53 research outputs found

    Effect of ocean acidification on marine fish sperm (Baltic cod: Gadus morhua)

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    Ocean acidification, as a consequence of increasing marine pCO2, may have severe effects on the physiology of marine organisms. However, experimental studies remain scarce, in particular concerning fish. While adults will most likely remain relatively unaffected by changes in seawater pH, early life-history stages are potentially more sensitive – particularly the critical stage of fertilization, in which sperm motility plays a central role. In this study, the effects of ocean acidification (decrease of pHT to 7.55) on sperm motility of Baltic cod, Gadus morhua, were assessed. We found no significant effect of decreased pH on sperm speed, rate of change of direction or percent motility for the population of cod analyzed. We predict that future ocean acidification will probably not pose a problem for sperm behavior, and hence fertilization success, of Baltic cod

    Use of biochemical indices for analysis of growth in juvenile two-spotted gobies Gobiusculus flavescens of the Baltic Sea

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    Multiple biochemical measurements were evaluated as an indirect measure of juvenile fish growth rate. Juvenile two-spotted gobies, Gobiusculus flavescens (Fabricius), caught in the Kiel Bight, were incubated in a temperature gradient table at 7 different temperatures ranging from 9 to 22.7°C for up to 28 days and sampled weekly. RNA/DNA ratios (RNA/DNA), protein and lipid amounts were measured in whole fish homogenates and compared with calculated weight-based growth rates of the individuals. RNA/DNA values were not significantly correlated with weight-specific growth rates. Lipid- and protein-based growth rates, on the other hand, were highly correlated with weight-specific growth (R2 of 0.4-0.5) and lipid-based growth rate explained 45.8% variability of weight-based growth in a linear growth model. Weight-based growth rates showed a dome-shaped relationship to temperature with a maximum around 16°C, a trend mirrored in lipid-based growth rates. The results indicate a stage-dependent shift in energy storage and metabolism with a decoupling of RNA/DNA as an index of weight-based growth rate as the juvenile gobies mature and lipids become the main determinant of weight-based growth in these fish

    Organ health and development in larval kingfish are unaffected by ocean acidification and warming

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    Anthropogenic CO₂ emissions are causing global ocean warming and ocean acidification. The early life stages of some marine fish are vulnerable to elevated ocean temperatures and CO₂ concentrations, with lowered survival and growth rates most frequently documented. Underlying these effects, damage to different organs has been found as a response to elevated CO₂ in larvae of several species of marine fish, yet the combined effects of acidification and warming on organ health are unknown. Yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi, a circumglobal subtropical pelagic fish of high commercial and recreational value, were reared from fertilization under control (21 °C) and elevated (25 °C) temperature conditions fully crossed with control (500 µatm) and elevated (1,000 µatm) pCO₂ conditions. Larvae were sampled at 11 days and 21 days post hatch for histological analysis of the eye, gills, gut, liver, pancreas, kidney and liver. Previous work found elevated temperature, but not elevated CO₂, significantly reduced larval kingfish survival while increasing growth and developmental rate. The current histological analysis aimed to determine whether there were additional sublethal effects on organ condition and development and whether underlying organ damage could be responsible for the documented effects of temperature on survivorship. While damage to different organs was found in a number of larvae, these effects were not related to temperature and/or CO₂ treatment. We conclude that kingfish larvae are generally vulnerable during organogenesis of the digestive system in their early development, but that this will not be exacerbated by near-future ocean warming and acidification

    Ocean Futures for the World’s Largest Yellowfin Tuna Population Under the Combined Effects of Ocean Warming and Acidification

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    The impacts of climate change are expected to have profound effects on the fisheries of the Pacific Ocean, including its tuna fisheries, the largest globally. This study examined the combined effects of climate change on the yellowfin tuna population using the ecosystem model SEAPODYM. Yellowfin tuna fisheries in the Pacific contribute significantly to the economies and food security of Pacific Island Countries and Territories and Oceania. We use an ensemble of earth climate models to project yellowfin populations under a high greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC RCP8.5) scenario, which includes, the combined effects of a warming ocean, increasing acidification and changing ocean chemistry. Our results suggest that the acidification impact will be smaller in comparison to the ocean warming impact, even in the most extreme ensemble member scenario explored, but will have additional influences on yellowfin tuna population dynamics. An eastward shift in the distribution of yellowfin tuna was observed in the projections in the model ensemble in the absence of explicitly accounting for changes in acidification. The extent of this shift did not substantially differ when the three-acidification induced larval mortality scenarios were included in the ensemble; however, acidification was projected to weaken the magnitude of the increase in abundance in the eastern Pacific. Together with intensive fishing, these potential changes are likely to challenge the global fishing industry as well as the economies and food systems of many small Pacific Island Countries and Territories. The modelling framework applied in this study provides a tool for evaluating such effects and informing policy development

    Influence of temperature on growth and biochemical-based indicators ofgrowth in juvenile Gobiids of the Baltic Sea

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    Survival and recruitment of marine fish are largely influenced by growth rates, which can be assessed by measuring RNA-DNA ratios as well as macromolecules such as proteins and lipids. Additionally, physical parameters have to be taken into account, which dictate growth rates. For gobies living in the sub littoral area of the Kiel Bight, Western Baltic Sea, temperature is the key abiotic factor, which fluctuates greatly throughout the seasons. In this experiment, two species of juvenile gobies, Pomatoschistus microps and Gobiusculus flavescens, found in the Kiel Bight, were incubated in a temperature-gradient table to determine the influence of temperature on the growth rate and biochemical-based indicators of growth. Growth models were used to analyze the variability in growth and the main body constituents. It was found that lipids are the main determinant of growth in juvenile gobiids and temperature only influences the rate of growth, not the composition of the fish tissue
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