12 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Website Terhadap Pengguna Akhir Menggunakan Webqual 4.0

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    Peran Teknologi dalam membantu menyebarluaskan informasi mempunyai peranan penting, Salah satunya melalui website. Website Kantor Pertanahan Kota Pekanbaru merupakan website yang memberikan pelayanan seputar informasi tentang surat tanah. Layanan dan fitur yang tersedia meliputi halaman beranda, informasi tentang Kantor Pertanahan Kota Pekanbaru, publikasi, layanan, PPID, aplikasi loketku, antrian online, dan aplikasi laporan PPAT. Selama penerapannya terkadang website mengalami beberapa kendala seperti gagal diakses, informasi terbaru tidak muncul, dan terjadinya error saat mengakses menu yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan yaitu untuk mengukur sejauh mana kualitas website berpengaruh terhadap pengguna dengan metode Webqual 4.0. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner dan obesrvasi, selanjutnya akan dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas data, serta uji Hipotesis menggunakan SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa website yang digunakan sudah dikatakan sangat bagus dengan nilai keterkaitan R-Square variabel User Satisfaction sebesar 87%.   &nbsp


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    Data security is very important in the digital era, this makes it an important issue for companies, organizations and educational institutions. Such as the Open Journal System (OJS) security which is useful for managing online journals. Abdurrab University has utilized the Open Journal System (OJS) to manage published journals. However, the management of the Open Journal System (OJS) security has not been managed properly, such as Abdurrab's Open Journal System (OJS) which has been hacked, there is still a lack of documentation and system security procedures and has never been assessed the level of capability of the information system so that it is not known exactly the level of security management of the Open Journal System (OJS) at Abdurrab University. This study aims to assess the capability level of Abdurrab University's Open Journal System (OJS) using the COBIT 5 domain DSS05 framework and Process Assessment Model (PAM) to assess system capabilities and guide IT management and provide effective and efficient recommendations. The results of the study obtained a questionnaire calculation value of 2.40 with Process Attribute Level domain DSS05 PA 2.1 Performance Management and PA 2.2 Work Product Management until an achievement score of 63.33% was obtained which was included in the Largely Achieved category with achievements at level 2 (Managed Process). The conclusion of this study is that the level of security capabilities of the Open Journal System (OJS) of Abdurrab University needs to be increased to level 3 (Established Process) because it has not been fully met, so that this research can be used as a reference for improvement by Abdurrab University


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    Data security is very important in the digital era, this makes it an important issue for companies, organizations and educational institutions. Such as the Open Journal System (OJS) security which is useful for managing online journals. Abdurrab University has utilized the Open Journal System (OJS) to manage published journals. However, the management of the Open Journal System (OJS) security has not been managed properly, such as Abdurrab's Open Journal System (OJS) which has been hacked, there is still a lack of documentation and system security procedures and has never been assessed the level of capability of the information system so that it is not known exactly the level of security management of the Open Journal System (OJS) at Abdurrab University. This study aims to assess the capability level of Abdurrab University's Open Journal System (OJS) using the COBIT 5 domain DSS05 framework and Process Assessment Model (PAM) to assess system capabilities and guide IT management and provide effective and efficient recommendations. The results of the study obtained a questionnaire calculation value of 2.40 with Process Attribute Level domain DSS05 PA 2.1 Performance Management and PA 2.2 Work Product Management until an achievement score of 63.33% was obtained which was included in the Largely Achieved category with achievements at level 2 (Managed Process). The conclusion of this study is that the level of security capabilities of the Open Journal System (OJS) of Abdurrab University needs to be increased to level 3 (Established Process) because it has not been fully met, so that this research can be used as a reference for improvement by Abdurrab University

    Analisa Usability pada Sistem Perpustakaan Menggunakan Metode User Centered Design

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    Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau menawarkan sistem perpustakaan digital sebagai wadah repository dengan mencakup jurnal online, skripsi, disertasi, riview penelitian ilmiah, e-book hingga prosiding.  Dalam pelaksanaanya terdapat permasalahan yang terjadi diantaranya fitur unduh pada sistem seringkali hanya menampilkan pesan error serta tidak tersedia nya fitur layanan komentar dan share. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa dalam segi usability serta design yang ada pada sistem perpustakaan menggunakan metode User Centered Design dengan hasil berupa direkomendasikan sebuah prototype design interface baru sesuai dengan kebutuhan user. Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil berupa 2 variabel yang ditolak sehingga harus dilakukan peningkatan layanannya, diantaranya variabel Assistance agar user bisa berkomunikasi dengan pihak pengelola dan variabel Usability agar user dapat men­-share sebuah informasi dan mengkomentari informasi yang diberikan dengan usulan perbaikan ini di implementasikan ke dalam design tampilan yang baru berdasarkan aturan atau prinsip UCD yang perhitungannya dinyatakan tidak dapat diterima tanpa mengubah design lainnya. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam pengujian usability didapatkan sebesar 86,5% yang dikategorikan sangat baik untuk keseluruhan sistem perpustakaan. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Analisa, Usability, User Centered Design, Perpustakaa


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    Abstract— With the help of financial technology called Dana, the Indonesian people can conduct digital payments and transactions quickly, easily, and safely both online and offline. Users have access to a wide range of actions, including investing, sending money, and withdrawing money. The usability of digital wallet applications must be evaluated in order to create a positive user experience. In order to assess usability, heuristic evaluation methods, and a user experience questionnaire must be used. The Dana digital wallet application's attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, and stimulation scales all showed positive results based on testing the results of the benchmark user experience questionnaire on six different scales and superior results on the novelty and dependability indices. The Dana digital wallet application's problems do not affect users and can still be tolerated, according to the average severity rating of the 10 aspects of the heuristic evaluation method, which is 1 (one). With a value of 1.33, the Visibility of System Status and Help Recognize and Recover from Errors aspects have the highest severity rating. Kata Kunci— digital wallet application, evaluation, usability, user experience questionnaire, heuristic evaluation

    Evaluasi Tingkat Keberhasilan E-Learning Smart Campus Menggunakan Metode HOT FIT

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    E-learning Smart Campus merupakan salah satu website yang digunakan sebagai sistem pembelajaran elektronik. E- learning Smart Campus mulai diterapkan di STIFAR Riau pada tahun 2018. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa masalah selama penggunaannya belum semua dosen yang menggunakannya, sering terjadinya eror, kurangnya pelatihan terhadap pengguna sistem, sulitnya mengupload tugas kesistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan tingkat keberhasilan penerapan e-learning Smart Campus serta memberikan usulan perbaikan agar menjadi sistem yang lebih baik untuk kedepannya. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan e-learning Smart Campus adalah metode HOT Fit. Responden dalam penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa dan dosen STIFAR Riau dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 313 responden. Untuk pengolahan data menggunakan teknik SEM-PLS dengan software SmartPLS. Hasil pengujian keberhasilan penerapan E-learning STIFAR Riau dari 12 hipotesis yang digunakan didapat nilai yang paling tinggi yaitu variabel Kepuasan Pengguna terhadap Net Benefit dengan nilai T-Stasistic sebesar 7.494. Hal ini berarti dimana semakin baik Kepuasan Pengguna maka semakin tinggi Pengguna Sistem dalam penggunaan Sistem E-learning Smart Campus Riau. Kata Kunci: E-Learning; Smart Campus; HOT Fit ; Evaluasi; SEM-PL


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    Rumah Zakat as the National Institute of Amil Zakat has a program senyum mandiri as effort to reduce the percentage of poverty in Indonesia.This program isdone by providing capital grants for zakat recipients who have been selected and are planned for one year, and after receiving a grant for the first period (six month), each candidate will under go an evaluation process before receiving the grant for the second six months period. There are threemanagers involvedevaluationfor decision making, namely Integrated Community Development (ICD) manager, Micro Business Officer (MBO), managerand Rumah Sehat Keluarga(RSK) manager. Variousproblemsarisingwhen making the decisions, such as the managers are not located in the same area, there is subjective decision, and managers working in different areas, soGroup Decision Support Systems needed to overcome that problems.. Profile Matching method can help managers find appropriate candidates that match with desired criteria and the Copeland Score voting method can unify the preferences of the managers.Result of this GDSS can address the problems and determine which applicant business grant deserve to regain capital grants, and giving good recomendation to get additional advantages were compared into threegroups:Komitmen Kuat, EcopreneurandMandiri. The final resultis thesystemexpectedto providean alternativegranteesare eligibletore-obtain a grantfromRumah Zakat

    Peramalan Penerima Dana Guru Bantu Di Provinsi Riau Tahun 2022-2023 Menggunakan Fuzzy Time Series Ruey Chyn Tsaur

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    Dana guru bantu merupakan bantuan dari pemerintah berupa uang yang diberikan kepada guru honorer atau non PNS. Dana guru bantu ini bertujuan untuk membantu sekolah agar terpenuhi kebutuhan akan tenaga guru di suatu kabupaten/kota atau Provinsi tertentu melalui sistem seleksi yang telah ditetapkan yang bersifat sementara. Dalam Permasalahan menentukan perkiraan jumlah guru yang menerima dana guru bantu se-Provinsi Riau tahun 2022-2023 ini dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Time Series Ruey Chyn Tsaur yang mendefinisikan himpunan fuzzy pada data historis yang diamati dengan pembentukan interval, fuzzifikasi data historis, menetapkan Fuzzy Logic Relations Group dan melakukan peramalan probabilitas matriks transisi dan defuzzifikasi data fuzzy menghitung nilai menggunakan MAPE. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan diperoleh hasil MAPE sebesar 0,536073441 dan jumlah guru yang akan mendapat dana bantu pada tahun 2022 sekitar 138-196 orang dan pada tahun 2023 sekitar 110-138 orang dengan hasil rata-rata MAPE 0,168687 % yang termasuk kategori sangat baik