232 research outputs found

    Minimal weight expansions in Pisot bases

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    For applications to cryptography, it is important to represent numbers with a small number of non-zero digits (Hamming weight) or with small absolute sum of digits. The problem of finding representations with minimal weight has been solved for integer bases, e.g. by the non-adjacent form in base~2. In this paper, we consider numeration systems with respect to real bases β\beta which are Pisot numbers and prove that the expansions with minimal absolute sum of digits are recognizable by finite automata. When β\beta is the Golden Ratio, the Tribonacci number or the smallest Pisot number, we determine expansions with minimal number of digits ±1\pm1 and give explicitely the finite automata recognizing all these expansions. The average weight is lower than for the non-adjacent form

    Parallel addition in non-standard numeration systems

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    We consider numeration systems where digits are integers and the base is an algebraic number β\beta such that β>1|\beta|>1 and β\beta satisfies a polynomial where one coefficient is dominant in a certain sense. For this class of bases β\beta, we can find an alphabet of signed-digits on which addition is realizable by a parallel algorithm in constant time. This algorithm is a kind of generalization of the one of Avizienis. We also discuss the question of cardinality of the used alphabet, and we are able to modify our algorithm in order to work with a smaller alphabet. We then prove that β\beta satisfies this dominance condition if and only if it has no conjugate of modulus 1. When the base β\beta is the Golden Mean, we further refine the construction to obtain a parallel algorithm on the alphabet {1,0,1}\{-1,0,1\}. This alphabet cannot be reduced any more

    Rational numbers with purely periodic β\beta-expansion

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    We study real numbers β\beta with the curious property that the β\beta-expansion of all sufficiently small positive rational numbers is purely periodic. It is known that such real numbers have to be Pisot numbers which are units of the number field they generate. We complete known results due to Akiyama to characterize algebraic numbers of degree 3 that enjoy this property. This extends results previously obtained in the case of degree 2 by Schmidt, Hama and Imahashi. Let γ(β)\gamma(\beta) denote the supremum of the real numbers cc in (0,1)(0,1) such that all positive rational numbers less than cc have a purely periodic β\beta-expansion. We prove that γ(β)\gamma(\beta) is irrational for a class of cubic Pisot units that contains the smallest Pisot number η\eta. This result is motivated by the observation of Akiyama and Scheicher that γ(η)=0.666666666086...\gamma(\eta)=0.666 666 666 086 ... is surprisingly close to 2/3

    Palindromic complexity of infinite words associated with simple Parry numbers

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    A simple Parry number is a real number \beta>1 such that the R\'enyi expansion of 1 is finite, of the form d_\beta(1)=t_1...t_m. We study the palindromic structure of infinite aperiodic words u_\beta that are the fixed point of a substitution associated with a simple Parry number \beta. It is shown that the word u_\beta contains infinitely many palindromes if and only if t_1=t_2= ... =t_{m-1} \geq t_m. Numbers \beta satisfying this condition are the so-called confluent Pisot numbers. If t_m=1 then u_\beta is an Arnoux-Rauzy word. We show that if \beta is a confluent Pisot number then P(n+1)+ P(n) = C(n+1) - C(n)+ 2, where P(n) is the number of palindromes and C(n) is the number of factors of length n in u_\beta. We then give a complete description of the set of palindromes, its structure and properties.Comment: 28 pages, to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    On univoque Pisot numbers

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    We study Pisot numbers β(1,2)\beta \in (1, 2) which are univoque, i.e., such that there exists only one representation of 1 as 1=n1snβn1 = \sum_{n \geq 1} s_n\beta^{-n}, with sn{0,1}s_n \in \{0, 1\}. We prove in particular that there exists a smallest univoque Pisot number, which has degree 14. Furthermore we give the smallest limit point of the set of univoque Pisot numbers.Comment: Accepted by Mathematics of COmputatio

    kk-block parallel addition versus 11-block parallel addition in non-standard numeration systems

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    Parallel addition in integer base is used for speeding up multiplication and division algorithms. kk-block parallel addition has been introduced by Kornerup in 1999: instead of manipulating single digits, one works with blocks of fixed length kk. The aim of this paper is to investigate how such notion influences the relationship between the base and the cardinality of the alphabet allowing parallel addition. In this paper, we mainly focus on a certain class of real bases --- the so-called Parry numbers. We give lower bounds on the cardinality of alphabets of non-negative integer digits allowing block parallel addition. By considering quadratic Pisot bases, we are able to show that these bounds cannot be improved in general and we give explicit parallel algorithms for addition in these cases. We also consider the dd-bonacci base, which satisfies the equation Xd=Xd1+Xd2++X+1X^d = X^{d-1} + X^{d-2} + \cdots + X + 1. If in a base being a dd-bonacci number 11-block parallel addition is possible on the alphabet A\mathcal{A}, then #Ad+1\#\mathcal{A} \geq d+1; on the other hand, there exists a kNk\in\mathbb{N} such that kk-block parallel addition in this base is possible on the alphabet {0,1,2}\{0,1,2\}, which cannot be reduced. In particular, addition in the Tribonacci base is 1414-block parallel on alphabet {0,1,2}\{0,1,2\}.Comment: 21 page


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    Two infinite words that are connected with some significant univoque numbers are studied. It is shown that their factor and palindromic complexities almost coincide with the factor and palindromic complexities of the famous Thue-Morse word

    Negative bases and automata

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    We study expansions in non-integer negative base -{\beta} introduced by Ito and Sadahiro. Using countable automata associated with (-{\beta})-expansions, we characterize the case where the (-{\beta})-shift is a system of finite type. We prove that, if {\beta} is a Pisot number, then the (-{\beta})-shift is a sofic system. In that case, addition (and more generally normalization on any alphabet) is realizable by a finite transducer. We then give an on-line algorithm for the conversion from positive base {\beta} to negative base -{\beta}. When {\beta} is a Pisot number, the conversion can be realized by a finite on-line transducer