4 research outputs found

    Design of Experiments (DoE) applied to Pharmaceutical and Analytical Quality by Design (QbD)

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    According to Quality by Design (QbD) concept, quality should be built into product/method during pharmaceutical/analytical development. Usually, there are many input factors that may affect quality of product and methods. Recently, Design of Experiments (DoE) have been widely used to understand the effects of multidimensional and interactions of input factors on the output responses of pharmaceutical products and analytical methods. This paper provides theoretical and practical considerations for implementation of Design of Experiments (DoE) in pharmaceutical and/or analytical Quality by Design (QbD). This review illustrates the principles and applications of the most common screening designs, such as two-level full factorial, fractionate factorial, and Plackett-Burman designs; and optimization designs, such as three-level full factorial, central composite designs (CCD), and Box-Behnken designs. In addition, the main aspects related to multiple regression model adjustment were discussed, including the analysis of variance (ANOVA), regression significance, residuals analysis, determination coefficients (R2 , R2 -adj, and R2 -pred), and lack-of-fit of regression model. Therefore, DoE was presented in detail since it is the main component of pharmaceutical and analytical QbD

    Development and Optimization of sunscreen applying Quality by Design (QbD) and Process Analytical Technology (PAT), 2018. (Master Degree))

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    Os protetores solares (PS) são os grandes responsáveis pela proteção da pele quando exposta à radiação solar, por isso a importância sanitária de se otimizar o desenvolvimento deste cosmético tipo II e monitorar para que seja eficaz em seu propósito. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é aplicar os conceitos de Qualidade por Design (QbD), ferramentas estatísticas de desenho experimental (DoE - Design of Experiments) e o conceito de tecnologia analítica de processo (PAT - Process Analytical Technology) para desenvolver uma formulação e processo produtivo de um PS de modo a modernizar os processos da indústria cosmética, fazendo as análises durante o processo e eliminando o controle de qualidade final. Trata-se de um sistema de desenvolvimento sistematizado, onde se executa as ferramentas de QbD para avaliar os dados obtidos ao longo da fase experimental. Para a fase experimental, empregou-se o desenho fatorial e desenho do compósito central (CCD - Central Composite Design) como ferramenta estatística, para a execução do planejamento de experimentos (DoE - Design of Experiments). As respostas foram analisadas através da metodologia de superfície resposta (RSM - Response Surface Methodology). Tais ferramentas são fundamentais para a determinação do desenho de concepção (design space), para se obter o PS com as melhores características físico-químicas e de processo dentro do escopo delineado. Para o desenvolvimento da metodologia de análise in line, optou-se pela utilização da espectrometria UV, utilizando-se ferramentas como análise de regressão dos mínimos quadrados (PLS) devido a praticidade em transforma-la em uma ferramenta PAT, para isto, a quimiometria foi empregada para modelar sistemas que são desconhecidos e complexos, como um PS, e trazendo respostas diretas como a aprovação do produto antes de ser embalado, por exemplo. A abordagem apresentada baseia-se na construção da qualidade ao longo do desenvolvimento e otimização de PS e torna possível o monitoramento da qualidade em tempo real.The sunscreens are great responsible for the skin protection when it is exposed to direct sunlight, so it means a great importance of health to optimize the development of type II cosmetic and monitor for it to be effective in its purpose. The objective of this work is to apply the concepts of Quality by Design and statistical tools of experimental design (DoE - Design of experiments), as well as applying the process analytical technology (PAT - Process Analytical Technology) concept for formulation and manufacturing process development of a topical sunscreen being able to modernize the cosmetic industry processing, including real time analyses and eliminating quarantine step, which waits analysis approval performed by the quality assurance, and then release the product for sale. As it is a systematic development, where critical quality attributes and risk assessment were performed to evaluate over obtained data. During experimental phase, the factorial design was used as a statistical tool for design of experiments implementation, and the responses were analyzed by response surface methodology (RSM - Response Surface Methodology). This mapping is critical to determination of the product design (design space), i.e. get sunscreen with the best physical and chemical characteristics and processing within the outlined scope. For in line methodology development, UV spectrometry was opted to be used due to less effort in sample preparation and due to great easiness to turn it into a PAT tool. For this, chemometrics was used, which brings together chemical and statistical elements to obtain three main elements: empirical modeling, multivariate modeling and chemical data, making it able to model systems that are unknown and complex, as a sunscreen, getting direct answers as product release approval before being packed, for example. The presented approach was based on the construction of quality throughout the sunscreen development and optimization making possible the real time quality monitoring

    Design of Experiments (DoE) applied to Pharmaceutical and Analytical Quality by Design (QbD)

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    According to Quality by Design (QbD) concept, quality should be built into product/method during pharmaceutical/analytical development. Usually, there are many input factors that may affect quality of product and methods. Recently, Design of Experiments (DoE) have been widely used to understand the effects of multidimensional and interactions of input factors on the output responses of pharmaceutical products and analytical methods. This paper provides theoretical and practical considerations for implementation of Design of Experiments (DoE) in pharmaceutical and/or analytical Quality by Design (QbD). This review illustrates the principles and applications of the most common screening designs, such as two-level full factorial, fractionate factorial, and Plackett-Burman designs; and optimization designs, such as three-level full factorial, central composite designs (CCD), and Box-Behnken designs. In addition, the main aspects related to multiple regression model adjustment were discussed, including the analysis of variance (ANOVA), regression significance, residuals analysis, determination coefficients (R2, R2-adj, and R2-pred), and lack-of-fit of regression model. Therefore, DoE was presented in detail since it is the main component of pharmaceutical and analytical QbD