17,773 research outputs found

    Gap nodes induced by coexistence with antiferromagnetism in iron-based superconductors

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    We investigate the pairing in iron pnictides in the coexistence phase, which displays both superconducting and antiferromagnetic orders. By solving the pairing problem on the Fermi surface reconstructed by long-range magnetic order, we find that the pairing interaction necessarily becomes angle-dependent, even if it was isotropic in the paramagnetic phase, which results in an angular variation of the superconducting gap along the Fermi surfaces. We find that the gap has no nodes for a small antiferromagnetic order parameter M, but may develop accidental nodes for intermediate values of M, when one pair of the reconstructed Fermi surface pockets disappear. For even larger M, when the other pair of reconstructed Fermi pockets is gapped by long-range magnetic order, superconductivity still exists, but the quasiparticle spectrum becomes nodeless again. We also show that the application of an external magnetic field facilitates the formation of nodes. We argue that this mechanism for a nodeless-nodal-nodeless transition explains recent thermal conductivity measurements of hole-doped Ba_{1-x}K_xFe_2As_2. [J-Ph. Read et.al. arXiv:1105.2232].Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    Clinical, histological and prognostic features of a novel nail-bed lesion of cats: 41 cases

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    There is a distinct subset of lesions arising on the digits of cats, located at or close to the nail-bed epithelium, which are typically composed of proliferative fibroblast-like cells, multinucleate giant cells and areas of osseous metaplasia, but currently there is no published literature detailing the clinical or histological features of these lesions. This study identified 41 such cases from two large commercial diagnostic laboratories and assessed various histological and clinical features; 22 cases had additional follow-up data available

    Long Term Variability of SDSS Quasars

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    We use a sample of 3791 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Early Data Release (EDR), and compare their photometry to historic plate material for the same set of quasars in order to study their variability properties. The time base-line we attain this way ranges from a few months to up to 50 years. In contrast to monitoring programs, where relatively few quasars are photometrically measured over shorter time periods, we utilize existing databases to extend this base-line as much as possible, at the cost of sampling per quasar. Our method, however, can easily be extended to much larger samples. We construct variability Structure Functions and compare these to the literature and model functions. From our modeling we conclude that 1) quasars are more variable toward shorter wavelengths, 2) their variability is consistent with an exponentially decaying light-curve with a typical time-scale of ~2 years, 3) these outbursts occur on typical time-scales of ~200 years. With the upcoming first data release of the SDSS, a much larger quasar sample can be used to put these conclusions on a more secure footing.Comment: 16 pages, accepted for publication in AJ, Sept issu

    The optical-ultraviolet continuum of Seyfert 2 galaxies

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    This paper aims to understand the continuum of Seyfert 2 galaxies. By fitting the single galaxies in the sample of Heckman et al. (1995) with composite models (shock+ photoionization from the active center), we show that five main components characterize the SED of the continuum. Shocks play an important role since they produce a high temperature zone where soft X-rays are emitted. We show that in the optical-UV range, the slope of the NLR emission reproduces the observed values, and may be the main component of the featureless continuum. The presence of star forming regions cannot be excluded in the circumnuclear region of various Seyfert galaxies. An attempt is made to find their fingerprints in the observed AGN spectra. Finally, it is demonstrated that multi-cloud models are necessary to interpret the spectra of single objects, even in the global investigation of a sample of galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX (including 5 Tables) + 17 PostScript figures. To appear in "The Astrophysical Journal

    Observation of an orbital interaction-induced Feshbach resonance in 173-Yb

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    We report on the experimental observation of a novel inter-orbital Feshbach resonance in ultracold 173-Yb atoms, which opens the possibility of tuning the interactions between the 1S0 and 3P0 metastable state, both possessing vanishing total electronic angular momentum. The resonance is observed at experimentally accessible magnetic field strengths and occurs universally for all hyperfine state combinations. We characterize the resonance in the bulk via inter-orbital cross-thermalization as well as in a three-dimensional lattice using high-resolution clock-line spectroscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Resistivity near a nematic quantum critical point: impact of acoustic phonons

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOWe revisit the issue of the resistivity of a two-dimensional electronic system tuned to a nematic quantum critical point (QCP), focusing on the nontrivial impact of the coupling to the acoustic phonons. Due to the unavoidable linear coupling between the electronic nematic order parameter and the lattice strain fields, long-range nematic interactions mediated by the phonons emerge in the problem. By solving the semiclassical Boltzmann equation in the presence of scattering by impurities and nematic fluctuations, we determine the temperature dependence of the resistivity as the nematic QCP is approached. One of the main effects of the nematoelastic coupling is to smooth the electronic nonequilibrium distribution function, making it approach the simple cosine angular dependence even when the impurity scattering is not too strong. We find that at temperatures lower than a temperature scale set by the nematoelastic coupling, the resistivity shows the T-2 behavior characteristic of a Fermi liquid. This is in contrast to the T-4/3 low-temperature behavior expected for a lattice-free nematic quantum critical point. More importantly, we show that the effective resistivity exponent alpha(eff)(T) in rho(T) - rho(0) similar to T-alpha eff(T) displays a pronounced temperature dependence, implying that a nematic QCP cannot generally be characterized by a simple resistivity exponent. We discuss the implications of our results to the interpretation of experimental data, particularly in the nematic superconductor FeSe1-xSx.10011110FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2017/16911-3We would like to thank A. Chubukov, A. Coldea, A. Klein, E. Miranda, H. Freire, I. Paul, and A. Schofield for stimulating discussions. V.S.d.C. is grateful for the financial support from FAPESP under Grant No. 2017/16911-3. R.M.F. is supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, under Award No. DE-SC0012336


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    This study intended to assess the impact of volunteering on society and understand how its practice allows the acquisition of skills. In addition, it would make the population aware of the value and importance of the different ways of volunteering. One of the central points of this investigation was to understand how institutions should recruit and attract volunteers and ultimately how to retain them, by understanding whether or not the volunteers’ initial motivations (i.e. which attract them) remain unchanged along time. This study was carried out within the scope of the ENtRANCE Erasmus+ project, by students of the Research Methods and Techniques course integrated in the Communication Sciences degree at Maia University Institute and had the collaboration of the Volunteer School, Pista Mágica by contacting its volunteers and clarifying relevant information. Several scientific articles were analysed, such as [1]; [2]; [3]; [4]; [5] which allowed a first approach to such topic but with no answers found.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Possible unconventional superconductivity in substituted BaFe2_{2}As2_{2} revealed by magnetic pair-breaking studies

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    The possible existence of a sign-changing gap symmetry in BaFe2_{2}As2_{2}-derived superconductors (SC) has been an exciting topic of research in the last few years. To further investigate this subject we combine Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and pressure-dependent transport measurements to investigate magnetic pair-breaking effects on BaFe1.9M0.1_{1.9}M_{0.1}As2_{2} (M=M= Mn, Co, Cu, and Ni) single crystals. An ESR signal, indicative of the presence of localized magnetic moments, is observed only for M=M= Cu and Mn compounds, which display very low SC transition temperature (TcT_{c}) and no SC, respectively. From the ESR analysis assuming the absence of bottleneck effects, the microscopic parameters are extracted to show that this reduction of TcT_{c} cannot be accounted by the Abrikosov-Gorkov pair-breaking expression for a sign-preserving gap function. Our results reveal an unconventional spin- and pressure-dependent pair-breaking effect and impose strong constraints on the pairing symmetry of these materials