752 research outputs found

    Comparing Girls’ and Boys’ Lived Bodies of Middle School Students in Self-Defense Utilizing Participant Observation

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    The Frailty Myth proposes that the female body can be frozen, restricted by the ever present negative gendered narrative perpetuated by society. Embodiment occurs when the female body is thawed. The opposite can be argued for boys. Boys are taught to live their bodies, that is they have a sense of embodiment. Therefore, boys do not have to concern themselves with thawing their bodies as they already experience their bodies in strong and liberal ways. In this study, I compare how girls and boys live their bodies utilizing participant observation. Six themes emerged: being the instructor, gendered discourse in action, body proximity and movement, The Invincibility Effect, the grade six and seven/eight divide and lived body moments. The implications of these observations suggest how activities such as self-defense have the potential to create a lived body, that girls can work toward a lived body and gender can be observed through everyday lived experiences. Though research exists within the literature; it does not seem to address the performance of the lived body within this population, utilizing a comparative approach

    Service learning in the online class

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    Service learning (or community based learning) in the classroom is an opportunity for students to engage the curriculum in meaningful experiences that integrates academic goals while benefiting the community. Traditionally, this is accomplished through face-to-face classes participating as a whole class on one project over many hours. This presentation focuses on the uniqueness of the online class and will cover the basic elements of a service learning project, implementing a service learning project, and the techniques used for students to be successful in their projects. Aspects of developing community relationships within the academic discipline and the required paperwork for JCCC will also be covered

    The Power of Images in the Age of Mussolini

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    The year 1937 marked the bimillenary of the birth of Augustus. With characteristic pomp and vigor, Benito Mussolini undertook numerous initiatives keyed to the occasion, including the opening of the Mostra Augustea della Romanità , the restoration of the Ara Pacis , and the reconstruction of Piazza Augusto Imperatore. New excavation campaigns were inaugurated at Augustan sites throughout the peninsula, while the state issued a series of commemorative stamps and medallions focused on ancient Rome. In the same year, Mussolini inaugurated an impressive square named Forum Imperii, situated within the Foro Mussolini - known today as the Foro Italico, in celebration of the first anniversary of his Ethiopian conquest. The Forum Imperii\u27s decorative program included large-scale black and white figural mosaics flanked by rows of marble blocks; each of these featured inscriptions boasting about key events in the regime\u27s history. This work examines the iconography of the Forum Imperii\u27s mosaic decorative program and situates these visual statements into a broader discourse that encompasses the panorama of images that circulated in abundance throughout Italy and its colonies. Therein I highlight the Roman, particularly Augustan, models that Mussolini consciously exploited to depict himself as the founder of a new empire. Of special interest are instances of analogy to the figurative references displayed on state-issued postcards, medals, and stamps. This study of quotidian - often ephemeral - objects, fundamental in any archeological analysis, underscores not only the scope of the iconography and its audiences, but also the extent to which the minor arts, along with state architecture, functioned as integral components of a multi-faceted system of propaganda. I demonstrate how the Forum Imperii operated effectively in the aggregate of Fascist propaganda by exploiting the images already present in the collective memory of Rome, a memory established through Mussolini\u27s observance of the Augustan model of ritual, policy, public display, colonization, and his belief in personal destiny

    Factors influencing Norwegian small-scale private forest owners' ability to meet the political goals

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    -Norwegian forest policy has high-level, complex objectives for the products and benefits from the forest, including increased contribution to the climate, preservation of biodiversity, and creation of economic values. In Norway, it is first and foremost small-scale private forest owners who have to deliver on these expanded goals. The article reveals owners’ lack of forestry competence, and elaborates on the role of forestry employees (advisers) in owners’ decision-making processes, be it forestry- competent owners or not. There is, however, a decreased number of advisers in the private and public forest services, implying that forest owners are atomised in the meaning of being alone. This type of individualization and an increasing lack of forestry competence among forest owners are a contradiction. The mismatch is serious for the government and the forestry business because it probably hampers the fulfilment of the political objectives. The article presents six options for meeting the obstacles to goal fulfilment. The article is based on two research projects from the counties of Trøndelag and Hedmark. Data were collected between 2002 and 2007 and include survey, focus group interviews, in-depth interviews, fieldwork and document analysisThe Research Council of Norway (more specifically Utviklingsfondet for skogbruk), Skogtiltaksfondet, the forest- and tree-based business in Trøndelag, Innovation Norway in North-Trøndelag, South-Trøndelag County Council District (byblilyst), The County Governor of South-Trøndelag, North-Trøndelag County Council District and The County Governor of North-Trøndelag. ‘‘Management Active Forest Owners’’ was financed by The Research Council of Norway, Ministry of Agriculture (via the organization Woman in Forestry) and The Norwegian Forest Owners’ Federatio

    Again-st Abandon. National Report Index

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    Lo studio e' stato realizzato da Stoa' e Studio Staff nell'ambito del progetto "AGAIN-ST ABANDON Contrastare il fenomeno degli abbandoni, ripensare i linguaggi della consulenza". Il progetto Again-st Abandon, finanziato dal Programma europeo "Leonardo da Vinci", si pone l'obiettivo di contrastare il fenomeno dei drop-out (DO) - quei giovani che interrompono il percorso scolastico e formativo rendendosi invisibili agli operatori del sociale - nell'ottica di un loro reinserimento nei contesti formali di istruzione, formazione ed impiego. Nel paper viene sviluppata un'analisi territoriale dell'area del Comune di Ercolano tesa ad indagare la domanda e l'offerta di servizi di orientamento e formazione, oltre alla visibilita' e all'accessibilita' degli stessi, attraverso l'utilizzo di dati statistici e indicatori di tipo qualitativo

    Healthy Links – Addressing Social Determinants of Health and Improving Cardiac Health with Medically Tailored Meals

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    Introduction: • Social determinants of health (SDOH) strongly influence risk factors for cardiac disease, especially in rural areas • Medically-tailored meals have shown promising results for reducing hospitalizations • Some state insurance programs are covering medically-tailored meals given beneficial outcome studies • This project builds upon prior Healthy Links programs to expand our reach to rural patientshttps://knowledgeconnection.mainehealth.org/lambrew-retreat-2023/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Kvinner går svanger med et ønske om en karriere i Forsvaret – men ønsker Forsvaret svangre karrierekvinner? : En studie av tilrettelegging, oppfølging og ivaretakelse av gravide i Forsvaret

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    Det er en politisk uttalt ambisjon at kvinneandelen i Forsvaret skal økes – og en presumptivt økende kvinneandel i Forsvaret, betyr implisitt flere militære gravide. Studiens målsetning er å kaste lys over et fenomen som ikke har vært studert tidligere ved å gi innsikt i militære kvinners opplevelse med å være gravid i Forsvaret. Dette som et nyttig innspill i arbeidet med å beholde kvinnene i en ofte livsomveltende fase i ens liv og karriere. Gravide arbeidstakere har en særskilt lovfestet rett til egnet individuell tilrettelegging, men å omsette lovpålagte krav til arbeidsgiver om til praksis krever ledelse. I Forsvaret utøves ledelse gjennom bruk av de to virkemidlene styring og lederskap. Studien utforsker derfor hvordan militære gravide opplever tilrettelegging under graviditeten, og hvordan de erfarer at dette implementeres gjennom styring og lederskap i Forsvaret. Problemstillingen er: Hvordan opplever gravide militært tilsatte tilrettelegging, oppfølging og ivaretakelse i Forsvaret? Problemstillingen søkes besvart gjennom individuelle intervjuer med tidligere gravide militært tilsattefra alle forsvarsgrenene. Funnene fra intervjuene drøftes gjennom et teoretisk rammeverk for tilrettelegging, oppfølging og ivaretakelse, samt teorier om kjønn og kjønnsperspektiv på hierarkiske og militære organisasjoner, samt hegemonisk maskulinitet. Studien finner at det er svært varierende hvordan respondentene opplevde å være gravid i Forsvaret. Enkelte beskrev det som en utelukkende positiv erfaring, mens andre fant det svært belastende. Det er avdekket en klar sammenheng mellom den gravides medvirkningsmulighet og tilfredshet med tilrettelegging ved graviditet. Videre finner studien at det ikke eksisterer et felles system for å forvalte gravide, men at det derimot preges av tilfeldigheter og er høyst lederavhengig. Funn indikerer videreat det er mangelfull kunnskap i organisasjonen om hvilke rettigheter og plikter som gjøres gjeldende ved en graviditet – både hos arbeidsgiver og arbeidstaker. Avslutningsvis konkluderer studien med en anbefaling om å (1) la gravide medvirke i arbeidet med å finne egnet individuell tilrettelegging, (2) sette inn kompetansehevende tiltak hos ledere, og (3) etablere en felles, toppforankret gravidepolitikk i Forsvaret for å best ivareta gravide. En toppforankret gravidepolitikk kan dog ikke forutsettes å løse alt. Det er fremdeles behov for fleksible ledere som evner å se mulighetene, ikke begrensningene – da tilrettelegging er en eksersis i å se muligheter. Graviditet i Forsvaret må ikke få forbli en tilstand preget av problematisering, men verdsettes for den samfunnstjenesten det faktisk er. Gravide bærer tross alt på morgendagens soldate