697 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Quorum Sensing as a Mechanism to Infer Kinship.

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    Bacteria regulate many phenotypes via quorum sensing systems. Quorum sensing is typically thought to evolve because the regulated cooperative phenotypes are only beneficial at certain cell densities. However, quorum sensing systems are also threatened by non-cooperative "cheaters" that may exploit quorum-sensing regulated cooperation, which begs the question of how quorum sensing systems are maintained in nature. Here we study the evolution of quorum sensing using an individual-based model that captures the natural ecology and population structuring of microbial communities. We first recapitulate the two existing observations on quorum sensing evolution: density-dependent benefits favor quorum sensing but competition and cheating will destabilize it. We then model quorum sensing in a dense community like a biofilm, which reveals a novel benefit to quorum sensing that is intrinsically evolutionarily stable. In these communities, competing microbial genotypes gradually segregate over time leading to positive correlation between density and genetic similarity between neighboring cells (relatedness). This enables quorum sensing to track genetic relatedness and ensures that costly cooperative traits are only activated once a cell is safely surrounded by clonemates. We hypothesize that under similar natural conditions, the benefits of quorum sensing will not result from an assessment of density but from the ability to infer kinship

    The feasibility and efficacy of a brief integrative treatment for adults with depression and/or anxiety: A randomized controlled trial

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and suitability of a brief integrative intervention, Personalized Integrative Therapy (PI Therapy), for the treatment of adult depression and/or anxiety. In this 6-week, 3-arm, parallel-group, randomized trial, PI Therapy delivered alone or with nutritional supplements (PI Therapy + Supps) was compared to cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) in 48 adults with depression and/or anxiety. All treatments were delivered as a 1-day workshop plus 6 weeks of reminder phone text messages to reinforce topics and skills covered in the workshop. Affective symptoms decreased significantly and to the same extent in all 3 conditions. At the end of treatment, 33% to 58% of participants reported levels of depressive symptoms in the normal range, and 50% to 58% reported nonclinical levels of anxiety. Compared to CBT and PI Therapy, PI Therapy + Supps was associated with significantly greater improvements in sleep quality. These findings suggest that a brief integrative intervention with or without supplements was comparable to CBT in reducing affective symptoms in adults with depression and/or anxiety. However, sleep quality improved only in the PI Therapy + Supps condition. These findings will require replication with a larger cohort

    The oblique plane deformity in slipped capital femoral epiphysis.

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    Background Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is commonly treated with in situ pinning. However, a severe slip may not be suitable for in situ pinning because the required screw trajectory is such that it risks perforating the posterior cortex and damaging the remaining blood supply to the capital epiphysis. In such cases, an anteriorly placed screw may also cause impingement. It is also possible to underestimate the severity of the slip using conventional radiographs. The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate a novel method for calculating the true deformity in SCFE and to assess the interobserver and intraobserver reliability of this technique. Methods We selected 20 patients with varying severity of SCFE who presented to our institution. Cross-sectional imaging [either axial computed tomography (CT) scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans] and anteroposterior (AP) pelvis radiographs were assessed by four reviewers with varying levels of experience on two occasions. The degree of slip on the axial image and on the AP pelvis radiographs were measured and, from this, the oblique plane deformity was calculated using the method as popularised by Paley. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated to determine the interobserver and intraobserver reliabilities between and amongst the raters. Results The interobserver reliability for the calculated oblique plane deformity in SCFE ICC was 0.947 [95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.90–0.98] and the intraobserver reliability for the calculated oblique plane deformity of individual raters ranged from 0.81 to 0.94. The deformity in the oblique plane was always greater than the deformity measured in the axial or the coronal plane alone. Conclusion This method for calculating the true deformity in SCFE has excellent interobserver and intraobserver reliability and can be used to guide treatment options. This technique is a reliable and reproducible method for assessing the degree of deformity in SCFE. It may help orthopaedic surgeons with varying degrees of experience to identify which hips are suitable for in situ pinning and those which require surgical dislocation and anatomical reduction, given that plain radiographs in a single plane will underestimate the true deformity in the oblique plane. Level of evidence Level II diagnostic study

    AquaCrop-OS: An open source version of FAO's crop water productivity model

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    AbstractCrop simulation models are valuable tools for quantifying crop yield response to water, and for devising strategies to improve agricultural water management. However, applicability of the majority of crop models is limited greatly by a failure to provide open-access to model source code. In this study, we present an open-source version of the FAO AquaCrop model, which simulates efficiently water-limited crop production across diverse environmental and agronomic conditions. Our model, called AquaCrop-OpenSource (AquaCrop-OS), can be run in multiple programming languages and operating systems. Support for parallel execution reduces significantly simulation times when applying the model in large geospatial frameworks, for long-run policy analysis, or for uncertainty assessment. Furthermore, AquaCrop-OS is compliant with the Open Modelling Interface standard facilitating linkage to other disciplinary models, for example to guide integrated water resources planning

    Can invasions occur without change? A comparison of G-matrices and selection in the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae

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    Most evolutionary research on biological invasions has focused on changes seen between the native and invaded range for a particular species. However, it is likely that species that live in human-modified habitats in their native range might have evolved specific adaptations to those environments, which increase the likelihood of establishment and spread in similar human-altered environments. From a quantitative genetic perspective, this hypothesis suggests that both native and introduced populations should reside at or near the same adaptive peak. Therefore, we should observe no overall changes in the G (genetic variance–covariance) matrices between native and introduced ranges, and stabilizing selection on fitness-related traits in all populations. We tested these predictions comparing three populations of the worldwide pest Myzus persicae from the Middle East (native range) and the UK and Chile (separately introduced ranges). In general, our results provide mixed support for this idea, but further comparisons of other species are needed. In particular, we found that there has been some limited evolution in the studied traits, with the Middle East population differing from the UK and Chilean populations. This was reflected in the structure of the G-matrices, in which Chile differed from both UK and Middle East populations. Furthermore, the amount of genetic variation was massively reduced in Chile in comparison with UK and Middle East populations. Finally, we found no detectable selection on any trait in the three populations, but clones from the introduced ranges started to reproduce later, were smaller, had smaller offspring, and had lower reproductive fitness than clones from the native range

    Engineering chiral light–matter interactions in a waveguide-coupled nanocavity

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    Spin-dependent, directional light–matter interactions form the basis of chiral quantum networks. In the solid state, quantum emitters commonly possess circularly polarized optical transitions with spin-dependent handedness. We demonstrate numerically that spin-dependent chiral coupling can be realized by embedding such an emitter in a waveguide-coupled nanocavity, which supports two near-degenerate, orthogonally polarized cavity modes. The chiral behavior arises due to direction-dependent interference between the cavity modes upon coupling to two single-mode output waveguides. Notably, an experimentally realistic cavity design simultaneously supports near-unity chiral contrast, efficient (>95%) cavity-waveguide coupling and enhanced light–matter interaction strength (Purcell factor FP > 70). In combination, these parameters enable the development of highly coherent spin–photon interfaces ready for integration into nanophotonic circuits

    Electrically pumped single-defect light emitters in WSe2_2

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    Recent developments in fabrication of van der Waals heterostructures enable new type of devices assembled by stacking atomically thin layers of two-dimensional materials. Using this approach, we fabricate light-emitting devices based on a monolayer WSe2_2, and also comprising boron nitride tunnelling barriers and graphene electrodes, and observe sharp luminescence spectra from individual defects in WSe2_2 under both optical and electrical excitation. This paves the way towards the realization of electrically-pumped quantum emitters in atomically thin semiconductors. In addition we demonstrate tuning by more than 1 meV of the emission energy of the defect luminescence by applying a vertical electric field. This provides an estimate of the permanent electric dipole created by the corresponding electron-hole pair. The light-emitting devices investigated in our work can be assembled on a variety of substrates enabling a route to integration of electrically pumped single quantum emitters with existing technologies in nano-photonics and optoelectronics

    Engineering strong chiral light-matter interactions in a waveguide-coupled nanocavity

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    Spin-dependent, directional light-matter interactions form the basis of chiral quantum networks. In the solid state, quantum emitters commonly possess circularly polarised optical transitions with spin-dependent handedness. We demonstrate theoretically that spin-dependent chiral coupling can be realised by embedding such an emitter in a waveguide-coupled nanocavity, which supports two near-degenerate, orthogonally-polarised cavity modes. The chiral behaviour arises due to direction-dependent interference between the cavity modes upon coupling to two single-mode output waveguides. Notably, an experimentally realistic cavity design simultaneously supports near-unity chiral contrast, efficient (β>0.95) waveguide coupling and enhanced light-matter interaction strength (Purcell factor FP>60). In combination, these parameters could enable the development of highly coherent spin-photon interfaces, and may even allow access to the chiral strong-coupling regime using integrated nano-photonic devices

    The biased apelin receptor agonist, MM07, reverses Sugen/hypoxia-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension as effectively as the endothelin antagonist macitentan

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    Introduction: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is characterised by endothelial dysfunction and pathological vascular remodelling, resulting in the occlusion of pulmonary arteries and arterioles, right ventricular hypertrophy, and eventually fatal heart failure. Targeting the apelin receptor with the novel, G protein-biased peptide agonist, MM07, is hypothesised to reverse the developed symptoms of elevated right ventricular systolic pressure and right ventricular hypertrophy. Here, the effects of MM07 were compared with the clinical standard-of-care endothelin receptor antagonist macitentan. Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomised and treated with either normoxia/saline, or Sugen/hypoxia (SuHx) to induce an established model of PAH, before subsequent treatment with either saline, macitentan (30 mg/kg), or MM07 (10 mg/kg). Rats were then anaesthetised and catheterised for haemodynamic measurements, and tissues collected for histopathological assessment. Results: The SuHx/saline group presented with significant increases in right ventricular hypertrophy, right ventricular systolic pressure, and muscularization of pulmonary arteries compared to normoxic/saline controls. Critically, MM07 was as at least as effective as macitentan in significantly reversing detrimental structural and haemodynamic changes after 4 weeks of treatment. Discussion: These results support the development of G protein-biased apelin receptor agonists with improved pharmacokinetic profiles for use in human disease

    Chiral topological add–drop filter for integrated quantum photonic circuits

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    The integration of quantum emitters within topological nanophotonic devices enables the control of light–matter interactions at the single photon level. Here, we experimentally realize an integrated topological add–drop filter and observe multiport chiral emission from single photon emitters (quantum dots) embedded within the device. The filter is imprinted within a valley-Hall photonic crystal membrane and comprises a resonator evanescently coupled to a pair of access waveguides. We show that the longitudinal modes of the resonator enable the filter to perform wavelength-selective routing of light, protected by the underlying topology. Furthermore, we demonstrate that for a quantum dot located at a chiral point in the resonator, selective coupling occurs between well-defined spin states and specific pairs of the filter output ports. The combination of multiport routing, allied with the inherent nonreciprocity of the device at the single photon level, presents opportunities for the formation of complex quantum optical devices, such as an on-chip quantum optical circulator