63 research outputs found

    The formation of energy supply culture of students within the framework of the educational project PJSC «Enel Russia» «Play energy»

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    В статье описан опыт формирования культуры энергосбережения студентов Асбестовского политехникума через участие в международном образовательном проекте «PlayEnergy» Публичного акционерного общества «ЭНЕЛ РОССИЯ». Проект способствует увеличению знаний о мире энергии, начиная с актуальных ключевых тем, таких, как инновации, эффективность, устойчивость, современные технологии, ответственное потребление.The article describes the experience of formation of energy supply culture of students GAPO WITH Asbestovsky Polytechnic School through the participation in the international educational project "PlayEnergy" of the Public joint-stock company "ENEL RUSSIA". The project contributes to the knowledge extension in the sphere of energy, beginning with such key themes, as innovation, efficiency, sustainability, modern technology, responsible consumption

    Photometric Properties of 47 Clusters of Galaxies: I. The Butcher-Oemler Effect

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    We present gri CCD photometry of 44 Abell clusters and 4 cluster candidates. Twenty one clusters in our sample have spectroscopic redshifts. Fitting a relation between mean g, r and i magnitudes, and redshift for this subsample, we have calculated photometric redshifts for the remainder with an estimated accuracy of 0.03. The resulting redshift range for the sample is 0.03<z<0.38. Color-magnitude diagrams are presented for the complete sample and used to study evolution of the galaxy population in the cluster environment. Our observations show a strong Butcher-Oemler effect (Butcher & Oemler 1978, 1984), with an increase in the fraction of blue galaxies (f_B) with redshift that seems more consistent with the steeper relation estimated by Rakos and Schombert (1995) than with the original one by Butcher & Oemler (1984). However, in the redshift range between ~ 0.08 and 0.2, where most of our clusters lie, there is a wide range of f_B values, consistent with no redshift evolution of the cluster galaxy population. A large range of f_B values is also seen between ~ 0.2 and 0.3, when Smail at al. (1998) x-ray clusters are added to our sample. The discrepancies between samples underscore the need for an unbiased sample to understand how much of the Butcher-Oemler effect is due to evolution, and how much to selection effects. We also tested the idea proposed by Garilli et al. (1996) that there is a population of unusually red galaxies which could be associated either with the field or clusters, but we find that these objects are all near the limiting magnitude of the images (20.5<r<22) and have colors that are consistent with those expected for stars or field galaxies at z ~ 0.7.Comment: 35 pages including 8 figures, submitted to A

    The ROSAT All-Sky Survey: a Catalog of Clusters of Galaxies in a Region of 1 Ster around the South Galactic Pole

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    A field of 1.013 ster in the ROSAT all-sky survey (RASS), centered on the south galactic pole (SGP), has been searched in a systematic, objective manner for clusters of galaxies. The procedure relied on a correlation of the X-ray positions and properties of ROSAT sources with the distribution of galaxies in the COSMOS digitised data base, which was obtained by scanning the plates of the UK Schmidt IIIa-J optical southern sky survey. The study used the second ROSAT survey data base (RASS-2) and included several optical observing campaigns to measure redshifts. The search, a precursor to the larger REFLEX survey of the whole southern sky, reached the detection limits of the RASS and the COSMOS data, and yielded a catalog of 186 clusters in which the lowest flux is 1.5e-12 erg/cm2/s in the 0.1-2.4 keV band. Of these 157 have measured redshifts. Using a limit of 3.0e-12 erg/cm2/s a complete subset of 112 clusters was obtained, of which 110 have measured redshifts. The spatial distribution of the X-ray clusters out to z = 0.15 shows an extension of the Local Supercluster to the Pisces-Cetus supercluster (z<~0.07), and a more distant orthogonal structure at 0.07<z<0.15.Comment: To be published in ApJ Supplements in February 2002: 53 pages: 18 figure

    The Northern ROSAT All-Sky (NORAS) Galaxy Cluster Survey I: X-ray Properties of Clusters Detected as Extended X-ray Sources

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    In the construction of an X-ray selected sample of galaxy clusters for cosmological studies, we have assembled a sample of 495 X-ray sources found to show extended X-ray emission in the first processing of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. The sample covers the celestial region with declination δ0deg\delta \ge 0\deg and galactic latitude bII20deg|b_{II}| \ge 20\deg and comprises sources with a count rate 0.06\ge 0.06 counts s1^{-1} and a source extent likelihood of 7. In an optical follow-up identification program we find 378 (76%) of these sources to be clusters of galaxies. ...Comment: 61 pages; ApJS in press; fixed bug in table file; also available at (better image quality) http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/theorie/NORAS

    Применение идаруцизумаба при выполнении экстренных хирургических вмешательств пациентам, принимавшим дабигатран

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    This article presents modern possibilities for the provision of emergency surgical care to patients with atrial fibrillation, who administered dabigatran etexilate. We describe two clinical situations, in which idarucizumab, a specific dabigatran antagonist, which is a monoclonal antibody fragment that binds dabigatran, was used to neutralize the anticoagulant effect of dabigatran etexilate before emergency surgery. In the first case, the patient developed acute gangrenous calculous cholecystitis, in the second a patient required an urgent epicystostomy. In both cases, the successful outcome of surgical interventions was due to the effective interactions of the team of specialists and adherence to the algorithm for providing emergency care to such patients, as well as the presence of idarucizumab in hospitals. The postoperative management of patients and the timely resumption of anticoagulant therapy to prevent thromboembolic complications is no less important. The presented clinical cases confirm the feasibility of using idarucizumab to provide emergency surgical care to patients on dabigatran etexilate, as well as the need to take into account the possible risk of emergency interventions when anticoagulant therapy is prescribed to patients with atrial fibrillation. This paper discusses special risk groups of patients in whom rapid reversal of anticoagulation is required due to altered hemostasis.We outline data of a prospective cohort study (RE-VERSE AD), which examined the efficacy and safety of idarucizumab in patients with uncontrolled bleeding and in patients requiring urgent surgery. We also present the RE-VECTO study data on the use of idarucizumab in real-life clinical practice.В статье представлены современные возможности оказания экстренной хирургической помощи пациентам с фибрилляцией предсердий, принимавшим дабигатрана этексилат. Описаны две клинические ситуации, в которых перед экстренным хирургическим вмешательством для нейтрализации антикоагулянтного эффекта дабигатрана этексилата был применен его специфический антагонист – идаруцизумаб, представляющий собой фрагмент моноклонального антитела с высокой связывающей активностью в отношении дабигатрана. В первом случае у пациента развился острый гангренозный калькулезный холецистит, во втором больному потребовалось экстренное наложение эпицистостомы. В обоих случаях успешный исход оперативных вмешательств был обусловлен эффективным взаимодействием команды специалистов с соблюдением алгоритма оказания неотложной помощи таким пациентам, а также наличием в стационарах идаруцизумаба. Не менее важными являются послеоперационное ведение пациентов и своевременное возобновление антикоагулянтной терапии для профилактики тромбоэмболических осложнений. Представленные клинические случаи подтверждают целесообразность применения идаруцизумаба при оказании экстренной хирургической помощи пациентам, принимавшим дабигатрана этексилат, а также необходимость учитывать возможный риск неотложных вмешательств при назначении антикоагулянтной терапии у пациентов с фибрилляцией предсердий. В представленной работе обсуждаются группы пациентов особого риска, которым может потребоваться экстренная реверсия антикоагулянтной активности на фоне измененного гемостаза. Представлены данные проспективного когортного исследования RE-VERSE AD, в котором были изучены эффективность и безопасность идаруцизумаба у пациентов с неконтролируемыми кровотечениями и у пациентов, которым требовалось ургентное оперативное вмешательство. Также представлены данные исследования RE-VECTO об использовании идаруцизумаба в реальной клинической практике


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    The article presents a case of early onset and severe systemic form of juvenile idiopathic arthritis refractory to classical immunosuppressive therapy, including pulse therapy with methotrexate and combined therapy with methotrexate and cyclosporine. There is described the successful use of chimeric antibodies to CD20 on B lymphocytes — Rituximab — a dose of 375 mg/m2 of body surface in the form of intravenous infusions of 1 time per week for 4 weeks. The child has got one course of treatment with rituximab. By the 12th week of treatment the extraarticular disease manifestations and acute inflammatory changes in the joints stopped, the range of motion in affected joints significantly increased. 22 weeks later the drug induced the development of clinical and laboratory remission, the duration of which is 2.5 years.В статье представлен случай раннего дебюта и тяжелого течения системного варианта ювенильного идиопатического артрита, рефрактерного к терапии классическими иммунодепрессантами, включая пульс-терапию метотрексатом и комбинированное лечение метотрексатом и циклоспорином. Описано успешное применение химерных антител к CD20 на В лимфоцитах — ритуксимаба — в дозе 375 мг/м2 поверхности тела в виде внутривенных инфузий 1 раз в нед в течение 4 нед. У ребенка был проведен 1 курс лечения ритуксимабом. К 12-й нед от начала лечения купировались экстраартикулярные проявления болезни и островоспалительные изменения в суставах, значительно нарос объем движений в пораженных суставах. Через 22 нед препарат индуцировал развитие клинико-лабораторной ремиссии, длительность которой составляет 2,5 года.


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    The article presents a case of late diagnosis of cutaneomucosal lymphonodular syndrome (Kawasaki syndrome). The child featured fever, mucosal lesion (conjunctivitis, stomatitis), rash, thick edemas on arms and feet, arthritis and coronaritis. Initial therapy proved ineffective. Pathogenetic therapy, which proved to be rather effective, was prescribed after diagnosis was confirmed. The authors present a case of successful use of normal human immunoglobulin for intravenous injections in the dose of 2 g/kg of body weight per course in combination with acetylsalicylic acid in the dose of 80 mg/kg per day. Body temperature decreased down to subfebrile figures and foot pain attenuated as early as after 1 day of treatment. Fever, rash, stomatitis and conjunctivitis terminated, edemas of limbs and arthritic manifestations attenuated considerably and laboratory parameters of disease activity normalized after 1 week (ESR and CRP). Inflammation of coronary arteries terminated after 3 weeks. No adverse events in the setting of immunoglobulin therapy were observed.  В статье представлен случай поздней диагностики слизисто-кожного лимфонодулярного синдрома (синдрома Кавасаки). У ребенка отмечались лихорадка, поражение слизистых оболочек (конъюнктивит, стоматит), сыпь, плотные отеки кистей и стоп, артрит, коронарит. Инициальная терапия оказалась неэффективна. При подтверждении диагноза назначена патогенетическая терапия с хорошим эффектом. Авторы представляют успешное применение иммуноглобулина нормального человеческого для внутривенного введения в дозе 2 г/кг массы тела на курс в сочетании с ацетилсалициловой кислотой в дозе 80 мг/кг в сут. Уже через 1 сут лечения температура у ребенка снизилась до субфебрильных цифр, уменьшились боли в стопах. Через 1 нед купировались лихорадка, сыпь, стоматит, конъюнктивит; значительно уменьшились отеки конечностей и явления артрита, нормализовались лабораторные показатели активности болезни (СОЭ и СРБ). Через 3 нед купировалось воспаление в коронарных артериях. Нежелательных явлений на фоне терапии иммуноглобулином у ребенка не отмечалось.


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    Coronary surgery and endovascular coronary interventions allowed significantly reduce mortality and an invalidization caused by sharp and chronic forms of coronary heart disease in Krasnodar Region. Searching ways for further improvement of these indicators we start paying more attention to problems of timely identification of risk factors in cases with atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (ACD) and their primary prevention, especially among the efficient labor pool.From this point of view family hypercholesterolemia (SGHS) as a disease connected with a very high risk of ACD and frequently at young age, is one of the significant points of effort application for prevention of incidence and mortality from ACD. In recent years on the basis of the executed epidemiological and register researches there was a significant revision of ideas on possible prevalence of SGHS, as a result this disease is considered not to be so rare: ~ 1:200–1:250 in a general population. Low awareness among the population and physicians on SGHS in Russia and Krasnodar Region, its extremely low detection frequency, lack of information about real prevalence of this pathology lead to the fact that the correct diagnosis is very seldom verified, and modern treatment which is capable to change the course of a disease is carried out.Modern approaches of diagnosis and treatment for SGHS are presented in this article, clinical cases from own clinical practice are described and also, we discuss possible steps on the organization of timely identification and treatment of SGHS