2,509 research outputs found

    An approach for configuring space photovoltaic tandem arrays based on cell layer performance

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    Meeting solar array performance goals of 300 W/Kg requires use of solar cells with orbital efficiencies greater than 20 percent. Only multijunction cells and cell layers operating in tandem produce this required efficiency. An approach for defining solar array design concepts that use tandem cell layers involve the following: transforming cell layer performance at standard test conditions to on-orbit performance; optimizing circuit configuration with tandem cell layers; evaluating circuit sensitivity to cell current mismatch; developing array electrical design around selected circuit; and predicting array orbital performance including seasonal variations

    Gender and locality differences in tobacco prevalence among adult Bangladeshis

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    This paper is freely available online under the BMJ Journals unlocked scheme, se

    An experimental study of the behaviour of two rockfills accounting for the effects of degree of saturation

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    Rockfill dams have become more and more recognized for their safety, economy and adaptability to widely varying site conditions. As a contribution to the understanding of the main factors affecting the rockfill behaviour, the paper reports and discusses experimental data on several aspects relevant to the interpretation and analysis of their in-situ response. The experimental programme involved three series of oedometric tests on specimens of two different gravels having the same grading, reconstituted at the same initial relative density. Experimental observations on rockfills compressibility are presented and discussed: attention is paid to the role of degree of saturation (Sr) through the analysis of "driest", "fully saturated"conditions, and the transition from one to the other. Grain crushing tests on dry and saturated soil particles are also reported. Grain size distributions of the specimens, both after compaction and after the oedometer tests, are compared in the paper. The results show that the effect of Sr cannot be overlooked in the mechanical characterization of the material, especially in rockfill/stress conditions prone to crushin

    A meta-analysis of ethnic differences in pathways to care at the first episode of psychosis

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    Objective: We sought to systematically review the literature on ethnic differences in the likelihood of general practitioner (GP) involvement, police involvement, and involuntary admission on the pathway to care of patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Method: We searched electronic databases and conducted forward and backward tracking to identify relevant studies. We calculated pooled odds ratios (OR) to examine the variation between aggregated ethnic groups in the indicators of the pathway to care. Results: We identified seven studies from Canada and England that looked at ethnic differences in GP involvement (n = 7), police involvement (n = 7), or involuntary admission (n = 5). Aggregated ethnic groups were most often compared. The pooled ORs suggest that Black patients have a decreased likelihood of GP involvement (OR = 0.70, 0.57-0.86) and an increased likelihood of police involvement (OR = 2.11, 1.67-2.66), relative to White patients. The pooled ORs were not statistically significant for patients with Asian backgrounds (GP involvement OR = 1.23, 0.87-1.75; police involvement OR = 0.86, 0.57-1.30). There is also evidence to suggest that there may be ethnic differences in the likelihood of involuntary admission; however, effect modification by several sociodemographic factors precluded a pooling of these data. Conclusion: Ethnic differences in pathways to care are present at the first episode of psychosis


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    The primary frequencies contained in the arrival sequence produced by the tsunami from the Chilean earthquake of 2010 in Monterey Bay were extracted to determine the seiche modes that were produced. Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) and Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) were employed to extract the primary frequencies of interest. The wave train from the Chilean tsunami lasted for at least four days due to multipath arrivals that may not have included reflections from outside the bay but most likely did include secondary undulations, and energy trapping in the form of edge waves, inside the bay. The SSA decomposition resolved oscillations with periods of 52-57, 34-35, 26-27, and 21-22 minutes, all frequencies that have been predicted and/or observed in previous studies. The EEMD decomposition detected oscillations with periods of 50-55 and 21-22 minutes. Periods in the range of 50-57 minutes varied due to measurement uncertainties but almost certainly correspond to the first longitudinal mode of oscillation for Monterey Bay, periods of 34-35 minutes correspond to the first transverse mode of oscillation that assumes a nodal line across the entrance of the bay, a period of 26- 27 minutes, although previously observed, may not represent a fundamental oscillation, and a period of 21-22 minutes has been predicted and observed previously. A period of ~37 minutes, close to the period of 34-35 minutes, was generated by the Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 in Monterey Bay and most likely represents the same mode of oscillation. The tsunamis associated with the Great Alaskan Earthquake and the Chilean Earthquake both entered Monterey Bay but initially arrived outside the bay from opposite directions. Unlike the Great Alaskan Earthquake, however, which excited only one resonant mode inside the bay, the Chilean Earthquake excited several modes suggesting that the asymmetric shape of the entrance to Monterey Bay was an important factor and that the directions of the incoming tsunami-generated waves were most likely different

    Attenuation of influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of cell-mediated immunity with longterm N-acetylcysteine treatment

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    ABSTRACT: N-acetylcysteine (NAC), an analogue and precursor of reduced glutathione, has been in clinical use for more than 30 yrs as a mucolytic drug. It has also been proposed for and/or used in the therapy and/or prevention of several respiratory diseases and of diseases involving an oxidative stress, in general. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of long-term treatment with NAC on influenza and influenza-like episodes. A total of 262 subjects of both sexes (78% ≥65 yrs, and 62% suffering from nonrespiratory chronic degenerative diseases) were enrolled in a randomized, doubleblind trial involving 20 Italian Centres. They were randomized to receive either placebo or NAC tablets (600 mg) twice daily for 6 months. Patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases were not eligible, to avoid possible confounding by an effect of NAC on respiratory symptoms. NAC treatment was well tolerated and resulted in a significant decrease in the frequency of influenza-like episodes, severity, and length of time confined to bed. Both local and systemic symptoms were sharply and significantly reduced in the NAC group. Frequency of seroconversion towards A/H 1 N 1 Singapore 6/86 influenza virus was similar in the two groups, but only 25% of virus-infected subjects under NAC treatment developed a symptomatic form, versus 79% in the placebo group. Evaluation of cell-mediated immunity showed a progressive, significant shift from anergy to normoergy following NAC treatment. Administration of N-acetylcysteine during the winter, thus, appears to provide a significant attenuation of influenza and influenza-like episodes, especially in elderly high-risk individuals. N-acetylcysteine did not prevent A/H 1 N 1 virus influenza infection but significantly reduced the incidence of clinically apparent disease. Eur Respir J 1997; 10: 1535-154

    A multivariate randomized controlled experiment about the effects of mindfulness priming on EEG neurofeedback self-regulation serious games

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    Neurofeedback training (NFT) is a technique often proposed to train brain activity SR with promising results. However, some criticism has been raised due to the lack of evaluation, reliability, and validation of its learning effects. The current work evaluates the hypothesis that SR learning may be improved by priming the subject before NFT with guided mindfulness meditation (MM). The proposed framework was tested in a two-way parallel-group randomized controlled intervention with a single session alpha NFT, in a simplistic serious game design. Sixty-two healthy naïve subjects, aged between 18 and 43 years, were divided into MM priming and no-priming groups. Although both the EG and CG successfully attained the up-regulation of alpha rhythms (F(1,59) = 20.67, p ηp2 = 0.26), the EG showed a significantly enhanced ability (t(29) = 4.38, p t(29) = 1.18, p > 0.1). Furthermore, EG superior performance on NFT seems to be explained by the subject’s lack of awareness at pre-intervention, less vigour at post-intervention, increased task engagement, and a relaxed non-judgemental attitude towards the NFT tasks. This study is a preliminary validation of the proposed assisted priming framework, advancing some implicit and explicit metrics about its efficacy on NFT performance, and a promising tool for improving naïve “users” self-regulation ability.This work is co-financed by the ERDF—European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalisation—COMPETE 2020 (ref.: POCI01-0145-FEDER-007043; ref: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038), the North Portugal Regional Operational Program—NORTE 2020 (ref.: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000045) and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT under MIT Portugal (author Ph.D. grant ref.: PD/BD/114033/2015) and within the R&D Units Project Scope (ref.: UIDB/00319/2020)