73 research outputs found

    Metaphysik in der zeitgenössischen Hegel-Rezeption

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.In meinem Aufsatz werde ich zunächst (1.) das Programm einer »nichtmetaphysischen« Hegeldeutung rekonstruieren, die insbesondere von Pippin und Pinkard in den 90er Jahren entwickelt worden ist, dann (2.) die Auffassung des Geistes, die aus diesem Programm resultiert am Beispiel von Terry Pinkards Geistkapitel in German Philosophy. 160-1860. The Legacy of Idealism erörtern. Abschließend (3.) werde ich auf die Gegentendenz zur antimetaphysischen Deutung in der zeitgenössischen Hegel-Rezeption hinweisen und zeigen, dass sowohl die Autoren (wie Pippin und Pinkard), die versuchen, die Metaphysik aus der Hegeischen Philosophie zu beseitigen, als auch diejenigen (vgl. z. B. Beiser), die auf die zentrale Rolle der Metaphysik in der Philosophie Hegels hinweisen, einige Missverständnisse bezüglich des Metaphysik- und Geistbegriffs teilen

    Utilizing the eutrophication in bioresources recovery and biogas production - a case study in Egypt

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    In this work, the nutrients and eutrophication problem are integrated into a nature-based solution by incorporating microalgae-based nutrient removal from wastewater and collecting the residue in an anaerobic digestion plant to produce biogas that is directly exported to an existing gas-fired power plant and closes the bioresource loop. El Burullus lake in Egypt was selected as a case study because it is rich in nutrients and suitable for the integrated system. The theoretical results were promising as for one-hectare, nutrient pollution could be reduced with a total nitrogen removal rate of 4 kg d-1, a total phosphorus removal rate of 1.1 kg d-1, and a total COD removal rate of 9.3 kg d-1. The digester volume corresponding to the biomass produced was 120 m3 per hectare of algae pond and the methane yield (Y) from anaerobic digestion was 73 m^3 d^(-1)

    Microalgae from Biorefinery as Potential Protein Source for Siberian Sturgeon (A. baerii) Aquafeed

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    The demand for aquafeed is expected to increase in the coming years and new ingredients will be needed to compensate for the low fish meal and oil availability. Microalgae represent a promising matrix for the future aquafeed formulation, however, the high production cost hinders its application. The use of microalgae from biorefinery would reduce the disposal costs for microalgae production. The present study aimed to (i) verify the growth of microalgae on digestate coming from pig farming and (ii) evaluate their potential valorization as dietary ingredient in aquafeed according to a Circular Bioeconomy approach. For these purposes, a microalgae biomass was produced on an outdoor raceway reactor supplied with digestate and used for partial replacement (10% of the diet) in aquafeed for Siberian sturgeon fingerlings (Acipenser baerii). The results obtained confirm the feasibility for growing microalgae on digestate with satisfactory productivity (6.2 gDM m−2 d−1), nutrient removal efficiency and Chemical Oxygen Demand reduction; moreover, the feeding trial carried out showed similar results between experimental and control groups (p > 0.05), in term of growth performance, somatic indices, fillet nutritional composition and intestinal functionality, to indicate that microalgae from biorefinery could be used as protein source in Siberian sturgeon aquafeed

    Towards a standardization of biomethane potential tests

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    Production of biogas from different organic materials is a most interesting source of renewable energy. The biomethane potential (BMP) of these materials has to be determined to get insight in design parameters for anaerobic digesters. Although several norms and guidelines for BMP tests exist, inter-laboratory tests regularly show high variability of BMPs for the same substrate. A workshop was held in June 2015, in Leysin, Switzerland, with over 40 attendees from 30 laboratories around the world, to agree on common solutions to the conundrum of inconsistent BMP test results. This paper presents the consensus of the intense roundtable discussions and cross-comparison of methodologies used in respective laboratories. Compulsory elements for the validation of BMP results were defined. They include the minimal number of replicates, the request to carry out blank and positive control assays, a criterion for the test duration, details on BMP calculation, and last but not least criteria for rejection of the BMP tests. Finally, recommendations on items that strongly influence the outcome of BMP tests such as inoculum characteristics, substrate preparation, test setup, and data analysis are presented to increase the probability of obtaining validated and reproducible results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expanded circulating hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells as novel cell source for the treatment of TCIRG1 osteopetrosis

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    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the treatment of choice for autosomal recessive osteopetrosis caused by defects in the TCIRG1 gene. Despite recent progress in conditioning, a relevant number of patients are not eligible for allogeneic stem cell transplantation because of the severity of the disease and significant transplant-related morbidity. We exploited peripheral CD34+ cells, known to circulate at high frequency in the peripheral blood of TCIRG1-deficient patients, as a novel cell source for autologous transplantation of gene corrected cells. Detailed phenotypical analysis showed that circulating CD34+ cells have a cellular composition that resembles bone marrow, supporting their use in gene therapy protocols. Transcriptomic profile revealed enrichment in genes expressed by hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs). To overcome the limit of bone marrow harvest/ HSPC mobilization and serial blood drawings in TCIRG1 patients, we applied UM171-based ex-vivo expansion of HSPCs coupled with lentiviral gene transfer. Circulating CD34+ cells from TCIRG1-defective patients were transduced with a clinically-optimized lentiviral vector (LV) expressing TCIRG1 under the control of phosphoglycerate promoter and expanded ex vivo. Expanded cells maintained long-term engraftment capacity and multi-lineage repopulating potential when transplanted in vivo both in primary and secondary NSG recipients. Moreover, when CD34+ cells were differentiated in vitro, genetically corrected osteoclasts resorbed the bone efficiently. Overall, we provide evidence that expansion of circulating HSPCs coupled to gene therapy can overcome the limit of stem cell harvest in osteopetrotic patients, thus opening the way to future gene-based treatment of skeletal diseases caused by bone marrow fibrosis

    The Transcendental Deduction of Categories as Philosophical Proof

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    My aim is to reconstruct the basic steps and the fundamental idea of Kant’s transcendental deduction of categories as well as Hegel’s interpretation and reframing of Kant’s idea. Hegel’s reading is crucial for two reasons: first, for fixing the basic form of the Kant­ian argument and secondly, for understanding its metaphilosophical relevance. For Hegel, philosophical proof has a specific nature, which distinguishes it from scientific proof and brings it closer to a juridical one. In this perspective the transcendental deduction, which is universally considered one of the most difficult chapters in the history of philosophy, reveals itself as the genuine clarification of specifically philosophical proof. I first present the idea of Kant’s transcendental deduction in the Critique of Pure Reason as well as its Hegelian reading in the Science of Logic and reformulation as the very method of philosophy in the Philo­sophy of Right. I show what in the Kantian argumentation constituted the basis for Hegel’s own interpretation and transformation. In so doing, I highlight a ‘red thread’ between the two ideas of the transcendental deduction. I conclude by proposing a formal account of Kant’s and Hegel’s ideas and by summing up the main metaphilosophical insights we can gain from Kant’s idea and its Hegelian interpretation

    Due in uno. Che cosa è e che cosa fa l’io che pensa?

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    Nelle pagine che seguono riprendo le riflessioni di Hannah Arendt sulla nozione di pensiero e di persona. Si tratta di riflessioni che in molti aspetti sono affini ai dibattiti novecenteschi sull’io, ma che si prestano bene a tracciare una possibile teoria originale della soggettività, anzitutto perché vengono raramente prese in considerazione dalla letteratura canonica sulla questione del soggetto; in secondo luogo perché, pur partendo da una prospettiva heideggeriana, presentano una visione..
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