58 research outputs found

    Scale E-portfolio for Higher Education

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    Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the integration of technologies in education accelerated. In this context, the Digital Portfolio is presented as a tool with characteristics that allow the development of various skills. Thus, the objective of this research was i) Design a scale to measure the usefulness of developing a digital portfolio in Education from the curricular, communicative, and informative aspects. In addition, ii) Validate the proposed scale by applying exploratory factor analysis. The design was instrumental and 271 Higher Education students participated. The scale was designed based on the literature review and validation was carried out by expert judges and cognitive interviews. The results indicate adequate validity and reliability indices; being made up of 22 items represented in 3 factors: 1) Development ofCurricular Aspects, 2) Digital Communication, 3) Development of Digital Information. It is concluded that the scale can be useful to measure and make visible the characteristics and pedagogical potential of digital portfolios in Higher Education

    Concepciones de los estudiantes de pedagogía en educación matemática sobre el álgebra escolar

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    La dimensión afectiva de las matemáticas destaca el papel que juegan las concepciones, creencias, actitudes, emociones y comportamientos en la construcción del conocimiento y pensamiento matemático, siguiendo esa línea de investigación los propósitos del estudio fueron determinar las concepciones, creencias y conocimientos pedagógicos que subyacen en futuros profesores de matemática (N=263) hacia el Álgebra Escolar, para ello se adoptó un diseño metodológico cuantitativo con diseño no experimental del tipo encuesta. El análisis de los datos se realizó a través del programa estadístico SPSS 15.0 y las técnicas utilizadas fueron principalmente estadísticos descriptivos de tendencia central (media) y dispersión (desviación típica), cálculo de frecuencias, porcentajes y la prueba t para la comparación de medias entre grupos. Los resultados dan cuenta de concepciones sobre la naturaleza del Álgebra como una disciplina al servicio de otras ciencias y una postura de profesor dominante que propone las acciones y procedimientos a seguir durante su clase de álgebra, concepciones que no muestran diferencias significativas de acuerdo al enfoque de enseñanza de su universidad de formación

    Beliefs of secondary students’ of Coelemu, Chile and its rural areas about mathematics and problem solving

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the beliefs of secondary students from Domingo Ortiz de Rozas High School of Coelemu, Chile and its rural areas regarding the subject of mathematics and problem solving due to the teaching and learning process. The research was developed under a quantitative approach of quasi-experimental descriptive design survey type (n=156). As a basis was used the closed survey of Barrantes (2008), adapted based on the feedback provided by expert judgment. The results show statistically significant differences related to origin and academic performance in their beliefs about mathematics and problem solving when considering the usefulness of the contents in the learning process and how this subject allows the development of skills. According to gender, it was observed differences in their beliefs about mathematics, however related to problem solving, no statistically significant differences were found. It was concluded that the learning experiences about mathematics and problem solving from rural sector students are related to the development of adverse attitudes towards the subject, since they do not find use and purpose of its applications in their everyday life

    Elementos críticos de la escuela en territorio mapuche

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    El artículo presenta elementos críticos que caracterizan el funcionamiento de la escuela en territorio mapuche a partir de lo reflexionado con miembros de comunidades mapuches que cumplen roles a nivel familiar, social y político. La metodología de la investigación se sitúa en la antropología de la educación lo que ha favorecido una aproximación cualitativa del objeto de estudio. Los resultados evidencian dificultades de acceso a la escuela, cuestionamientos al perfil de los proyectos educativos, el establecimiento de relaciones de poder asimétricas familia-escuela y el predominio de una educación desterritorializada. Se concluye que estos elementos tensionan la construcción de procesos políticos destinados a favorecer la libre determinación educativa de la sociedad mapuche

    Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Concepts Regarding the Professional Competencies Involved in the Teaching of Statistics

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    In this study, we designed an instrument with a series of competences that had to be evaluated by student teachers enrolled in a course in Statistics Education at a public university in Chile (N=81). The questionnaire was administered at the beginning and end of the program in order to assess and compare the students’ a) reflection on practice in a collaborative learning environment, b) the competencies relating to the design of learning tasks, and c) the use of educational technology. The results show that the assessment initially made by students is determined by what they already know about statistics (intuitive knowledge. However, their concepts of professional skills related to the nature of statistics (mathematical competency), and their pedagogical knowledge needed for teaching and learning of statistics in secondary education (professional competency), undergo positive modification as the course goes on.</span

    Beliefs of Elementary School Teachers and Secondary School Mathematics Teachers During the Teaching Process

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    Background: Teacher practices when teaching mathematics are supported by their beliefs on how this subject should be approached. This has an impact on the learning of students who generally perceive mathematics as an incomprehensible mechanical activity in which a series of algorithms must be followed to obtain a solution. Therefore, the following questions arise: What are the beliefs of mathematics teachers regarding the teaching process? Which methodologies do they use in the classroom? Objective: The objective was to analyse the beliefs of elementary school teachers and secondary school mathematics teachers during the teaching process. Design: The study used a descriptive quantitative approach. Setting and participants: The sample consisted of 100 elementary school teachers and secondary school mathematics teachers from three regions in Chile. Data collection and analysis: Due to the Covid-19 health crisis, Google Drive was used to send a Likert questionnaire to each of the study participants. The information was processed and quantitatively analysed with the SPPS 25.0 statistical software. Results: Statistically significant differences were found based on specialisation, place of work, school administration, and gender of the participants. Conclusions: Teachers considered that knowing, learning, and applying mathematical knowledge was possible through rote and routine activities. In addition, teachers with 5 to 8 years of experience believed that mathematics develops problem-solving skills.Background: Teacher practices when teaching mathematics are supported by their beliefs on how this subject should be approached. This has an impact on the learning of students who generally perceive mathematics as an incomprehensible mechanical activity in which a series of algorithms must be followed to obtain a solution. Therefore, the following questions arise: What are the beliefs of mathematics teachers regarding the teaching process? Which methodologies do they use in the classroom? Objective: The objective was to analyse the beliefs of elementary school teachers and secondary school mathematics teachers during the teaching process. Design: The study used a descriptive quantitative approach. Setting and participants: The sample consisted of 100 elementary school teachers and secondary school mathematics teachers from three regions in Chile. Data collection and analysis: Due to the Covid-19 health crisis, Google Drive was used to send a Likert questionnaire to each of the study participants. The information was processed and quantitatively analysed with the SPPS 25.0 statistical software. Results: Statistically significant differences were found based on specialisation, place of work, school administration, and gender of the participants. Conclusions: Teachers considered that knowing, learning, and applying mathematical knowledge was possible through rote and routine activities. In addition, teachers with 5 to 8 years of experience believed that mathematics develops problem-solving skills

    Enhancing Sustainability at Lower Huron Metropark

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    Urban parks throughout the nati on are recognizing the need to become more sustainable environments, moving beyond their traditi onal roles. The Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority, which oversees 13 parks spanning 24,000 acres across fi ve counti es in Southeast Michigan, recognizes that its operati ons currently lack a detailed sustainability plan. While the Metroparks are a valuable environmental resource for the surrounding area, current practi ces are impacti ng human and natural systems. With the HCMA’s mission in mind, a sustainability plan for Lower Huron Metropark was developed, detailing sustainability initi ati ves that can be integrated with the park’s natural and built environments. The hope is that this plan can serve as a model for enhancing sustainability at the other Metroparks. This sustainability plan outlines recommendati ons for enhancing the environmental, economic, and social benefi ts provided by the Huron-Clinton Metroparks. Aft er selecti ng Lower Huron as the study park, fi ve issue areas (energy, water, waste management, stormwater management, and educati on) were chosen as the focus of the report. Lower Huron’s baseline was analyzed in each of these areas, followed by the research of precedent studies. The Metroparks of the Toledo Area and Portland Department of Parks and Recreati on are two organizati ons highlighted which have embraced sustainability measures throughout their operati ons. Finally, potenti al opti ons for implementati on were evaluated against specifi c criteria and recommendati ons of the most benefi cial opti ons were made. The criteria used to evaluate each opti on included project cost, site appropriateness, economic benefi ts, social benefi ts, and environmental benefi ts. The recommendati ons made include a system for increased data tracking, the installati on of a solar awning, the expansion of sustainability educati onal programs for children, the development of a waste reducti on policy, the capture and treatment of stormwater on site, and the installati on of water and energy effi ciency measures at park faciliti es.Master of ScienceNatural Resources and EnvironmentUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90873/1/enhancing_sus_Huron_metropark_2012.pd

    Las matemáticas, su enseñanza y aprendizaje: concepciones de futuros profesores en formación

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    Los propósitos del estudio fueron analizar las concepciones que estudiantes de primer año y quinto año de una escuela de formación de profesores de matemáticas manifiestan hacia lo que es la ciencia matemática, la utilidad de la matemática y los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje; para ello se adoptó un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo con diseño no experimental del tipo encuesta. El análisis de los datos se realizó a través del programa estadístico PSPP y las técnicas utilizadas fueron principalmente estadístico-descriptivos de tendencia central (media) y dispersión (desviación típica), cálculo de frecuencias, porcentajes y la prueba t para la comparación de medias entre grupos. Los resultados generales dan cuenta de una alta valoración hacia la matemática como ciencia que ayuda en el transcurso de nuestra vida a la solución de problemas cotidianos y su relación con las artes y la música. Así mismo los estudiantes valoran las actividades matemáticas que apelan a la motivación y la conexión con situaciones reales. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en los reactivos asociados al uso de reglas y operaciones en la matemática, en el valor formativo cultural e histórico de la matemática y en aquellas actividades matemáticas que desarrollan ejercicios y destrezas

    Dimensiones de la competencia comunicativa intercultural (CCI) y sus implicaciones para la práctica educativa

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    Intercultural Communicative Competence is defined as skills used by culturally different individuals to promote an efficient communication level, by establishing effective and appropriate behaviour within a social and cultural context. From this perspective, this paper aims to: (a) analyse the intercultural communication concept by describing its dimensions – cognitive, behavioural, and affective; (b) provide some points for reflection for the development of intercultural communicative competence in educational practices. In the educational environment, it is expected that teachers and students develop the best interaction possible, foreseeing misunderstandings caused by contrary values, meanings and beliefs among involved players; therefore they can manage both affective and cognitive demands.La competencia comunicativa intercultural se entiende como las habilidades que emplean los individuos culturalmente diferentes para favorecer un grado de comunicación suficientemente eficaz, estableciendo comportamientos apropiados y efectivos en determinado contexto social y cultural. Desde esta perspectiva, el trabajo tiene como objetivos: (a) analizar el concepto de la comunicación intercultural describiendo sus dimensiones: cognitiva, comportamental y afectiva; (b) proporcionar elementos de reflexión para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa intercultural en las prácticas educativas. En el ámbito educativo, se espera que profesores y alumnos desarrollen de la mejor manera posible la interacción, anticipen malentendidos causados por las diferencias en valores, significados y creencias entre los actores involucrados, y puedan hacer frente tanto a demandas afectivas como cognitivas en la interacción

    Percepciones de equidad e igualdad de género en estudiantes de pedagogía

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    El presente estudio analiza las percepciones que tienen los estudiantes de pedagogía sobre equidad e igualdad de género a través de un enfoque cualitativo. Los resultados evidencian desigualdades de género propias de una sociedad patriarcal que impone estereotipos y promueve lo masculino por sobre lo femenino. En este contexto, la educación aparece como facilitador de oportunidades para prácticas de igualdad y equidad de género.This study analyzes the perceptions student teachers on gender equity and equality through a qualitative approach. The results show gender inequalities inherent in a patriarchal society that imposes stereotypes and promotes the masculine over the feminine. In this context, education appears as a facilitator of opportunities to practice gender equality and equity.Cette étude analyse les perceptions des enseignants des étudiants sur l'égalité des sexes et de l'égalité grâce à une approche qualitative. Les résultats montrent les inégalités de genre inhérentes à une société patriarcale qui impose des stéréotypes et favorise le masculin sur le féminin. Dans ce contexte, l'éducation apparaît comme un facilitateur des occasions de pratiquer l'égalité des sexes et de l'équité.Fil: Mendoza Mendoza, Ilsa. Universidad Católica del Maule; Chile.Fil: Sanhueza Henríquez, Susan. Universidad Católica del Maule. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Centro de Estudios Migratorios e Interculturales; Chile.Fil: Friz Carillo, Miguel. Universidad del Bío-Bío. Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación; Chile