147 research outputs found

    Parameter Estimation of Actuators for Benchmark Active Control Technology (BACT) Wind Tunnel Model with Analysis of Wear and Aerodynamic Loading Effects

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    This report describes the development of transfer function models for the trailing-edge and upper and lower spoiler actuators of the Benchmark Active Control Technology (BACT) wind tunnel model for application to control system analysis and design. A simple nonlinear least-squares parameter estimation approach is applied to determine transfer function parameters from frequency response data. Unconstrained quasi-Newton minimization of weighted frequency response error was employed to estimate the transfer function parameters. An analysis of the behavior of the actuators over time to assess the effects of wear and aerodynamic load by using the transfer function models is also presented. The frequency responses indicate consistent actuator behavior throughout the wind tunnel test and only slight degradation in effectiveness due to aerodynamic hinge loading. The resulting actuator models have been used in design, analysis, and simulation of controllers for the BACT to successfully suppress flutter over a wide range of conditions

    A New Vortex Initialization Scheme Coupled with WRF-ARW

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    The ability of numerical simulations to predict typhoons has been improved in recent decades. Although the track prediction is satisfactory, the intensity prediction is still far from adequate. Vortex initialization is an efficient method to improve the estimations of the initial conditions for typhoon forecasting. In this paper, a new vortex initialization scheme is developed and evaluated. The scheme requires only observational data of the radius of maximum wind and the max wind speed in addition to the global analysis data. This scheme can also satisfy the vortex boundary conditions, which means that the vortex is continuously merged into the background environment. The scheme has a low computational cost and has the flexibility to adjust the vortex structure. It was evaluated with 3 metrics: track, center sea-level pressure (CSLP), and maximum surface wind speed (MWSP). Simulations were conducted using the WRF-ARW numerical weather prediction model. Super and severe typhoon cases with insufficiently strong initial MWSP were simulated without and with the vortex initialization scheme. The simulation results were compared with the 6-hourly observational data from Hong Kong Observatory (HKO). The vortex initialization scheme improved the intensity (CSLP and MWSP) prediction results. The scheme was also compared with other initialization methods and schemes

    A Price Worth Paying: The Case for Controlling Marine Emissions in the Pearl River Delta

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    The Pearl River Delta (PRD) is a region with a single airshed, but different administrative and legal practices for controlling air quality. Under the Regional Cooperation Plan on Building a Quality Living Area (QLA Plan) released in June 2012 the Governments of Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macau have outlined a strategy to collaborate in reducing emissions from vessels throughout the PRD. This report provides evidence designed to assist policymakers in the region with this objective. It focuses on regulating toxic exhaust emissions from ocean-going vessels (OGVs) -- the most significant contributors of marine emissions. The findings show that marine sources of sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions currently account for 519 premature deaths per annum in the PRD. These deaths could be reduced by 91% should an Emission Control Area (ECA) mandating the use of fuels with lower sulphur content be introduced. The report also demonstrates that three less comprehensive control measures would also reduce OGV emissions and associated public health impacts by 41-62%. Policymakers are encouraged to introduce these measures as stepping-stones on the way to establishment of an ECA for the PRD

    Efecto del tamaño de pólipo y de los exudados de corales sobre la dinámica de picoeucariotas en un ambiente controlado

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    We examined the ability of scleractinian corals with different polyp sizes to remove picoeukaryotes by predation and the effect of coral exudates on picoeukaryote growth. Experiments were conducted by adding picoeukaryotes to Stylophora pistillata (SP) and Montipora stellata (MS). Within six hours the picoeukaryote concentration in the SP and MS tanks was significantly lower than the control without corals. SP showed higher overall activity than MS, and the particle removal activity of MS decreased in light conditions. Picoeukaryotes exposed to SP exudates grew significantly denser than those exposed to MS exudates or those in water without coral exudates. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations in the SP tanks were also significantly higher. We concluded that the picoeukaryote removal rates were higher in S. pistillata than in M. stellata, and coral exudates can reciprocally enhance picoeukaryote growth.Hemos estudiado la capacidad de corales escleractinios con diferentes tamaños de pólipo de depredar picoplancton eucariótico, y también el efecto de los exudados de los corales sobre el crecimiento de picoplancton eucariótico. Los experimentos se realizaron añadiendo picoplancton eucariótico a Stylophora pistillata (SP) y Montipora stellata (MS). Después de 6 horas, las concentraciones de picoplancton eucariótico en los tanques de SP y MS fueron significativamente reducidas, en comparación con las del tanque control sin coral. SP mostró en general una actividad depredadora algo más grande que MS, y éste redujo su actividad en condiciones de luz. Los picoeucariotas expuestos a exudados de SP llegaron a concentraciones más altas que cuando fueron expuestos a exudados de MS o a agua sin corales. La concentración de carbono orgánico disuelto en los tanques de SP también fué significativamente más alta. Se concluye que las tasas de depredación sobre los picoeukaryotes fueron más altas con S. pistillata que con M. stellata, y que los exudados del coral pueden recíprocamente mejorar el crecimiento de picoplancton eucariótico

    Examining the Impact of Nitrous Acid Chemistry on Ozone and PM over the Pearl River Delta Region

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    The impact of nitrous acid (HONO) chemistry on regional ozone and particulate matter in Pearl River Delta region was investigated using the community multiscale air quality (CMAQ) modeling system and the CB05 mechanism. Model simulations were conducted for a ten-day period in October 2004. Compared with available observed data, the model performance for NOx, SO2, PM10, and sulfate is reasonably good; however, predictions of HONO are an order of magnitude lower than observed data. The CB05 mechanism contains several homogenous reactions related to HONO. To improve the model performance for HONO, direct emissions, two heterogeneous reactions, and two surface photolysis reactions were incorporated into the model. The inclusion of the additional formation pathways significantly improved simulated HONO compared with observed data. The addition of HONO sources enhances daily maximum 8-hour ozone by up to 6 ppbV (8%) and daily mean PM2.5 by up to 17 ug/m3 (12%). They also affected ozone control strategy in Pearl River Delta region

    A review of progress and applications of pulsed doppler wind LiDARs

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    Doppler wind LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) makes use of the principle of optical Doppler shift between the reference and backscattered radiations to measure radial velocities at distances up to several kilometers above the ground. Such instruments promise some advantages, including its large scan volume, movability and provision of 3-dimensional wind measurements, as well as its relatively higher temporal and spatial resolution comparing with other measurement devices. In recent decades, Doppler LiDARs developed by scientific institutes and commercial companies have been well adopted in several real-life applications. Doppler LiDARs are installed in about a dozen airports to study aircraft-induced vortices and detect wind shears. In the wind energy industry, the Doppler LiDAR technique provides a promising alternative to in-situ techniques in wind energy assessment, turbine wake analysis and turbine control. Doppler LiDARs have also been applied in meteorological studies, such as observing boundary layers and tracking tropical cyclones. These applications demonstrate the capability of Doppler LiDARs for measuring backscatter coefficients and wind profiles. In addition, Doppler LiDAR measurements show considerable potential for validating and improving numerical models. It is expected that future development of the Doppler LiDAR technique and data processing algorithms will provide accurate measurements with high spatial and temporal resolutions under different environmental conditions

    Impacts of Seagrass on Benthic Microalgae and Phytoplankton Communities in an Experimentally Warmed Coral Reef Mesocosm

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    The effects of seagrass on microalgal assemblages under experimentally elevated temperatures (28°C) and CO2 partial pressures (pCO2; 800 μatm) were examined using coral reef mesocosms. Concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, and benthic microalgal chlorophyll a (chl-a) were significantly higher in seagrass mesocosms, whereas phytoplankton chl-a concentrations were similar between seagrass and seagrass-free control mesocosms. In the seagrass group, fewer parasitic dinoflagellate OTUs (e.g., Syndiniales) were found in the benthic microalgal community though more symbiotic dinoflagellates (e.g., Cladocopium spp.) were quantified in the phytoplankton community. Our results suggest that, under ocean acidification conditions, the presence of seagrass nearby coral reefs may (1) enhance benthic primary productivity, (2) decrease parasitic dinoflagellate abundance, and (3) possibly increase the presence of symbiotic dinoflagellates

    #CDCGrandRounds and #VitalSigns : A Twitter Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The CDC hosts monthly panel presentations titled 'Public Health Grand Rounds' and publishes monthly reports known as Vital Signs. Hashtags #CDCGrandRounds and #VitalSigns were used to promote them on Twitter. Objectives: This study quantified the effect of hashtag count, mention count, and URL count and attaching visual cues to #CDCGrandRounds or #VitalSigns tweets on their retweet frequency. METHODS: Through Twitter Search Application Programming Interface, original tweets containing the hashtag #CDCGrandRounds (n = 6,966; April 21, 2011-October 25, 2016) and the hashtag #VitalSigns (n = 15,015; March 19, 2013-October 31, 2016) were retrieved respectively. Negative binomial regression models were applied to each corpus to estimate the associations between retweet frequency and three predictors (hashtag count, mention count, and URL link count). Each corpus was sub-set into cycles (#CDCGrandRounds: n = 58, #VitalSigns: n = 42). We manually coded the 30 tweets with the highest number of retweets for each cycle, whether it contained visual cues (images or videos). Univariable negative binomial regression models were applied to compute the prevalence ratio (PR) of retweet frequency for each cycle, between tweets with and without visual cues. FINDINGS: URL links increased retweet frequency in both corpora; effects of hashtag count and mention count differed between the two corpora. Of the 58 #CDCGrandRounds cycles, 29 were found to have statistically significantly different retweet frequencies between tweets with and without visual cues. Of these 29 cycles, one had a PR estimate < 1; twenty-four, PR > 1 but < 3; and four, PR > 3. Of the 42 #VitalSigns cycles, 19 were statistically significant. Of these 19 cycles, six were PR > 1 and < 3; and thirteen, PR > 3. Conclusions: The increase of retweet frequency through attaching visual cues varied across cycles for original tweets with #CDCGrandRounds and #VitalSigns. Future research is needed to determine the optimal choice of visual cues to maximize the influence of public health tweets