24,410 research outputs found

    Singular integral operators associated to curves with rational components

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    A wind field downscaling strategy based on domain segmentation and transfer functions

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    This paper presents a novel methodology for mesoscale‐to‐microscale downscaling of near‐surface wind fields. The model chain consists on the Weather Research and Forecast mesoscale model and the Alya‐CFDWind microscale model (assuming neutral stability). The downscaling methodology combines precomputed microscale simulations with a mesoscale forecast using a domain segmentation technique and transfer functions. As a result, the downscaled wind field preserves the mesoscale pattern but, at the same time, incorporates local mesoscale subgrid terrain effects, particularly at valleys and channelling zones. The methodology has been validated over a 9‐month period on a very complex terrain site instrumented with a dense observational network of meteorological masts. With respect to mesoscale results, the global skills of the downscaled wind at masts improve for wind direction and remain similar for wind velocity. However, a substantial improvement occurs under stable and neutral conditions and for high wind velocity regimes.This work has been partially funded by the High Performance Computing for Energy (HPC4E) project (call H2020-EUB-2015, Topic: EUB-2-2015, type of action RIA, Grant Agreement number 689772) and the SEDAR ("Simulación eólica de alta resolución") project. It has also been partially supported by the Energy-oriented Centre of Excellence (EoCoE) (Grant Agreement number 676629, funded within the H2020 framework of the EuropeanUnion). J.B. is grateful to a PhD fellowship from the IndustrialDoctorates Plan of the Government of Catalonia (Ref. eco/2497/2013). We also thank Daniel Paredes and Luis Prieto from Iberdrola Renovables S.A. for providing us access to met masts data for validation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Botànica per a després d’una guerra: el viatge de Joan Salvador i Antoine de Jussieu per Espanya i Portugal

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    Entre 1716 i 1717 l’apotecari barceloní Joan Salvador i Riera i Antoine de Jussieu, professor de botànica del Jardin du Roi de París van recórrer els camins d’Espanya i Portugal, adés en calessa, adés a lloms de mula per fer «observacions botàniques». Aquest article presenta una breu ressenya de la nissaga dels Salvador i descriu sumàriament el viatge dels dos naturalistes

    Sobre el fuego forestal y otros malentendidos

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    On forest fire and other misunderstandings

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