456 research outputs found

    Is there an evidence-based number of sessions in outpatient psychotherapy? – A comparison of naturalistic conditions across countries

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    Deciding on the number of psychotherapy sessions to satisfactorily treat a patient is a vital clinical as well as economic issue in most mental health systems worldwide. The length of outpatient psychotherapy in naturalistic conditions ranges from a single session to hundreds of sessions [1]. In randomized clinical trials, the number of sessions is typically fixed to deliver manualized treatments and to control for dosage effects (e.g., in a 16-session format [2]). Using data from Routine Outcome Monitoring studies [3, 4], we investigated whether the treatments under naturalistic conditions were fixed to a particular number of sessions or not (H1), whether naturalistic conditions tended to include unusually long treatments (e.g., >100 sessions) (H2), and how the observed number of sessions was distributed across countries (H3)

    Galactic Abundances: Report of Working Group 3

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    We summarize the various methods and their limitations and strengths to derive galactic abundances from in-situ and remote-sensing measurements, both from ground-based observations and from instruments in space. Because galactic abundances evolve in time and space it is important to obtain information with a variety of different methods covering different regions from the Very Local Insterstellar Medium (VLISM) to the distant galaxy, and different times throughout the evolution of the galaxy. We discuss the study of the present-day VLISM with neutral gas, pickup ions, and Anomalous Cosmic Rays, the study of the local interstellar medium (ISM) at distances <1.5 kpc utilizing absorption line measurements in H I clouds, and the study of galactic cosmic rays, sampling contemporary (~15 Myr) sources in the local ISM within a few kiloparsec of the solar system. Solar system abundances, derived from solar abundances and meteorite studies are discussed in several other chapters of this volume. They provide samples of matter from the ISM from the time of solar system format ion, about 4.5 Gyr ago. The evolution of galactic abundances on longer time scales is discussed in the context of nuclear synthesis in the various contributing stellar objects

    An ecological momentary assessment study of age effects on perceptive and non-perceptive clinical high-risk symptoms of psychosis.

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    Among individuals with clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR), perceptive symptoms are more frequent but have less clinical significance in children/adolescents compared to adults. However, findings are based on clinical interviews relying on patient's recall capacity. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) can be used to explore experiences in real-time in the subject's daily life. The aim of this study was to assess frequency and stability of (perceptive and non-perceptive) CHR symptoms and to explore potential age effects. EMA was used in a sample of an early detection for psychosis service in Bern, Switzerland (N = 66; 11-36 years). CHR symptoms were recorded in random time intervals for seven days: eight assessments per day per subject, minimum time between prompts set at 25 min. CHR symptoms were additionally assessed with semi-structured interviews including the 'Structured Interview for Psychosis-Risk Syndromes' and the 'Schizophrenia Proneness Instruments'. Mixed-effects linear regression analysis on the frequency of CHR symptoms revealed a significant effect of age group, and the interaction CHR symptoms x age group for both perceptive and non-perceptive symptoms. Further, regarding stability of CHR symptoms, there was a significant effect of the interaction CHR symptoms x age group for perceptive symptoms only. Based on EMA, perceptive CHR symptoms were more frequently reported but less stable in children/adolescents compared with adults. Together with previous findings, our finding of higher instability/variability of perceptive symptoms in younger persons might suggest that with advancing age and more stability of CHR symptoms, clinical relevance (reduced psychosocial functioning) may increase

    Serial monitoring of pancreatic stone protein for the detection of sepsis in intensive care unit patients with complicated abdominal surgery: A prospective, longitudinal cohort study.

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    The objective of this study was to assess the performance of pancreatic stone protein (PSP) monitoring for the detection of sepsis, prediction of outcome and distinction between bacterial and fungal infections in intensive care unit (ICU) patients with complicated abdominal surgery. In this prospective multicenter cohort study, patients with complicated abdominal surgery had serial PSP measurements during their ICU stay. Infectious episodes were classified as bacterial, fungal or mixed. PSPmax (maximal PSP value within 48 h of the diagnosis of infection) and ΔPSP (difference between PSPmax and the preceding PSP value) were used for analyses. PSPmax was obtained for 118 infectious episodes (68 patients). ΔPSP was available for 73 episodes (48 patients). Both PSPmax and ΔPSP were significantly higher in patients with sepsis and in patients with a fatal outcome. A PSPmax ≥124 ng/ml and a ΔPSP ≥34 ng/ml could detect sepsis with a sensitivity/specificity of 84%/54% and 69%/76%, respectively. There was no significant difference of PSPmax or ΔPSP between patients with bacterial/mixed versus fungal infections. Serial PSP monitoring may be an additional tool for the early detection of sepsis in patients with complicated abdominal surgery who are at high risk of severe infections

    Explorative assessment of the temperature-mortality association to support health-based heat-warning thresholds: a national case-crossover study in Switzerland

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    Defining health-based thresholds for effective heat warnings is crucial for climate change adaptation strategies. Translating the non-linear function between heat and health effects into an effective threshold for heat warnings to protect the population is a challenge. We present a systematic analysis of heat indicators in relation to mortality. We applied distributed lag non-linear models in an individual-level case-crossover design to assess the effects of heat on mortality in Switzerland during the warm season from 2003 to 2016 for three temperature metrics (daily mean, maximum, and minimum temperature), and various threshold temperatures and heatwave definitions. Individual death records with information on residential address from the Swiss National Cohort were linked to high-resolution temperature estimates from 100 m resolution maps. Moderate (90th percentile) to extreme thresholds (99.5th percentile) of the three temperature metrics implied a significant increase in mortality (5 to 38%) in respect of the median warm-season temperature. Effects of the threshold temperatures on mortality were similar across the seven major regions in Switzerland. Heatwave duration did not modify the effect when considering delayed effects up to 7 days. This nationally representative study, accounting for small-scale exposure variability, suggests that the national heat-warning system should focus on heatwave intensity rather than duration. While a different heat-warning indicator may be appropriate in other countries, our evaluation framework is transferable to any country

    Residential radon - Comparative analysis of exposure models in Switzerland.

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    Residential radon exposure is a major public health issue in Switzerland due to the known association between inhaled radon progeny and lung cancer. To confirm recent findings of an association with skin cancer mortality, an updated national radon model is needed. The aim of this study was to derive the best possible residential radon prediction model for subsequent epidemiological analyses. Two different radon prediction models were developed (linear regression model vs. random forest) using ca. 80,000 measurements in the Swiss Radon Database (1994-2017). A range of geographic predictors and building specific predictors were considered in the 3-D models (x,y, floor of dwelling). A five-fold modelling strategy was used to evaluate the robustness of each approach, with models developed (80% measurement locations) and validated (20%) using standard diagnostics. Random forest consistently outperformed the linear regression model, with higher Spearman's rank correlation (51% vs. 36%), validation coefficient of determination (R &lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; 31% vs. 15%), lower root mean square error (RMSE) and lower fractional bias. Applied to the population of 5.4 million adults in 2000, the random forest resulted in an arithmetic mean (standard deviation) of 75.5 (31.7) Bq/m &lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt; , and indicated a respective 16.1% and 0.1% adults with predicted radon concentrations exceeding the World Health Organization (100 Bq/m &lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt; ) and Swiss (300 Bq/m &lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt; ) reference values

    Patient satisfaction with anaesthesia care: development of a psychometric questionnaire and benchmarking among six hospitals in Switzerland and Austria†‡

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    Background. We describe the development and comparison of a psychometric questionnaire on patient satisfaction with anaesthesia care among six hospitals. Methods. We used a rigorous protocol: generation of items, construction of the pilot questionnaire, pilot study, statistical analysis (construct validity, factor analysis, reliability analysis), compilation of the final questionnaire, main study, repeated analysis of construct validity and reliability. We compared the mean total problem score and the scores for the dimensions: ‘Information/Involvement in decision‐making', and ‘Continuity of personal care by anaesthetist'. The influence of potential confounding variables was tested (multiple linear regression). Results. The average problem score from all hospitals was 18.6%. Most problems are mentioned in the dimensions ‘Information/Involvement in decision‐making' (mean problem score: 30.9%) and ‘Continuity of personal care by anaesthetist' (mean problem score: 32.2%). The overall assessment of the quality of anaesthesia care was good to excellent in 98.7% of cases. The most important dimension was ‘Information/Involvement in decision‐making'. The mean total problem score was significantly lower for two hospitals than the total mean for all hospitals (significantly higher at two hospitals) (P<0.05). Amongst the confounding variables considered, age, sex, subjective state of health, type of anaesthesia and level of education had an influence on the total problem score and the two dimensions mentioned. There were only marginal differences with and without the influence of the confounding variables for the different hospitals. Conclusions. A psychometric questionnaire on patient satisfaction with anaesthesia care must cover areas such as patient information, involvement in decision‐making, and contact with the anaesthetist. The assessment using summed scores for dimensions is more informative than a global summed rating. There were significant differences between hospitals. Moreover, the high problem scores indicate a great potential for improvement at all hospitals. Br J Anaesth 2002; 89: 863-7