olup bu işlem aynı zamanda, dini vecibelerin de özgürce yerine getirilmesidir. Tanım olarak Helal gıda, Kurandaki ayetler ve Peygamberimizin hadislerinden yola çıkılarak İslam’ı kaygılar yanında hijyenik kurallara da riayet edilerek üretilen ve tüketilen yiyeceklerdir. Günümüz koşullarında dindar insanların özellikle de duyarlı Müslümanların, tüketecekleri gıdaları detaylı bir şekilde sorgulamaları ve bunların helal olduğundan emin olmaları önerilmektedir. Müslüman tüketicilerin yoğun olarak yaşadığı Malezya, Endonezya ve Türkiye gibi ülkeler ile Amerika, Kanada ve bazı Avrupa ülkeleri gibi Müslüman nüfusunun daha az olduğu ülkelerde helal ve sağlıklı gıda arz ve talebi giderek önem kazanmakta ve helal pazarı, her geçen yıl daha da artmaktadır. Dünyada ve birçok ülkede artan Müslüman sayısı ve genişleyen pazar hacmi ile ülkeler arası ithalat ve ihracat daha da artmış ve bu da helal ürünleri, standart hale getirme veya sertifikalandırma mecburiyetini doğurmuştur. Bunun sonucu olarak helal gıda kalite yönetim sistemleri geliştirilmiş ve bu amaca yönelik pek çok resmi ve özel kuruluş ülkemizde ve dünyada faaliyete başlamıştır. Bu bölümde, helal gıda üretimi ve tüketimi yanında sağlıklı beslenme konusunda da dindar tüketicilerin bilinçlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca helal gıda ve içeceklerin üretiminde dikkate alınması gereken konular ile istihlak, istihale ve katkı maddeleri gibi güncel konular hakkında da detaylı bilgi verilmiştir.People around the world demand healthy foods that are prepared in accordance with their religious beliefs or the diets they follow, which are high in nutritional value, clean and hygienic. So, the people has become more conscious for the food that they intend to consume. Consumers generally prefer natural or ecological products rather than the plants that are grown with synthetic fertilizers or pesticides and the foods containing additives or related chemicals. Consuming Halal, clean and healthy food has become main principles of Muslims, and this is considered as a personal right to follow the rules that required by their religion. By definition, halal food is produced and consumed in accordance with the verses in the Qur\u27an and the hadiths of the Prophet, with the concern of Islamic laws and hygienic rules. Nowadays, Muslims should always question the foods that they will consume in detail to make sure that they are halal. Halal food supply and demand is becoming increasingly important in the countries where Muslim population is in majority like Malaysia, Indonesia and Turkey and in some countries with less Muslim population like America, Canada and European countries. In this respect, halal food market has been growing for each year with the increasing Muslim population. So, expanding halal market volume, imports and exports between the countries increased further, and this led to necessitate standardize or certify halal foods in line with the trust of consumers. As a result, halal food quality management systems have been developed by many official bodies and private organizations in the world and in this country as well. In this chapter, we plan to raise awareness among the consumer on healthy, nutritious and halal food production, and discussing the issues that people face currently. In addition, detailed information is given for the production and consumption of halal food and beverages, and deal with the current issues like Istihālah, istihlāk and food additives

    Evaluating the relationship of blood pressure, plasma angiotensin peptides and aldosterone with cognitive functions in patients with hypertension

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    Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS) plays an important role in the development of hypertension. On the other hand, hypertension is a well-known and independent risk factor for cognitive impairment. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship of blood pressure control, plasma angiotensin peptides and aldoste- rone with cognitive functions. Forty-one patients who were under treatment with the same antihypertensive med- ications for at least three months were included in the study. Plasma angiotensin II, angiotensin 1-7, angiotensin IV, and aldosterone concentrations were analyzed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Stand- ardized Mini Mental State Examination (SMMSE) was used to evaluate cognitive functions. When the participants were grouped according to their SMMSE scores (cut-off value: 26 points), we determined significant differences between systolic blood pressure (SBP) levels, diastolic blood pressure levels, plasma angiotensin II and angioten- sin 1-7 concentrations of the groups. When the participants were stratified according to their SBP levels (cut-off value: 140 mm Hg), we found significant differences in SMMSE scores and plasma angiotensin IV concentrations of the groups. A negative correlation between SBP and SMMSE scores and strong linear correlations among an- giotensin peptides levels were determined. The relationship found between SBP and SMMSE in the present study was compatible with the literature. Our 33 patients were using at least one angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB). Regarding AT1 receptor blockage, the significant association between higher SMMSE scores and increased angi- otensin peptides may support a finding that ARBs prevent dementia and improve cognitive function. Further larger studies are needed to confirm and prove the relation of RAAS biochemical parameters with cognitive function

    MRI of lower extremity impingement and friction syndromes in children

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    Although generally more common in adults, lower extremity impingement and friction syndromes are also observed in the pediatric age group. Encompassing femoroacetabular impingement, iliopsoas impingement, subspine impingement, and ischiofemoral impingement around the hip; patellar tendon–lateral femoral condyle friction syndrome; iliotibial band friction syndrome; and medial synovial plica syndrome in the knee as well as talocalcaneal impingement on the hindfoot, these syndromes frequently cause pain and may mimic other, and occasionally more ominous, conditions in children. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a key role in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal impingement and friction syndromes. Iliopsoas, subspine, and ischiofemoral impingements have been recently described, while some features of femoroacetabular and talocalcaneal impingements have recently gained increased relevance in the pediatric population. Fellowship-trained pediatric radiologists and radiologists with imaging workloads of exclusively or overwhelmingly pediatric patients (particularly those without a structured musculoskeletal imaging program as part of their imaging training) specifically need to be aware of these rare syndromes that mostly have quite characteristic imaging findings. This review highlights MRI features of lower extremity impingement and friction syndromes in children and provides updated pertinent pathophysiologic and clinical data

    A systematic review of nutrition-based practices in prevention of hypertension among healthy youth

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    The aim of this systematic review was to analyze the results of observational and interventional research/studies on nutrition-based practices in the prevention of hypertension among healthy youth. The MEDLINE/PubMed database was searched using the key words, "hypertension," "nutrition/diet," "prevention" and "youth." Inclusion criteria were: 1) sample with a majority of adolescents, defined as 10-24 years of age, or findings for adolescents reported separately from other age groups; 2) primary research reports; 3) studies with normotensive participants; and 4) studies that focused on preventing hypertension/lowering blood pressure through at least one nutritional practice. Results of the analysis indicated that increased consumption of unsaturated fats, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dietary products, decreased consumption of dietary sodium and beverages containing caffeine, and breastfeeding were found to have preventive effects against high blood pressure in later years of life. The effects of training given during youth to encourage a healthy lifestyle and behavior changes based on diet and physical activity were also noted.publisher versio

    Antimuscarinic-induced convulsions in fasted mice after food intake: no evidence of spontaneous seizures, behavioral changes or neuronal damage

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    Prolonged or repeated seizures have been shown to cause spontaneous recurrent seizures, increased anxiety-related behavior, locomotor hyperactivity, impaired functions of learning and memory, and neuronal damage in the hippocampus and other brain regions in animals. Mice and rats treated with antimuscarinic drugs after fasting for two days or less develop convulsions after being allowed to eat ad libitum. To address whether such behavioral and neuroanatomic changes occur following these convulsions, mice treated i.p. with saline (control) or 2.4 mg/kg atropine and given food after 24 h of fasting were grouped according to seizure scores for behavioral and histological analysis. Following convulsions, the occurrence of spontaneous recurrent seizures was observed for 30 days. Motor activity and grooming behavior were assessed in the open field, and memory was assessed using the novel object recognition test 4 and 7 days after onset of convulsions, respectively. Animals allocated for the histological analysis were decapitated 7 days after onset of convulsions and hippocampal slices were evaluated for the percentage of degenerating neurons stained with Fluoro-Jade C. Spontaneous recurrent seizures, locomotor alterations, anxiety-related behavior, memory impairment, and neuronal loss in the granular layer of the dentate gyrus were not detected in the animals with seizure score 1-2 or 3-5. These results are in accordance with those related to the absence of behavioral changes, cognitive deficits, and hippocampal neuronal damage after single brief seizures in animals and patients with epilepsy

    İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmeni Adaylarının Matematik Hakkındaki İnançlarının Ulusal Düzeyde Karşılaştırılması

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    The aim of present study is to reveal pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ (PEMTs) beliefs about mathematics in national perspective and to compare the regional differences. The sample of study was composed of 1418 PEMTs enrolled in 21 different universities as 4th year students in Turkey. 12 regions determined in Nomenclature of Territorial Units or Statistics (NUTS) Level 1 were considered during the selection of sample universities. As data collection tools, “beliefs about the nature of mathematics”, “beliefs about mathematics learning” and “beliefs about the achievement in mathematics” scales which were developed in TEDS-M study and contain a total of five factors were used. The collected data were analyzed to descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA test using SPSS packet software. The findings indicated that PEMTs commonly have dynamic views toward nature of mathematics in the context of universities and regions. However, the static view representing the traditional aspect of mathematics also had a reasonably high percentile. Significant differences among universities and regions were determined in terms of beliefs about nature of mathematics, learning mathematics and mathematics achievement. To identify the possible reasons of the differences, it is suggested to carry out in-depth qualitative investigations to examine the variables such as courses and their contents, classroom applications in education faculties on the basis of universities and regions.Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilköğretim matematik öğretmeni (İMÖ) adaylarının matematik hakkındaki inançlarını ulusal açıdan ortaya koymak ve bölgesel düzeyde karşılaştırmaktır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Türkiye’de 21 üniversitede dördüncü sınıfta öğrenim gören toplam 1418 İMÖ adayı oluşturmaktadır. Örneklemdeki üniversitelerin seçiminde Türkiye İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Düzey 1 sınıflamasındaki 12 bölge dikkate alınmıştır. Bu çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak TEDS-M çalışmasında kullanılan, Türkçe’ye uyarlaması yapılan toplamda beş boyuta sahip “matematiğin doğasına ilişkin inanç” “matematik öğrenmeye ilişkin inanç” ve “matematik başarısı hakkında inanç” ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde SPSS paket programı yardımıyla gerçekleştirilen betimsel istatistik değerleri, tek yönlü ANOVA testi kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmada İMÖ adaylarının matematiğin doğasına yönelik dinamik görüşü üniversite ve bölgeler bazında yaygın olarak benimsedikleri, bununla birlikte matematiğin doğasına ilişkin geleneksel bakış açısını yansıtan statik görüşün de azımsanamayacak düzeyde benimsendiği belirlenmiştir. İMÖ adaylarının matematiğin doğası, matematik öğrenme ve matematik başarısına ilişkin inançlarının üniversiteler ve bulundukları bölgeler bakımından anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Bu anlamlı farklılığı oluşturan faktörlerin tespit edilmesi amacıyla üniversiteler ve bölgeler bazında eğitim fakültelerinde verilen dersler, içerikleri ve sınıf içi uygulamalar gibi değişkenler nitel yaklaşımlarla derinlemesine incelenmesi önerilmektedir

    The Relationship Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio and Heart Rate Recovery

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    AimIt has been shown that heart rate recovery index is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular mortality. It has been reported in most epidomiologic studies that an elevated neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio is strongly associated with cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between heart rate recovery index and neutrophillymphocyte ratio.Materials and MethodsA total of 238 patients who underwent coronary angiography due to abnormal treadmill exercise test results and who admitted to Cardiology Department of Faculty of Medicine at Namık Kemal University were evaluated retrospectively. heart rate recovery index was accepted as abnormal when the difference between peak heart rate at maximal exercise and the heart rate at the first minute of recovery phase is 18 beat or less.ResultsIn the comparison between those with abnormal heart rate recovery index and those with normal heart rate recovery index in terms of neutrophil count and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio was found a significant relationship. (respectively, p=0,027 ve p=0.000).ConclusionConsequently, our findings may potentially suggest that an elevated neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in patients with abnormal heart rate recovery index might be related to cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. The investigation of the prognostic significance of elevated neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in patients with abnormal heart rate recovery index in future prospective studies will be provide more conclusive evidence

    Poverty research in Turkey: Bibliographical analysis of poverty studies after 1990

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    After 1980, with the introduction and adoption of neoliberal policies and structural adjustment programs, the poverty increased and deepened globally and nationally. In the aftermath of this increase, UN’s and World Bank’s emphasis on the fact of poverty in their reports, action plans and cross-country analyses became the hallmarks of new poverty studies. In Turkish context, the 1999 Marmara earthquake, the financial and economic crises in 1990s and in 2001, alongside the effects of previous decade’s neoliberal policies, led to the visible and observable proliferation of academic discourses on poverty in Turkey. This is why the scope of this research is limited to 1990s, when the academic discourses on poverty re-emerged as an eminent area of study in Turkey. This study, by deploying content analysis method, analyzes bibliographical data of thesis, books, articles and research reports, which can be conceptualised in terms of poverty studies after 1990s. By doing this, this study aims to answer the questions ofwhich actors are interested in the issue of poverty and most importantly which actors achieved certain hegemony on this interest and in which years the interest regarding poverty is increased with what kind of concepts. Thus, this study relates the concepts of and perspectives on poverty with the periods by looking at thesis, books, articles and research reports. By answering these questions, this study produces a general outlook of the poverty studies in Turkey after 1990