86 research outputs found
MARINE-EXPRESS: taking advantage of high throughput cloning and expression strategies for the post-genomic analysis of marine organisms
Background: The production of stable and soluble proteins is one of the most important steps prior to structural and functional studies of biological importance. We investigated the parallel production in a medium throughput strategy of genes coding for proteins from various marine organisms, using protocols that involved recombinatorial cloning, protein expression screening and batch purification. This strategy was applied in order to respond to the need for post-genomic validation of the recent success of a large number of marine genomic projects. Indeed, the upcoming challenge is to go beyond the bioinformatic data, since the bias introduced through the genomes of the so called model organisms leads to numerous proteins of unknown function in the still unexplored world of the oceanic organisms. Results: We present here the results of expression tests for 192 targets using a 96-well plate format. Genes were PCR amplified and cloned in parallel into expression vectors pFO4 and pGEX-4T-1, in order to express proteins N-terminally fused to a six-histidine-tag and to a GST-tag, respectively. Small-scale expression and purification permitted isolation of 84 soluble proteins and 34 insoluble proteins, which could also be used in refolding assays. Selected examples of proteins expressed and purified to a larger scale are presented. Conclusions: The objective of this program was to get around the bottlenecks of soluble, active protein expression and crystallization for post-genomic validation of a number of proteins that come from various marine organisms. Multiplying the constructions, vectors and targets treated in parallel is important for the success of a medium throughput strategy and considerably increases the chances to get rapid access to pure and soluble protein samples, needed for the subsequent biochemical characterizations. Our set up of a medium throughput strategy applied to genes from marine organisms had a mean success rate of 44% soluble protein expression from marine bacteria, archaea as well as eukaryotic organisms. This success rate compares favorably with other protein screening projects, particularly for eukaryotic proteins. Several purified targets have already formed the base for experiments aimed at post-genomic validation
Workshop on Regulatory Preparedness for Innovation in Nanotechnology
This report summarises the presentations and discussions at the first NanoReg2 Workshop on Regulatory Preparedness for Innovation in Nanotechnology held in Ispra, Italy 5 to 6 October 2017 and attended by approximately 60 regulators, industry representatives and other stakeholders. NanoReg2 is a European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 project. At the workshop, Regulatory Preparedness was defined as the regulators' timely awareness of innovations and the regulator's actions to check whether present legislation covers all safety aspects of each innovation, including initiating revision of the legislation as appropriate. Regulatory Preparedness, and Safe-by-Design (SbD) jointly constitute the NanoReg2 Safe Innovation Approach (SIA) for developing innovative products based on nanotechnology. The workshop aimed to gather views and identify current practices in regulatory work on safety of innovative products, tools already in use or needed, and potential difficulties in implementing Regulatory Preparedness in the EU.
Presentations addressed the current state of the safety of nanotechnology innovation. The viewpoints included the regulatory framework, the principles behind it and the agencies and authorities enforcing it; nanosafety research projects and their support system (e.g. the current EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme); national nanosafety initiatives; and the development of tools, such as foresight tools and harmonised test guidelines by the OECD for data generation.
The workshop served to generate ideas for achieving Regulatory Preparedness. The participants recognised that while regulators deal with the safety of innovations, only few systematic approaches to this work exist. Some innovative products may reach the market before their safety has been appropriately assessed, as illustrated by RAPEX, the Rapid Exchange of Information System. A continuous and proactive combination of interconnected activities was considered to be required for ensuring Regulatory Preparedness. Thus, anticipation, e.g. horizon scanning, was seen as important, as was communication between regulators, innovators (industry) and other stakeholders. Regulators need to become aware of innovative products under development to ensure that the legislation and methods for safety assessment are available and adequate. Innovators must be aware of regulatory requirements and their likely development. This mutual awareness helps to develop safe products and to avoid delays or other problems in obtaining market approval. Awareness can be achieved through communication, which requires trust, e.g. promoted via "trusted environments" for confidential inquiries and information sharing. Furthermore, regulators need early access to the existing information and data relevant to safety assessment of innovative products to provide timely guidance and advice to Industry as well as to develop strategies for dealing with uncertainty, e.g. by applying the precautionary principle.
Regulatory Preparedness was discussed as part of the SIA, and a "road map" of actions was suggested and outlined.
The workshop has thus contributed towards acceptance of implementing Regulatory Preparedness for innovation in nanotechnology through the participation of a variety of stakeholders. This paves the way for a better dialogue among stakeholders in a fast economic development cycle, where it is even more important to quickly identify emerging needs for new approaches to regulatory issues for innovationJRC.F.2-Consumer Products Safet
Associations-réseaux et réseaux d'associations une approche formelle de l'organisation réticulée [Une approche formelle de l'organisation réticulée]
CATHERINE FLAMENT Voluntary associations in South-East France are studied within the research tradition using graph-theory : the concept of network is used in its most formal understanding. This kind of formalization allows to develop a typology of different associations from which the image of a "network organisation" emerge. This new image tends to renew the basic question of social networks which is about the status of interpersonal relationships.Résumé : Cette recherche sur des associations de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur est La construction émerge la figure de "l' organisation réticulée". Cette nouvelle figure de l'organisation tend à renouveler la question théorique et fondatrice de l'analyse des réseaux sociaux, qui porte sur le statut sociologique et social de l' interpersonnalité.Flament Catherine. Associations-réseaux et réseaux d'associations une approche formelle de l'organisation réticulée [Une approche formelle de l'organisation réticulée]. In: Sociétés contemporaines N°5, Mars 1991. Réseaux sociaux. pp. 67-74
Evaluation des pratiques professionnelles d'une maternité de proximité autour de la vaccination postnatale des parents contre la coqueluche (étude réalisée à la maternité de niveau 1 de l'Hôpital Sud Léman Valserine à Saint-Julien en Genevois (74))
LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocSudocFranceF
The influence of adolescent factors in the beginning of bulimia nervosa
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L'insertion des femmes dans les professions de technicien supérieur de l'industrie liées aux nouvelles technologies : étude de cas dans la région PACA: rapport final pour le CNRS et l'ANPE (Programme PIRTTEM)
Ce rapport final est le second volet d'une recherche couvrant plus largement l'insertion des jeunes filles dans les filières de formation et d' emplol liées aux nouvelles technologies industrielles. Le 1er volet se penchait sur les jeunes filles inscrites dans les formations de BTS et DUT liées aux nouvelles technologies industrielles. Ce second volet concerne la relation formation-emploi.Ce rapport est en deux parties : La 1ere partie est composée de 2 articles parus dans le Cahier du PIRTTEM (n° 2), la seconde synthétise les résultats des études d'entreprises (trois monographies) également disponibles sur Hal : - une sur une société du secteur aéronautique (halshs-03344160v1), - une autre sur une entreprise spécialisée dans la conception et fabrication de systèmes interface Homme-Machine (halshs-03760732), et la dernière - sur une société de microélectronique (halshs-03263340)
L'insertion des femmes dans les professions de technicien supérieur de l'industrie liées aux nouvelles technologies : étude de cas dans la région PACA: rapport final pour le CNRS et l'ANPE (Programme PIRTTEM)
Ce rapport final est le second volet d'une recherche couvrant plus largement l'insertion des jeunes filles dans les filières de formation et d' emplol liées aux nouvelles technologies industrielles. Le 1er volet se penchait sur les jeunes filles inscrites dans les formations de BTS et DUT liées aux nouvelles technologies industrielles. Ce second volet concerne la relation formation-emploi.Ce rapport est en deux parties : La 1ere partie est composée de 2 articles parus dans le Cahier du PIRTTEM (n° 2), la seconde synthétise les résultats des études d'entreprises (trois monographies) également disponibles sur Hal : - une sur une société du secteur aéronautique (halshs-03344160v1), - une autre sur une entreprise spécialisée dans la conception et fabrication de systèmes interface Homme-Machine (halshs-03760732), et la dernière - sur une société de microélectronique (halshs-03263340)
Les filles dans les formations industrielles de technicien supérieur liées aux nouvelles technologies : le cas de BTS et de DUT dans l'Académie d'Aix-Marseille: rapport pour le Conseil régional PACA et le Ministère de la Formation professionnelle
Face à la rareté des candidatures féminines dans les formations qualifiées (niveau III) du secteur secondaire liées aux nouvelles technologies et par voie de conséquence dans les emplois d'encadrement de ces filières de l'industrie, ce rapport tente de cerner les modalités de construction de trajectoires professionnelles a-typiques du point de vue de la catégorisation du sexe. L'enquête a été menée après de jeunes filles inscrites durant la période 1985-1986 dans des filières de formation "masculine" de l'Académie d'Aix-Marseille, filières où la présence féminine constitue toujours une exception : BTS en mécanismes-automatismes ; électronique, informatique industrielle et DUT en génie électrique et informatique industrielle, génie mécanique et productique
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