67 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan simulasi untuk mengetahui potensi pemanfaatan area atap bangunan kampus Universitas Surabaya untuk tempat pemasangan sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS). Atap bangunan perpustakaan disimulaskan dan menjadi representasi perhitungan untuk atap bangunan yang lain. Sistem PLTS grid-connected dipakai dalam perhitungan energi listrik PLTS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tersedia area atap bangunan seluas 10.353 m2 yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk instalasi panel surya. Total kapasitas listrik yang dihasilkan untuk area seluas itu adalah 2.030 kWp atau 2,03 MWp. Kapasitas sebanyak itu terbagi empat, yaitu 630 kWp dari atap yang menghadap Timur Laut, 535 kWp dari arah Barat Laut, 668 kWp pada arah Barat Daya dan 553 kWp dari arah Tenggara

    Studi Konsumsi Energi di Kantin Keluwih Universitas Surabaya

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    Abstract—A study of energy consumption in the Keluwih canteen at the University of Surabaya (UBAYA) has been conducted as a first step to determine the design of the use of alternative energy that is appropriate in the canteen. The study began with conducting an energy consumption survey in the Keluwih canteen to find out the energy needs in the canteen. This energy consumption is measured by the energy used for lighting (lamps), air conditioning (AC), and other electronic equipment (television, blenders, rice cookers, electric stoves, etc.) and fuel used for cooking. Data were obtained from a questionnaire given to booth the canteen manager and tenants in the Keluwih canteen. From the data obtained, it can be knewn the energy consumption map in the Keluwih Canteen and based on the survey that has been done can be concluded that the energy consumption in the Keluwih Canteen is dominated by electricity which is around 600 kWh/day. Keywords: energy consumption, keluwih canteen, survey, questionnaire, electricity Abstrak—Telah dilakukan studi konsumsi energi di kantin Keluwih Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA) sebagai langkah awal untuk menentukan desain pemanfaatan energi alternatif yang tepat guna di kantin tersebut. Kajian diawali dengan melakukan survei konsumsi energi di kantin Keluwih untuk mengetahui kebutuhan energi di kantin. Konsumsi energi ini diukur dari energi yang dipergunakan untuk penerangan (lampu), pendingin ruangan (AC), dan peralatan elektronik lainnya (televisi, blender, rice cooker, kompor listrik, dll.) serta bahan bakar yang dipakai untuk memasak. Data diperoleh dari kuesioner yang diberikan kepada pengelola kantin serta penyewa stan di kantin Keluwih. Dari data yang diperoleh dapat diketahui peta konsumsi energi di Kantin Keluwih dan berdasarkan survei yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsumsi energi di Kantin Keluwih didominasi oleh energi listrik yang jumlahnya berkisar 600 kWh/hari. Kata kunci: konsumsi energi, kantin keluwih, survei, kuesioner, energi listri


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    Abstraksi – Pada awal abad 20 media buku masih banyak digunakan orang untuk menyimpan resep makanan mereka. Sedangkan pada jaman sekarang banyak dari orang yang mempunyai bahan makanan tetapi sulit untuk memutuskan makanan yang ingin dimasak sehingga mereka mencari rekomendasi resep melalui teman, media sosial, dan internet. Akan tetapi mencari resep melalui sosial media kurang efisien karena sosial media tidak hanya berfokus pada hal-hal yang berkaitan pada makanan saja. Dari permasalahan di atas maka dibuatlah sebuah aplikasi yang dapat membantu orang untuk bagi-berbagi resep, menyimpan resep, dan juga dapat memberikan rekomendasi resep berdasarkan bahan yang dimiliki, sistem yang dibuat memiliki tiga hak akses yaitu, admin yang dibuat berbasis website, pengguna non member, dan pengguna member yang dibuat berbasis android. Setelah melalui proses ujicoba, aplikasi yang dibuat diakui dapat membantu orang dalam menyimpan, bagi-berbagi dan juga dapat memberikan rekomendasi resep. Kata kunci: Android, Aplikasi, Resep, Sharecipe, Rekomendasi rese


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    Basketball is a team of five people. In basketball matches required compactness between players. If when surviving and attacking from five people only one person who mastered the technique, then not necessarily the team will win. Therefore, one team must master both defense and attack techniques in playing basketball. This is the background of making this video tutorial application. This app is called “Tutorial Menyerang dan Bertahan Permainan Bola Basket”, where this app aims to help understand the techniques of survival and attack basketball. This application was created using Adobe Illustrator CS6 software, Adobe After Effects CC and Adobe Flash Professional CS6. This app contains about defense and assault. Defense is an effort run by a defensive team in order to dispel an opponent's attack. In addition to defensive techniques, players must also master the attacking techniques in basketball games. Assault is an effort run by an attacking team in order to score numbers into a basketball ring. Verification and validation resultsnote that this application has been running smoothly. Based on the results of 20 people, 10% of respondents said agree and 90% said strongly agree that this application can provide knowledge to understand the techniques of survival and attack basketball. In addition, respondents considered this app already has an attractive visual appearance and an easy to understand interface


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    Electric cigarettes are now growing in the community. This stuff is considered an alternative for people who want to stop using regular cigarettes. Though the users of electric cigarette not yet know about information of electric cigarette. With the problem, there was a documentary video about the phenomenon of electric cigarettes for people to know information about everything of electric cigarette. This documentary video was created using Adobe Premiere CC5 and the results can be accessed through a link from the promotional media in the form of games. For some parts of the video edited using software Adobe After Effect CC5. This documentary video has passed the trial and evaluation process by showing the video and giving questionnaires to 20 people who are aged above 16 years. Responses obtained quite well because the information provided can be understood so that it can deliver the video messages informatively


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    Basket adalah olahraga tim yang berjumlah lima orang. Dalam pertandingan bola basket dibutuhkan kekompakan antara pemain. Apabila saat bertahan dan menyerang dari lima orang hanya satu orang yang menguasai teknik tersebut, maka belum tentu tim akan menang. Oleh karena itu, satu tim harus menguasai teknik bertahan maupun menyerang dalam bermain bola basket. Hal tersebut yang melatar belakangi pembuatan aplikasi video tutorial ini. Aplikasi ini bernama “Tutorial Menyerang dan Bertahan Permainan Bola Basket”, dimana aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk membantu memahami teknik bertahan dan menyerang olahraga bola basket. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan software Adobe Illustrator CS6, Adobe After Effects CC dan Adobe Flash Professional CS6. Aplikasi ini berisi mengenai pertahanan dan penyerangan. Pertahanan merupakan suatu usaha yang dijalankan oleh tim bertahan dalam rangka menghalau serangan lawan. Selain teknik bertahan, pemain juga harus menguasai teknik menyerang dalam permainan bola basket. Penyerangan merupakan suatu usaha yang dijalankan oleh tim menyerang dalam rangka mencetak angka ke dalam ring basket. Hasil verifikasi dan validasi diketahui bahwa aplikasi ini telah berjalan lancar. Berdasarkan hasil kuisioner dari  20 orang, 10% responden yang mengatakan setuju dan 90% mengatakan sangat setuju bahwa aplikasi ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan untuk memahami teknik bertahan dan menyerang olahraga bola basket. Selain itu, responden menganggap aplikasi ini sudah memiliki tampilan visual yang menarik dan interface yang mudah dipahami.&nbsp


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    Indonesia is a country with a rich culture, one of them is the traditional musical instrument gambang. Gambang is a traditional musical instrument from Central Java. From the results of questionnaire, there are many respondents who didn’t know the shape, how to play and where gambang came from. Respondents also said that they rather play modern musical instruments than the traditional one. Those are the backgrounds which are made for the making of traditional musical instrument gambang application. The name of this application is Dolanan Gambang, where this application is intended for Indonesian citizens to understand about gambang and play it virtually with leap motion as an input. Users can play gambang with traditional/modern songs. This application are made with Adobe Flash Professional CS 6, Adobe Photoshop CS 6, Adobe audition CS 6, Autodesk 3DS Max 2015, C# dan Unity 5.5. Results of verification and validation shows that this application is working well. From questionnaire results, many respondents said they agree that this application can increase their knowledge about gambang. This application can also provide an experience of playing gambang virtually. Respondents also said that this application have an easy to understand interface and it is visually appealing. Although at first respondents seems to have a hard time playing because they are not used to using leap motion. Furthermore, respondent tells that this application made them interested on playing gambang


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    Prosedur keselamatan kerja di Laboratorium Kimia merupakan materi yang penting untuk diketahui siswa SMA, karena dalam bekerja di Laboratorium tidak menutup kemungkinan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Akan tetapi, siswa SMA kurang mendapatkan materi tersebut. Dengan demikian dibutuhkan aplikasi pembelajaran yang membahas prosedur keselamatan kerja di Laboratorium Kimia secara keseluruhan. Dasar teori yang digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi ini adalah teori tentang prosedur keselamatan kerja di Laboratorium Kimia, teori peralatan di laboratorium kimia, teori pembelajaran multimedia, teori media pembelajaran, dan teori gaya belajar anak. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah melakukan wawancara dengan guru kimia SMA, melakukan penyebaran kuesioner untuk siswa SMA, menganalisis media yang ada, analisis permasalahan, dan menganalisis kebutuhan sistem. Setelah tahap analisis dilakukan, maka tahap selanjutnya adalah melakukan desain untuk pembuatan aplikasi. Desain yang dibuat meliputi desain user interface, desain karakter dan sebagainya. Desain tersebut lalu diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan software Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect, Adobe Audition, dan Adobe Flash. Setelah tahap implementasi selesai dilakukan, maka dilakukan proses uji coba dan evaluasi. Uji coba verifikasi untuk memastikan bahwa aplikasi bebas error. Setelah itu dilakukan uji coba validasi kepada guru kimia SMA dan siswa SMA. Hasil yang diperoleh pada saat melakukan uji coba validasi yaitu aplikasi pembelajaran yang telah dibuat dapat membantu siswa untuk memahami dan memperoleh pengetahuan tentang prosedur keselamatan kerja di Laboratorium Kimia.&nbsp


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    Electric cigarettes are now growing in the community. This stuff is considered an alternative for people who want to stop using regular cigarettes. Though the users of electric cigarette not yet know about information of electric cigarette. With the problem, there was a documentary video about the phenomenon of electric cigarettes for people to know information about everything of electric cigarette. This documentary video was created using Adobe Premiere CC5 and the results can be accessed through a link from the promotional media in the form of games. For some parts of the video edited using software Adobe After Effect CC5. This documentary video has passed the trial and evaluation process by showing the video and giving questionnaires to 20 people who are aged above 16 years. Responses obtained quite well because the information provided can be understood so that it can deliver the video messages informatively


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    Indonesia is a country with a rich culture, one of them is the traditional musical instrument gambang. Gambang is a traditional musical instrument from Central Java. From the results of questionnaire, there are many respondents who didn’t know the shape, how to play and where gambang came from. Respondents also said that they rather play modern musical instruments than the traditional one. Those are the backgrounds which are made for the making of traditional musical instrument gambang application. The name of this application is Dolanan Gambang, where this application is intended for Indonesian citizens to understand about gambang and play it virtually with leap motion as an input. Users can play gambang with traditional/modern songs. This application are made with Adobe Flash Professional CS 6, Adobe Photoshop CS 6, Adobe audition CS 6, Autodesk 3DS Max 2015, C# dan Unity 5.5. Results of verification and validation shows that this application is working well. From questionnaire results, many respondents said they agree that this application can increase their knowledge about gambang. This application can also provide an experience of playing gambang virtually. Respondents also said that this application have an easy to understand interface and it is visually appealing. Although at first respondents seems to have a hard time playing because they are not used to using leap motion. Furthermore, respondent tells that this application made them interested on playing gambang
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