The use of video conference opportunities at non-governmental sports organizations


Today the analysis of the well-established sports organizations refers to organizations in which a number of business processes have integrated the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Properly chosen they may increase the administrative challenges of individual performance and also including decisionmaking in organized meetings. As one of the most effective tools for such meetings we can distinguish the video conference tools (Langford, Robertson, 2011). Analysing the ICT and also including the video conference tools importance in sports organizations we shouldn’t talk about the functional capacity of The use of video conference opportunities at non -governmental sports organizations the technology but especially talk about the user. It is because in today’s advanced technology and high circulation of information the command and use depends on the users beliefs. The user has to belief that the use of the new technology will be easy, will cost a little effort and will increase efficiency (Davis, 1989). Expressed thoughts allowed raising the problem question – what are the factors that leads to sports organization members’ decision to use video conference? The object of the research is the use of video conference opportunities. The aim of the research is to reveal the opportunities of the use of video conference at non-governmental sports organization – Lithuanian Swimming Federation (LSF). The quantitative research was chosen to analyse the decision to use the video conference in the organization by the members of executive committee of LSF. Quantitative research was based on questionnaire survey and data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Survey instrument – the questionnaire was adapted according the Mosbeh and Soliman (2008) identified nine factors: (perceived usefulness, perceived easy of use, compatibility, computer self-efficacy, personal innovativeness, supervisor pressure, self image, technical support, top management support). Aiming to asses each factor, the respondents were asked to evaluate questions on a five point Likert Scale (where 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 – strongly agree). After the nine factors averages were analysed according to the statements attributed to them, the aim was to find out what are the factors that lead to executive committee members of LSF decision to use video conference. The members of executive committee of LSF will use the video conference because of its easy use (perceived usefulness – 3,58 points) also because of the users who feel innovative and can independently use the tool functions (personal innovativeness – 3,51 points; computer self-efficacy – 3,46 points). The biggest barriers to the use of video conference tool was non technical support and the lack of top management support (technical support – 2,27points, top management support factor – 2.5 points). The research showed that determination of using video conference mostly influenced the members of executive committee of Lithuanian Swimming Federation are perceived usefulness, the members propensity to take interest in the latest technology, tool innovativeness and computer self-efficacy. The biggest barriers to the use of video conference tool were non technical support and the lack of top management support. So we can assume that providing better technical support will help to reduce the organizations material resources as well as promoting the use of effective time employees during working hours

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