5,915 research outputs found

    Conscience, Judging, and Conscientious Judging

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    Judging requires applying the law instead of personal morals, philosophy, or policy of the community. Doing so requires a respect for the separation of powers between branches of government. Justice Franchini of the New Mexico Supreme Court reflects on this challenge for judges through a personal anecdote

    Conscience, Judging, and Conscientious Judging

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    Judging requires applying the law instead of personal morals, philosophy, or policy of the community. Doing so requires a respect for the separation of powers between branches of government. Justice Franchini of the New Mexico Supreme Court reflects on this challenge for judges through a personal anecdote

    Combined first-principles and model Hamiltonian study of the perovskite series RMnO3 (R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd)

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    We merge advanced ab initio schemes (standard density functional theory, hybrid functionals and the GW approximation) with model Hamiltonian approaches (tight-binding and Heisenberg Hamiltonian) to study the evolution of the electronic, magnetic and dielectric properties of the manganite family RMnO3 (R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd). The link between first principles and tight-binding is established by downfolding the physically relevant subset of 3d bands with e_g character by means of maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) using the VASP2WANNIER90 interface. The MLWFs are then used to construct a tight-binding Hamiltonian. The dispersion of the TB e_g bands at all levels are found to match closely the MLWFs. We provide a complete set of TB parameters which can serve as guidance for the interpretation of future studies based on many-body Hamiltonian approaches. In particular, we find that the Hund's rule coupling strength, the Jahn-Teller coupling strength, and the Hubbard interaction parameter U remain nearly constant for all the members of the RMnO3 series, whereas the nearest neighbor hopping amplitudes show a monotonic attenuation as expected from the trend of the tolerance factor. Magnetic exchange interactions, computed by mapping a large set of hybrid functional total energies onto an Heisenberg Hamiltonian, clarify the origin of the A-type magnetic ordering observed in the early rare-earth manganite series as arising from a net negative out-of-plane interaction energy. The obtained exchange parameters are used to estimate the Neel temperature by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The resulting data capture well the monotonic decrease of the ordering temperature down the R series, in agreement with experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Características Antropométricas en Atletas de Jiu Jitsu Brasilero de Alto Nivel: Rol del Estilo de Lucha

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.SUMMARY: Human performance efficiency and effectiveness in different sports depend to a large extent on the size, weight and proportion of the physique of the athlete. The aim of this study was to identify morphological characteristics of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) athletes. The sample consisted of 25 highly trained male athletes who were classified according to their fighting style; guard fighter (GF) vs. pass fighter (PF). The athletes were assessed for somatotype, body composition and proportionality. For the whole group of athletes the somatotype was 2.23±0.68, 6.33±1.14, and 1.75±0.87 for endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph components, respectively. Muscle and adipose tissue percentages were 52.34±2.15% and 19.30±2.51%, respectively. PF were significantly more mesomorph (p< 0.05) and less ectomorph (p< 0.05) than GF. Also, PF had significantly higher phantom Z score for bone mass vs. GF (0.51±0.57 vs. 0.01±0.54; p<0.05), and significantly lower muscle mass- bone mass ratio (4.55±0.31 vs. 4.77±0.56; p<0.05), height (1.71±0.06 vs. 1.77±0.07; p<0.05) and height weight ratio (40.58±1.11 vs. 41.84±1.22). Our results show that morphological characteristics are related to different fighting styles in BJJ athletes.RESUMEN: La eficiencia y efectividad del rendimiento humano en diferentes deportes depende en gran medida del tamaño, peso y proporción del físico del atleta. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las características morfológicas de atletas jiu-jitsu brasileros. La muestra consintió de 25 atletas varones altamente entrenados, quienes fueron clasificados de acuerdo a su estilo de lucha; guarderos (GF) vs pasadores (PF). Se evaluó en los atletas somatotipo, composición corporal y proporcionalidad. Para el grupo total de atletas el somatotipo fue 2,23±0,68, 6,33±1,14 y 1,75±0,78 para el endomorfismo, mesomorfismo y ectomorfismo, respectivamente. Los porcentajes de tejido muscular y adiposo fueron 52,34±2,15% and 19,30±2,51%, respectivamente. PF fueron significativamente las mesomorfos (p<0,05) y menos ectomorfos (p<0,05) que GF. Además PF tuvieron una significativamente alto Z score para la masa ósea (4,55±0,31 vs. 4,77±0,56; p<0,05), estatura (1,71±0,06 vs. 1,77±0,07; p<0,05) y relación altura peso (40,58±1.11 vs. 41,84±1.22). Nuestros resultados muestran que las características morfológicas están relacionadas a diferentes estilos de lucha en atletas de BJJ.http://ref.scielo.org/bzhxy

    Morphochemical age-related changes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: immunoperoxidase localization of cytokine- and growth factor-like molecules

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    Morphochemical age-related features in the hermaphrodite Caenorhabditis elegans are reported. The study of worms of different ages shows a gradual decline in response to the various histochemical reactions and a disorganization of the components of the gonad during ageing. Using an immunocytochemical procedure, we show for the first time the presence of immunoreactive IL-1alpha and PDGF-AB molecules in neurons from young adult C. elegans. Moreover, TNF-alpha- and PDGF-AB-like molecules are also present in the secretory cells of the pharyngeal terminal bulb. The number of positive cells to anti-cytokine and anti-growth factor antibodies decreases in older worms, suggesting that these molecules may play an important role in worm ageing. The present investigation therefore supports the findings in the literature obtained with different approaches on the crucial role of the nervous and reproductive systems in the life span of C. elegans

    Constraining modifications of black hole perturbation potentials near the light ring with quasinormal modes

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    In modified theories of gravity, the potentials appearing in theSchr\"odinger-like equations that describe perturbations of non-rotating blackholes are also modified. In this paper we ask: can these modifications beconstrained with high-precision gravitational-wave measurements of the blackhole's quasinormal mode frequencies? We expand the modifications in a smallperturbative parameter regulating the deviation from the general-relativisticpotential, and in powers of M/rM/r. We compute the quasinormal modes of themodified potential up to quadratic order in the perturbative parameter. Then weuse Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo (MCMC) methods to recover the coefficients in theM/rM/r expansion in an ``optimistic'' scenario where we vary them one at a time,and in a ``pessimistic'' scenario where we vary them all simultaneously. Inboth cases, we find that the bounds on the individual parameters are notrobust. Because quasinormal mode frequencies are related to the behavior of theperturbation potential near the light ring, we propose a different strategy.Inspired by Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) theory, we demonstrate that thevalue of the potential and of its second derivative at the light ring can berobustly constrained. These constraints allow for a more direct comparisonbetween tests based on black hole spectroscopy and observations of black hole`shadows'' by the Event Horizon Telescope and future instruments.<br

    Desenvolvimento do sistema radicular de forrageiras e da soja em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária no arenito paranaense.

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    Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento radicular de espécies forrageiras e da soja semeada em sucessão, a produção de massa seca das forrageiras no momento do semeadura da soja e seus reflexos na produtividade da soja em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária, no Arenito Caiuá. O sistema com Panicum maximum + Brachiaria ruzizienses se destacou tanto, pela produção de massa seca da parte aérea quanto pelo desenvolvimento radicular. O sistema radicular nesse tratamento apresentou área radicular e comprimento de raízes, 30% e 23%, respectivamente, maior do que a média dos demais tratamentos. Da mesma forma, a massa seca na semeadura da soja foi de 7365 kg/ha superando em 11% a média dos demais tratamentos. A soja, por outro lado, apresentou maior área radicular e comprimento de raízes, 30% e 39%, respectivamente, no tratamento com B. ruzizienses, apenas. Acompanhando o desenvolvimento radicular, a soja apresentou nesse tratamento, produtividade de 3426 kg/ha, 11% maior do que a media dos demais tratamentos. Os resultados indicam que apesar da maior produção de forragem e raízes no sistema P. maximum + B. ruzizienses a presença de apenas B. ruzizienses foi mais favorável ao desenvolvimento radicular e produtividade da soja. As interações entre forrageiras tropicais e a soja em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária vão além das quantidades de material vegetal produzido, indicando sinergismo entre espécies, no caso da soja e B. ruzizienses

    Relação entre poda verde e o uso de material refletivo com a qualidade de pêssegos ´Eldorado´.

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