21 research outputs found

    Self-consistent modeling of laminar electrohydrodynamic plumes from ultrasharp needles in cyclohexane

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    This paper presents a self-consistent model of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) laminar plumes produced by electron injection from ultra-sharp needle tips in cyclohexane. Since the density of electrons injected into the liquid is well described by the Fowler-Nordheim field emission theory, the injection law is not assumed. Furthermore, the generation of electrons in cyclohexane and their conversion into negative ions is included in the analysis. Detailed steady-state characteristics of EHD plumes under weak injection and space-charge limited injection are studied. It is found that the plume characteristics far from both electrodes and under weak injection can be accurately described with an asymptotic simplified solution proposed by Vazquez et al. Physics of Fluids 12, 2809 (2000) when the correct longitudinal electric field distribution and liquid velocity radial profile are used as input. However, this asymptotic solution deviates from the self-consistently calculated plume parameters under space-charge limited injection since it neglects the radial variations of the electric field produced by a highdensity charged core. In addition, no significant differences in the model estimates of the plume are found when the simulations are obtained either with the Finite Element Method or with a diffusion-free particle method. It is shown that the model also enables the calculation of the current-voltage (IV) characteristic of EHD laminar plumes produced by electron field emission, with good agreement with measured values reported in the literature.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad FIS2014-54539-P

    Analys och optimering av installerad antennprestanda

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    This Ph.D. thesis consists of six papers, which are labeled with roman numerals. Papers I-III have already been presented in a licentiate thesis published in2017, and this Ph.D. thesis therefore focuses on Papers IV-VI. All six papersare within the scope of microwave and antenna engineering, with applications to radar, electronic warfare (EW), radio astronomy or communications. The common theme for Papers IV-VI is installed antenna performance (IAP). These papers present three methods for solving three problems related to IAP, by using information available in the installed far-ïŹeld data. In these papers, we address the main challenges within the scope of IAP, i.e. antenna placement, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), estimation of installed system performance (particularly direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation accuracy)and optimization methods to compensate for or minimize installation eïŹ€ects. The presented methods make no simplifying assumptions regarding the antennas or their installation, and instead rely on using the installed far-ïŹeld data, which is obtained through computational electromagnetics. These methods are therefore valid for generic array antennas. The presented methods are useful for antenna placement studies, i.e. as input for the decision on antenna placement on a platform such as an aircraft, ship, satellite or car. Paper IV considers the problem of antenna placement with respect to EMC. A platform, such as an aircraft, ship, satellite, or car, may have a large number of radio-frequency (RF) systems installed onboard. Since some systems transmit a high RF power, while other systems aim to receive weak RF signals, there is a signiïŹcant risk for unwanted electromagnetic interference (EMI) due to an insuïŹƒcient isolation between the antennas associated with each RF system. This paper presents a method for estimating the isolation between antennas installed on the same platform, in order to determine therisk for EMI as a function of antenna placement. Finally, a numerical case-study is presented, considering two monopole antennas installed on a small aircraft under line-of-sight conditions. Results are also presented for other installation conïŹgurations, where the antennas are not within line-of-sight. Paper V considers antenna placement and radome design with respect to DoA estimation accuracy. Firstly, we deïŹne the term "installation error" applied to DoA estimation. A method for determining the DoA estimation accuracy for a speciïŹc installation is thereafter presented. The paper ends with a numerical case-study for an array antenna installed behind a single-shell radome in the tail of a realistic full-scale model of a ïŹghter aircraft. Paper VI presents a method to compensate for radome eïŹ€ects on radiation patterns for array antennas. A convex optimization approach is used to minimize the side-lobe level, while taking the radome eïŹ€ects and mutual coupling into account. The paper ends with a numerical case-study for amonopulse-array installed behind a single-shell radome.Denna doktorsavhandling bestĂ„r av sex forskningsartiklar, som hĂ€r numreras med romerska siffror. Artiklarna I-III har redan presenterats i en licentiatavhandling som publicerades under 2017, och den hĂ€r avhandlingen behandlar dĂ€rför primĂ€rt Artiklarna IV-VI. Alla sex artiklar Ă€r inom mikrovĂ„g- och antennteknik, med tillĂ€mpningar inom radar, telekrig (EW), radioastronomi och kommunikation. Det gemensamma temat för Artiklarna IV-VI Ă€r installerad antennprestanda. Dessa artiklar presenterar tre metoder som har utvecklats för att lösa tre problem relaterade till installerad antennprestanda, genom att anvĂ€nda information som Ă€r tillgĂ€nglig i installerad fjĂ€rrfĂ€ltsdata. I dessa artiklar bemöter vi de huvudsakliga utmaningarna inom installerad antennprestanda, dvs antennplacering, elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet (EMC) och telekonflikt, estimering av installerad systemprestanda (speciellt vinkelmĂ€tningsnoggrannhet), samt metoder för att kompensera för installationseffekter. Dessa metoder Ă€r inte baserade pĂ„ nĂ„gra förenklande antaganden, och kan dĂ€rför tillĂ€mpas för godtyckliga gruppantenner, dĂ€r fjĂ€rrfĂ€ltsdata bestĂ€ms med elektromagnetiska berĂ€kningar (CEM). Metoderna Ă€r anvĂ€ndbara exempelvis under en förstudiefas för en ny plattform (exempelvis ett flygplan, fartyg, satellit eller bil) för att fatta beslut om antennplaceringar.   Artikel IV presenterar en metod för att uppskatta risken för telekonflikt för föreslagna antennplaceringar. En plattform har idag typiskt ett stort antal radiofrekvens (RF)-system ombord. DĂ„ vissa RF-system sĂ€nder en hög effekt, samtidigt som andra RF-system ska ta emot svaga signaler, finns det en risk för elektromagnetisk interferens (EMI), dvs telekonflikt, mellan dessa system. Telekonflikt kan alltsĂ„ uppstĂ„ pĂ„ grund av en för lĂ„g isolation mellan systemens antenner. Denna artikel presenterar en metod för att uppskatta isolationen mellan antennerna ombord som en funktion av deras placering. Flera antennplaceringar undersöks, inklusive monopolantenner installerade pĂ„ ett litet flygplan, dĂ€r antennerna har fri sikt till varandra. Resultat presenteras ocksĂ„ för antenner som inte har fri sikt till varandra. Artikel V handlar om antennplacering och radomdesign, med hĂ€nsyn till vinkelinmĂ€tningsnoggrannhet. Vi definierar först begreppet "installationsfel'' tillĂ€mpat pĂ„ vinkelestimering. DĂ€refter presenteras en metod för att uppskatta systemets vinkelinmĂ€tningsnoggrannhet för en föreslagen installation, genom att anvĂ€nda installerade fjĂ€rrfĂ€lt som indata. Denna artikel presenterar en fallstudie för en liten gruppantenn med en radom, som installeras i aktern pĂ„ ett modernt stridsflygplan. Artikel VI presenterar en metod för att kompensera för radomers pĂ„verkan pĂ„ strĂ„lningsdiagram hos gruppantenner. En konvex optimeringsmetod anvĂ€nds för att minimera sidlobsnivĂ„n i en monopuls-gruppantenn, med hĂ€nsyn till de fel som radomen orsakar. Denna metod tar Ă€ven hĂ€nsyn till övriga effekter, som till exempel ömsesidig koppling. Artikeln presenterar en  fallstudie för en liten gruppantenn som installerats bakom en enkelskalsradom.QC 20200214</p

    Efficient Computation of the Near-Field Mutual Coupling Between Antennas on Vehicles

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    A near-eld generalization of Friis transmission equation has previously been proposed in the literature. Using this generalization, it is possible to calculatethe mutual coupling between two antennas as a weighted integral over the antenna far-fields. In this thesis, a change of variables is used to remove the singularity in the integrand and a normalization of the antenna far-field is suggested to take mismatch and thermal losses into account. The resulting non-singular integral has been implemented in a computer program that can be used to calculate the mutual coupling between two arbitrarily polarized antennas given the antenna far-fields and the geometrical separation between the antennas. The program has several advantages compared to previous programs based on the near-field generalization of Friis transmission equation. Firstly, this program can calculate the mutual coupling between two arbitrarily polarized and oriented antennas whereas previous programs could only be used for linearly polarized and polarization-matched antennas. Secondly, the advantage of the non-singular form is the improved numerical stability. The mutual coupling calculated using this program is demonstrated to agree well with results from full three-dimensional simulations of antennas located in each others near-fields using commercial software. Finally, we investigate for the first time if this integral relation can be used to calculate approximate values of the mutual coupling between antennas on an electrically large vehicle.En nÀrfÀltsgeneralisering av Friis transmissionsekvation har tidigare foreslagits i litteraturen. Med denna generalisering kan den ömsesidiga kopplingen mellan tvÄ antenner beraknas som en viktad integral over antennernas fjÀrrfÀltsamplituder. I denna rapport anvÀnds ett variabelbyte för att ta bort singulariteten i integranden och en normering av fjÀrrfaltsamplituden föreslÄs for att ta hÀnsyn till antennernas förluster. Den resulterande icke-singulÀra integralen har implementerats i ett datorprogram som kan anvÀndas for att berÀkna kopplingenmellan tvÄ godtyckligt polariserade antenner givet antennernas fjÀrrfÀltsamplituder och geometriska separation. Programmet har flera fördelar jÀmfört med tidigare program som baserats pÄ nÀrfÀltsgeneraliseringen av Friis transmissionsekvation. För det första kan detta program anvandas för att berÀkna kopplingen mellan tvÄ godtyckligt polariserade och orienterade antenner dÄ tidigare program har varit skrivna for linjarpolariserade och polarisationsmatchade antenner. Dessutom uppnÄs en högre numerisk stabilitet eftersom den ickesingulÀra formen av integralen anvÀnds. Det demonstreras i flera exempel att kopplingen som berÀknats med detta program för antenner som befinner sig i varandras nÀrfÀlt stÀmmer vÀl överens med resultat som berÀknats med kommersiell mjukvara. Avslutningsvis undersöks om denna nÀrfÀltsgeneralisering kan anvÀndas for att approximativt berÀkna kopplingen mellan tvÄ antenner pÄ en elektriskt stor farkost

    Efficient Computation of the Near-Field Mutual Coupling Between Antennas on Vehicles

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    A near-eld generalization of Friis transmission equation has previously been proposed in the literature. Using this generalization, it is possible to calculatethe mutual coupling between two antennas as a weighted integral over the antenna far-fields. In this thesis, a change of variables is used to remove the singularity in the integrand and a normalization of the antenna far-field is suggested to take mismatch and thermal losses into account. The resulting non-singular integral has been implemented in a computer program that can be used to calculate the mutual coupling between two arbitrarily polarized antennas given the antenna far-fields and the geometrical separation between the antennas. The program has several advantages compared to previous programs based on the near-field generalization of Friis transmission equation. Firstly, this program can calculate the mutual coupling between two arbitrarily polarized and oriented antennas whereas previous programs could only be used for linearly polarized and polarization-matched antennas. Secondly, the advantage of the non-singular form is the improved numerical stability. The mutual coupling calculated using this program is demonstrated to agree well with results from full three-dimensional simulations of antennas located in each others near-fields using commercial software. Finally, we investigate for the first time if this integral relation can be used to calculate approximate values of the mutual coupling between antennas on an electrically large vehicle.En nÀrfÀltsgeneralisering av Friis transmissionsekvation har tidigare foreslagits i litteraturen. Med denna generalisering kan den ömsesidiga kopplingen mellan tvÄ antenner beraknas som en viktad integral over antennernas fjÀrrfÀltsamplituder. I denna rapport anvÀnds ett variabelbyte för att ta bort singulariteten i integranden och en normering av fjÀrrfaltsamplituden föreslÄs for att ta hÀnsyn till antennernas förluster. Den resulterande icke-singulÀra integralen har implementerats i ett datorprogram som kan anvÀndas for att berÀkna kopplingenmellan tvÄ godtyckligt polariserade antenner givet antennernas fjÀrrfÀltsamplituder och geometriska separation. Programmet har flera fördelar jÀmfört med tidigare program som baserats pÄ nÀrfÀltsgeneraliseringen av Friis transmissionsekvation. För det första kan detta program anvandas för att berÀkna kopplingen mellan tvÄ godtyckligt polariserade och orienterade antenner dÄ tidigare program har varit skrivna for linjarpolariserade och polarisationsmatchade antenner. Dessutom uppnÄs en högre numerisk stabilitet eftersom den ickesingulÀra formen av integralen anvÀnds. Det demonstreras i flera exempel att kopplingen som berÀknats med detta program för antenner som befinner sig i varandras nÀrfÀlt stÀmmer vÀl överens med resultat som berÀknats med kommersiell mjukvara. Avslutningsvis undersöks om denna nÀrfÀltsgeneralisering kan anvÀndas for att approximativt berÀkna kopplingen mellan tvÄ antenner pÄ en elektriskt stor farkost

    Simulation of Microbubbles during the Initial Stages of Breakdown in Cyclohexane

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    The formation of a vapor microbubble has previously been suggested to be the initial mechanism in the process of dielectric failure of dielectric liquids. The bubble is generated by a rapid, highly localized heating of a volume close to a highly stressed electrode, caused by electric currents in the liquid at high voltages. In this paper, a numerical model is presented to investigate the dynamics of a single microbubble in a point-plane geometry in cyclohexane. A condition for the formation of a vapor bubble is discussed. Thereafter, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of two-phase flow with phase transition is used to study the dynamics of the bubble from generation to collapse, under a highly divergent electrostatic field in a subcooled liquid. The amount of subcooling in the simulations is 5 K, and it is found that convergence gets significantly weaker as the amount of subcooling increases. The bubble expansion is also simulated considering the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) processes in the liquid and vapor phases. Finally, it is shown how the electrostatic forces on the dielectric will cause a bubble to detach from the electrode. Index Terms —Dielectric failure, streamer initiation, bubble dynamics, electrohydrodynamics, computational fluid dynamic

    Simulation of Microbubbles during the Initial Stages of Breakdown in Cyclohexane

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    The formation of a vapor microbubble has previously been suggested to be the initial mechanism in the process of dielectric failure of dielectric liquids. The bubble is generated by a rapid, highly localized heating of a volume close to a highly stressed electrode, caused by electric currents in the liquid at high voltages. In this paper, a numerical model is presented to investigate the dynamics of a single microbubble in a point-plane geometry in cyclohexane. A condition for the formation of a vapor bubble is discussed. Thereafter, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of two-phase flow with phase transition is used to study the dynamics of the bubble from generation to collapse, under a highly divergent electrostatic field in a subcooled liquid. The amount of subcooling in the simulations is 5 K, and it is found that convergence gets significantly weaker as the amount of subcooling increases. The bubble expansion is also simulated considering the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) processes in the liquid and vapor phases. Finally, it is shown how the electrostatic forces on the dielectric will cause a bubble to detach from the electrode. Index Terms —Dielectric failure, streamer initiation, bubble dynamics, electrohydrodynamics, computational fluid dynamic

    Determining Direction-of-Arrival Accuracy for Installed Antennas by Post-Processing of Far-Field Data

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    Embedded element pattern data for BoR array, as described in manuscrip

    On millimeter and submillimeter wave focal plane arrays implemented with MEMS waveguide switches

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    This thesis presents research towards enabling micromachined millimeter and submillimeter wave focal plane arrays (FPAs). The FPAs operate under the following principle: a switch network consisting of microelectromechanical (MEMS) switches, integrated with micromachined waveguides, is used to feed an array of antenna elements, located in the focal plane of a high-gain quasi-optical system. Hence, it is possible to switch between a set of narrow beams in different directions. Such beam steering systems are needed for future millimeter and submillimeter wave imaging and communication systems. The contributions to future MEMS-switchable FPAs presented here are organized in three papers, as described below. Paper I presents a criterion on the spacing between adjacent FPA elements which results in -3 dB overlap between the switched beams, for the special case when an extended hemispherical dielectric lens is used as the optical system. A key step towards this criterion is a closed-form relation between the scan angle and the FPA element's position, which results in an expression for the effective focal length of extended hemispherical lenses. A comparison with full-wave simulations demonstrates an excellent agreement with the presented theoretical results. Finally, it is shown that the maximum feasible FPA spacing when using an extended hemispherical lens is about 0.7 wavelengths. Paper II presents a numerical study of silicon-micromachined planar extended hemispherical lenses, with up to three matching regions used to reduce internal reflections. The effective permittivity of the matching regions is tailor-made by etching periodic holes in the silicon wafer. The optimal thickness and permittivity of the matching regions were determined using TRF optimization, in order to yield the maximum wide-band aperture efficiency and small side-lobes. We introduce a new matching region geometry, referred to as shifted-type matching regions, and it is demonstrated that using three shifted-type matching regions results in twice as large aperture efficiency as compared to using three conventional concentric-type matching regions. Paper III presents a submillimeter-wave single-pole single-throw (SPST) 500-750 GHz MEMS waveguide switch, based on a MEMS-reconfigurable surface inserted between two waveguide flanges. A detailed design parameter study is carried out to select the best combination of the number of horizontal bars and vertical columns of the MEMS-reconfigurable surface, for achieving a low insertion loss in the transmissive state and a high isolation in the blocking state. A method is presented to model the non-ideal electrical contacts between the vertical cantilevers of the MEMS surface, with an excellent agreement between the simulated and measured isolation. It is shown that the isolation can be improved by replacing an ohmic contact by a new, capacitive contact. The measured isolation of the switch prototype is better than 19 dB and the measured insertion loss is between 2.5 and 3 dB.Denna avhandling presenterar forskning som syftar till att möjliggöra fokalplans-gruppantenner (FPAs) för vÄglÀngder i millimeter och submillimeteromrÄdet. Principen för en sÄdan FPAs funktion Àr följande: ett nÀtverk bestÄende av mikroelektromekaniska (MEMS) switchar, anvÀnds för att vÀlja mellan de olika antenn-elementen i en gruppantenn, som placerats i fokalplanet av ett optiskt system. DÀrmed blir det möjligt att vÀlja frÄn en uppsÀttning av smala lober i olika riktningar. SÄdana lob-styrningssystem behövs för framtida radar- och kommunikationssystem i millimeter och submillimeteromrÄdet. Resultaten Àr uppdelade i tre vetenskapliga artiklar, som beskrivs nedan. I den första artikeln (Paper I) presenteras ett villkor för avstÄndet mellan nÀrliggande FPA-element som resulterar i -3 dB överlappning mellan de switchade loberna, för specialfallet dÄ en förlÀngd hemisfÀrisk lins anvÀnds som optiskt system. Det viktigaste steget mot att hitta detta villkor Àr att bestÀmma en analytisk relation mellan avsökningsvinkeln och FPA-elementens position. Detta resulterar i ett uttryck för den effektiva fokallÀngden för denna typ av lins. En utmÀrkt överensstÀmelse har funnits mellan dessa relationer och simuleringar. Slutligen visas det att de största möjliga FPA-avstÄnden för en förlÀngd hemisfÀrisk lins Àr ungefÀr 0.7 vÄglÀngder, vilket uppnÄs för linser med lÄg permittivitet. I den andra artikeln (Paper II) presenteras en numerisk studie av plana förlÀngda hemisfÀriska linser, som kan produceras frÄn en kiselskiva. Linserna har upp till tre matchningsregioner, som anvÀnds för att reducera interna reflektioner. Den effektiva permittiviteten av de matchande regionerna skrÀddarsys genom etsning av periodiska hÄl i kiselskivan. Den optimala tjockleken och permittiviteten av de matchande regionerna har bestÀmts med hjÀlp av TRF-optimering, för att ge maximal bredbandig direktivitet och minimala sidlober. En ny geometri introduceras för matchningsregionerna, som vi kallar matchningsregioner av skiftad typ. Vi visar att anvÀndning av tre matchningsregioner av skiftad typ resulterar i en dubbelt sÄ hög apertur-effektivitet, jÀmfört med att anvÀnda tre konventionella matchningsregioner av koncentrisk typ. I den tredje artikeln (Paper III) presenteras en MEMS-switch för rektangulÀra vÄgledare, för frekvensomrÄdet 500-750 GHz. Baserat pÄ en designparameterstudie har den bÀsta kombinationen av antalet horisontella rader och vertikala kolumner hos den MEMS-konfigurerbara ytan valts ut, för att uppnÄ lÄga förluster i det öppna tillstÄndet och hög isolation i det blockerande tillstÄndet. I artikeln presenteras en metod för att modellera icke-perfekta elektriska kontakter mellan de fixerade och de rörliga delarna i MEMS-ytan. Denna metod uppvisar en utmÀrkt överensstÀmmelse mellan den simulerade och den uppmÀtta isolationen. Vi visara att isolationen kan förbÀttras med hjÀlp av en ny typ av kapacitiv kontakt. Den uppmÀtta isolationen hos den presenterade switch-prototypen Àr högre Àn 19 dB, och den uppmÀtta förlusten Àr mellan 2.5 och 3 dB.QC 20161206</p

    On the modeling of the production and drift of carriers in cyclohexane

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    The modeling of the mechanisms of generation, loss, multiplication and transport of charge carriers is vital for the simulation of the prebreakdown process in dielectric liquids. Unfortunately, there is a lack of suitable coefficients to describe the electron generation and transport of carriers in liquids, which hinders the development of numerical models with sufficient predictive power. In this paper, the drift-dominated continuity equations for electrons and ions are coupled with Poisson's equation in order to simulate the carrier production and drift in the liquid phase under positive and negative voltages in cyclohexane. The estimations of the model are compared with measurements of current-voltage characteristics and Trichel current pulses reported in the literature for needle-plane configurations. In the analysis, the electron generation mechanisms suggested for dielectric liquids are analyzed and discussed. It is found that estimations based on the Zener equation for field-dependent molecular ionization do not agree with measurements for negative sharp points. It is also shown that the proper estimation of the electric current in the liquid phase should consider a field-dependent attachment term as well as the electrohydrodynamic movement of the liquid.QC 20140110</p