5,778 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Two Esl/efl Websites: Englishclub and Activities for Esl Students

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    This study reviewed two well known ESL/EFL websites namely EnglishClub and Activities for ESL Students using the website evaluation framework proposed by Hasan and Abuelrub (2011). The writers found that Activities for ESL Students met 79.92% of the website evaluation criteria with 211 of the total score; while EnglishClub met 79.54% of the website evaluation criteria with 210 of the total score. Thus there was no significant difference between these two websites. Both EnglishClub and Activities for ESL Students are good for ESL/EFL learner

    An approach for configuring space photovoltaic tandem arrays based on cell layer performance

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    Meeting solar array performance goals of 300 W/Kg requires use of solar cells with orbital efficiencies greater than 20 percent. Only multijunction cells and cell layers operating in tandem produce this required efficiency. An approach for defining solar array design concepts that use tandem cell layers involve the following: transforming cell layer performance at standard test conditions to on-orbit performance; optimizing circuit configuration with tandem cell layers; evaluating circuit sensitivity to cell current mismatch; developing array electrical design around selected circuit; and predicting array orbital performance including seasonal variations

    P-wave and surface wave survey for permafrost analysis in alpine regions

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    We discuss the results of seismic survey to delineate temporal and spatial changes of frozen layer in Alpine environments. The seismic characterization allows us to detect changes of soil deformability properties related to the temperature effect on subsoi

    Role of structure of the Pp/magnetite nanocomposites on their thermal properties

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    The thermal degradation behaviour of polypropylene and its magnetite composites have been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Distribution of magnetite nanoparticles in a polymer matrix has been studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and also atomic force microscopy. The thermal and mechanical properties of nanocomposites based on polypropylene and magnetite nanoparticles have also been investigated. It has shown that, the introduction of Fe3O4 nanoparticles in polypropylene increases its thermal stability of about 1000C. The maximum increase in the thermal stability of PP was observed in the case of a 20% weight content of Fe3O4 nanoparticles in polypropylene

    On Systems of Active Particles Perturbed by Symmetric Bounded Noises: A Multiscale Kinetic Approach

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    We consider an ensemble of active particles, i.e., of agents endowed by internal variables u(t). Namely, we assume that the nonlinear dynamics of u is perturbed by realistic bounded symmetric stochastic perturbations acting nonlinearly or linearly. In the absence of birth, death and interactions of the agents (BDIA) the system evolution is ruled by a multidimensional Hypo-Elliptical Fokker–Plank Equation (HEFPE). In presence of nonlocal BDIA, the resulting family of models is thus a Partial Integro-differential Equation with hypo-elliptical terms. In the numerical simulations we focus on a simple case where the unperturbed dynamics of the agents is of logistic type and the bounded perturbations are of the Doering–Cai–Lin noise or the Arctan bounded noise. We then find the evolution and the steady state of the HEFPE. The steady state density is, in some cases, multimodal due to noise-induced transitions. Then we assume the steady state density as the initial condition for the full system evolution. Namely we modeled the vital dynamics of the agents as logistic nonlocal, as it depends on the whole size of the population. Our simulations suggest that both the steady states density and the total population size strongly depends on the type of bounded noise. Phenomena as transitions to bimodality and to asymmetry also occur

    Evaluating collapse fragility curves for existing buildings retrofitted using seismic isolation

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    Few studies have investigated so far the collapse capacity of buildings with base-isolation. In such studies, preliminary considerations have been drawn based on a number of assumptions regarding: (i) the methodology used for assessing the collapse capacity, (ii) the collapse conditions and failure modes assumed for both superstructure and isolation system, and (iii) the numerical modeling assumptions. The main results pointed out that the collapse conditions of base-isolated buildings may occur for intensity levels slightly higher than those associated with the design earthquake. In this paper, further developments are made through the use of enhanced models for the description of the behavior of a rubber-based isolation system and the assumption of more rational collapse conditions. Collapse fragility functions, in terms of mean and dispersion values, are proposed for two archetypes representative of existing buildings retrofitted using the seismic isolation technique. The collapse margin ratio (median collapse capacity Sa, C, namely the spectral acceleration associated to a probability of exceedance equal to 50%, divided by the design spectral acceleration at the collapse prevention limit state) has been evaluated for each examined case-study. Values ranging from 1.10 to 1.45 were found

    Lamb and mutton on the farm

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    "July, 1939""Although lamb and mutton have not been widely used in Missouri farm homes in the past, these meats are now taking on a new significance because of the widespread shift to pasture farming and the increased use of sheep as factors in soil conservation. Lambs and yearlings raised on the farm provide a needed variety of hightly nutritive fresh meat."--First paragraphT.A. Ewing and Flora L. Car

    Human Pluripotent Stem Cells and Drug Discovery: A New Beginning

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    Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) offer unique opportunities to discover and develop a new generation of drugs. Their ability to differentiate into virtually any cell type renders them a cost-effective, renewable source of tissue-specific cell types capable of predicting human responses towards novel chemical entities. Using these improved in vitro models based on physiologically relevant human cell types could result in identifying highly precise and safe compounds, thereby reducing drug attrition rates. Moreover, ability to develop humanised disease models for patient-stratified drug screening makes hPSCs an impeccable tool in translational medicine. In this mini-review we focus on the positives and negatives of utilising hPSC-derived cell types as drug discovery platforms with special emphasis on cardio-, hepato- and embryotoxicity

    Hubungan antara Konsep Diri dengan Kecenderungan Gaya Hidup Hedonisme pada Mahasiswi Psikologi Ust YOGYAKARTA

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between self-concept and lifestyle trends hedonism student of Psychology, University of SarjanawiyataTamansiswaYogyakart. The hypothesis of this study is that there are ties between the negative self-concept and lifestyle of hedonism on a college student.The subjects were female students of UST Psychology Yogyakarta, 18-22 years old, female, amounting to 87 people. Measuring instrument used was a self-concept scale and the scale of the lifestyle of hedonism. Analysis of data using Product Moment correlation with SPSS statistics program version 17.0 for Windows.Based on the analysis Product Moment correlation coefficient between the variables of self-concept and lifestyle trends hedonism is -0.382 with a significance level of P = 0.000 (p <0.05). This shows that the hypothesis that there is a negative relationship between self-concept and lifestyle of hedonism in coed acceptable. This means that the lower the self-concept, the higher the tendency of hedonistic lifestyle, otherwise the higher the self-concept, the lower the tendency of hedonism lifestyle

    Inclusive early childhood education : literature review

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    This literature review on Early Childhood Education (ECE)/Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE) is part of the ‘Inclusive Early Childhood Education’ project, conducted by the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. The project’s overall goal is to identify and analyse the factors that enable quality and effective pre-primary programmes for all children in inclusive early years settings. This review shows that international organisations and the European Union (EU) regard high-quality ECE/IECE as an essential foundation for lifelong learning. It is indispensable for success in modern knowledge-based economies. Participation in high-quality pre- primary education has long-lasting positive effects on children’s development and the benefits are greater for children from a disadvantaged background (Frawley, 2014). In many cases, the early childhood stage is critical because many children’s different needs are detected once they become part of the education system. Therefore, one EU benchmark in the strategic framework for European co-operation in education and training (ET 2020) is that at least 95% of children between the age of four and compulsory school age should participate in ECE. At the same time, there are concerns about the accessibility and quality of ECE/IECE provisions. Despite its importance – especially considering the latest data about provisions for children with special educational needs (SEN) and/or at risk of social exclusion (e.g. due to poverty) in Europe from birth to seven years – the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2004) reports that only one quarter of children with SEN are included in mainstream early education settings. This literature review aims to: • collect information about at-risk children and/or children with SEN in Europe at the pre-primary education level; • describe where those children are located during the pre-primary stages; • explore which resources are allocated to meet their needs; • describe the main characteristics of the educational contexts where these children are included. This document summarises major research and policy documents to analyse Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services and programmes implemented for at-risk children and/or those with SEN. Chapter 2 introduces the definitions of the concepts that are the focus of study. Chapter 3 summarises the main documents published by international organisations and reviews the main EU policy developments related to ECE/IECE which define the context in this area. Chapter 4 reviews the latest literature describing the benefits of ECE/IECE for at-risk children and children with SEN. Chapters 5 to 10 describe relevant academic research, aiming to identify the main factors that are important in early years programmes. The key research is framed within the five principles identified by the European Commission’s Thematic Working Group on ECEC (2014), namely: • Access/transition procedures • Workforce • Curriculum/content • Governance/funding • Monitoring/evaluation.peer-reviewe
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