31 research outputs found

    Some Notes On Literacy, Writing And Hegemonic Positioning

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    This article discusses the ideological meaning of literacy and how it should be considered before we attempt to develop various writing programs. Writing as one of main forms of human communication is prone to being ill-defined. This may lead to certain injustices in our education world, especially when literacy is not defined or seen as an ideological concept. The most familiar example of this in a learning context is that we tend to view literacy as reading and writing ignoring other values and potentials that a learner brings to a classroom such as her socio-cultural background. In the face of such challenges, this article therefore presents a conceptual framework which could serve as a reminder for educators before they attempt to develop their various education programs. The author hopes that the article would help educators determine where they should stand along this imaginary continuum of ideological literacy


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    This article discusses the ideological meaning of literacy and how it should be considered before we attempt to develop various writing programs. Writing as one of main forms of human communication is prone to being ill-defined. This may lead to certain injustices in our education world, especially when literacy is not defined or seen as an ideological concept. The most familiar example of this in a learning context is that we tend to view literacy as reading and writing ignoring other values and potentials that a learner brings to a classroom such as her socio-cultural background. In the face of such challenges, this article therefore presents a conceptual framework which could serve as a reminder for educators before they attempt to develop their various education programs. The author hopes that the article would help educators determine where they should stand along this imaginary continuum of ideological literacy.This article discusses the ideological meaning of literacy and how it should be considered before we attempt to develop various writing programs. Writing as one of main forms of human communication is prone to being ill-defined. This may lead to certain injustices in our education world, especially when literacy is not defined or seen as an ideological concept. The most familiar example of this in a learning context is that we tend to view literacy as reading and writing ignoring other values and potentials that a learner brings to a classroom such as her socio-cultural background. In the face of such challenges, this article therefore presents a conceptual framework which could serve as a reminder for educators before they attempt to develop their various education programs. The author hopes that the article would help educators determine where they should stand along this imaginary continuum of ideological literacy

    Toleransi Antar Ummat Beragama di Kabupaten Lombok Timur Tahun 2020

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    This study was meant to determine the tolerance index between religious communities in East Lombok Regency. This study was a survey research and categorized a cross sectional survey. The population was is the entire population of East Lombok Regency. Cluster Sampling and Purposive Sampling were the sampling techniques of this study. Questionnaire, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and In-depth Interview were the techniques of collecting data. The dimensions of perception, attitude, cooperation, government attitudes, and public expectations of the government were the variables in this study. The data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical program. This study showed that the tolerance index between religious communities was high with the score 3.6 for the tolerance index between religious communities in East Lombok Regency. Specifically, the dimensions of attitude and cooperation were categorized as sufficient. The dimensions of perception, government attitudes and expectations are categorized as high

    Peningkatan Kapasitas Mahasiswa PPL FKIP-UGR Tahun 2020 dalam Menyusun Rencana Program Pembelajaran (RPP)

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    Pedagogic competence is one of the competencies where a teacher is required to have the ability to plan learning so that learning objectives are achieved effectively, efficiently, attractively, and interactively. So that every teacher before carrying out the learning process in the classroom must make a learning plan known as the Learning Program Plan (RPP). Therefore, this activity aims to increase the capacity of PPL FKIP-UGR students in 2020 in the form of training activities for making or preparing Learning Program Plans (RPP). This activity was attended by eight students, five students from the Accounting Education Study Program and three students from the English Education Study Program. The methods used in this training are lectures, questions and answers and practice. The result of this activity is that there is an increase in participants' knowledge or understanding of Making Learning Tools, especially Learning Program Plans (RPP), students have a positive attitude and enthusiasm for teaching, and there is an increase in skills in preparing learning tools. So it was concluded that this activity was very effective in helping students prepare their learning tools before entering the classroom in carrying out the teaching process

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe Role Play Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Dan Kemampuan Speaking Siswa Kelas X IPA SMA Negeri 1 Wanasaba

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    Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang dilakukan peneliti melalui kegiatan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) bersama tiga guru Bahasa Inggris yang ada di SMA Negeri 1 Wanasaba didapatkan bahwa permasalah utama pada siswa adalah kurangnya keaktifan siswa pada proses pembelajaran. Selain itu permasalahan siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris adalah masih rendahnya kemampuan keterampilan Speaking siswa diantara keempat keterampilan dalam kemampuan berbahasa. Dari permasalahan di atas diperlukan sebuah strategi yang dapat meningkatkan keaktifan dan kemampuan speaking siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris yakni penerapan model cooperative learning dengan teknik role play. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan kemampuan speaking siswa kelas X IPA SMAN 1 Wanasaba. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research) yang terdiri dari tiga siklus dimana setiap siklus terdiri dari tiga pertemuan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah kelas X IPA  yang terdiri dari 3 kelas (IPA 1, IPA 2, dan IPA 3). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Ada peningkatan keaktifan belajar siswa pada masing-masing siklus. Itu artinya bahwa model pembelajaran cooperative learnig dapat meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa kelas X IPA SMA Negeri 1 Wanasaba. Ada peningkatan kemapuan speaking siswa pada masing-masing siklus yang mengindikasikan bahwa tehnik role play dapat meningkatkan kemampua speaking siswa kelas X IPA SMA Negeri 1 Wanasaba

    Critical Education Paradigm in the Perspective of Islamic Education

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    This article is an assessment of critical education concepts reviewed in a paradigmatic frame and seen from the perspective of Islamic education. As education aims to work on the reality of human consciousness, free will, critical reasoning, and creativity, critical education should methodologically rest on the principles of total reflection and action. In other words, these are the principles used to transform static facts into dynamic conditions for both individual actors of education (educators and learners) and the society as a whole. As for the concept of Islamic education, it essentially emphasizes humanization and liberation as an educational orientation and places learners and educators as a subject in the learning process. Islamic education combines vertical (spirituality) and horizontal (social) aspects in a single educational orientation. This is in contrast to the paradigm of critical education which places its emphasis more on materialistic matters and less on spiritual aspects

    Turnitin: Critical Education Paradigm in the Perspective of Islamic Education

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    This article is an assessment of critical education concepts reviewed in a paradigmatic frame and seen from the perspective of Islamic education. As education aims to work on the reality of human consciousness, free will, critical reasoning, and creativity, critical education should methodologically rest on the principles of total reflection and action. In other words, these are the principles used to transform static facts into dynamic conditions for both individual actors of education (educators and learners) and the society as a whole. As for the concept of Islamic education, it essentially emphasizes humanization and liberation as an educational orientation and places learners and educators as a subject in the learning process. Islamic education combines vertical (spirituality) and horizontal (social) aspects in a single educational orientation. This is in contrast to the paradigm of critical education which places its emphasis more on materialistic matters and less on spiritual aspects


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    Shelf life information is one of the information that must be listed by producers on food packaging. the inclusion of shelf life information becomes very important to be very important as it relates to the safety of the food products and to avoid consumption when the product condition is unfit for consumption. the manufacturer's obligation to include information on shelf life has been regulated by the government within UU No 18 in 2012 about food and PP No 69 in 1999 about food labels and advertisements, where every food industry must include expiration date (shelf life) on every food product packaging. The purpose of this study is to know the shelf life of modified suweg flour biscuits, wheat flour, and mocaf flour and to know the appropriate type of packaging. The research method consists of preliminary research and main research. the preliminary research undertaken is the manufacture and characterization of modified autoshlaving-cooling cycle modified suweg. while the main research is the estimation of shelf life in the modified biscuit products of modified autoclaving-cooling cycle. Determination based on water content parameters, peroxide number and TPC. And different packaging are aluminum foil and metalized. The result showed that suitable packaging for modified suweg biscuits was metalized packaging. Based on research of determination of shelf life by Arrhenius method with different storage temperature yielding modified suweg biscuits and biscuit blanco (without modified suweg flour) with different shelf life. So it can be concluded that shelf life is determined from the parameter of peroxide number for modified suweg biscuits at 15°C, 30°C and 45°C with metallized packing of 217 days, 172 days and 137 days While for biscuit blanko(without modified suweg flour) at 15° C, 30°C and 45 °C with metalized packing respectively that is 333 days, 250 days and 192 days

    Improving the Modelling of Robot Bunker with Camera

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    This study proposed an improvement on the model of robot bunker with camera. This is designed in order that robot is difficult to steal. The previous model is equipped with a security system. However, the system is not equipped with a camera so that when theft occurs, the action cannot be recorded. This study used 16 rules, because of the addition of variable pixels produced by the camera. The simulation is carried out as many as 30 (thirty) possible conditions of actions taken by the people on the robot with Matlab Fuzzy Toolbox. In the result of the simulations, the test results can change from safe conditions to alert or dangerous conditions. This is caused by changes in the number of pixels. The pixel value increases when someone tries to take a robot from the robot bunker. Thus the proposed model is more sensitive in detecting changes that occur around the robot bunker. Therefore this model can be applied in securing/protecting robot from theft

    A new genus and two new, rare freshwater mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae) species endemic to Borneo are threatened by ongoing habitat destruction

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    1. Most of the Bornean endemic freshwater mussel (Unionida) species known to date have not been recorded by science for the past 50 years or more, owing to a lack of research effort and presumed population losses.2. This study assessed current patterns and recent changes in the diversity and distribution of freshwater mussels in north-eastern Borneo. Physical surveys and interviews were conducted at 24 sites, and anecdotal evidence for current or historical presence of mussels was collected for a further 13 sites.3. Native species, i.e. Schepmania sp. and Khairuloconcha sahanae gen. & sp. nov., were only found in one small stream of the Kinabatangan River basin within the Gomantong Forest Reserve, whereas the non-native Sinanodonta cf. woodiana was common across the study area.4. Molecular phylogenetics (five genes) of the native taxa, including comparative material from West Kalimantan and Sarawak, revealed: (i) the presence of a new genus with two new, rare species: Khairuloconcha lunbawangorum sp. nov. in the Limbang River basin and K. sahanae in the Kinabatangan River basin; (ii) that Khairuloconcha and Ctenodesma form the Bornean endemic tribe Ctenodesmini trib. nov.; and (iii) that Schepmania represents another Bornean endemic tribe Schepmaniini trib. nov.5. Both Khairuloconcha gen. nov. species are known from a single stream each and are apparently restricted to forest stream habitats where they occur at very low densities. Schepmania appears to have a severely contracted range in the Kinabatangan and adjacent basins. We urgently call for full protection of the currently known sites of K. lunbawangorum and K. sahanae, and development of an action plan to save the Bornean freshwater mussel fauna