62 research outputs found

    Controlling phlebotomine sand flies to prevent canine Leishmania infantum infection: A case of knowing your enemy

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    Leishmaniosis caused by Leishmania infantum is a widespread zoonotic disease that can be transmitted to animals and humans by their vectors, blood-sucking phlebotomine sand flies. To prevent canine leishmaniosis across the whole Mediterranean region, vector control is essential. Because of phlebotomine breeding sites are diverse, environmental larval controls have limited practical value. Control methods of adults are being evaluated, such as selective baits based on sugar feeding of males and females or Attractive Toxic Sugar Baits (ATSB), and the indoor use of Long-Lasting-Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) treated with permethrin to prevent sand fly bites complementing the Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) approach suggested by WHO. Although several strategies exist, the best control measure to prevent canine Leishmania infantum is to treat dogs using biocidal topical formulations based on legal insecticides (PTs18) or repellents (PTs19) (as collars, spot-ons and/or sprays) during the period when the vectors are active. This means we need to really know the biology and life cycle of the sand fly vector. According to available data, by mapping ambient temperatures we can already predict high risk areas where vector densities will be higher. In ongoing research, new candidates are emerging to fight against sand flies including natural plant extracts with low impacts on the environment and host animal. Other options in the future could be systemic insecticides to help reduce sand fly populations in high density areas. In parallel, health authorities and professionals involved in animal and public health (veterinarians, physicians, entomologists and epidemiologists) must work together in a One Health approach to minimize Leishmania infection. Veterinarians play a crucial role in liaising between key stake holders and dog owners to ensure the latter act responsibly in using repellents as a preventive measure against sand fly bites

    Enterobacteriaceae bacteremias among cancer patients: an observational cohort study

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    SummaryBackgroundEnterobacteriaceae bacteremia is a common complication in patients with neoplasm. The cancer itself, chemotherapy-induced immunosuppression, and other cancer-related procedures play a role as predisposing factors for this condition. However, despite the clear association between cancer and Enterobacteriaceae bacteremia, the distinctive clinical characteristics of patients with cancer presenting with Enterobacteriaceae bacteremia have not been well established.MethodsThe population studied was a prospective cohort of adult hospitalized patients with Enterobacteriaceae bacteremia in a tertiary care hospital. We compared the clinical variables and microbiological features between patients with an underlying neoplasm (n=203) and those without (n=259). STATA software was used for statistical association analysis.ResultsIn a bivariate analysis, older age, prior exposure to aminopenicillins, fewer days of symptoms, biliary source of bacteremia, greater severity of APACHE II score, lower white blood cell and platelet counts, and the presence of Klebsiella pneumoniae were more common in the neoplasm group. In a multivariable analysis, K. pneumoniae bacteremia (odds ratio (OR) 6.13, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.65–22.71; p=0.007), APACHE II score (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.05–1.34; p=0.007), and exposure to aminopenicillins (OR 28.84, 95% CI 1.94–429.3; p=0.015) were associated with neoplasm. K. pneumoniae bacteremia was more commonly present in patients with lung and gastrointestinal cancers.ConclusionsWe have confirmed the association of K. pneumoniae bacteremia with underlying neoplastic disease, especially with gastrointestinal malignancies, which may allow stratification for initial empiric antibiotic therapy in this subset of patients. Prior exposure to aminopenicillins in the neoplasm group might contribute to this finding

    Synthesis of Methyl-2,4-bis(cyclohexane)dispiro- 1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7-octahydro-(1H,3H)quinazoline- 8-carbodithioate Derived from Cyclohexanone in One Step

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    The new compound Methyl-2,4-bis(cyclohexane)dispiro-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7-octahydro-(1H,3H)-quinazoline-8-carbodithioate has been synthesized from cyclohexanone and carbon disulfide. It has been characterized by uv-visible, FTIR, mass spectra and a complete structure proposed based on 1 H and 13 C NMR spectroscopy

    Biphasic catalysis with RuCl2(DMSO)(TPPMS)3

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    Abstract A mononuclear RuCl 2 (DMSO)(TPPMS) 3 complex (1) (TPPMS ¼ triphenylphosphine monosulfonate) has been synthesized. Spectroscopic analysis by i.r., u.v.-vis., 1 H-, 13 C-, 31 P-n.m.r., cyclic voltammetry, m.s. analysis and MO calculations were in agreement with a possible octahedral structure. Biphasic (H 2 O/PhMe) catalytic studies have shown good olefin hydrogenation activity by the complex at moderate temperature and pressure

    Inventariando la biodiversidad en el Parque Nacional de La Caldera de Taburiente (La Palma, Islas Canarias, España): novedades científicas

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    This paper is the first result of an agreement between the Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, entitled “Inventory and study of the Invertebrate Fauna of the National Park of La Caldera de Taburiente”. A detailed account of the faunistic novelties found up to now among the specimens of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates collected along the two years of sampling (July 1999 to July 2001), whose number is estimated in ca. 500,000, is given. A brief description of planning and of methodology applied to the inventory of the invertebrate fauna is made and a tabulated summary of novelties is presented. The list shows at present 284 families, 594 genera and 739 species. For the Canary Islands, the present record of new taxa is 29 families, 115 genera (1 of them confirmed as new to Science and 3 awaiting confirmation) and 187 species (24 new to Science). Moreover, 242 genera and 338 species are new to the fauna of La Palma I., being known from other islands of the archipelago. Other 47 taxa, still being studied, could be new to Science as well. These results have been reached with the study of just a minimal part of the whole material, which underlines the need for systematic, continued sampling to evaluate the faunistic richness of poorly explored areas and its possible necessity for protection. Therefore, one should expect more novelties and the inventory may increase significantly when all the material is revised.El presente artículo es el primer resultado de un convenio entre el Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, denominado “Inventario y estudio de la Fauna Invertebrada del Parque Nacional de La Caldera de Taburiente”. Se detallan las novedades faunísticas encontradas hasta el momento entre los ejemplares de invertebrados terrestres y dulceacuícolas recogidos durante los dos años de muestreo (julio de 1999 a julio de 2001), cuyo número se estima en unos 500.000. Se hace una breve descripción de la planificación y la metodología aplicadas al inventario de la fauna invertebrada y se tabulan las novedades. En su estado actual el inventario arroja 284 familias, 594 géneros y 739 especies. Para la fauna de las Islas Canarias, el registro actual de táxones nuevos es de 29 familias, 115 géneros (de los cuales 1 género ha sido confirmado como nuevo para la Ciencia y otros 3 están pendientes de confirmación) y 187 especies (de las cuales 24 nuevas para la Ciencia). Además, 242 géneros y 338 especies son nuevas para la fauna de la isla de La Palma, conociéndose con anterioridad de otras islas del archipiélago. Otros 47 táxones aún en estudio, podrían resultar asimismo nuevos para la Ciencia. Estos resultados se han alcanzado tan sólo con el estudio de una parte mínima del material, lo que subraya la necesidad de muestreos continuados y sistemáticos para evaluar la riqueza faunística de áreas poco exploradas y su posible necesidad de protección. Por tanto, cabe esperar más novedades y el inventario puede quedar significativamente incrementado cuando se revise todo el material

    A interculturalidade em Educação Patrimonial: desafios e contributos para o ensino de História

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    RESUMO No ensino de História, aspectos curriculares interdisciplinares relacionados com o uso do património cultural ou a problematização em torno do desenvolvimento de atitudes de tolerância, de respeito pela diferença e cooperação entre povos, necessitam de uma reflexão fundamentada e sistemática sobre concepções de alunos e professores em áreas centrais para a Educação Histórica, como a da interculturalidade. Com o objetivo de aprofundar, numa abordagem essencialmente qualitativa, a compreensão dos sentidos atribuídos por alunos e professores a fontes patrimoniais, em articulação com conceitos ligados à consciência histórica, nomeadamente os de identidade e de património, analisaram-se as concepções de alunos de 7.º ano e de 10.º ano de várias escolas do norte de Portugal, acerca da forma como interpretam fontes patrimoniais e, ainda, como os seus professores entendem o uso de fontes patrimoniais no ensino e aprendizagem de História, dada a sua relação com a interpretação como processo de construção de significado acerca do passado. Neste estudo registaram-se diferentes perfis de identidade consoante o padrão de pensamento, desde uma identidade local/nacional fundada nas origens, i.e. exclusiva, até uma identidade mais inclusiva e europeia/global. Os resultados do estudo permitem abrir possibilidades de novas formas de abordagem educativa relacionadas com a utilização do património como evidência histórica, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da consciência histórica e patrimonial

    Celulitis por Acinetobacter junii-johnsonii adquirida en la comunidad: una presentación de caso

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    La infección de piel y tejidos blandos por Acinetobacter no relacionada con trauma es una presentación inusual. La mayoría de los casos descritos presentan enfermedades concomitantes y son causados por Acinetobacter baumanii. Se describe un caso de celulitis no traumática por A. junii-johnsonii con bacteriemia, de inicio en la comunidad y asociado con el tratamiento médico. De acuerdo con nuestro conocimiento, éste sería el primer caso reportado de infección de tejidos blandos y piel por A. juniijohnsonii.La vesícula hemorrágica podría ser una característica clínica de celulitis por Acinetobacter.   doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v32i2.65