5,041 research outputs found

    Investigation from Japanese MAGSAT team

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    The acquisition of tapes which contain vector and scalar data decimated at an interval of 0.5 sec, together with time and position data, is reported. Progress in the study of magnetic anomalies in the vicinity of Japan and in electric currents in the ionosphere and magnetosphere is also reported. MAGSAT data was used in obtaining a map of total force anomaly for the area of latitude 10-70 deg N and longitude 110-170 deg E. One of the outstanding features in the map of the magnetic anomaly is a negative magnetic anomaly in the Okhotsk Sea, which is of geophysical interest because of its possible connection with high heat flow values in that area

    On the evaluation of matrix elements in partially projected wave functions

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    We generalize the Gutzwiller approximation scheme to the calculation of nontrivial matrix elements between the ground state and excited states. In our scheme, the normalization of the Gutzwiller wave function relative to a partially projected wave function with a single non projected site (the reservoir site) plays a key role. For the Gutzwiller projected Fermi sea, we evaluate the relative normalization both analytically and by variational Monte-Carlo (VMC). We also report VMC results for projected superconducting states that show novel oscillations in the hole density near the reservoir site

    Negative parity states of 11^{11}B and 11^{11}C and the similarity with $^{12}C

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    The negative parity states of 11^{11}B and 11^{11}C were studied based on the calculations of antisymmetrized molecular dynamics(AMD). The calculations well reproduced the experimental strengths of Gamov-Teller(GT), M1M1 and monopole transitions. We, especially, focused on the 3/233/2^-_3 and 5/225/2^-_2 states, for which GT transition strengths were recently measured. The weak M1M1 and GT transitions for the 3/233/2^-_3 in 11^{11}B and 11^{11}C are described by a well-developed cluster structure of 2α2\alpha+tt and 2α2\alpha+3^3He, respectively, while the strong transitions for the 5/225/2^-_2 is characterized by an intrinsic spin excitation with no cluster structure. It was found that the 3/233/2^-_3 state is a dilute cluster state, and its features are similar to those of the 12^{12}C(02+)(0^+_2) which is considered to be a gas state of three α\alpha clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitterd to Physical Review

    Effective Model Approach to the Dense State of QCD Matter

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    The first-principle approach to the dense state of QCD matter, i.e. the lattice-QCD simulation at finite baryon density, is not under theoretical control for the moment. The effective model study based on QCD symmetries is a practical alternative. However the model parameters that are fixed by hadronic properties in the vacuum may have unknown dependence on the baryon chemical potential. We propose a new prescription to constrain the effective model parameters by the matching condition with the thermal Statistical Model. In the transitional region where thermal quantities blow up in the Statistical Model, deconfined quarks and gluons should smoothly take over the relevant degrees of freedom from hadrons and resonances. We use the Polyakov-loop coupled Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model as an effective description in the quark side and show how the matching condition is satisfied by a simple ansatz on the Polyakov loop potential. Our results favor a phase diagram with the chiral phase transition located at slightly higher temperature than deconfinement which stays close to the chemical freeze-out points.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; Talk at International Workshop on High Density Nuclear Matter, Cape Town, South Africa, April 6-9, 201

    Relation between the Polyakov loop and the chiral order parameter at strong coupling

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    We discuss the relation between the Polyakov loop and the chiral order parameter at finite temperature by using the Gocksch-Ogilvie model with fundamental or adjoint quarks. The model is based on the double expansion of strong coupling and large dimensionality on the lattice. In an analytic way with the mean field approximation employed, we show that the confined phase must be accompanied by the spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry for both fundamental and adjoint quarks. Then we proceed to numerical analysis to look into the coupled dynamics of the Polyakov loop and the chiral order parameter. In the case of fundamental quarks, the pseudo-critical temperature inferred from the Polyakov loop behavior turns out to coincide with the pseudo-critical temperature of the chiral phase transition. We discuss the physical implication of the coincidence of the pseudo-critical temperatures in two extreme cases; one is the deconfinement dominance and the other is the chiral dominance. As for adjoint quarks, the deconfinement transition of first order persists and the chiral phase transition occurs distinctly at higher temperature than the deconfinement transition does. The present model study gives us a plausible picture to understand the results from the lattice QCD and aQCD simulations.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.D. Appendix A is modified; references are adde

    The Experimental plan of the 4m Resonant Sideband Extraction Prototype for The LCGT

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    The 4m Resonant Sideband Extraction (RSE) interferometer is a planned prototype of the LCGT interferometer. The aim of the experiment is to operate a powerrecycled Broadband RSE interferometer with suspended optics and to achieve diagonalization of length signals of the central part of the interferometer directly through the optical setup. Details of the 4m RSE interferometer control method as well as the design of the experimental setup will be presented