107 research outputs found

    Advancing Climate Change Research and Hydrocarbon Leak Detection : by Combining Dissolved Carbon Dioxide and Methane Measurements with ADCP Data

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    With the emergence of largescale, comprehensive environmental monitoring projects, there is an increased need to combine state-of-the art technologies to address complicated problems such as ocean acidifi cation and hydrocarbon leak detection

    Assessment of sensor performance

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    There is an international commitment to develop a comprehensive, coordinated and sustained ocean observation system. However, a foundation for any observing, monitoring or research effort is effective and reliable in situ sensor technologies that accurately measure key environmental parameters. Ultimately, the data used for modelling efforts, management decisions and rapid responses to ocean hazards are only as good as the instruments that collect them. There is also a compelling need to develop and incorporate new or novel technologies to improve all aspects of existing observing systems and meet various emerging challenges. Assessment of Sensor Performance was a cross-cutting issues session at the international OceanSensors08 workshop in Warnemünde, Germany, which also has penetrated some of the papers published as a result of the workshop (Denuault, 2009; Kröger et al., 2009; Zielinski et al., 2009). The discussions were focused on how best to classify and validate the instruments required for effective and reliable ocean observations and research. The following is a summary of the discussions and conclusions drawn from this workshop, which specifically addresses the characterisation of sensor systems, technology readiness levels, verification of sensor performance and quality management of sensor systems

    Monitoring techniques of a natural analogue for sub-seabed CO2 leakages

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    Carbon dioxide sequestration in sub-seafloor aims to store CO2 inside geological trapping structures below the seafloor. However there are concerns related to the possibility of leakage from the storage sites and potential consequences on the marine environment. In order to develop safe and reliable methods for CO2 monitoring, field studies were conducted in a natural analogue–an area where there is a natural release of CO2 from the seafloor. Due to the very high volume of gas emitted, this natural analogue could be considered as the worst-case scenario for a possible leakage from a sub-seabed storage site. Sampling procedures for free and dissolved gas and measuring techniques of the main physical and chemical parameters were developed for use both from the surface and directly underwater by scientific scuba divers. The first results of the research indicate that high levels of CO2 released in the marine realm strongly affect the local environmental conditions with a generalized acidification of the seawater. The experience gained in this study allows further development of a more accurate and suitable monitoring suite that will integrate sensors for measuring pH, dissolved CO2, and eventually, acoustic systems for the detection, monitoring and quantification of gas bubbles. The monitoring system could be deployed on the seafloor for long-term monitoring or could be carried onboard movable platforms such as ROV’s (Remote Operated Vehicles) or AUV’s (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) for systematic surveys of the sub-seabed storage areas

    A Novel Autonomous Observation Platform for Multi-Disciplinary Investigations at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO)

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    In order to investigate the spatial and temporal variability (daily, seasonal and inter-annual) of CO2 and O2 air-sea fluxes and their underlying processes, a dense network of observations is required. For this purpose, the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO) provides a unique infrastructure. Information thus obtained also links biological productivity and atmospheric composition. To expand these capabilities, a novel “virtual mooring” approach for high resolution measurements, based on a modified NEMO profiling float, is pursued. This Profiling Float was equipped with O2 and pCO2 sensors for the first time, in order to collect daily depth profiles (0-200 m) in the vicinity of the ocean site. Data access and remote control is provided through Iridium satellite telemetry. Recalibrations and redeployments are carried out every 1-3 month. First, we present the new developed instrument and the innovative in situ and real-time approach behind. Second, we show the inter-disciplinary scientific objectives which will benefit from this approach as a result of the intensive partnership between IFM-GEOMAR and INDP during the last years

    Scientific data acquisition by ocean-going sailing yachts: The OceanoScientific® Programme

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    In situ quality assessment of a novel underwater pCO2 sensor based on membrane equilibration and NDIR spectrometry

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    We present a detailed quality assessment of a novel underwater sensor for the measurement of CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) based on surface water field deployments carried out between 2008 and 2011. The commercially available sensor, which is based on membrane equilibration and NDIR spectrometry is small and can be integrated into mobile platforms. It is calibrated in water against a proven flow-through pCO2 instrument within a custom-built calibration setup. The aspect of highest concern with respect to achievable data quality of the sensor is the compensation for signal drift inevitably connected to absorption measurements. We use three means to correct for drift effects: (i) a filter correlation or dual-beam setup, (ii) regular zero gas measurements realized automatically within the sensor and (iii) a zero-based transformation of two sensor calibrations flanking the time of sensor deployment. Three sensors were tested against an underway pCO2 system during two major research cruises providing an in situ temperature range from 7.4 to 30.1°C and pCO2 values between 289 and 445 μatm. The average difference between sensor and reference pCO2 was found to be -0.6 ± 3 μatm with a RMSE of 3.7 μatm

    Technical note: Seamless gas measurements across Land-Ocean Aquatic Continuum – corrections and evaluation of sensor data for CO2, CH4 and O2 from field deployments in contrasting environments

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    The ocean and inland waters are two separate regimes, with concentrations in greenhouse gases differing on orders of magnitude between them. Together, they create the land–ocean aquatic continuum (LOAC), which comprises itself largely of areas with little to no data with regards to understanding the global carbon system. Reasons for this include remote and inaccessible sample locations, often tedious methods that require collection of water samples and subsequent analysis in the lab, and the complex interplay of biological, physical and chemical processes. This has led to large inconsistencies, increasing errors and has inevitably lead to potentially false upscaling. A set-up of multiple pre-existing oceanographic sensors allowing for highly detailed and accurate measurements was successfully deployed in oceanic to remote inland regions over extreme concentration ranges. The set-up consists of four sensors simultaneously measuring pCO2, pCH4 (both flow-through, membrane-based non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) or tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) sensors), O2 and a thermosalinograph at high resolution from the same water source. The flexibility of the system allowed for deployment from freshwater to open ocean conditions on varying vessel sizes, where we managed to capture day–night cycles, repeat transects and also delineate small-scale variability. Our work demonstrates the need for increased spatiotemporal monitoring and shows a way of homogenizing methods and data streams in the ocean and limnic realms

    Pressure response of Aanderaa and Sea-Bird oxygen optodes

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    We investigated the effect of hydrostatic pressure of up to 6000 dbar on Aanderaa and Sea-Bird oxygen optodes both in the laboratory and in the field. The overall pressure response is a reduction in the O2 reading by 3 – 4 % per 1000 dbar which is closely linear with pressure and increases with temperature. Closer inspection reveals two superimposed processes with opposite effect: an O2-independent pressure response on the luminophore which increases optode O2 readings and an O2-dependent change in luminescence quenching which decreases optode O2 readings. The latter process dominates and is mainly due to a shift in the equilibrium between sensing membrane and sea water under elevated pressures. If only the dominant O2-dependent process is considered, Aanderaa and Sea-Bird optodes differ in their pressure response. Compensation of the O2-independent process, however, yields a uniform O2 dependence for Aanderaa optodes with standard foil and fast-response foil as well as Sea-Bird optodes. A new scheme to calculate optode O2 from raw data is proposed to account for the two processes. The overall uncertainty of the optode pressure correction amounts to 0.3 % per 1000 dbar, mainly due to variability between sensors
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