381 research outputs found

    Erich Fromm and the Critical Theory of Communication

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    Erich Fromm (1900-1980) was a Marxist psychoanalyst, philosopher and socialist humanist. This paper asks: How can Fromm’s critical theory of communication be used and updated to provide a critical perspective in the age of digital and communicative capitalism? In order to provide an answer, the article discusses elements from Fromm’s work that allow us to better understand the human communication process. The focus is on communication (section 2), ideology (section 3), and technology (section 4). Fromm’s approach can inform a critical theory of communication in multiple respects: His notion of the social character allows to underpin such a theory with foundations from critical psychology. Fromm’s distinction between the authoritarian and the humanistic character can be used for discerning among authoritarian and humanistic communication. Fromm’s work can also inform ideology critique: The ideology of having shapes life, thought, language and social action in capitalism. In capitalism, technology (including computing) is fetishized and the logic of quantification shapes social relations. Fromm’s quest for humanist technology and participatory computing can inform contemporary debates about digital capitalism and its alternatives

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    Charakteris ir socialinis procesas

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    Publikacijoje nagrinėjama socialinio charakterio problema, nurodoma jo struktūra ir funkcijos. Socialinis charakteris apibrėžiamas kaip esminis grupės narių daugumos charakterio struktūrinis branduolys, kurį suformavo šios grupės pagrindiniai potyriai ir bendras gyvenimo būdas. Nagrinėjama, kaip charakteris veikia individą ir visuomenę. Normalaus žmogaus charakterio subjektyvi funkcija – nukreipti elgesį praktiniu požiūriu būtina jam kryptimi, o veikloje – patirti psichologinį pasitenkimą. Socialinis charakteris internalizuoja išorines būtinybes ir tuo būdu pajungia žmogiškąją energiją konkrečiai ekonominei ir socialinei sistemai. Šeima yra psichologinis visuomenės atstovas. Nors charakterio vystymąsi formuoja pagrindinės gyvenimo sąlygos ir nors nėra biologiškai nekintančios žmogiškosios prigimties, ji turi savo dinamiką, kuri yra aktyvus veiksnys socialinio proceso evoliucijoje. Nurodomi E. Frommo ir S. Freudo socialinės psichologijos skirtumai. Apžvelgiamos žmogiškojo kultūros pagrindo interpretacijų trys kryptys – psichologistinė (S. Freudas), ekonomistinė (K. Marxas) ir idealistinė (M. Weberis) pozicijos

    Charakteris ir socialinis procesas

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    Publikacijoje nagrinėjama socialinio charakterio problema, nurodoma jo struktūra ir funkcijos. Socialinis charakteris apibrėžiamas kaip esminis grupės narių daugumos charakterio struktūrinis branduolys, kurį suformavo šios grupės pagrindiniai potyriai ir bendras gyvenimo būdas. Nagrinėjama, kaip charakteris veikia individą ir visuomenę. Normalaus žmogaus charakterio subjektyvi funkcija – nukreipti elgesį praktiniu požiūriu būtina jam kryptimi, o veikloje – patirti psichologinį pasitenkimą. Socialinis charakteris internalizuoja išorines būtinybes ir tuo būdu pajungia žmogiškąją energiją konkrečiai ekonominei ir socialinei sistemai. Šeima yra psichologinis visuomenės atstovas. Nors charakterio vystymąsi formuoja pagrindinės gyvenimo sąlygos ir nors nėra biologiškai nekintančios žmogiškosios prigimties, ji turi savo dinamiką, kuri yra aktyvus veiksnys socialinio proceso evoliucijoje. Nurodomi E. Frommo ir S. Freudo socialinės psichologijos skirtumai. Apžvelgiamos žmogiškojo kultūros pagrindo interpretacijų trys kryptys – psichologistinė (S. Freudas), ekonomistinė (K. Marxas) ir idealistinė (M. Weberis) pozicijos

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    Monitoring Subjective Well-Being: Some New Empirical Evidence for Germany

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    What is subjective well-being influenced by? Since the Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress by Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi a huge number of studies has raised this question - with partly different findings. In addition, international organizations are increasingly addressing subjective well-being issues. The post-2015 development agenda of the United Nations as well as the inclusive growth strategy of the OECD may be quoted as examples. Facing the current state of national and international discussion, this paper analyses appropriate indicators for the mostly named factors influencing subjective well-being. The goal of the empirical study for Germany is twofold: First of all, the indicators discussed prominently are analysed with regard to the relevance for explaining the degree of subjective well-being (micro level). Secondly, it is examined, whether the relevance of these indicators changes over time. The empirical results presented in this paper are mainly based on yearly longitudinal data of private households in Germany. Currently, the data set covers about 21,000 individuals living in more than 12,000 private households. The data set provides information on various indicators for subjective well-being mentioned by most of the recent studies, like for instance people's life-circumstances and individual assessments. Concluding remarks concern on one hand the question if data from EU-SILC (because of its Europe-wide coverage) are useful in this context. On the other hand the combination of data at the micro level with indicators at the aggregate level is discussed as well.Paper prepared for the 33rd General Conference of The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth Rotterdam, Netherlands, August 24-30, 201

    Schools and skills of critical thinking for urban design

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    © 2017, © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This paper explores possible ways in which urban design can engage with critical thinking and critical theory. After a brief explanation of the terms, with particular attention to the Frankfurt School of thought, it provides various answers to the question as to whether urban design is critical or not. One categorization applied to planning critical theory is then used to explain the potential for employing critical theories in urban design. Critical thinking skills are then argued to be helpful for enriching the literature of urban design in order to achieve better practice. The conclusion is that urban design can benefit from critical creativity, which is an embodiment of critical thinking within the limits imposed onto creativity. In this paper, the ways in which urban design can engage with both critical theory and with critical thinking are explored in order to achieve better critical creativity in the field

    Existential Loneliness and end-of-life care: A Systematic Review

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    Contains fulltext : 88662.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Patients with a life-threatening illness can be confronted with various types of loneliness, one of which is existential loneliness (EL). Since the experience of EL is extremely disruptive, the issue of EL is relevant for the practice of end-of-life care. Still, the literature on EL has generated little discussion and empirical substantiation and has never been systematically reviewed. In order to systematically review the literature, we (1) identified the existential loneliness literature; (2) established an organising framework for the review; (3) conducted a conceptual analysis of existential loneliness; and (4) discussed its relevance for end-of-life care. We found that the EL concept is profoundly unclear. Distinguishing between three dimensions of EL-as a condition, as an experience, and as a process of inner growth-leads to some conceptual clarification. Analysis of these dimensions on the basis of their respective key notions-everpresent, feeling, defence; death, awareness, difficult communication; and inner growth, giving meaning, authenticity-further clarifies the concept. Although none of the key notions are unambiguous, they may function as a starting point for the development of care strategies on EL at the end of life.1 april 201