32 research outputs found


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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas racionalus profesijos pasirinkimas paauglystėje, kaip individosėkmingos karjeros prielaida. Kadangi Lietuvoje atliktuose profesijospasirinkimo tyrimuose neskirta pakankami dėmesio specifinei vaikų grupei –globos namų auklėtiniams, šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos globos namuosegyvenančių paauglių profesijos pasirinkimo problemos. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: globos namų auklėtiniai, paaugliai, profesijos pasirinkimas

    The importance of tourism websites to tourism services and assurance of their competitiveness

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    In the recent years, a considerable number of scientists have shown interest in the significance of innovations in tourism sector, have analyzed the impact of information technologies to tourism services and their competitiveness. Unfortun ately, such studies in Eastern European countries, including Lithuania missing and it is also unclear what the structure of the website features are crucial to tourism service customers and could determine the competitiveness of such a service. The aim of this research is to evaluate website features from the internet tourism serv ice users’ point of view. A tourism website survey, analyzing the ch aracteristics of electronic services revealed that for potential tourism service buyers the most important tourism website e-services are Interactivity and Functionality of the page. In descending order of importance there are these features: website interaction, mailing list subscription, online reservation and payment, information safety and security. Least important e-services for tourism webs ite are Design and Information. These are the following (from leas t important): location features, website map, company information and website customization

    The development of communication competence in the process of physical education teacher's training

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    The article analyses the conception of communication competence, the importance of a physical education teacher's practical activities and possibilities in a teachers' sub-competencies of communication competence are trained in the study process, depending on a study program. The LAPE's study program "Physical Education" and the question if study subject-matter (subject-matter annotation and programs) gives future physical education teachers knowledge, skills and abilities in communication competence development were analysed. The results of the analysis show that focal attention in future physical education teachers' training is paid to the sub-competence of linguistics and little to the others. In summary we can draw the conclution that there is no theoretical-didactic conception, which systematically describes and supposes abilities, determinant to that competence. It means that communication competence in future physical education teachers is not enough developing

    The attitude’s of physical education teachers on pedagogical communication as determinants of pupils’ approach to physical self–education

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    The scientific problem of the dissertation: what attitudes on characteristics of linguistic communication competence dominate among physical education teachers considering their attitudes both on linguistic communication competence, and on communication in social situations? The research object – attitudes on linguistic communication competence and communication in social situations. The scientific solution of the research object that corresponds the research subject is oriented to the detection of verbal communication competence in native (Lithuanian) speech of physical education teachers as well as to the evaluation of their attitude on communication in social situations. The aim of the research was to disclose physical education teachers‘ attitudes on pedagogical communication as the determinants of pupils‘ approach to physical self-education. The following statements substantiate scientific novelty of the research: in theoretical aspect the competences of a physical education teacher in revealing the role of linguistic communication competence in native (Lithuanian) speech were analysed, the peculiarities of the attitude of physical education teachers on communication competence were revealed, the features of the attitude of physical education teachers on communication in social situations were evaluated, the links of the attitude of the components of physical education teachers on linguistic communication competence in native (Lithuanian) speech and the attitude on communication in social situations with social demographic factors are presented and the speaking of physical education teachers during educational interaction at lessons of physical education is defined. The research results disclosed necessity to prepare the study program for the development of future physical education teachers’ pedagogical communication and confirmed the suitability of the survey-in-written method designed by Kardelienė (Kardelienė, Kardelis, 2006) to survey linguistic communication competence of physical education teachers and shows that this method can be applied to research linguistic communication competence of teachers in other subjects

    The university’s receptivity to social innovations: theoretical aspect

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    The relevance of this study. Social innovations issues still cover a very small part of the scientific work in the field of education. It should be stressed that such innovations are particularly important in the education system, as their development not only contributes to the improvement of the quality of teaching or the progress of educational institutions, but also makes a significant contribution to the creation of a sustainable future and to highlighting and solving social problems in society. The main problem. What is the conceptual basis of a university that enables a university to be receptive to social innovations? Object of research: University receptivity to social innovations. The aim ofthis study is to reveal which concepts lead a university to be the most receptive to social innovations. Results. Social innovations can not only meet the needs of an individual, but also drive social inclusion. Susceptibility to innovation is traditionally defined as the ability of entities to apply innovative ideas and solutions, to be able to create innovations and disseminate them in society. A modern university should be open, innovative, dynamic, responsive to society and its needs. Regardless of the concept chosen by a university, the third mission of higher education should not be forgotten – to use the university’s knowledge for a common goal, be socially responsible, and contribute to the well-being of society. Research methods. This analysis is prepared by using the methods of semi – systematic thematic analysis. Social innovations can not only meet the needs of an individual, but also drive social inclusion. In most cases, the benefits of social innovation reduce public spending by eliminating a specific social problem and creating some added value for the group of people targeted by social innovations. Susceptibility to innovation is traditionally defined as the ability of entities to apply innovative ideas and solutions, to be able to create innovations and disseminate them in society. Susceptibility to social innovations is determined by innovation potential and innovative activity. Management, which is determined by the choice of managerial staff, communication skills, applied methods and support of managers to apply social innovations, is particularly important in the structure of innovation potential. Internal and external factors/components are also important in shaping receptivity to social innovation

    Būsimų turizmo sektoriaus specialistų karjeros suvokimas - iššūkis žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymui

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    Straipsnyje, aptarus turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų karjeros valdymą kaip svarbią organizacijos žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo dalį, akcentuojamas būsimų specialistų karjeros suvokimas bei jų lūkesčiai. Neaišku, su kokį suvokimą apie profesinę karjerą turinčiais naujais darbuotojais susiduria Lietuvos turizmo organizacijų žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo subjektai, ieškantys naujų darbuotojų. Todėl straipsnyje keltas tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti būsimų turizmo sektoriaus specialistų karjeros suvokimą. Siekiant šio tikslo, pasirinktas kiekybinis tyrimas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog didžioji dalis studijuojančiųjų turizmo krypties studijų programoje ją pasirinko neatsitiktinai ir po studijų baigimo norėtų dirbti turizmo sektoriuje. Tam įtakos turi šeimos nariai ir draugai, dirbantys turizmo sektoriuje bei studijų programos pasirinkimo pirmumas. Vis dėlto dauguma būsimų specialistų turi gana miglotą turizmo sektoriaus suvokimą ir nėra identifikavę savo karjeros tikslų. Moterys dirbti turizmo sektoriuje yra linkusios labiau nei vyrai ir kol kas nedemonstruoja neigiamo karjeros galimybių suvokimo.The article analyses the career management of tourism sector professionals as an essential part of organisation’s human resources, focusing on future professionals’ career perception and expectations. As it becomes evident that the subjects of human resource management in Lithuanian tourism organisations have no knowledge of the perception of future professionals, this research focuses on the establishment of future professionals’ career perceptions in tourism sector. To reach this aim, quantitative method of research was chosen. The research results showed that the majority of students, studying in the study programme that provides the skills necessary to work in the tourism sector, did not choose this programme randomly and they are planning to work in the tourism sector after graduation. Family members, friends working in tourism sector and priority of study programme influenced their choice of studies. However, the majority of future professionals have a rather vague perception of tourism sector and have not set their career aims. Women tend to work in the tourism sector more frequently than men; so far, females have not demonstrated negative perception of career opportunities in this sector

    Darbuotojų požiūrio į komandinį darbą ir komunikacinių gebėjimų sąsajos: sporto klubų pavyzdys

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    Straipsnyje aptariamas komandinis darbas ir atskleidžiama, kaip darbuotojų, veikiančių komandoje, kompetencija gali lemti profesionalių sporto paslaugų kokybę. Darbe aptariami darbuotojų gebėjimai, savybės ir nuostatos, priskiriami komandinio darbo pradinėms sąlygoms bei turintys įtakos komandos veiklos rezultatams. Nustatyta, jog tik turint palankų požiūrį į komandinį darbą, darbuotojų gebėjimai veikloje atsiskleidžia geriausiai, o noras veikti komandoje gali priklausyti nuo tarpasmeninių santykių ir komunikacinės kompetencijos. Tyrimo problema - kaip sporto organizacijos darbuotojų požiūris į komandinį darbą siejasi su jų komunikaciniais gebėjimais? Sprendžiant iškilusią problemą, atliktas tyrimas. Jo tikslas - sporto klubų darbuotojų požiūrio į komandinį darbą sąsajų su turimais komunikaciniais gebėjimais analizė. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti pasirinktas kiekybinis tyrimas. Tyrimo instrumentas - klausimynas, kurio turinį sudarė fakto (socialiniai ir demografiniai) ir konstrukto (tiriamojo objekto) klausimai. Socialiniai demografiniai kintamieji - amžius, lytis, išsilavinimas, specialybė, pareigos, darbo stažas. Diagnostinį tiriamojo konstrukto bloką sudarė efektyvių komunikacinių gebėjimų klausimynas ir požiūrio į komandinį darbą vertinimo klausimynas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė reikšmingus skirtumus tarp nusiteikimo būti komandos nariu ir puikių gebėjimų mintis reikšti balsu bei įtikinti. Tai rodo, kad darbuotojai, turintys puikiai išugdytą gebėjimą įtikinti, noriai dirbs komandoje. Būdami komandos nariais, jie geba įtikinti pašnekovą, pakeisti jo požiūrį ir elgesį nepakenkdami tarpusavio santykiams. Dar vienas itin svarbus komunikacinis gebėjimas - balsas, kuris taip pat siejasi su požiūriu į komandinę veiklą. Asmenys, gebantys mintis reikšti tinkamu balso tonu, tembru, naudoti tinkamas pauzes, demonstruos polinkį į darbą komandoje.The article presents concept of teamwork. There are also discussed employee skills, characteristics and attitudes, which is attributed to teamwork initial conditions, as well as having an impact on team performance. Discussion, demonstrating that employee's positive attitude towards teamwork allows to reveal their best skills and the desire to work in a team can depend on interpersonal relationships and communication competence, raised the research problem - how the communication skills of sport organisations’ employees are related to the attitude to team work. Solving this problem, the investigation is carried out. The aim of the study - to analyse the interface between the sport club employees’ attitude to team work and the possessed communication skills. A quantitative research method - a survey in writing - was chosen. The results showed significant differences between the attitude to team work and communication skills, between the disposition to be a team member and excellent skills of expressing thoughts in voice, as well as to persuade were determined. One more exceptionally important skill -voice is also related to the attitude to team work

    Attitude of physical education teachers towards communication as determinant of schoolchildren's attitude towards physical self-education

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    The article discusses schoolchildren's attitude towards the factors influencing their physical self-education...[Visą santraukos tekstą skaitykite spustelėję interneto prieigos nuorodą]

    The use of video conference opportunities at non-governmental sports organizations

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    Today the analysis of the well-established sports organizations refers to organizations in which a number of business processes have integrated the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Properly chosen they may increase the administrative challenges of individual performance and also including decisionmaking in organized meetings. As one of the most effective tools for such meetings we can distinguish the video conference tools (Langford, Robertson, 2011). Analysing the ICT and also including the video conference tools importance in sports organizations we shouldn’t talk about the functional capacity of The use of video conference opportunities at non -governmental sports organizations the technology but especially talk about the user. It is because in today’s advanced technology and high circulation of information the command and use depends on the users beliefs. The user has to belief that the use of the new technology will be easy, will cost a little effort and will increase efficiency (Davis, 1989). Expressed thoughts allowed raising the problem question – what are the factors that leads to sports organization members’ decision to use video conference? The object of the research is the use of video conference opportunities. The aim of the research is to reveal the opportunities of the use of video conference at non-governmental sports organization – Lithuanian Swimming Federation (LSF). The quantitative research was chosen to analyse the decision to use the video conference in the organization by the members of executive committee of LSF. Quantitative research was based on questionnaire survey and data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Survey instrument – the questionnaire was adapted according the Mosbeh and Soliman (2008) identified nine factors: (perceived usefulness, perceived easy of use, compatibility, computer self-efficacy, personal innovativeness, supervisor pressure, self image, technical support, top management support). Aiming to asses each factor, the respondents were asked to evaluate questions on a five point Likert Scale (where 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 – strongly agree). After the nine factors averages were analysed according to the statements attributed to them, the aim was to find out what are the factors that lead to executive committee members of LSF decision to use video conference. The members of executive committee of LSF will use the video conference because of its easy use (perceived usefulness – 3,58 points) also because of the users who feel innovative and can independently use the tool functions (personal innovativeness – 3,51 points; computer self-efficacy – 3,46 points). The biggest barriers to the use of video conference tool was non technical support and the lack of top management support (technical support – 2,27points, top management support factor – 2.5 points). The research showed that determination of using video conference mostly influenced the members of executive committee of Lithuanian Swimming Federation are perceived usefulness, the members propensity to take interest in the latest technology, tool innovativeness and computer self-efficacy. The biggest barriers to the use of video conference tool were non technical support and the lack of top management support. So we can assume that providing better technical support will help to reduce the organizations material resources as well as promoting the use of effective time employees during working hours